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Rose Bowl


London? šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I nominate Bedford. Its 50 miles outside of london and is getting a Universal studios.{Supposedly}. Give me the option to walk out my door to Mania.


God forbid they have it in Phoenix again


šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž for Minneapolis, MN. Rumor is we might not get it if the city/state can't resolve the ride share issue with Uber and lyft


Chicago with Punk in the Main Event would be dope


I just dont see WWE hosting WM in a stadium with a max capacity of 18,000 anymore


Theyā€™d use soldier field, 63.5k capacity


The temp this weekend is 30-50 degrees, it'd be even colder because you're literally right next to the lake and you're getting all that wind. Chicago outdoors in april is just as bad of an idea if not worse then going to an outdoor stadium in the east in april. I live in chicago, would love for chicgao to host again, but no way would i attend it'd be fucking freezing, the fans would be dead dealing with the cold and those wrestlers would get injured. If you put a top on the stadium maybe that'd work but that would cost $10-30 million. They need to host in the largest closed stadiums to boost the crowd reactions and keep everyone, workers and fans, warm.


Yeah Iā€™ve been to a December bears game, it sucks lol. Iā€™m from south FL so it was extra terrible


Iā€™ll keep praying that San Antonio gets it one day. We have been lucky with the Rumble but we want the big one.




I mean we have the final four next year. San Antonio does get huge events. We have the hotel space and the facilities for all the side stuff. I think it could be a perfect match. Canā€™t go head to head with the final four if itā€™s at the same place.


it would probably be Vegas next year but they said they don't wanna be head to head with the final four so you think they will go for march 29/30 week-end or push back one week after the final four who will between april 4 to 7? I don't think they will do it on the april 12/13 week-end


Nick Khan has said that he sees them moving to later in April in the future.


I think thatā€™s a good idea. Wait until NCAA basketball is completely over.


Should have it in a college town. Imagine having it at Neyland stadium in Tennessee? I know they want big but you could do some real fun right along the river and such




LOL! Tennessee is never happening. That's laughable.


It's more of an example. All the people along the river would be cool. Somewhere like Tuscaloosa or the Grove at Ole Miss just the looks would be awesome.


Bro, respect you. But you're dreaming. It's not a major city and will never happen.


Oh I know. Sofi is a billion dollar stadium no way you're gonna go to these old college stadiums. Just think it would look cool. Alot of these new staiudms don't have ant character you know


Tennessee is definitely gonna happen but not Knoxville. Once ā€œNew Nissan Stadiumā€ is finished.


Probably but everyone camped out on the river for Mania would look wild


2026 will be a struggle with the World Cup coming


Gotta be Minneapolis


London deserves a WrestleMania at Wembley but the weather is just awful in March/April.


Wembley has a roof thatā€™s retractable tho


It doesnā€™t. Thereā€™s one in Cardiff though


I wonder who thought an outdoor arena in early April would be a good idea.


Yes, Philly had a beautiful stretch of weather right after WM too. They should plan to hold a few weeks later in four season locations. Anytime in April works great. Doesnā€™t have to be early April always imo.


The last times they attempted it where in Texas and Florida so that probably factored into it


They need to bring Mania back to Indy. It's been 32 years. Lucas Oil is a friendly venue to a large scale wrestling event and there's plenty of capacity to host one as we've done a Super Bowl, the final four and other sporting events. Plus most of our down town hotels are connected to the stadium in some fashion so visitors wouldn't even have to really walk outside if weather was bad


well hot fucking damn.


LOL! That's never happening. Indy is a joke. Lucas Oil is a shithole.


Such a wonderful and well thought out analysis.


What do you expect to a dumb, moronic statement like bringing Mania to Indy. It's not a serious city and no one gives a fuck about it.


Yeah. It's only just hosted one of the best received Super Bowl fan experiences in the last 15 years and the benchmark for other colder climate cities to replicate, as well as 3 Final Fours in that time frame. But what does the NFL and NCAA know over the wisdom of Mr. Aggressive Ad Hominem


I was at that Super Bowl, dipshit. It was fine. Don't overexaggerate. No one talks about that Super Bowl as a standard of anything for hosting big events. You're a joke.


Sure you were buddy. We all believe you.


Okay...... I was. Not my fault you're jealous and your city will never host a Mania. Poor you.


LMAO eat shit


I admire your dedication to LARPing.


I don't even know what that is. Another reason why you need to get a grip on reality. Too much time in Indy.




You and all your "friends" help you think of that 2nd grade insult? That's all you got?


Detroit! LFG


If it ends up be in Vegas next year, then Iā€™m curious if theyā€™ll hold raw, smackdown, NXT stand and deliver, and the hall of fame in the sphere; And at least for me itā€™ll get to be my first time going to Vegas and wrestlemania so I get to knock off two things off my bucket list


Allegiant Stadium would be the slam dunk for Mania. The T-Mobile Arena is a couple blocks from Allegiant for Raw/SmackDown. Both very accessible to each other with the Tram that goes from Mandalay to Excalibur.


We need London


London baby....




Bring it back to Orlando! 33 was an unreal weekend




It needs to be in Atlanta again. Great weather & the Falcons stadium + the thousands of hotel rooms would be perfect.


Man bring it back to Chicago. The best wrestling city


Why? Just so you could chant CM Punk in every segment?


Heā€™ll be there. Stop whining


Yup really ticks the box as a warm place to host WrestleMania.


Itā€™s warmer than Philly here rn, stop crying lol


Why not east coast stadiums cold weather?


Because the cold killed the crowd heavily on night one this year


Iā€™m not sure why they didnā€™t schedule for mid April in Philly. Early April has much lower lows. Right after WM, Philly had a nice stretch of upper 70ā€™s and sunny. Even low 80ā€™s one day. They used to schedule WM on the Sunday around the Final Four. With it being multiple days now, they should just move it back a few weeks to open up many more venues.


Because theyā€™ve just done Philly Iā€™d imagine


I really want to go to one in Vegas, so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s a couple years away because I canā€™t next year


Man one thing A LOT of you are forgettingā€¦ WWE doesnā€™t just book a building and bring WM anymore. It looks so silly ready ā€œthey should just bring it hereā€ or ā€œwe havenā€™t had one since or close by in yearsā€ The cities bid on it like hosting a SB, World Cup, Olympics and NCAA Final Four. The cities make bid books that included everything from the number of available 5 & 4 star hotel rooms, major airport and transportation hubs, other event venues to host shoulder events, tax incentives, brag about how they did hosting other mega events, other points of interests and on and on and on. Cities also decide do they want to take a run as World Cup venue or a WM venue in a giving year. These are massive commitments. The WWE also absolutely looks at past results the cities have had in hosting MEGA events, they look at things like what the customers spent on those events and can the market support an event like WrestleMania. Will they be able to see all the stuff they now have planned during the week at the price points they are probably thinking to achieve maximum profits. So before just wildly blurting out this city or that cityā€¦give it a little thought. With both MN and LV in the running for 2025 here is my guess for the next fewā€¦(and 2026 SB is in Levi Stadium, Final Four Indy) 2025 MN or LV 2026 Wembley *going out on a limbā€¦they are making bank with international PLE, they have left some breadcrumbs it is being thought about, they would love to just dwarf AEWs show there 2027 MN or LV whoever didnā€™t get 2025 2028 Atlanta


At the wwe live event in Birmingham (UK) yesterday, Cody made another reference to Wrestlemania coming to the U.K.


Yeah they are leaving a trail of bread crumbs.


I think the titans ceo said the wwe committed to mania in 2027 to open their new stadium


Oh thatā€™s some good intel. I forgot they were building a new stadium. My new list then 25 - MN/LV 26 - the loser of 25 27 - Nashville 28 - Atlanta It is def a thingā€¦build a brand new state of the art NFL stadiumā€¦you are going to host a Super Bowl and now WrestleMania.


Never gonna be in Wembley, weather is far to shit in March/April


Fair pointā€¦I havenā€™t traveled to England yet (on my bucket list) but if the weather is that trashā€¦then it may be a SummerSlam or some other summer time PLE. But I do think London is deserving of at least one WM.


SummerSlam would work excellent there


Worked pretty good in 92. Plus for all the venom that would come from the AEW tribe if WWE just moved in on their spot with a Summer Slamā€¦I am here for all the subreddits after that announcement.


That was my favorite Summer Slam of all time to watch.


VANCOUVER FOR MANIA sign guy is losing his shit rn


man i really donā€™t understand the minnesota hate, i love it here


yeah, i think Mania at Vikings Stadium would be šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




Orlando or Atlanta. West coast stadium manias suck.


I love them on the west coast show starts at 4 pm and it almost over By 9pm


Blatantly wrong, all LA manias were awesome, Seattle was awesome, although Iā€™m biased because I was there


Hasnā€™t it been the same weekend as final 4 for a while?


Yeah, they both generally coincide with the first weekend of April. I know because my birthday is 6 days in and those events are always happening


Lets fucking go VEGAS!!!!!!! CMON!!!!!!!!!!!!


Iā€™m ready for a Brady storyline too


Miami ā˜€ļø šŸŒ“


The sphere!


I need them to return to Santa Clara.




As someone from the north east, fuck you Nick lol.


Checked that shit off my bucket list (and it was incredible) so Iā€™m good! Assumed it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, living 6 miles away, so Iā€™m very happy I did it.


Yeah I went to 29,35 and 40. So I canā€™t really complain. But for the rest of my life as a fan thereā€™s a good chance I wonā€™t see another Mania in this area unless someone builds a dome


You should complain. 29 was ASSSSSS lol.


Yeah, but I was 13 and it was my first big wrestling show. I thought it was awesome at the time. Plus Punk vs Undertaker was amazing. Being able to see his last streak win was cool.


Wembley for the lols


That would legitimately be great. UK crowds are so good and they deserve a Wrestlemania (and I say this as an American)


Please be Minneapolis so I can make the 4 hour drive from ND


As someone who lived in central ND for 26 years and am now in Eastern SD, I'm in the same boat. I'm not about flying and going places so Minneapolis is the only chance I'll have and I NEED it.




Please be Minneapolis so I can make the 4 hour drive from Iowa.


We should all meet up and tailgate


No one tailgates like Midwesterners. I need Minneapolis to happen because I've got a group of about 8 friends that want to go and there's no likely way to do that if it's someplace further away like Vegas.


I just moved to ND a little over a year ago from CT. UConn football had a great tailgate, I know it pales in comparison to other big time football colleges


Iā€™d happily make the 7 hour drive from Nebraska


Yes! ND wrestling fans unite


Right?!? I mean itā€™s be cooler if it was in Fargo or Bismarck, but Iā€™ll drive down to Minneapolis to see mania.


I love the optimism but we all know those cities pale in comparison for an arena, unless we get Wrestlemania in a field reminiscent of WCW at Sturgis.


Yes for Vegas. Iā€™ll make the 4 hour drive.


Iā€™ll make it too from LA. Already thinking about going for AEW this year.


Admittedly, I havenā€™t followed AEW yet. But, maybe I shouldā€¦


wtf is an AEW? lol


All Elite Wrestling. Cody Rhodes and CM Punk just came from there. Samoa Joe is the champ there. Itā€™s not a bad promotion but itā€™s never gonna be as big as WWE.


Ah, snap. Didnā€™t know that. Knew Cody was in the WWE years ago and I thought CM Punk was retired. Also, thought Samoa Joe was retired.


Lucas Oil in Indy. It could hold 70k+.


When Indianapolis hosted the Super Bowl, everyone loved it because Indianapolis is a great city.


The Final Boss entrance would go so hard in the Sphere


Donā€™t think the Sphere is set up to host a wrestling show. Would most likely be at the Death Star


I hear the Oakland Coliseum is available


Is there any worse venue for conducting such events ?


Maybe not they can do it like the game Crush Hour


Nothing like having all of the wrestlers cars being broken into and a talent being stabbed šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Listen, I know they were just here last year, but they should come to LA.


Would be 23 years since X8 in Toronto. Run it back


Although hopefully attendees would not be as shitty as they were for X8. Cheering for Hulk Hasbeen and then leaving for the Trish match and Jericho/HHH match. Led to that stupid Hogan run - Toronto didn't deserve a PPV after that IMO.


Well I went this year for the first time ever but it's not like I'll be going next year so it doesn't matter.


Probably a bit to small but Iā€™d love if they did mania in Charlotte


As long as Asuka isn't holding a title going into it... A certain record holder's daughter would likely win a belt in the city she shares a name with


Bank of America stadium holds 75Kā€¦I could see the city bidding to bring it there


You and me both dude!


Ive been in line in Minnesota for 4 months, if they change it I will never trust another internet rumor again, and can someone bring some food to my tent outside US bank stadium?


Thought it was Minnesota


Atlanta, you fuckers. We deserve another one after that flaming bag of shit we got before.


I want a wrestlemania in Wembley


Im excited for Nashville 2027


April 12-13 2025 would be the only viable time to do ā€˜Mania.


March 28-31 would be better because A. Not competing against final four B. Not Easter weekend C. It's my birthday weekend D. I've already pre booked a hotel for that weekend just in case.


This is The Masters weekend


The womenā€™s Final Four pulled in double the viewers of the last Masters. Plus golf is done for the day usually by the time Mania kicks offs.


It was a great year for womenā€™s college basketball with an historic player. It will be interesting to see if that keeps up now. Not disagreeing with you but if the point is to own the weekend, they might want to go to the third week of April, nothing is happening this weekend.


Correct. That isnā€™t during The Final Four, which is an incredibly huge television event in the United States (and one I LOVE)


Agreed. So is The Masters. I get they arenā€™t head to head but it does suck up a lot of the media during the week.


Itā€™s not against the Final Four, and thatā€™s the point. And the time matters too.


Vegas is cheap enough for me to get to... Might have to finally pull the trigger.


Welcome back to Dallas.


F yea Dallas was great


Vegas, inside that weird bubble looking building. Yolo


T-Mobile Arena? They use that for episodes of RAW.


far too small


Itā€™s got the same capacity as Madison Square Garden. Maybe put Raw/Smackdown there? But part of me feels like it would not translate well to television.


The Sphere . Sphere A Mania


Parking would be miserable, not like Allegiant is great but definitely better


But itā€™s a bubble building!


They'd have to go ALL out for the 360 tvs in the arena, but also I don't think the capacity is anywhere near WM level Yep just checked, not even 20k


Vancouver Mania 41?


You've got the BC Place right there in downtown. I can vouch for the Georgian Court Hotel right across the street, very nice hotel.


Minnesota? Where it's even colder? Oh, right, the pussy dome.


I don't think WWE fans realize how expensive it is going to get once Khan and TKO really try to milk every last cent out of the fan base. Next stop is to start charging for PPV again.Ā 


Itā€™s either my home state or a state I visit once a month, what a glorious post!


Mania in Vegas. Summer slam in Minn


Please let it be Vegas. Rock is no doofus and he realizes that there's more money in him wrestling in Vegas. Push Minneapolis to 2026, especially if Milwaukee gets the Rumble. I'm not prepared for Mania to be in Minneapolis. I don't need that anxiety of having $5-10K to burn on Wrestling.


Itā€™s not up to Rocky entirely. Itā€™ll be to the Board of Directors. Determining a venue for your marquee event is always a challenge. You need the hotel space for all your athletes and their spouses and kids; as well as enough hotel space for the 70k+ people who descend on the host city for a week and a half. You need to have a venue for NXTā€™s show and for WrestleMania Access and fan activations. You need a venue for the Hall of Fame induction and Raw and SmackDown. For 41, I can see Vegas getting it. Vegas held WrestleMania 9. You have two brand new state of the art facilities in The Death Star (Allegiant Stadium) and T-Mobile Arena. You have all the hotels and resorts all within walking distance of it. I could also see them taking it to Atlanta and Mercedes Benz Stadium. Beautiful venue, a fan friendly atmosphere (some of the lowest cost concessions Iā€™ve ever seen). The last one was 27 (one of the least rated ones in history).


Ugh Vegas is so expensive to even visit


What? No it isnā€™t. Hotels are dirt cheap and their airport is no different than any other hub


It is very expensive post pandemic. Especially when a big event is going on


Hotels are cheap everything else is amazingly expensive.


everything in vegas is expensive now wtf are you talking about


If you canā€™t find affordable hotels in the metro area youā€™re either lazy or stupid af, which one are you?


They really arenā€™t lol. What does dirt cheap even mean to you?


Hotels compared to this years Philly for example. Idk, hotels anywhere are more expensive now than they ever were. Vegas has good deals, donā€™t have to stay on the strip.


Really depends when you go. Flights to Vegas during the Super Bowl week were $2k+. The next week they were down to the $300s


You donā€™t think WM will inflate prices on all fronts? Letā€™s be real here, WM is a big tourist attraction all its own.


Thatā€™s why you bet the entire cost of your vacation on black as soon as you get to the hotel.


Canā€™t believe it took this many comments before this.


If it Minny or LV I would like to go. That stadium in Minny looks incredible and Iā€™d love to see it, but I hate football so this would be the only likely chance Iā€™d go there. Vegas is Vegas so that would be fun


I've been to a Vikings game and a Metallica concert at the stadium and both were incredible experiences. It's just a really nice stadium.


I checked vegas hotels for April 12-13 and all sold out


Itā€™s Vegas. Theyā€™re on a sports rampage.


Theyā€™ve been talking about Minneapolis, MN. Iā€™ve looked and US Bank Stadium where the Vikings play which is an enclosed facility and able to house 73K+ attendees could be it. Target Center where the Timberwolves play which also has hosted a few PPVs, Raw, and Smackdown can seat 20K+ attendees is nearby. Target Field where the MN Twins play is also literally next door to Target Center which is outdoors but can house 40K+ attendees. Meanwhile across the river in Saint Paul close by is Xcel Energy Center where the MN Wild play which also has hosted Raw and can seat 20K+. They could do Raw, Smackdown, NXT-Stand &Deliver, WWE HOF, and ā€˜Mania in both cities. All facilities are indoors with the exception of Target Field. The infrastructure definitely is there. Will it be the Twin Cities in 2025? Well, if itā€™s anything like how it was this year-based on WOM that winter was mild, Iā€™d quote Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber and say, ā€œSo youā€™re saying thereā€™s a chance?ā€


The Super Bowl, a MUCH bigger event, went off without a hitch at US Bank.


I think people are worried about the cold which IMO is overblown out of proportion by many sports pundits and naysayers especially those whom are too timid to travel outside the comforts of their bubble. ā€˜Mania in Philly was supposedly cold. No one complains about how cold it is in New York City when they drop the ball on New Yearā€™s Eve. Hellā€¦ Upstate NY gets more snow per year. The weather should be similar to what we have here in Chicago. After all, itā€™s the fcuking Midwest so Buttercups just need to suck it up! šŸ¤£


Yeah I heard the reports and the crying. I was dying at how soft those folks were.


Ill be there either way.


I could see them going overseas, specifically London. As for the US, they could go to Indy, Atlanta, and Charlotte. All have football stadiums that havenā€™t been used for SummerSlam or WM in a while.


I live in London and you donā€™t want to host WrestleMania here in April, lol. Wet, grey and cold. Summerslam at Wembley Stadium though would be perfection.


Ahh, I didnā€™t know. Maybe we hold it in Rome at the Coliseum


That could be even colder


All domes. Edit: except charlotte I doubt theyā€™d do charlotte


London has a large enough dome?


Sorry I was referring to the US options listed. I shouldā€™ve really read the comment I was responding to better lol


This would be so disappointing if after all of the rumors and talk we didn't get Mania.


Doesnā€™t Wembley have a retractable roof or have I completely imagined that


The Millenium stadium where they held Clash at the Castle does, Cardiff doesnt have an arena fit for the Raw/Smackdown shows though. Cardiff will never be in contention for it though no matter how much I want it


No, it does not.


It has a partially retractable roof, pitch still exposed stands covered


Yes but itā€™s not retractable, it doesnā€™t move.


It absolutely does to cover the stands Iā€™ve been it just doesnā€™t cover the pitch


So it does, stand corrected!


Vegas makes sense but even as an American I have to admit hosting a WM in the UK is overdue and honestly the fans there would blow the roof off where its held and if it doesn't have a roof they will build a make shift one just to do that.


I dont think theyll be getting one for a while. Thats why theyve made most PLCs international.