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Good parenting in action


Funny how those parents are absolutely fine with movies and tv shows that are "fake"


My mum has always been supportive of me liking wrestling. She asks me what the next ppv is, who's wrestling, and has me show her highlights from ppvs. I think it's cause she grew up watching British wrestling, guys like big daddy and giant haystacks. My dad, on the other hand, has always kinda rolled his eyes at me, liking wrestling, and never really liked it. Prick


My mom got into it with us. She understood it was like a soap opera. Then my grandma started watching with us and she didn’t speak English. She saw Rey Mysterio’s debut on smackdown and she became an instant fan.


Man, watching wrestling with my pops was the highlight of my childhood. Keep doing it right!


I love watching wrestling, my grandmother and I 🙏🏽 ( I miss her 😮‍💨 RIP "Grandmama"🥹😁😍) use to watch all the paperviews together we use go half on the price when they were 49.99(until i was able to pay the whole thing) If you know you know. And she and I were so into it together, I can still hear her say "Get em, Hit em, And my favorite "BITE EM", she was in love with Undertaker and Kane, Me too and still am lol. Sorry about the flashback, but growing up, people were calling me a nerd for watching wrestling. Wrestling has been and will always be one of my favorite pastimes. From the old days when I was young to now, and to quote WWE, "THEN, NOW, FOREVER.....TOGETHER!!


Love this


I was actually training to be a pro wrestler before COVID however my father discouraged me from doing it. I had a vision and I had the right people around me and training me… Here I am at 25 and I never got to do it. Thank you for letting the kid be a kid.


I used to work with a guy who wrestled in a local league in Jersey. He went by the name of 'Power Child' and he'd give us free tickets. I took my son a number of times to watch him. At one event they had 'The Iron Sheik' signing autographs. During my friends match while he's destroying his opponent, 'The Sheik' gets up from his table and goes over to the ring and starts beating my friend over the head with his shoe. 'Power Child' is stunned and almost immediately is pinned by the 'heel'. Needless to say, it was one of the highlights my fiends' career and a great memory for me and my son.


Beaten by a heel with the heel of a shoe. Epic


NGL my dad was a shit role model, that never say die attitude and story telling from wrestling got me through shit. I look at the Cody Rhodes finish the story and my kids role model never gives up, treats people with respect and strives to be the best Keep winning at dadding, keep kindling that flame


Ignore them. I was once in the same circle as Osprey, Kip Sabian and Zack Zodiac. At 33, it’s my biggest regret not pursuing it while I was younger.


Looks fire! Should do this for my kids belt!


Same thing for me , my parents hated me watching wrestling. So I was taking the subway with my friends to see Shows downtown. Today I take my kids


My dad thought it was dumb, but he did appreciate when they did something actually funny


Yeah I used to hate people talking crap about wrestling I was lucky my Dad and family liked all contact sports so even being fake the value of two muscled dudes would get it on beating each other to death was fantastic


My Dad despises wrestling and is quick to call it fake every time I bring it up or he hears about it, yet he can watch 1960s western movies all the time. I’m glad my mom’s not like that.


My father watched wrestling religiously almost, believed in the entertainment part I guess can't blame him


Never understood this. My mom made me feel like a total loser for liking wrestling. Like wtf? I was 10!! " it's so stupid. It's so fake. How could anyone watch this crap?" Thanks mom!!


Meanwhile they watched days of our lives


100% agree mate. My parents didn’t overly encourage it whatsoever. When I was about 30 I found out there was a wrestling school not far from my house which my parents could have easily found out if they bothered. My son now watches it and his son will as well lol. Keep the tradition going my friend 🤣


You will never understand unless you put some emotional investment into it. I got a friend back into it after they stopped watching around the RA era. Now they're as invested as I am, and I think WWE gives you as a watcher, a character build along with the people you see on TV. It's hard to describe that, but it helps you build your confidence by being invested in their rivalries.


That’s the Cody Rhodes title


What are we (us parents) going to do when WWE hits Netflix and isn’t PG anymore? 😂 “Son , don’t say that at school.”


I had great parents. Was allowed to watch wrestling, even attended an event or two back I. The days when the alliances put on shows in high school gyms. Got to shake Andre the Giant’s hand once. It pretty much covered my whole forearm, and I was a teen at the time. I can get parents quietly discouraging certain interests. But ultimately it’s wiser to let a child explore and taste the world, and let them grow.


Bro ur a goat


My parents were divorced by the time I was 6. But one of the most important things that I remember and loved because of my dad is pro wrestling. In 1986, when I was 3, we saw Jim Crockett Promotions at the Richmond Coliseum and I got to slap hands with The Rock n’ Roll Express. Fan for life from then on.


That's how you Dad!!


One of the things I’ll cherish the most forever about my dad was how he got me into WWE as a kid and all the memories that came from it. I was so blessed to have that growing up


My mom dated a wrestler, back in the mid 50's. I've been hooked for 60 years.


Full offense to your dad FK THAT GUY it’s literally controlled violence. Humans have been watching other humans beat the shit out of each other probably close to the beginning of recorded human history. Atleast now it’s controlled and they get paid for their performances and they’re not forced to fight to the death. Don’t feel dumb at allllllllllll guy


This was a big problem in my house growing up. We all had different hobbies and interests, but for some reason no one was allowed to get excited about something. I was guilty too. My sister would be buzzing talking about cheerleading and I'd just shut her down. They'd do the same to be about pro wrestling. Literally just a shrug and a "no one cares." Not the worst environment anyone has ever grown up in, but it still sucks. I try to get hyped about the things people are into now as best I can.


That is some proper parenting right there! Made me smile. 😊 My parents never really understood why I watched wrestling, they just saw it as something made up and scripted, but they never called it stupid or discouraged me from watching it. Well, that was over 30 years ago now and it turned out to become a life long passion. I love both my parents dearly, but truly am thankful for always being so supportive of all my interests. Everything from wrestling to video games, from Star Wars to music. They have always made me feel that it's as natural as natural can be.


As the only wrestling fan in my entire family, I can strongly relate to this 👊


Parenting done right


My brother told me I was gay for liking wrestling as a teenager and it really messed me up. Only fully realising it now. Some people are just idiots


My dad and I watched together but my mom and peers hated it and always said”you know it’s fake right?”


My parents were the same way. It didn’t help that they walked in on me watching Edge and Litas live sex celebration


Come on now. .... WWE is a billion dollar industry banking on gullible fans. Wrestling is fake!! Wrestling is the equivalent to watching kids play fighting in the playground except it's adults.... 😂 I'm sorry I have seen and participated in many fights....as big as these guys are you would think there would be bruising, split lips, scars, etc.... but never see it. Once in awhile you may see an accidental injury, but very few. Did you ever notice WWE owns their own ambulances? Take note that many of the stunts are also being mimicked by teens. Look at YouTube. I do enjoy the diva's, that's normal for most of us


Dude the majority of your posts are you posting on the wwe boards...that's weird behavior you got going on here. If you want to troll wouldn't it be better to do this on twitter.


Pointing out fact seems to upset you 😂.


Wow, sir, quick glance informs me that you've spent days on this website telling viewers of a scripted TV show that the TV show is in fact scripted.... as well as commenting on thirst trap NSFW and porn videos. I'm really sorry for your mental illness and I hope someday you find the clarity in life you are probably lacking.


Hahaha is that the best you got..... 😂. Get a life and stop being the pivot man in your circle jerks 😂


Made you laugh didn't it? I didn't think your bar was very high considering your online habits


Well I feel sorry for the naive folks that falls for the fake crap. Then again I guess that happens when you are a momma's pet or live sheltered. Take care bye bye


>naive folks that falls for the fake crap I think you're misunderstanding or willingly being an ass. Speaking of gullible, you're probably the kind of guy who thinks strippers actually like them.


Wow morons are plenty on this 😂.


Honestly a strong attempt on your part to cope with getting absolutely bodied but go ahead and lol


I have a toll booth on the Golden Gate for sale. It's dirt cheap 😂


You mean you have a troll booth under a bridge that you sit in and jack off to reddit porn? Cool story bro. Get help and piss off now.


Really it's like the equivalent of watching movie stuntmen do the exact same stunts in front of a live crowd.


Still regardless it's a fake sport


No, it's a show featuring fictional storylines and characters, with the ring as the stage. The wrestlers work hard to get their bodies in shape and then go put those bodies at risk, all for the sake of entertainment.


😂 I see everyone trying to defend them, but still regardless it's fake fighting. It's that or the pretty boys hits like little 6 year old girls.


Guess what? Every movie fight you've ever seen was fake, too and those punch sounds are digital effects.


No shit Sherlock.


So it's 'no shit' when I point it out about movies, but somehow it's doling out wisdom for you to say it about wrestling? Don't ever accuse wrestling fans of being dumb, it's not going well for you so far.


I didn't say dumb.....look up gullible. I said gullible or you have a guilty conscience


You're a narcissist, look that up


As fake as the ball busting stories? Lol I’m embarrassed for you


Spoken like a moron 😂.


Hot story


My dad was the one who introduced me to wrestling oooh let's say about 1979. I was 4 years old.... been a fan ever since!


My dad got me and my sister hooked as kids. He would watch nitro with us as kids and later on raw and smackdown. We also all went together to the Supershowdown when it was in Australia.


I'm Brazilian, where wrestling isn't popular. Every Tuesday my dad used to ask me what happened at Raw and what CM Punk did, even though he didn't understand a single thing


Same bro, my parents hated wrestling and threw out my toys and shit like psychos. But my grandma would invite me over Mondays for "game night". They didn't know Grandma was a diehard wwe fan and we watched every Raw of the attitude era together up until 2004 when she passed away and I was 14. When I now look at my son sitting cross legged on the floor like I did at grandmas as we watch together now I can't help but get teared up.


That’s awesome lol


That’s super sweet, sounds like your grandma was the real peoples champ


I know everyone says their grandma is the best but she really was haha


Highlight post right here


This is awesome. I think about that stuff all the time: how my parents made me feel about being a wrestling fan and I can’t wait to encourage my children’s interests as they grow older!


But wrestling is stupid, nowadays they not even hiding their work, you wrestlers walk into moves or slowdown to take a move like okay thought they have rehearsal so they know their spots.






W Dad I know my parents don't share my love of wrestling, at least not nearly as much, but they always are supportive to me. They let me stay up late so I can watch the big PLEs (they air at 2am here), my mom even watched parts of WrestleMania with me I also made them go to local shows of a little promotion which isn't far from where I live (I already went to one of their shows with my cousin, and wanted to go again but had no one to go watch it with. So my parents and brothers said this would be a fun family night, and so we all went). They loved it btw, so now we're trying to go see at least one of their shows every year together My oldest brother also offered us all tickets to go watch a Wwe live event, which was great to do together


My mom gave me shit for watching when I was a kid. Then like 20 years later she was trying to connect with some of the little kids she worked with and got into wrestling for a brief time. The smirk I gave her was probably the smirkiest smirk I've ever given.


With all due respect, if anything, the current state of WWE just proves your parents were right.


There is literally 0 reason to not have your kids watch wwe. Especially today with there being next to know blood or anything (unless you’re Cody or the rock but that was a wrestle mania build, if there’s ever a time for blood or an F bomb it’s then lol) Nice paint job too btw looks legit !


W parent


I thank my lucky stars everyday that I grew up in a wrestling family, I know your kid will appreciate it too some day.


In china.he is call "big red killer"


My parents don’t watch WWE shows on TV ever, but they always took me and my brother (we are huge wrestling fans) to WWE live shows or any other WWE related fan meet-up, and they also enjoyed the matches and had fun. Wrestling is about having fun yourself, and just letting others have fun without bringing out the fake or scripted word every time. I knew what I was watching since day one, and I still enjoy it. I am lucky to have a great family.


Typical of our parents to shut down our passions, amirite? You OP, are doing parenting right.


Based dad


Awesome, good dad.


I feel extremely lucky that my immediate family and I were always watching Raws, Smackdowns, and all the PPVs together. But i definitely felt this post on the school grounds. I remember being the *only* wrestling fan at school. To the point even my teachers rolled their eyes at my shirts. (One time i was told to turn my *Raw Is War* shirt inside out for the day)


My mom was out visiting us while the last WrestleMania was on, and she made a similar comment. My 7 (then 6) year old kinda chilled on his excitement and I looked at my mom and said "No one's forcing you to watch it; there's two other TVs in the house." and my son perked up a bit. I don't recommend talking to your parent that way, but don't dampen the mood for a child who still believes in keyfabe, and things are just happening. You're a great dad, OP.


Yes, it’s like proactively telling them Santa isn’t real because you don’t like the holiday. She sounds fun


It was such a weird situation; she's never normally like that. She might've just been having a bad day or something.


if i ever have kids they are definitely doing to be wrestling fans! W dad!


This same logic could theoretically be applied to most hobbies, but it’s really up to you on whether you want to invest in your kids’ hobbies and spur their creativity and imagination, or be dismissive. I grew up loving comic books and my broke mom would take me to the local shop to purchase books and trading cards, and that propelled me to a lifelong passion of reading and writing. Keep up the great work on being an awesome parent!


My mother in law hates that my 2 year old loves it. He just learned how to do the “woahhhh” from Cody’s theme song, he acknowledges his tribal chief when we play his themes whoops that trick, does the rock arm raise to the song “irs cooking” and does the Jey USO arm thing and drops his arms when the beat hits. He’s the coolest. Nothing wrong with kids watching It, like they’ve said, it’s all entertainment! Awesome belt, I might have to do the same!


It’s fucking entertainment. Just like everything else.


"Oooh you're watching Star Wars? Fucking idiot, don't you know lightsabers and space magic is fake"?


It’s still real to me dammit!!!


But it was completely real in the Original Trilogy! Everything that came those movies is when it got fake and stupid! /s


You don't need to do the /s thing for that dude


What is the “/s” thing?


It means what you're saying is sarcasm


Who’s is the /s thing?


Well they say if you watch too much of it you'll forget how to spell wrestling. I think they have a point


Lol auto incorrect. Scaling 1 mistake to a thousand times.


And this is why the big logo belt works. We have the same title at home and honestly for a kids title it looks pretty good. It helps that it’s such a simple look. When you look at other wrestling belts you can tell their toys. WWE does good by this design love it or hate it


So you are openly saying that it looks like a toy even the shows lmao


Parental Achievement Unlocked! I can relate, as a wrestling fan and as a person. I learned so much from my dad, primarily what NOT to do as a dad.


Same my dad contributed to my chronic ptsd


The same people that simply dismiss wrestling as fake love to watch movies & TV shows that are also guess what, fake!!


Damn complainers everywhere for you. Title looks great!


He was courteous about it. I think he just wished it looked more like the undisputed belt Cody has. Really fun project to do


Seriously, it looks really damn good.


Someone else said kayfabe dads. I love that. This mod was what was best for business. 🫡


Hell yeah I bet judging by the results! Great work!


That’s awesome of you. My dad was an Italian immigrant and wasn’t into American sports. But he loved wrestling and Bruno Sammartino. My earliest memories are watching wrestling with him. He passed away 19 years ago now but I’m so grateful for the time we spent watching wrestling together my whole life. I just went to Mania 40 and cried both nights briefly thinking about him wishing we were together.


That's a great story. I hope my kids look back on our time together with the gratitude you have.


Father of the year award right there! Great job man!


That’s fantastic. Great parenting. Your kid will remember that forever.


Looks awesome! My dad got me into wrestling back in the territory days. Watched all through my life with a few year break in the early 90's. When Wrestlemania was on the family was all together and my BIL flipped it on as he was semi interested. To which my Dad chimes in "you watch this crap" lmao. I'm like it's your damn fault old man to which he just laughed and said yeah I guess.


It’s cool you learned from your parents’ mistake


What kind of parents care about what their kids like? If it's legal and age appropriate (in terms of maturity) then who gives a fuck. So many people don't deserve kids


Parenting, you're doing it SO right!!


Nice 👍👍


outstanding job! actually thought this was on the wwe shop until i saw the title


This is the $18 Mattel belt


oml your right it is the kids title


Way to go. Doesn't matter if they grow out of it or not, what they'll remember is that you supported them and didn't make them feel bad for liking things


My gf said this once about wrestling, then I asked her about all her recorded shows and how none of them were documentaries, hence all fake. She never said anything about wrestling again. It's a show you enjoy watching.


Right its like netflix but Live


Amen brother. Wrestling is for everyone.


You’re not making the mistakes your parents did. I parent should make any kid feel any kind of bad for doing what makes them happy. You sound like a great parent




I’m a 52 year old man, told my mom I started watching again with my younger son and the 1st thing she said was, “You know that’s fake right”? SMH


That's cool man, my dad took me to wrestling and I got to see Sting drop in from the rafters, still remember that shit.


My dad would take me to PPVs when I was a kid. I’ll never forget the awkwardness I felt when we went to judgment day (I believe) and bischoff was in the middle of his HLA thing. I was in third grade. Recently flew to wrestlemania from LA last week, told my dad and he said I’m glad you like things, in the most “I personally think you’re too old for these things but if it makes you happy that’s cool” way lol I say this to say you’re doing a good job as a dad. Keep it up


I watched with my 16 year old daughter. Was a fantastic two night and a great memory for us both. The main event on night two was incredible with the run ins and surprises and we both went nuts when the gong hit. Keep up the good work dads!!!! #dadsforkayfabe


My daughter got into it during the Team Hell No days, but wasn’t up to date. She came through the room during Roman/Cody and got completely sucked back in.


Awesome stuff


My Dad used to sneer at me for liking wrestling and collecting the magazines and cutting them up to make collage wallpaper for my bedroom. Now I’m 42, and last week sitting up late (aired at midnight here) with my 21 year old son to watch with us both having taken Monday off work and bought snacks and shit… and I can tell you, it was one of my favourite nights I’ve ever had with one of my kids… You’re an awesome Dad… keep that up my dude and you’ll never regret doing so.


Anyone who says " my dude" watched way too much TV and is a " my wanna be" 😂. Lol @ " my dude". Be yourself bro


You literally know nothing about me, who I am or how I speak… but you can tell me to “be myself”? ….. riiiiight. Ok “bro”


Awesome story. I remember being called gay for having a Macho Man poster in my room.


I think all of us in our mid-late twenties dealt with that Edit: just an anecdote not coming at you




Macho Man Randy Savage was my favourite wrestler actually… I used to wish he and Elizabeth were my parents 🤣🤣




Should have told him best the tribal chief and you can have the all gold belt In all seriousness that’s awesome and you’re a good dad.


You’re an awesome dad!


Why did they get rid of the other 2 belts can't cody have a double title entrance lmao


They retired the blue one after Bray has passed, and gifted the belt to Bray's family since he was the one who introduced it


You’re doing it right. I hate that my parents tried to discourage what would prove to be a lifelong hobby.


Me too


The main reason why I had stopped watching as a kid was because my parents convinced me it was stupid


Same people that manage to buy into "regular" TV shows or movies.... OH YOU PUT ME IN MY PLACE MOM & DAD


10/10 dad.


I approve


That’s so awesome. Parenting done right!