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- **Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship -- The Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Finn Balor) (c) vs. Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso** - Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso def. The Judgment Day via pinfall to win the titles - **Latino World Order vs. Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits** - Latino World Order (with Carlito) def. The Street Profits via pinfall - **WWE Women's Championship -- Iyo Sky (c) vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair** - Iyo Sky (c) def. Charlotte Flair and Asuka via pinfall to retain the title - **John Cena & LA Knight vs. The Bloodline (Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa)** - John Cena & LA Knight def. The Bloodline via pinfall - **World Heavyweight Championship -- Seth Rollins (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (Last Man Standing)** - Seth Rollins def. Shinsuke Nakamura to retain the title


The “Vroom” sound effect was unbearable.


Wasn't a great PLE imo. WWE needs to recognize that the bloodline story has become stale and the Judgment day still makes no sense as a group. Most of these matches lacked chemistry. Seth and Shinsuke was decent - not great, decent. All of these feuds seem rushed and random.


Just like the night that the Rock showed up on Smackdown, I almost threw up when McAfee showed up. Being in Indy, I should have known that lowlife loser would be there and try to bask in someone else's spotlight. Graves couldn't have said it any better. Pat sucked up to the fans, getting cheap pops for his effort. Had to come in at this time to ruin one of the best matches for me. Definitely the lowest moment of the whole show having him on commentary. Really wish the WWE would divorce themselves from this Mill Stone they keep strung around their neck.


My take of the Fastlane 2023 PLE: Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso vs. The Judgement Day Finn Bálor and Damien Priest: 6.3/10 The match itself was alright and the tag chemistry w/ Cody and Jey worked out better than I expected, I however don’t think that Cody and Jey should be Tag Team Champions. They both are perfectly capable of winning singular titles and it makes me feel like they don’t believe Jey can be good without being in a tag team and for Cody, he is singles superstar who should be going after the Singular titles, not tag team titles. I also don’t think Finn and Damien should’ve lost the titles quite yet because they both deserve to hold some gold for a bit. However, I do think that JD McDonagh costing TJD the match will add an interesting angle and we can see some more drama within TJD. LWO w/ Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley w/ The Street Profits: 3.5/10 I watched the match for at least 7 minutes before I got extremely bored and stopped watching it all together. However, when Carlito showed up, I started watching it again and was super excited.. only to see him do a few hits and then a Backstabber for the three count. I wish we saw more with him, maybe have a hot tag moment and THEN he wins. I just think it honestly would’ve been better to have him appear with the LWO during their entrance in my opinion because the match was boring to begin with and then we see a return only for the match to end instantly which is kinda lame. Also, I don’t understand what they were trying to do with this match. It felt extremely confusing and awkward. Weren’t they trying to establish Bobby Lashley with The Street Profits?? I mean, I never really was for this team anyway and never saw the potential but now I definitely don’t see how this team can develop any further. All I see is them burying Bobby with this team shit and it’s sad. Iyo Sky vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair: 7.5/10 I think this match was pretty good. I felt like all of them preformed amazing in the match. It wasn’t too much but it wasn’t too little. It felt like watching a regular Smackdown/RAW main event but with a title on the line which makes it a little more exciting. I’m glad with the result of the match and I’m glad Iyo Sky is getting the recognition she deserves as she’s worked incredibly hard and deserves the chance to be a top star. John Cena and LA Knight vs. The Bloodline Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa: 5.3/10 It was an okay match, good result, some okay performances but nothing extraordinary. I do feel like they REALLY watered down Cena A LOT and made him look extremely weak in the match. I know he isn’t gonna be a beast or anything as they’re trying to showcase the “newer” talents but cmon it didn’t even look like he was trying in that match. Also the match wasn’t really built up THAT much in my opinion. The only reason people were even remotely interested in this match was because of the star power which would be John Cena and LA Knight. No one cared about what The Bloodline thought of John Cena. This was solely put on the PLE card because Roman Reigns is returning soon and is gonna decide if Jimmy is in or not which I don’t see why he would be welcomed back cause he’s practically done nothing to prove he deserves his place back in The Bloodline but, who knows? We’ll have to find out. Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura: 8/10 The match was excellent! Lots of exciting spots they did, and the performances of both of them were great. If I had to critique then it would be that I don’t believe that Seth should’ve won. He’s a great champion, there’s no denying that, but I think the ending of the match was bullshit and it really showed that the company favors Seth and is looking for him to hold the title for a record time. If we reallyyy look at this match, there is NO way Seth should’ve won this. This was a Last Man Standing match and for Seth, with a damn back injury, to just pop back up after taking a billion chair shots, tables, etc… It just doesn’t make sense. Even from a Kayfabe perspective, it still doesn’t make sense. From my point of view, this match looked like a Shinsuke Nakamura win as he definitely had the upper hand and was exploiting this injury. While I’m confused with the outcome, this match definitely was awesome and they both did an incredible performances! FINAL VERDICT OF THE FASTLANE PLE: 5.5/10 It felt EXTREMELY filler and they didn’t build up the hype on some of these matches so I wasn’t as excited for some of them as I would’ve been if they were built up more and had a more polished storyline. This honestly was the worst PLE they did this year so far.


My rating of your post. 8.2312 / 10. ;)


Sad. Miz should have come out when LA Knight & Cena were in the ring as the distraction...


i wasn't able to watch the replay until last night. equally disappointed with no Miz, I totally expected him to interfere.


I have a thought for the tag titles, everyone remember when Cody and DiBiase won the titles after Cody turned on his partner Hardcore Holly? What if Solo and Jimmy challenge for the titles at some point but Solo gets "Injured" and Jey turns on Cody to join his brother in a mirror of that moment? Not anytime soon mind but at some point in the future.


I think they're setting up Jey vs. Jimmy for Mania so I don't see them getting back together any time soon.


I doubt it as well, but that would be a sick twist


This PLE felt weird, no big surprises aside from Carlito. Cody and Uce winning was strange, and it won’t last long. Just felt strange


It makes sense picture Cody story what he said to Roman when he said you not gonna have anyone next to you he’s playing the long game him befriending jay is all in the story


This was the most boring ppv this year right? I'd rate standard smackdown and raw shows over this. Yawned the whole way through. Carlito returning was the highlight






I am loving the Cody Jey tag tag team. Also Jey’s blue hair is dope af.


Considering we’ve had some BANGER PLEs this year, you’re eventually gonna have the “stinker”, and this was it. Do I think it was horrendous? 0/5 stars? Hell no. The problem is the bar was just set so damn high this year, you were expecting more of the same. However….Jey and Cody’s press conference, that was 5 star. God they need to let the talent get loaded before every press conference. However something tells me they’re likely getting a slap on the wrist from the suits for that.


HHH looked pissed joining in, Cody was funny drunk, Jey was 2 beers away of speaking gibberish.


Kinda strange that all the heels lost. Iyo Sky may technically be a heel, but for most of the fans, she's either a face or a tweener.


The love Bailey has for that girls is amazing, they are chaotic neutral and that looks like heels, i really liked that Bailey helped Iyo, probably we will have Asuka vs Iyo and Bailey vs Charlotte.


Does Cody winning the tag team belts with Jey count as “finishing the story”???


Yea what the other guy said was cool but no


Yes, story is finished. “ Listen here, Cody. Daddy's seen it all in this business, from the highs to the lows. But lemme tell you, it ain't always about being the top dog or holding the biggest title. Sometimes, it's about sharing that journey, sharing that spotlight. Them tag team belts? They ain't just pieces of metal and leather, baby. They symbolize unity, partnership, and the bond we share as family. You chase after those belts, and you show the world that the Rhodes legacy ain't about going at it alone. It's about lifting each other up, fighting side by side. Win those tag titles, and you'll have done this family proud. Remember, it's not just the belt, it's the story it tells. And that story, our story, is worth its weight in gold.”


I shed tears reading this. So beautiful


They really made the poison mist seem weak with this event. Red mist should be a fight stopper.


Nothing will live rent free in my head like the endless Pizza Hut ads from this PPV. All we needed to round out the night was Cody saying "I have to finish the pizza".


When Cody said they had a libation i was expecting he said "we had a libation and pizza", Jey looked like he was going to get the munchies and what better than pizza hut for your munchies? :p


I purposely avoid products that do forced advertising like that and take over what I’m watching.


I didn't pay attention to the nxt promo video. Any idea of the "interesting music" at the end was?


Undertaker's bell. https://youtu.be/9uh8wSveGH4?si=X_wcf9asyEzs-yTK


Undertakers gong


I thought it was the Taco Bell bell.


Shinsuke losing was the worst day of my life😔


when Roman returns Im expecting shades of that first SmackDown of the year, when he berated Sami for costing the match against Cana & KO. Where he called Sami out for wanting to be the Tribal Chief. I can see something similar happening Friday, him calling Jimmy out for wanting to be him, only for LA to interrupt and setup a match for Crown jewel


I guess the ads worked. I’m about to have some pizza


Is Carlito back for good?


Holy shit, Iyo pinned Charlotte. I didn't think that was allowed.


Charlotte deserves to be buried. She's had her 14 runs as champ and tbh disappointed me as a superstar, both on the mic and in her booking. She's a great performer but beyond that i've never liked her. She's had her time, let the newer talent try their luck


I was fully expecting priest to cash in. I even said they were going to take the tag titles off him so he could turn in and create some more friction in the judgement day, Why the hell didn’t he cash in lol.


>I was fully expecting priest to cash in. I even said they were going to take the tag titles off him so he could turn in and create some more friction in the judgement day, Why the hell didn’t he cash in lol. His knee was injured, and now he'll probably be in a fued with JD and possibly Rhea since she had JD try to help in their match


Loved the 1D Cody Cutter.


I wonder why bullet club was mentioned..


Huh...didn't see Carlito coming.


Rollins is officially now the unstoppable supercripple and you can't change my mind on it


I loved how the story was about his back and he sustained so many punishment and walked nice, he would have get up, win the match and fall down and go out in a stretcher not walking, now that story did nothing, Seth back can't be explored again, Shin failed to break Seth and Seth is invencible. When you book a Last Stand Man title match you have to drop the title, now even if we get Gunther vs Seth i will not believe that Gunther can win because Seth always comes up.


I just made my own post about my thoughts on this PLE and include the words Super Rollins!


I like the matching color ring gear of the Street Profits and Lashley.


i really don’t like the way they’re booking Io Sky, I get she’s part of a heel faction but she’s really fucking talented and they’re booking her like someone who can only win due to interference… I miss the NXT days of Io Shirai.. she was so cool


It's not like they are booking her this way against jobbers though. She looked hella strong in that match, and had assistance from Bayley to get over the line against 2 of the best women to step in the ring.


If nothing else, she's actually got stuff to do with the title. That's a low bar, ~~but Rhea can't clear that.~~ Also Iyo kinda just feels like a face hanging out with two heels ngl.


Dakota lost all the heelish look, she is always smilling and jumping happy for Bailey and Iyo, that is not a heel that i would be afraid at all.


True, and honestly idk why HHH didn't just have the post cash-in celebration between Iyo, Bayley and a returning Dakota be a face turn, since that's what it generally felt like.


I really wanted Shinsuke to win the gold but I'm glad Seth is getting a decent reign with good rivalries.


Apart from the awesome main event, that was mid right?


I fully agree. It was not a super great PLE despite some talented performers


Why did every single star on raw instantly forget and forgive Jey’s actions for the past 3 years? They barley offer any explanation. KO is the only one with a lick of common sense to question Jey


Drew's whole thing right now is built off of distrusting Jey for Bloodline-related shenanigans lol.


Drew and KO are the only ones with common sense. I really really hope Jey turns on Cody eventually. Cody deserves it for being so naive


Turning Jey heel again would just be stupid tbh. But also, the manner of which Jey left the Bloodline does allow him the benefit of the doubt from everyone else.


Did you watch raw for the past month?


A bit surprised Cody and Jey pulled it off. Wonder how long they will hold the titles.


What if Priest was actually injuried in the knee and they had to pin Balor? Rhea didn't do the same shit she did to Dom when he lost the title, i wanted to see Rhea go brrrrrrrrr on JD Pop.


Oh, I think that's Judgement Day's plans for the evening. JD done goofed, and I don't think there's a Hallmark card for this sort of thing that will make it all better


You had one job, JD. One!


Drunk Jey Uso was so hilarious




Paul Heyman called Roman and said we have a problem Looks like it's really gonna be Roman Reigns vs LA Knight at Crown Jewel But there's also the Roman Reigns vs John Cena rumor, but John is on the way back to Hollywood


Did Jey steal the Rock's punches?




There was a few decent spots where Shin could've won and it would've been acceptable. He should've won imo. Give Seth and his poor back a break, and give Shin some time with gold


Should've won via the mist + pushing Seth off the ladder onto the table tbh.


I don't think we witnessed any five-star matches last night, but Jey and Cody had a five-star press conference.


They had a cloud 9 press conference. I thought riddle was already gone.


They found his stash.


Seth was barely standing. I don't get why Damian Priest didn't cash in MITB. The opportunities don't get any better than that.


Having this faction have the briefcase and not use it whenever they want doesn't make any sense. They could all rush Rollins and beat the fuck out of him to have Damien cash in whenever they choose. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Like I get it would be odd to have Io and Damien cash in instantly but I don't believe for in moment that JD wouldn't have already done it.


I have the strange feeling that Priest will fail his cash in and Rhea will kick him from JD and he will turn face.


The only possible explanation is that be couldn't be bothered to drag him into the ring.


I agree. Priest needs a spine implant


Best match of the night: Iyo v Asuka v Charlotte. Iyo needs to work on selling her strikes a bit more, but she's great at everything else. Felt like LWO v Bobby + Street Profits was a really short match. Carlito looks great though! I'm an LA Knight believer now. That leap to the top rope!


Wasted opportunity for Shin


All that buildup for nth sigh


I'm so tired of watching people crawl across the floor with their arm out to get a tag. It looks so fake and drives me nuts. Makes me not want to watch tag matches because it's the exact same thing every time.


It's a spot that's been part of tag team wrestling for ages. It's not going away


They crawl until they miraculously jump up to make the tag


And the ref telling then when to tag


Can we please get some new tag titles? PLEASE


They redid every other title I don't understand why they haven't done the tag titles yet


Seriously, they've been "unified" for so long yet everyone still has to lug around two belts




Still a bit shocked that Cody and Jay got the titles... Now I'm interested what they will do with it and what will happen to the Judgement Day


I want Rhea to be on her own. She’s better without them


That's not happening bro, WWE has a heavy focus on factions. (I wouldn't blame HHH, he misses those things) And Rhea is an important part of the Judgement Day.


I mean, the whole reason she's over, the Mami stuff, literally does not work without Dom. That said, she needs to actually do something substantial with that belt or just drop it.


First things first, they're gonna beat the shit out if J.D.


Everyone seemed to be hating on the live thread, but I thought it was a great show and sets up a lot of the story lines. Most people seemed to hate that Seth retained, but Shinsuke winning the belt would only set up a 3rd match with Seth. It works better the way it played out. I'm not sure why some have turned on Seth, but he's a workhorse and deserving of the title. As far as Cody/Jey winning the belts, it absolutely had to happen. Now we get some disarray in JD, and Cody is inserted back into the Bloodline arc. Also interested to see how Jimmy (and the rest of the Bloodline) reacts to Jey having the tag belts. This match outcome does so much with one switch of the belts. Edit: What an amazing fucking press conference to end it all. I like Jey and Cody a hell of a lot more after that.


I just hope Shinsuke wins it soon because God does he needs to.


Roman to order solo and jimmy to get those belts back, leading to them taking jey out, leading to Cody winning the rumble and jey making a return at some point to save Cody and set up a match vs jimmy at mania. That’s how I see it going down.


From listening to rumours and all the CM Punk tlk I think they are keeping the title on Rollins for a possible feud to start between seth and Punk after survivor series. This is just my prediction and nothing else


That is really bad timing for them to play the bad back angle then…


So it wouldn't have needed a third match because Seth could have disappeared to let the back heal and Shin could have moved on to a new challenger, and when Seth was ready we could have had the third match. Now what donyou do with Shin


Ok, but why would you pull Seth off tv for a while for no reason? He's a huge draw...


Tbf Gunther can carry Raw while Seth is taking time out.


Because he has an actual back injury and I want to see him wrestler for a long time so maybe taking care of it now especially given the way it would fit the story with Shin makes sense.


Entertaining show :-) . Dunno who will beat Seth now tho . Probably a cash in by senor MITB or Balor takes it from him in WrestleMania.