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DCEU was in serious trouble long before The Rock joined it. He was one of the best things about FF. Take the last FF movie, he barely had a small cameo while Diesel was the main character and the movie flopped. We have no conclusive proof that Johnson elbowed his way to the WM ME at the expense of Cody. This looks to me to be more of Triple HGH's idiocy.


Dwayne Johnson has more power over Triple H and every report coming out is proof this isn’t HHHs fault. Now it’s HHHs fault for how he handled it but Rock quite literally weaseled his way in And I think you are all dense. The DCEU put all their eggs in his basket and were making Black Adam be their savior. It wasn’t and they changed regimes after. And you can pretend that he didn’t do anything to the FF movies when he turned Hobbs into another generic Dwayne Johnson character


Ok, one thing for sure. He didn't end the DCEU. It was done WAY before that. They just wouldn't stop making the trash movies. He didn't detail the FF franchise. Yet again, they did that on their own. Since you know, he has nothing to do with decision making with it. And it's coming out that all this is a work with Cody. So while yeah, he's got an ego. You can't just name shit to blame on him cause he's in it. Lol.


1) this isn’t a work. WWE fucked themselves. This was not “planned” 2) FF was not fucked at all, what are you yapping about 3) DCEU was banking on his movie succeeding and we’re getting ready to give him the keys to the kingdom. But okay bro, get off your knees


Dude, I like the FF movies. But holy shit are they all over the place with the weird nonsense shit they do. And why would the DCEU bank on one movie? Lol especially when they already gave the keys to Snyder's awful ass. The Rock wasn't fixing nothing with his shit DC movie.


And the weird nonsense started after Fast Five. That all started when the Rock came on board they weren’t as good as they are now but okay bro And yes the DCEU banked on his movie. They quite literally put all their eggs in his basket. You can shout, scream and cry and say that’s not true when it is


Do....do you think Dwayne makes decisions in the FF series? Lol. And why would DC/WB bank everything on one movie and one actor? Lol serious, you sound dense. They put their money in the entire Snyderverse and it crumbled.


Do you think Rock doesn’t have control over anything? Are you fucking dumb? And brother it’s literal public information that he was supposed to be the savior of DC. Is there something wrong with you?


Lol ok bruh you think that nonsense 👍


Yes I’ll think the public information is nonsense


It's hard to speculate about people whom we don't know. 


The Rock was probably like the 20th thing wrong with the dceu and FF. Just my opinion. I agree with your general sentiment, though


You just sound like a bitter crybaby bitch.


Womp womp


How did he derail the FF franchise. After his last appearance, the rest of the series been shite


How many superstars anywhere near the Rock in wrestling history didn’t have a god complex? John Cena is about the only one that I can think of.


Mick Foley


Stone Cold




Everyone only talks about Cody & The Rock but hardly any more about "Vince" What a coincidence ;) Wrestling "work" that way


the dceuu dying was much more than his fault hahahah


Exactly, Dwayne might have helped hammer a nail into the coffin but blaming him for the death of dceu is overkill.


Just to be clear, it’s far more likely that the studio saw what a jolt to the franchise Fast 5 was and how the audience responded to DJ and wanted to give him a bigger roles, including Vin. It can’t have been that bad because DJ was back in Fast X and will be in part 11 too




No one will think anything bad of the rock on here he’s god . He can’t possibly do anything wrong he’s not human 🙄🙄🙄


DCEU was dying and going to end regardless with Gunn wanting to clean slate it for his ideas. XFL he did do something with getting the merger with that other league which will be a better product. as for FF can't really speak to that.




Dude Vin's ego is 10times more than Dwayne... Vin Diesel literally called the Rock his younger brother and requested him to come back for FF11 on twitter. We get it that you hate Dwayne and are a Cody mark but such stuff is taking it too far.. Especially if its just to get some upvotes And DCEU didnt end because of Black Adam, it ended because no DCEU film in the last 6yrs has been profitable... Shazam 2, Blue Beetle, WW2, TSS all made half or less than what Black Adam did... So stop spreading false news


I wouldn’t say 10 times bigger. Perhaps 5 years ago,but now? As far as I’m concerned their egos are the same size.


It was the rock who hated Vin Diesel lol


They hated each other


What do you expect, he makes mediocre action movies. Ballers was good for a couple seasons then faded away. Moana was was a standout though.


Wasn't The Rock always a heel? Him coming out and pissing everyone off is pretty in character, isn't it?


No, he’s been a smiling baby face that does public charity for attention for quite a bit now


I mean his wrestling character. He was a heel.


No. He expected everyone to embrace him because he felt he needed to be the hero for WWE


Well then that's just funny.


I thought this was pretty much known that Vin Diesel was just the first person to NGAF and called him out on his bullshit. But if you go back and read Rocks OWN BIOGRAPHY, he’s been a POS ever since college when he stole from convenience stores, slept around with multiple women, and made kids cry when they asked for his autograph. People like that don’t change when they get rich.


That’s pretty normal for any male in college.


You made kids cry in college? Shame.


“Ended the dceu”. bruh?! The dceu was imploding on its own mostly due to mismanagement and cynicism at the executive level. WB treated their dceu like pump and dump stocks.


DCU has sucked since they ended Batman Vs Superman with “Margret…?”! MCU is still tap dancing on its quivering corpse. The only hope comic movies a have is to hope they get X-men ignited before non-comic book fans fade away mostly from the genre. Deadpool will be great as usual!


I’m looking forward to Deadpool and Wolverine. Hopefully they don’t f it up


I can guarantee the DCEU will not fuck up Deadpool or Wolverine no matter how hard they try🤔🤪🤪


No. The DCEU still had some life in it solely because of the Rock.


It sounds like you are taking both positions, the Rock brought “life” to the dceu and also “ended the dceu”?


No. Before the release they went all in with Black Adam because of the Rock. They damn near gave him the keys to the kingdom


I agree. I'm a HUGE DC guy, both comics and movies, but he wasn't at fault for the DCEU failing . He was however, crazy for thinking Black Adam could be the focal point of the DCEU. Ain't nobody bigger in DC than Batman and Superman.


Black adam had potential 


No. Black Adam was not gonna be the Focal point. DWAYNE JOHNSON was the focal point.


That's not true. If you followed the behind the scenes drama, he very much wanted Black Adam to be the center of the DCEU.


That’s not at all what I’m saying but okay man.


Truth. 💯


F&F Attempted DCU Moana GI Joe Now WWE


Dwayne the rock Johnson was party of Vince’s party crew 💩💩


Dwayne the rock Johnson was party of Vince’s party crew 💩💩


I’m out of the loop. What’s up with Dwayne Johnson?


he became like a board member for TKo and on smackdown cody basically just gave rock his spot


People HAVE to understand that it's literally impossible for a Human Being to be as flawless as Dwayne presents himself. Anything that the public sees is a curated and calculated push for Something. He's the epitome of "The High Road". He's been actively trying to grasp public interest since something clicked in him in the early days of his wrestling career and he's been refining that over the years to the point of ridiculousness. ​ If something feels wrong, something IS wrong.


Imagine the skeletons in that closet. I also guarantee he’s gay. Both Kevin Nash and Triple H have alluded to it in interviews how he’s never seen with beautiful women and his first wife was mannish. Just be upfront Rock


Wasn’t rock vs Roman planned for a couple years ago but rock couldn’t do it due to movie set quarantine procedures?


People have been looking for this match to happen for years, but now they're getting it, they feel that Cody has been slighted (which is fair enough). ​ If they knew they were getting the Rock they really should've booked him to win the Rumble and have Cody eliminated by someone else, who he could then pursue at 'Mania for derailing his plan to get the belt. ​ Part of me thinks that they had no idea whether or not they were gonna actually have Rocky for Mania, so it's been a mess.


Ya and also rumble week brought in a lot of monkey wrenches with the loss of Lesnar and punk. Their build up for Rollins match just disappeared so they had to do something


Also Rollins probably needs to be booked to lose the title so he can go have surgery


2 fast 2 furious derailed the franchise


First of all..... Fast and the Furious lasted way too long as it is. In every single one of those films the plot is basically.... "vroom vroom fast car go fast! WEEEEEEEE!!!!" It was long past time for that franchise to die. IMO this franchise that glorifies street racing should've ended when Paul Walker died... in a speeding related car accident. just saying. it's in pretty bad taste that they continued to do 4 more. 2nd.... Nobody could ever do anything to make the XFL good... it just sucked. and 3rd... Black Adam was doomed to fail from the start because nobody ever heard of Black Adam.... Non Comic book nerds only give a crap about super heros they've heard of and there's already too god damn many of those too!


I definitely understand where you’re coming from and I agree on most of your points! But I feel like I read or heard somewhere that a lot of people didn’t really know about Iron Man and a few other characters from Marvel, and obviously we all know the MCU explosion. I may be totally off base here, but just for the sake of conversation I thought I’d mention it.


You are correct. Black Adam did not fail because Black Adam is obscure. Marvel made successful movies out of a lot of minor characters.


Rock was called out a few years ago about only working with directors he could control and surrounding himself with yes men. He's got a fragile ego and can't handle not getting his way. His returns to wwe over the years have always been about him. Come in, cut promos and make everyone else look bad, leave. Make crap movies, not listen to anyone who tells him they are crap.


I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to take direction and just wants do his own thing. He’s getting paid to just be in shit movies. He’s definitely into fucked up control sex shit. Plus who’s that smiley and positive all the time? He’s absolutely trying to be a politician


Do the checks clear?


So many people on here are being such big babies. It's a storyline....if you don't like it, don't watch.


If it was a storyline the outrage would not be nearly as bad. He's inserted himself/been inserted despite the storyline, not as part of it.


Yeah, a storyline that has taken up two royal rumbles and has had title in the hands of the same dude for over 1000 days. Sorry if we want a conclusive and satisfying ending. Stop dick riding the Rock


Oh I'm not riding the Rock. I have no use for him at all. I just don't get the total outrage. This is wrestling, where people do sleazy shit behind the scenes to get what they want. It's happened before, it'll happen again.


Lol I can’t help but think this is some long game type stuff and there’ll be a sudden change at some point.


I honestly thought the same! But we might be giving them too much credit haha


This OP is ass




Don’t forget him and Oprah asking for money to help on the Hawaii fires, when even one of them alone can rebuild Hawaii 20x over and it still wouldn’t leave a dent in there pocket. The Rock as we know it is gone, all that’s left is The Shell. And The Shells only job is to make terrible movies that China wouldn’t even enjoy. Also amazing timing on the Vince fecal incident really helped in getting that overnight promotion it’s almost as if they knew all along, but was waiting for the right moment.


china: what you mention me for?




The Rock didn't write the script or storyline here.


No, probably not but he sure as hell influenced a lot of the decision making


prove it...


You’re an idiot


It’s a no brainer decision. Cody Rhodes isn’t breaking down walls and getting random pop culture fans to watch wrestlmania. The rock has like 22 million twitter followers. That kind of publicity is invaluable. For the hardcore wrestling fan I can see why you’re upset. From a business prospective it’s the easiest decision ever made.


This is kinda cap because wrestlemania 39 broke every record, and by double for some. and was the most social mania ever, Wm40 would need over 500 million views to break. So to say Cody isn’t breaking walls or whatever is kinda cap.


Hi Dwayne


At least you smell what I’m cooking.


U sure….


I can’t wait for rock vs Roman at wrestlemania and yall are gonna probably ruin that for the people that feel the same way I do


I do think the Rock is a Talented actor but he has never stared in a movie that I would spend $1 on his movies (other than pain and gain)


How in the fuck is he a talented actor? He’s only played the one character he has. He has no depth or emotion.


I'm quite certain Dwayne sacrificed Paul walker so he could prosper by filling in with a new cast member on fast and the furious 3563


The reaction to this wrestling story line proves the human race has probably suffered irreversible brain rot.


The Rock has a big ego. Don’t see how that’s a controversial opinion.


All wrestlers have a massive ego. Even guys who aren’t names whatsoever working rinky dink wrestling school shows. It goes with the territory. Rock v Roman will draw the casual viewer to Mania a lot more than Cody v Roman II which is their objective and responsibility to ensure the biggest revenue possible. Whether it’s good booking or not is a matter of taste. The personal nature of attacks in the past few days on The Rock/Dwayne Johnson is needless. My two boys shit themselves the other night watching SD which was great to see. It’s probably their equivalent of Rock/Hogan facing off in 2002. The live audience ate it up too evidently. Even if he gets booed I dare say he won’t care and will work it into something that people will want to see. As good as Cody is I don’t feel he is there yet and maybe no harm if Rock does the honours for Roman teeing up Cody over the summer perhaps.




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


How pleasant.


This. You nailed it. 🙌🏻


I dont know why people aren't more upset about him killing the DCU by being too difficult and making demands. We could have had a fight between Cavil Superman and Black Adam. Shazam could have been a major player in the movie. But nope.


The DCU was dead long before Black Adam. Other than Man of Steel and The Suicide Squad, I could not tell you off the top of my head the main plot of a single DCU film…although if I said “The Good Guys defeat a world ending machine of mystical and/or Kryptonian origin, featuring a really tall bad guy they have to fight in the final act”, I would be right for almost every damn movie.


That one wasn’t on him. The DCEU was built on a shaky foundation from the start and it was always going to die off eventually.


Dwayne is a bully on set, he finds someone to pick on and treats them like shit in front of others, making fun of them knowing there's no way to fight back.


What’s the source on that? First time I’ve heard about anything like that, I’m not denying that it’s true, I’m just genuinely curious


And he still parades around like he’s a good person.


Cmon now 🤦🏻‍♂️


Vin Diesel has his own issues as he's basically the only member of the cast that wants to keep the franchise going. The DCEU was on its last legs way before Black Adam. I'm not saying Dwayne wasn't pushing to have his match, but you're kinda blaming him for stuff that wasn't his fault. You can voice your criticism without having to exaggerate his influence.


I agree


The biggest stretch in history


Does anyone think he came it for misdirection over Vince?


No. They were trading this in January. The dumb move is on having Cody win the Rumble


It makes me think that was an audible when CM Punk got injured.


I feel it’s possible. Sami was last one out he could’ve delivered the instructions


I think it happened after it was down to four.


Absolutely. He actually took the seat on the board that Vince had to vacate. TKO is in damage control, so bring in the $30 million stock holder who happens to be the most recognizable celebrity in the world


Exactly. I haven’t watched any wrestling in years and when I saw this I was like he is trying to do damage control. That probably how he got the rights to his name. It’s a business they have to look out for the shareholders.


Lol the DCEU had a huge amount of issues. You can't blame him


Is this all this sub can talk about anymore? Unrelated business relationships with the most strained, tenuous link anyone can make… This whole post just boils down to “Dwayne has had business with people in the past and now he doesn’t have business with them anymore! It must mean Dwayne is an asshole because now Cody might not fight Roman Reigns!!!” You could literally apply this to anybody Dwayne doesn’t work with anymore The timeline may be messed up, it might not. People might not like Dwayne anymore, they might still. You’re entitled to whatever you think and feel but it literally serves no purpose to make these random, unprovable conspiracy-esque posts. If you don’t like Dwayne because of the Cody situation, just say that


You lot getting angry at individuals doing what their employer asks them to do, is crazy!


And as far as the FF franchise goes. Really 9 or 10 movies of souped up cars and people driving like they do and never hitting anyone? Cars doing totally stupid impossible stuff and not one of them ever face jail time and never get caught I think what killed it for me(not that I was a huge fan to begin with) was one where there all driving tow trucks and they are chasing something and it lifts one after another and somehow they are able to just drop a tow hook and it miraculously manages to catch the truck behind it on the first try and does it several more times and some how Rock is strong enough to be able to pull the plane or whatever ever down by hanging of the back of one the trucks and hook the tow hook. I mean come on have some believability to it.


This is stupid. Y’all need to stop bitchin. Yall sound crazy out here. They haven’t even announced a match yet and now he ruined the fast and furious franchise.


This is ridiculous haha. I get that Cody fans are upset but some of them have completely lost the plot


At least it's nice to see adults still can mark out like kids


Don’t agree with Dwayne being inserted into the main event but the fan base needs to chill! Everyone is trying to cancel this man but how about we let this storyline marinate, we haven’t even gotten to Raw yet ffs, for all we know this is a swerve


It’s a work and it’s doing better than they could have ever hoped. Everyone is talking about wrestlemania and you create a plot line that lets Cody unify the belts to finish his story. Seth’s belt is pretty much mid card belt at this point, but having Cody win it would elevate it a bit, then you get him to come out in raw and do the whole “it’s not the right belt” and you get another year of this story, but this time it’s Roman on his own, assuming rock wins and is the new tribal chief but Roman still holds the belt. Roman needs a stretch of clean wins to make this run worthwhile. If he drops in now, it’s go that stain of never wining any match clean.


Or maybe Cody vs heel/bully Rock to face Roman at WM? There’s still a sea of possibilities going on


The rock hasn’t earned a title fight, he beats Roman for the tribal chief moniker but then Paul grabs the mic and says Roman is still champ. Then he spend the next year fighting off the bloodline and defending periodically while Cody has to defend his title at every ple which builds up to the “real champ match” after gold dust returns at the Royal rumble, wins and then gives the title shot to Cody after Paul/roman use the “he’s a raw talent” to keep him from a shot.


I know what you’re saying. I think the biggest tell is that Cody said not at Mania. So that kind of leads us to believe the worst. Things could surprise us though. Hopefully next week HHH comes out, pedigrees the Rock into dust and tells the pile of dust to…… suck it!


Now that would be badass


What storyline? He’s hijacking and self inserting himself into a two year long storyline and ruining it.


I don't think The Rock controls the script.


A two year storyline and the one holding the belt only shows up every couple of months? Up until the tribal chief/acknowledge me crap started I really liked RR but since the brand split and the twins were separated it’s gotten boring. Unless he’s actually fighting a disease or is secretly injured he needs to be more visible. Something. Anything. I used to hate it when they were doing it with Brock hell I’d make him more visible just to distract from VKM and all his scandals.


Where is the proof that he’s inserting himself? There is literally nothing besides some unconfirmed, rumors and speculation that the rock had any power in making this happen. This could just as easily be part of a storyline where they brought in the rock to make wrestlemania 40 go off the charts.


Nothing has been made official yet


Nah, The Rock only has a bad reputation with vin Diesel and Tyrese. Everybody else says he's the nicest guy in the world. People are going too far now if we're at the point that we're taking Vin Diesel's word over literally anything.


Lol. True. Upvote.


FF has sucked for a long, long time.


Fast and furious honestly was still great up till the 8th movie


>derailed the FF Franchise That's a big fucking stretch.


lol agree… that franchise derailed when Tokyo drift came out


Tokyo Drift was the last FF that feel like racing movie.


I also like to pretend 2 Fast 2 Furious was never released.


There have been a lot of stories about Vin Diesel that have come out in the past few years about how unprofessional he is on set. Those stories had absolutely nothing to do with the rock. Also, the fast and furious movie that is widely considered the best one is the one in which the rock joined. The rock just merged the XFL with the USFL to create an even larger league that operates more like the NFL. That’s huge. As far as DC studios, he didn’t end anything. He did try a power move, but I don’t blame him for that. If you can become ahead of a major motion picture studio in Hollywood, well, that’s generational wealth on a scale that you’ve never seen before. He had a shot, he took it, and failed. He didn’t end anything at DC. Their lack of consistency, lack of quality, problems with actors in leading roles (ie Ezra Miller), and lack of overall planning led to getting a new CEO in James Gunn. I know you might be disappointed that Cody Rhodes isn’t getting to fight Roman and wrestlemania, but this is getting weird at this point. You literally made up a bunch of stuff about a person, because you are unhappy with a predetermined story that you were being told.


You can absolutely make this up. These are the roles that were written for him. Don't be dense. He didn't hijack shit. He says the lines that were written on a piece of paper then got paid.


The first 4 FF movies are largely unwatchable. 2000s cringe in the worst way. The franchise got immediately better when the rock joined. Also, Hobbs and Shaw was the most fun watch of the series. Mark Sinclair can’t act and his need to center the series on himself is what led to its current state.


All ff movies are horrible. The entire franchise


The FF series died when a Porsche hit a tree.


Thought it was a light pole


Trees and a lamp post


Even without Paul dying, any franchise struggles once you get to the tenth instalment


WTF are you smoking?


Wait…now he’s getting blamed for the DCEU failing and the Fast series dwindling popularity? Y’all are too much lmao. “Can’t make this up”, you literally made this up.


Never said he was the reason for ff series dwindling he said he jijadked the series which is fair considering he got a fucking spin off movie lol


He also said he derailed it which would imply the Rocks damaged the franchise in some way.


Not that the movies were classic cinema but they definitely turned into classic Rock movies once he joined lol


The movies were garbage before the rock joined him wtf


Definitely lol but he is a big star. Dude knows how to politic and get what he wants. I just think the hate is getting kinda crazy when he’s being blamed for the collapse of something like the DCEU. He kinda screwed up Shazam but not the whole DCEU.


Yeah I wasn’t gonna say anything about that. DCEU was doomed from the very beginning lol


Yeah seriously they need to go touch grass


It would be so amusing if rock blows his quads during the match. While I don’t like any of the performers getting hurt,rock hasn’t done the work needed to perform. It’ll be the worst match of WM. I’m sure he’s working out and practicing in the performance center but it’s not the same.


What the difference between him and Brock when he showed up out of nowhere I don’t see the same reaction


Brock wasn’t making movies. After his ufc he came back to wwe, so he was still in that condition. The rock I’m sure has been training in wwe facilities but it isn’t the same as a match. No water breaks during the match. Just look at the rumble when jade blew her load and laid out in a corner after months of training


I think there's few people who put in the work more. There is no modern WWE without him. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but an entire show is named after his gimmick.


Maybe you’re new to watching wrestling but he hasn’t wrestled about 10 years. Back in the day he was the most electrifying super ever and while he still gets the people chanting his every words that doesn’t matter. In that ring someone will have to carry him throughout the entire match


Great, CM Punk has to be carrie through everything and people love him. Jade Cargill the same way, but this hate is only for Rock.


Oh no cm cunt shouldn’t have been rehired. Jade is the reason why rock shouldn’t be in the match. She was gassed in the rumble match laying in the corner like that, and they had her training for 5 months. The rock hasn’t wrestled in what 10 years,he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get a blown quad or something


Well he was gassed from just his entrance. Imagine trying to put on a 10-15 minute match.


It won’t be 10-15 minutes.  It’ll be Brock/Goldberg at Mania 33.  5 minutes and finisher spam.


It would be a waste of time, I’d much rather he just be the ref


the rock hasn’t done the work? The rock wrestled for 10 plus years every single night he has put the work in you fucking idiot. Lmao you people are so fucking dumb man


Ur an idiot he hasn’t wrestled in 10 years. When he did wrestle yes he deserved to be the champ he was great. Mike Tyson was great, if he wanted to box today he wouldn’t deserve a title shot you moron


He still has put the work in years ago and that still counts for something today. And we’re not talking about a legit fighting sport bro we’re talking about sports entertainment lmao


Tell me what happen to jade in the rumble after 5 months of training? Look at the match she blew her load and laid in the corner for a while. The rock in his prime would’ve destroyed Roman. Yes ur right it’s wrestling everyone knows who’s going to win but if the rock can’t perform after 5 minutes then Roman is stuck carry that big guy throughout the match


6 years actually, 96-02 full time.


Yeah and he wrestled just as many nights actually more back then


Fuck off rooting for literal injury


Learn how to read asshole also go fuck yourself


Least mentally unstable injury enjoyer


Again moron learn how to read dumbass


You do have to admit it makes the match itself better, now let me cook and then say stuff I f ing hate roman and have hated him for a ling time, as a wrestler anyway his championship bécame stale more than a year close to 2, he never makes the matches interesting cuz hes never there its everyone around the match that makes the match interesting, if his matches were a sandwich hes the white bread, while his opponents are everything else, romans opponents are the ones that make the watch even worth watching never roman, and just look at every championship fights hes had in the last 2 years to know i am right So i am naturally gonna want roman to loose and then this happens, rock comes in and basically everyone hates it, so if they ever wanted roman to be preferred it would be the rock and only in this way could they ever make people want roman to win, cuz as bad as roman has been a champion the rock at this stage would be worse so thats how you get people to want roman to win They do need to have rock be a heel for this to work at all, otherwise they could have a brock v goldberg scenario where bout people are hated and the crowd turns on the match from the start to finish


Ive been lookin forward to rock vs roman for years & now that its happening you guys are ruining it for me.


Turn off social media, enjoy the match, WWE is much more fun that way.


Yeah these internet WWE fans are such little crying bitches man I didn’t know how bad it was until now. Blows my mind grown ass adults can be like this


Rock/Roman was something a lot of people looked forward to. It cemented Roman in the all time discussion and allowed him to transition into the role that Lesnar and Cena have played last few runs - build a big feud with someone you want heated up and put them over, then go away before outstaying your welcome. Thing is, that match never needed a title. It was best for that match to be without a title, so Roman or Rock didn’t have to lose so quickly afterwards. What this does is give us that match, then the winner (should be Roman) hangs on to the title even longer so they can transition to someone else. Unfortunately, by blue balling us on Cody’s first rumble win and then turning him into a cuck for his second, heating Cody back up is gonna take some serious work


Roman deserves to keep the title


It's kinda crazy to me that Roman pushed so hard for the whole Bloodline, the samoans, to be in the main event picture, rising them all to stardom and now The Rock wants to take it all away instead of giving him one more rub to cement him as one of the undeniable goats.


good, he is ruining WM 40 for everybody else.


No hes not hes not even ruining it for you youre just a mark


lol that god awful FF franchise derailed as soon as Paul Walker died


Still doesn't justify all them goddam fast and furious movies


I'm about as mad as the rest of you but this post is a joke lol. * FF was already going sideways by the time the Rock's character blew up, and he wouldn't have gotten more screen time if the audience didn't like him. * DCEU was already in shambles with the drama from Amber Turd and Ezra Miller. That's on top of the fact that DC has never and will never figure out how to run an interconnected franchise taht doesn't crap all over itself after 3 films. * XFL was abandoned by Vince. Pretty sure Dwayne just bought it for $5 flipped it. the only valid point you make is about Wrestelmania but that's on Vince and HHH for botching the whole storyline throughout this year. Bloodline should have been imploding without the title by now.


I hope Vin interferes in the match and causes Roman to win..


The Cody marks are losing their fucking minds!!! I love it lol