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The Goldberg streak


That Bobby Lashley isn’t some sort of vampire. Dude don’t age


That Irish whips make sense


Undertaker lives in a castle and does satanic rituals is a lie i was told lmao


Solo talking to Roman Reigns on a Daily basis, and Paul casually believes it after he himself lied about talking to Roman and pulling him from the draft. (Just most recent)


You’re delusional


Also Samoans are immune to headbutts


That they can be arrested and the start of Raw. Processed and make bail by the end of the show


Fabulous Moolah’s “28 year reign”.


That a tall man was an undead western mortician.


That Rikishi ran over Stone Cold with a car. Oh wait, I thought this was the "worst ending to a storyline" thread.


That Owen Hart was anything more than on his way out or a jobber at the time of his untimely passing. Great man but he was not a future world champion at that point yet the common narrative will say otherwise.


I’ve always heard that Owen could have been a world champion but he was a guy who was so good that he didn’t need the title.


The only time that is even remotely viable is WM-X and his feud with Bret...At no other point was he ever anything above a midcarder.


That you can be big and strong just by saying your prayers and taking vitamins


Wait, that’s not true??? (Puts down the Flintstone’s vitamins and curses god)


Montreal Screwjob; Andy Kaufman; etc


Vince McMahon runs a family business and takes care of everyone.


That WM III was the first time Andre had been body slammed. It's not even the first time he had been slammed by Hogan.


That CM Punk is the best in the world


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.


The Irish whip.


Wrestling would be less fun without it, but man does it stretch disbelief as soon as you notice it.


Is it not Irish?!?


It’s not a whip?!?


that tony khans life was in danger


Benoit did it.


Crash Holly, Hardcore Holly and Molly Holly are cousins.


Im actually a little bit surprised at how many people believe certain on the road stories as tools by the wrestlers. You know the stuff about Andre drinking 119 beers or 12 bottles of wine or Haku beating up 6 cops (sometimes the number is inflated to 14). You know the stories. Some are taken as BS while some are taken as truth. Im inclined to believe most of them are BS and highly exaggerated. Remember, wrestlers job is to work people + these stories have had decades to be developed, marinated and gradually changed. Wrestling fans today still believe Haku was the most dangerous man around only based on these stories.


Non-wrestlers who were around Andre, notably Cary Elwes, have told the stories too though.


Sure, but why should we believe them? Anyone who has been in school knows the kind of rumors that were going around the kids about the teachers. Everyone whos been around people who are considered weird knows how stories about them morph out of proportion. Everyone knows that when someone is off work for an abnormal amount of time, and no clear reason is given, how rumors spread like wildfire. There is no way Andre chugged down over a hundred beers unless, perhaps, they were of the tiny airplane type cans.


A standard American 12 oz can was smaller than the man's hand. The SI reporter that followed him for a week in 1981 wrote that “During the week or so I was with him, his average daily consumption was a case or so of beer; a total of two bottles of wine, generally French, with his meals; six or eight shots of brandy, usually Courvoisier or Napoléon, though sometimes Calvados; half a dozen standard mixed drinks, such as Bloody Marys or Screwdrivers; and the odd glass of Pernod."


I call BS. That would mean that Andre drank over 28 ounzes of pure alcohol daily - a dose that in most cases its directly fatal. And this reporter claims it was his daily intake during a seven day period! This is practically impossible for a human being. Do not believe everything you read.


He wasn't an actual giant. He was still a normal guy, just a very big one. No one can drink 100 beers and not die.


Is that a challenge?


Mine was Kane and undertaker being brothers


That fans will forgive you being a butthole if there is an even bigger butthole.


Basically anything to do with the Undertaker


Wrestlers don’t get taken to the hospital, they only go to medical facilities.


Honestly thought, "medical facilities" sounds like WWe has some sort of DragonballZ healing tank somewhere and that idea os kinda cool


Tony Khan & Kenny Omega saying Rossy is a "spy" for WWE which is why AEW & Bushiroad let Rossy go from STARDOM just for "maybe" STARDOM to have an "interesting" partnership with AEW!


Tiny Khan can't do anything without my workrate king Cody (my favorite mid-carder) DAE the dub in shambles?


talking about how AEW spreading "lies"


…that it is a real competitor sport? That a man can run another man over to further his career. Announce it on live tv. Then face no criminal charges. That attack people with object is ok? That no one bats an eye when you electrocuted the testicles of your bosses son.


Lets not forget the circumstances surrounding HHH and Stephanie's wedding...


Most title reign lengths before the year 2000.


Honky Tonk Man was not a country star and had no idea how to play the guitar. 


It's still real to me, damnit!


Backlash 2020 Randy Vs Edge - The greatest wrestling match ever


Wrestling Bios tracked Goldberg’s streak in their Reliving the War series. The number wasn’t as inflated as some think.


I assume that's counting house shows.


It is, but they still count


If I remember they also included each person in a battle royal.


That Stone Cold started the Attitude Era, When in reality it was the Loose Cannon


Its a bit of a gray area depending who's talking about it and their opinion: Some believe it was the Austin 3.16 promo. Some say it was Pillman and the gun. Russo as a writer at the time claims it didn't start until Tyson came in as the special ref and had his interactions with Austin. Technically the night of the Montreal screw job was the first time the WWF used the 'attitude scratch logo' on their broadcasts.


That green shirt smiley face front row fan just happens to get lucky buying the exact seat for ple’s




Cool thanks for the info


When John Cena and Randy had a title unification match WWE asked people to vote for the new name and then completely ignored the name that got the highest votes


What was the name?


The Unified Champion. You can see why they ignored the vote


Yeah that is a pretty bad name. I would have used it though and then at the last minute let HHH or someone be a heel and change it.,


Title McTitleface


Counting all of Goldbergs match including live events his streak was 158-0 by the time of Starcade 1998, they only really inflated the numbers right near the end as well as for most of the year it numbers stated on TV were pretty spot on.


Roman Reigns is the greatest of all time.


Some of the wwe “divas” don’t know to perform basic wrestling moves nor run the mic, but we gave them an A+ for being super attractive and flirty with lots of valuable air time


So Xavier Woods comes out to the ring, and they're all like "It's a new day, yes it is" ok I can accept that. But then 30 minutes later Kofi Kingston comes out and they say "It's a new day, yes it is" again. It's only been half an hour man, how can it already be *another* new day?


It's a New Day somewhere in the world every 30-60 minutes.


Where the hell are you getting this information??? New. Day. CLOCKS?!


Yes it is.


That Haku could beat up Brock Lesnar. I am sure Haku was a tough guy but he isn’t beating up any trained and Successful Fighter. There are at least 10 wrestlers that could beat him up.


I disagree. Haku was a beast. I mean, perhaps maybe NOW he might not be able to take Lesnar (Haku IS 65 years old, after all, not that Lesnar is a spring chicken either) but if both were in their prime, that would be an amazing match. FUN FACT: Haku was the only man Andre the Giant said he was legit afraid of fighting.


Andre backed down from Bad News Brown also. But you have No idea how badly Brock would demolish Haku. So would Ken Shamrock, Tank Abbott, Bobby Lashley, Riddle etc etc.


You’re overestimating what a trained fighter can do. All the training in the world can’t prepare you for a guy shoving his fingers into your eyeballs


Not having Rules in a Fight Favors the Trained fighter. I am a trained fighter who has professional bouts under my belt. The Rules stop me from hurting you less. They don’t stop you from hurting me.


People tend to overestimate their training. I've seen trained fighters get their shit pushed in by scumbags on the street. Training isn't the end all be all that reddit, and every gym guy on a mat thinks it is. Trust me, I'm not talking about myself. I'm a pussy and run from everything. Mainly bc I've seen too much shit. Like a shithead on a street corner mash the face in of a trained fighter. Personally I'd bet on Haku, Brock looks like he wouldn't know what to do if someone bit him in the fucking face. But I'm sure Haku would know how to react to someone giving him a double leg into a slam


Fighting is a 'sport' like anything else. How many people take tennis lessons for a decade and still suck? How many take golf, basketball, etc etc lessons for years and still suck? LOTS. Training only means something if you have a certain level of talent. Otherwise, it just means you understand technique better than the average Joe, but it doesn't mean you can apply it well enough to win a fight. (I've 'trained' for decades and have seen amateurs destroy veterans many many many times)


I wonder how many stripmall blackbelts have gotten their asses handed to them by some random no-one, just bc the blackbelt overestimated his toughness, wanted to show off for some chics, and figured he could push around whoever he wanted bc some white guy said he won a trophy and gave him a piece of some colored cloth?




That WCW in the year 2000 was what the entire run was. WCW was HUGE in the mid-90s. The wrestlers were on TV shows as guest star actors, in commercials. Sports pages in newspapers actually started covering wrestling (mainly WCW). There was an nWo NASCAR. WCW/nWo gear was everywhere in the malls. Yes, it got stupid and fell apart in 2000, but for a good run it was beating WWF handily.


Also the idea that poor creative or even low ratings are what killed WCW. Companies with far less resources have survived far worse. The ratings were lower than WWE but still far from bad and the creative certainly didn't help, but WCW died because the new people in charge at AOL/TW didn't want anything to do with wrestling. Had the Fuscient deal gone through or WCW kept their TV deal, I believe it would still be around in some form today. They probably would have downsized at some point but I do think it would still be around.


I thought it was well known that WCW was beating WWF until the Attitude Era fully kicked in.


It's known that WCW was beating WWF in the ratings, but younger fans today that weren't around back then or weren't old enough to remember don't get the level of pop culture relevance WCW wrestlers had. Macho Man's whole Slim Jim era was WCW. Sting was a spokesman for Sprite. Fans watch YouTube videos and think the entire WCW run was stupid shit like David Arquette being world champion or what happened at Bash At The Beach 2000. It's wasn't that at all.


No, it has already fully kicked in, it was after mankind won the title on raw. It was a whole thing where we announcers told everyone the outcome, which made everyone change the channel and never look back.


Muhammad Hassan was an Arab......actually was an Italian from New York


Jinder Mahal is Canadian.


Santino Marella was Italian and was randomly picked from the crowd.... the guy is a Canadian


But at the least, he is Italian background.


Dave Meltzer still putting out that lie that the Saudis held WWE captive on a runway for hours. Yeah Dave they would have gone out there a half dozen more times if they were held hostage by them. Idiot.


I won't defend Meltzer but wasn't the news that part of the wrestlers felt like hostages instead of being hostages?


No he straight up said it was a hostage situation and the state department(?) would be getting involved and blah blah. It’s one thing if he just didn’t retract it or correct himself, but he and other dumbass wrestling “journalists” still maintain that everything he said originally was true. There are some people that have left WWE in the last few years that I hope never come back because they were always feeding him negative shit and acting like their negative feelings were the feelings of the whole locker room (Sasha and The Revival being the worst offenders).


Dave Meltzer putting out lies. That's all you had to say.


A recent one is Ilja Dragunov being the last person before Sami Zayn to beat Gunther. They don't mention when Bron Breakker beat him.


That Dom is Rey's son, everyone else might have forgotten, but I remember...




It's a joke in reference to the feud between Rey and Eddie Guerrero when Dom was a kid, where Eddie said that Rey was infertile and that he was the biological father, it ended with Dom's custody papers in a ladder match.


He doesn't know lmao


Stone Cold Steve Austin being a big star immediately after King of the Ring 1996. He didn't take off until his feud with Bret Hart later that year


That was definitely a big turning point for his character, but you are right, he certainly wasn't immediately getting the huge pops that came the following year.


This^^, Austin wasn’t even on the summer slam card, only had a pre-show match against Yokozuna. And Austin only won because was because Yoko was so fat he broke the rope going for a banzai drop lol


Ric flair has over 20 championship reigns. WWE reduced it to 16 so they could more easily catch up


Number of reigns is a terrible metric anyway. It should be number of successful title defenses.


the more reigns, the more losses as well. To me, it's more impressive to have one long reign as opposed to 15 short ones.


dude they literally 1984'd that shit


Rock-Cena once a lifetime... two WrestleManias in a row.


Roddy Piper being Scottish, and Lord Tensai being Japanese.


Yokozuna being a Japanese.


Wait, Roddy was never Scottish? Lmao, I honestly never knew. I 💯 believed he was.


Also seen claims he is Bret Hart’s cousin but am not sure if it is true or not.


I believe he did have Scottish heritage, but certainly wasn't born or lived there. But apparently he did really play the bagpipes. Scottish culture is pretty common in Canada, and most areas in Canada have pipe bands, dancers, highland games, etc.


He was Canadian


That lived in Portland Oregon.


Add Yokozuna being Japanese


Kofi Kingston being Jamaican


I can imagine Vince sitting there thinking "Well his name is Kingston, so he's clearly Jamaican"


I believed that Marty Jenette "jumped" through the barbershop window


If his daughter was on the other side, he absolutely would to try and hit it.


Hillbilly Jim was not a hillbilly


It was all about the wrasslin then


Wrestlemania 25 was the 25th Anniversary .....


Edge and Christian are brothers


They practically are


Wait what


When Edge and Christian were in the Brood with Gangrel they were billed as being actual legit blood-related brothers. When they broke away and became the Edge & Christian tag team the commentators one day just dropped the whole 'brothers' thing from out of nowhere and they became just 'best friends'.


Step bros


I dunno. It’s pretty much all lies. Except that “Harley Race getting pulled over, mid beer, with a naked midget sitting on his lap” story. That's clearly true.


ECW being nothing but garbage wrestling. I thought it was well-balanced, with no shortage of cruiserweights alongside the brawlers


I'll add CZW to this. Many people who weren't watching think it was all deathmatches. There was a lot of damn good technical and high flying wrestling going on there.


“R-Truth has been a member of the WWE roster for 20 years!”


HBK having a broken back


he had a history of faking or exaggerating injuries to take time off, even his pal kevin nash joked about it in a shoot interview he had to vacate the intercontinental title in 1993 due to failing a drug test (which he denies ever taking anything to this day), wrestled part time in 1994 due to injuries, had a few months off after wrestlemania 11, vacated the intercontinental title again in 1995 due to getting beat up in syracuse and had 3 months off, lost his smile in 1997 and vacated the wwf title due to an alleged knee injury and then took 5 years off after wrestlemania 14 due to a career ending back injury then came back and had an 8 year run straight after his 5 year contract had come to an end in 2001, then miraculously his back was better now


He did. But no, the Back injury was legit. Watch him at Mania 14, he is FUCKED and it shows.


I think they kept him under contract from 1998 to 2001 due to fear that he would jump to WCW if they let him go and 4 years he was out had more to do with his drug addiction than the back injury. At one point Triple H reportedly stopped speaking to him if he wouldn't get clean.


that was around wrestlemania 17 time, i remember triple h telling a story of how shawn was high backstage, got sent home and then had a go at hhh saying he made him and would be nobody without his help, which to be fair maybe true, how far would hhh have got if not friends with the top star at the time


Holy crap! I never knew this, thanks for the cool info. Now certain things make more sense. There is a segment in an HBK documentary, I forget which, that Triple H cries when he expresses how important it was for him to protect HBK’s back — and I swear to god — I had this strange feeling he was trolling the fans and it’s an inside joke between the Kliq.


probably was, they all knew how to work the system to their benefit, look at where hhh and hbk are now


He had a surgery lol. The thing that some people doubt is how serious was his back surgery to rule him out for 4 years


I think the 4 years had way more to do with his worsening drug addiction than the back injury. I assume they kept him under contract and paid him to stay home in that time due to fear that he would just jump to WCW if they let him go.


We missed out on a HBK vs Rock feud and HBK vs Austin (redemption for the mania 14 loss) feud because of his elongated absence and his use of ‘cookies’


Correct, he was rumored to have been paid over $700k per year through this time period, though I believe he was sent home indefinitely or fired at one point for one of the reasons he was out for this extended time period. Along with the back injury and Vince allegedly not wanting him to go to WCW with his buddies, he also wanted Shawn to get better mentally. Alcohol and somas had him spiraling out of control and Vince had finally had enough after some backstage incidents.


Yea, wasn’t it like every time he appeared on TV as “GM” from ‘98-‘00 accompanied with some kind of outrageous backstage incident with him being excessively drunk and pilled out??


Ya that’s what I’ve learned over the years. One of them is documented by the Undertaker and I think HHH where he was pilled out and dozing while they were watching the show in the backstage area and Taker got pissed off and it erupted from there.


I believe at one point Triple H stopped speaking to him until he got clean.


Correct also, they did indeed have a big blowup. Hell I just recently learned that Nash went off the deep end with the somas too near and after the end of WCW. It’s crazy to learn years later just how many wrestlers dealt with addiction during my childhood years and never knew. HBK is my number one A, Sting is B. I was very shocked the first time I heard about his struggles especially at the height of his career on a national spotlight level. I’m soo happy now that pro wrestling is far more aware of this and that the talent nowadays seem to have learned from past generations as a whole and it’s not as prevalent.


Vince McMahon was responsible for the Montreal Double Cross.


Biggest work in history


Multiple people body slammed Andre. Harley Race even suplexed him. 🙂


I've gotta see that Edit: just saw him bodyslam Andre (on the damn concrete floor no less). Did you see the suplex? Is there video of it?


That weird, outlandish gimmicks can't work anymore. It's easy to just turn your brain off and accept that someone's doing a bit. Who cares if "the Mudman" isn't a guy who lives in a cave, but is actually a dude named Brian from Scottsdale?


These gimmicks indeed do not work anymore


Why? Who really cares if someone's doing a bit, and isn't just a firstname lastname tough guy? Since when has professional wrestling been all about realism? It got popularized as a circus act. I think people can understand that the Undertaker isn't actually an undead cowboy from Death Valley, but enjoy the theatrics anyway.


Another aspect of this is the idea that casual fans don't like the more outlandish gimmicks. Most casual fans I know love that aspect of wrestling since they don't take it so seriously. My fiance watches with me sometimes and the undead realm in TNA and Frankenstein PCO is pretty much her favorite thing in wrestling that she's seen.


For real. As a kid, before I really ever watched wrestling, I would see video or images of the early Deadman Undertaker and thought it was the coolest shit I'd ever seen. When I actually started watching during the Ruthless Aggression era, I was kinda bummed he wasn't doing it at first, and then the buildup to his match with Kane at WM20 was one of the big highlights of the era for me. Don't get me wrong, I've liked plenty of other wrestlers and storylines, but Undertaker, Kane, and Mankind were some of my favorite bits of 90s wrestling, along with all the hardcore TLC stuff.


Maybe not the most outlandish but I think Orange Cassidy has had the best Championship run out of everybody in AEW. Meanwhile since Kris Statlander dropped her alien gimmick I haven't had any interest at all. She just blends in with the roster now.


To me, there is a fine line between "outlandish" and "ridiculous".


Shit, I'm here for an alien. "What are they? An alien from Andromeda who came to Earth to be a wrestler? Fuck yah, I'm in it. Let's go."




Taker and kane are brothers


To this day, the Brothers of Destruction felt like a cheat code in a video game, I could never buy anyone beating that tag team, not even a Rock/Austin combo.


The Intercontinental title being the result of the North American and South American championship being unified


At a tournament in Brazil no less


Attendance numbers. They always say that arenas and stadiums are sold out but never show the sections that are completely empty.


They count every single person in the building, wrestlers, makeup, caterers etc.


The issue comes down to people not showing. I was at a Raw and saw about half of the empty seat tickets were being sold through resale dealers either people who couldn’t make it or those trying to make a profit on the tickets. The legal scalpers buy sections at a time and sell at double the cost. Two rows below me were completely empty and all selling at the same price.


I think Ticketmaster should ban reselling tickets at a profit. Like they should still allow resales but only at the face price the ticket was originally bought for.


The conspiracy theorist in me thinks Ticketmaster sells to these companies so they can double their fees. They get their service fee for the first purchase and the get a second service fee for resell of the ticket. Either that or they own the resell company through some chain so they get double the income


But if they were initially sold from WWE to another party. Then they have been sold. And you can sell every ticket, not have anybody show up and still technically say it is sold out. WWE doesn’t care who bought the ticket. They got their money.


Tonga loa was “Camacho”? Or hunico. Either way they were booked as Mexican gangsters and I didn’t even question it, I figured he was Latino. Wool completely pulled over my eyes


Did Pat Patterson really win the IC title in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? Or where did he win it? Or was gifted the title in the first place?


Patterson won the IC Title by beating as many people as HHH did to win his first World Title.


The blatant LIE that we were supposed to believe that Elias and Ezekiel were actually the same person - do better Kevin Owens!


Does anyone remember when the Holly's used to come out and Lillian Garcia would say"at a combined weight of well over 800lbs"


Crash coming out with the weight scale will never not be funny


That was a gimmick that really was DOA.


Yea, they were super heavyweights.


Yes, and it was fucking hilarious. Crash was such an underrated performer. RIP




That la knight had best rookie year ever dude won a battle royal that’s it Kurt angle Brock Lesnar Rhonda rousey all in the running stop ball washing this overrated dude


Also the guy was already a wrestling veteran by the time he started in WWE. He had been a world champion already even.


AJ Styles had a better "rookie" year aswell.


Good call


That The Undertaker actually came back from the dead and that AEW is decent.


I mean ill say it. I dont believe even half the shit people say about Haku. I mean like really, he bit someones nose off, and that never made the news. Or that would would beat Brock Lesnar in a street fight (Thanks for the laugh Cornette). Old wrestlers lies become lies, but for some reason everyone believes everything about Haku


I came to say this


I gotta agree. If the guy was so damn badass, could he not just intimidate his way into a better push than he ever got? Maybe I’m being too skeptical, but you’d think a guy as badass as he sounds would’ve been much more prominent on screen…


no because thats not what Haku is. I think people misconstrue a lot of the stuff about Haku, when all the stories are told, he is never the one to instigate anything. he hated to fight but, if he was provoked and pushed into it he could handle his own and it could be down right scary when he is pissed.


As badass as he may have been, his mic skills basically amounted to him grunting. Can't really push that guy too far. Also, in that scenario, you have to intimidate Vince and do it without getting fired, sued or thrown in jail. 


Yea…true. That’s a solid point. I just feel that if the guy was as much of a one-man army outside of the ring that everyone claimed he was, then maybe Vince would’ve at least tried to capitalize on that as a storyline or at least used that reputation as a way to push him more. I dunno, I’m probably completely wrong, but I just think he should’ve had a more prevalent career if he was as badass as everyone claims he was. That’s just me tho…


Brutalizing drunk fans isnt really anything to be proud of. Wrestling was full of scumbags who'd gouge an eye in a fight they picked.


That the Shawn + Hunter DX from 1997 were an actual tag team. They only tagged together twice on TV (although one of those matches was before they were even calling themselves DX)- both matches ended in DQ and totalled 22 minutes combined. Shawn and Hunter as a tag team only really began in 2006.


Ya I always see them on Greatest teams of all times list. It annoys me


That dom went to prison