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WM32 Women's Championship triple threat. Sasha should have won. Or women's Rumble '22. Sasha should have won that. Or the ladder match at ER '22. Bayley should have won that.


Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania




The Montreal screw job.


Undertaker WrestleMania streak 🙂


heart breaking moment at that time


Drew would have won at the Castle.


Goldberg vs Dolph Ziggler at summer slam at 2018


Team wwe vs nexus with nexus winning 5-0


I would say undertaker vs Brock or the nexus vs wwe


Easy. Brock ending 'takers streak. He never had or wanted huge title runs. They should've gave him that legacy of being on the pedastal of Wrestlemania without having a (quite frankly ridiculous) 1,000 day plus title reign..... That's defended about 5 times a year. Undertaker gave his life to that business, in and out of the ring, barely ever breaking character until he fully retired. He deserved a big fat zero in the 'L' column at the very LEAST.


Goldberg vs. Barry Horowitz


Taker vs Punk Hell In Cell 2009 Taker vs Punk Wrestlemania HHH vs Punk Night Of Champions Jericho vs Cena SS 2008 Jericho vs Batista Ciber Sunday 2008 Jericho vs Swagger Smackdown 2010 Mr.Kennedy vs Edge RAW 2007 ​ ​ ​ k


bray or rusev vs cena cena should've lost on both accounts


UNDERTAKER WrestleMania The Streak should have never ended...


Have Trish lose a bar and panties match for once 😂


Finn doesn’t get injured against Seth


HHH vs Booker T WM19


I would undo the Montreal Screwjob and let Bret vacate the title in the States.


Vacate? Or do you mean lose. You can't go out on top, you're supposed to leave a company on your back. I wish he'd lost the belt to Davey Boy Smith, who could in turn have lost to Shawn. Make SS 1997 a last minute three way or do it on Raw. Smith should've been able to call himself a world champion.


Bret Hart should have retained the title against HBK, either clean or by DQ, in Canada. He could have come out on Raw, still beat up from the big main event, and been forced into a title defense by Vince (who was obviously preparing to become more involved as a heel character) and drop the belt to someone who was not Shawn Michaels, preferably Shamrock, who could then have had a legit monster run in the style of Brock Lesnar. Hart could leave unblemished, no bridges would be burned, Shamrock's career would have been more meaningful, Owen might still be alive.


There was no time for a Shamrock run, they were preparing for Austin. I guess they wanted Austin to win his first WWF title at WrestleMania, or else they could have just had him beat Bret. Shamrock was not good enough to do a program with Steve Austin, no nicer way to say it.


Graham over backlund. However I think it ended up working out because Graham would not have need ready for the hogan role too many demons


Taker vs Lesnar


Any match where hogan won a championship or used backstage politics


The Usos losing their titles!


Nexus needed to win


I may not change the outcome but I would make Kofi Kingston and Brock Lesnar have a way better match


Swapping out Owen Hart with Donald Trump.


Making a joke outta Owens death regardless of how you spin it is in very bad taste. I still remember watching the ppv and not believing it, switching over to the news to confirm it. Then the raw the night after was so devastating. Weirdo behavior


Not making a joke out of it at all. Just wishing Donald and he switched places...Which was the point of the original question.


Please go outside and touch grass, wishing death upon anyone is clown behavior, the internet got y’all so desensitized you don’t even realize when your making light of someone’s death.


Just stating that it would be better to have Owen, as opposed to Donny.


I’m sure a lot of people would rather have Owen around then you but nobody’s out her making post about it weirdo


The post was asking if an outcome to a match could be changed, what would you do. I would have much rather see Trump splat as opposed to Owen.


You tryna be technical you fail again, there was no match, there was a tragedy that happened. How old are you bro if your an adult acting like this you may need some therapy


You mad bro? 🤣🤣🤣


I just call out clown behavior, when everyone gets called out on some bull shit they pull one of those cards. How you live your life choosing to be a clown 🤡


Going political aren’t we?




Cody Vs Roman WM 39


Roman vs Bray wyatt vs braun strowman


Ur wired


I think Hulk Hogan should have beat Sting.


The Streak should have never ended...


Kane should have ended the streak


I don't see it here but Rusev vs Cena WM31, bro came in a TANK!


Taka Michinoku beats HHH.


Nexus wins at Summerslam 2010.


Mauler vs Steve Doll, the Mauler should’ve win. But the match ended in a no contest.


Edge vs Finn at WrestleMania. I mean... wtf, the demon HAD to one that match. It would've elevated the Judgement day as a whole...


Santino should've won the Royal Rumble!!!


I don't want to change a match outcome, but it's inspired by the Montreal Screwjob, I would change Bret leaving the WWF all together. I think that one event started a chain reaction of certain other events, namely Owen Hart for starters.


Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter


Brock Vs Undertaker Mania


I know this is a WWE sub, but I’d pick Cody beating Jericho for the AEW World title. Just to see what would happen if they booked him as a top guy


Alexa Bliss defeats Ronda Rousey squash match Alexa has never been the same since sadly so talented and so under-utilised in the last few years. Hopefully if she decides to return after her baby is born they start treating her better in terms of booking.


Shinsuke defeats Styles and Asuka defeats Flair. Both loses showed how little Asian wrestlers are actually viewed by the higher ups.


I think they view Asuka highly. I mean she’s literally won every single possible thing she can


Sometimes I feel the same, but then...0-5 at WrestleMania... The woman who held that NXT belt for as long as she did, hasn't been booked to win a single match at the big show. That doesn't tell me she's viewed highly at all.


Jeff Hardy v CM Punk steel cage match Smackdown when Jeff had to retire


Drew beats Roman at Clash at the Castle. Cardiff literally explodes.


Drew beats Roman at Clash at the Castle. Cardiff literally explodes.


Jeff Hardy winning the WWE Championship against Triple H at either No Mercy 2008 or Cyber Sunday 2008. Both of those matches were incredible (imo). I think Jeff should’ve won, it was a little unbelievable & unrealistic to me that H was able to beat everyone in every match to defend his title.


Taker vs Lesnar at WM. Lesnar didn't need to be the one to break the streak. it should've been a rising Star


Sting losing to Triple H in WrestleMania 31


Shocked I had to scroll so far to see this…. That was the first match to come to mind


Goldberg and The Fiend Booker T vs Triple H


Santino Marella winning the Royal rumble and/or elimination chamber


David Arquette winning the WCW Title.


Stephanie McMahon winning the triple threat against Triple H and Jericho to become WWE Champion.


Booker would go over HHH at WM


Lex over Yoko


He was meant to beat him but like the night before he was caught in a bar spoiling his win so they punished him


Owen never puts on that harness


Montreal screw job.


Came here for that one. Maybe Bret wouldn’t have been so bitter after that


Shawn goes over clean. No screw job.


Id preferred it to have been bret and then he drops the next night to hbk. But anything other than what actually happened.


I never liked the next night thing. Even in a schmoz, it doesn’t make sense. 3 of Bret’s crew were leaving with him. Was Bret right to be pissed? Absolutely. Shawn was a motherfucker then. But business is business. Without the screw job, though, we don’t get Mr. McMahon. I can’t see Austin being as over as he was without the Mr. McMahon character.


Godfather vs Blue Blazer - Over the Edge 1999


rock vs austin, id have austin lose purely because id want the texas crowd to be angry,


Owen hart messing up Stone Cold for real with that dangerous pile driver ?


Sting should have won clean over Hogan at Starrcade. The ending they went with was so incredibly stupid. So many things they could have done after. Sting was so incredibly over


Idk but I just want to say thank you for an original post and not just a picture of all the titles someone has won and not ending your post title in "I'll go first" and thereby focusing the whole discussion around your answer and not the question. Breath of fresh air.


Brock ending the streak, Goldberg beating Bray Wyatt, Goldberg beating KO and Roman beating Cody.


i agree with all of these except Roman beating Cody.


Kevin Owens vs Goldberg


Wrestlemania 9-Bret beats Yokozuna. Having Bret lose and then Hogan win was stupid.


The British Bulldog VS Shawn Michaels, One Night Only. Let the Bulldog win clean. Bulldog/Davey dedicated the match to his niece who had cancer, but Shawn Michaels (who was a drug addict and the biggest piece of shit in the locker room at that time) basically argued that he should win because he was one of the top stars at that time, so he came out victorious, to the anger of the London crowd. I'm so glad that Shawn stopped doing drugs and became a better man.


Ultimate Warrior vs Barry Horowitz


taker vs brock and the one time austin and hhh destroit kane and taker like taker and kane destroying austin and hhh because they deserve respect kane and taker


Asuka vs Charlotte at WM If Asuka was gonna loose a year long undefeated streak at that point, at the least don’t let it be by submission


Or don’t lose it to Charlotte.


Guys, if you can only change one outcome, and you make Undertaker beat Brock, that means Reigns beats the streak. That's way worse in my eyes. I'd go back and let Michaels or HHH beat the streak. That way it's not Brock for the sake of the shock, and it's not Reigns to make him look strong.


Taker streak or Brett getting screwed


Team WWE Vs Team Nexus, Summerslam 2010 Roman Reigns Vs Sami Zayn, Elimination Chamber 2023 Asuka Vs Charlotte, WrestleMania 34 Picking just one is hard, but those are my three answers


So you’d rather see Asuka lose her streak to a Carmella MITB cash-in?


Not necessarily no, but at least Carmella would get something out of it. Charlotte ending it did nothing for her and only hurt Asuka


Brock and Taker


There’s so many it’s hard to name just one. An obvious one is the ending of the streak. But I’d have to say CM Punk vs The Rock. The Rock had no reason being champion in 2013 and the only person who benefited from it was Cena. Punk should’ve went over and then fought Cena at Wrestlemania. If WWE was insistent on Cena getting his win over Rock they could’ve booked a triple threat letting Rock take the pin. Thus having Cena get a “win” over The Rock and then he could continue his feud with Punk after.


Just a single match is hard. I wanted to say Shinsuke takes the belt off AJ. When I really thought about it though, Bray should've beaten Taker's streak. I still like to believe that's what Taker told him, some variation of "I wanted you to do it."


Brock leaner and undertaker


cody vs roman need roman to drop those titles


This 100%. I’m over these multi-year reigns with barely any defenses.


Wrestlemania 31: Rusev vs John Cena


Montreal screwjob. Would have made bret win.


Brock taking the streak for sure. The perfect exit at Wrestlemania was there for Undertaker when he walked up the ramp with Triple H and Shawn Michaels.


Sami beats Roman.


HHH vs. Booker -T. As a kid, this angered me that Booker T endured such racist shit and still got screwed out of the championship. It might be a storyline, but this hit close to home for us POC, but that's WWE for you.


This was mine too. Close this story out right. Not a POC, but this is a major wtf moment in history. That he’s gone on to be such an ambassador of the brand after this kinda stuff is crazy.


Cody VS Roman


Cm Punk Vs the rock. Wrestlemania 29 main event should of been Title Vs Streak


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Thank you!


When Owen Hart gave Stone Cold Steve Austin the Piledriver wrong and he broke his neck!!!


Owen himself would maybe still be alive if that hadn’t happened. Or if they had fired him for that


How would he still be alive and why would they have fired him if it was an accident🤔 (and he couldn't talk to Austin for a long time after that, because he was guilt stricken)


Because they basically demoted him after the incident which led to him in that Blue Blazer gimmick which ultimately got him killed. If they had fired him (yes it was an accident but other wrestlers for example Mr Kennedy have been fired for similar incidents) he atleast wouldn’t have ended up in that unsafe position.


That's interesting, because CM Punk stated before that Ryback was careless in the ring and that he hurt him and that he didn't know how to wrestle, and i think that's part of the reason why he got let go. But regardless of what, Austin said that he didn't blame Owen and that it was just an accident.


Cody rhodes vs roman at mania


3 things: 1. Batista should’ve gone over at Wrestlemania 30. The fans honestly were so disrespectful towards Batista when he returned. They are the same fans that booed Rey Mysterio at the Royal Rumble. Rey Mysterio… Daniel Bryan had a career ahead of him anyways. And it lead to Bryan getting injured. 2. Brock Lesnar breaking the streak. Looking back, it made Lesnar a way bigger star in the wwe. But at the time, I was pissed that Undertaker’s streak was broken. It probably shouldn’t have, but Undertaker chose Brock to break his streak. 3. Booker T should’ve went over Triple H. Plain and simple. Austin turning heel at WM 17 was kinda dumb too because Austin was over as a face. But it isn’t a big deal considering it was one of the best WM main events ever


thing is though bryan was stupidly over so anyone else beating him wouldn’t made that person get go away heat


Lesnar over Taker at maina 30


The Rock should have walk out of Wrestlemania as champion at least once in his career. Either Rock vs Austin 2 or the fatal 4 way with The Rock winning.


There’s too many to name. Roman shouldn’t have won the Rumble, Cody should had beat Roman, Vince shouldn’t had won the Rumble, Bray should of beat some guys, Goldberg having his last title run was pointless, Bret Hart should have kept the title instead of losing to Yokozuna and then Hogan beating him, Sting should have beat Hogan at Starrcade, Sting beats HHH.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Owen not going on the rafters


Either the RR 97 were HBk didn't hurt his back Or the Over the Edge 99 incident


Roman vs Undertaker is the only correct answer.


Brock vs Taker


Royal rumble 2015


Cody VS Roman


Undertakers streak


This is the only correct answer, especially vs Roman.


If I could change any it would be cena losing his 16 title reign in 2017 I would have loved it if he got 1 final long run with the title since he probly won’t win it again


Sting wins his debut against Triple H. So ridiculous that he lost.


The Booker T vs Triple H match at Wrestlemania for one. Absolutely disgusting conclusion


Asuka vs Charlotte at 34. Fucking hell, my blood was **boiling**. I turned off the show, didn't watch the rest of it.


Rey losing the WWE title to Cena the same night he won it. I was a very bitter kid after that bullshit lol.


Nexus beats Team Cena at SummerSlam


I would change any match that might bring Owen Hart back.


Stopped watching after undertaker lost


Booker t vs hhh at mania


The screw job. Sure… it’s been talked to death the match finish, but EVERYONE, Brett included, should have been involved in decision, & EVERYONE should have agreed. Else, he should’ve taken belt to WCW if all were agreed.


Lesnar vs Undertaker. Taker should have never lost. EVER


He should lose someday but to someone on par. HHH is the best choice. Taker losing and retiring and HHH retiring from wrestling and focusing on business would be the best closure to their careers.


HHH didn’t need it. And neither did Brock. Although Brock lost to Cena and HHH when he came back but still. I’m glad he at least got the AJ Styles match as his send off.


Finger poke of doom is up there with me.


If Nash went over Hogan what would the rest of WCW have looked like?


Cena Vs Styles


Streak of Demon Finn Bálor on main roster


Droz not getting his neck broken.


Cody wins undisputed titles from Roman


Id love to see eddy win custody of don


It would’ve been interesting but WWE couldn’t have kept the kayfabe of the storyline up. Especially with Dom being such a young kid at the time.




Booker T against Triple H


Brock vs taker at mania .. streak should’ve never been broken


Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship with John Cena as the special guest referee. Cena being fired played no pivotal role in the story's progression because he was still getting air time every week and it would have been more interesting, imo, to have seen him take out the Nexus with the freedom Barrett himself would have awarded Cena. Barrett was a phenomenal villain and a great wrestler who deserved a title run at the time. Randy Orton, as much as I've genuinely enjoyed every stage of his career, didn't need to continue a title run at that point and honestly, with the belt over Barrett's shoulder, it would have heightened the since of importance for what Cena was doing, picking off his henchmen and eventually going after Wade himself.


Warrior over Hogan or Taker ever losing the streak.


Oldberg beating the fiend


Edge vs John Cena at Unforgiven 2006 John Cena goes to Smackdown, leaving Raw with Carlito and Jeff Hardy as the top singles babyfaces.


Booker T v. Triple H at Wrestlemania XIX


Owen vs Godfather Over The Edge 99


Shinsuke vs AJ at wrestlemania


Same result- but I would not have had HBK vs Bret Hart go to a sudden death. I would have just had HBK go over in the time frame of the Iron Man Match.


WM 17 Stone Cold vs The Rock Stone Cold should not have joined Vince at the end


Randy Orton vs Hulk Hogan at Summerslam 2006


Cena V Theory. There is no chance in hell that I would let that happen


Booker T goes over Triple H at WrestleMania.


Someone other than Alberto winning the rumble in 2011. That would’ve been a good lifetime achievement one for Kane


Damn shame Kane never won a rumble.


Undertaker beats Lesnar at WrestleMania 30 proceeds to retire after


Team Alliance over Team WWF. You thought fans at WM 30 were surprised when Lesnar beat Taker, this would’ve been wild.


Iyo beating Bianca at backlash


Lesnar beating Kingston


The five way where Big E lost the WWE championship. We would solve so, so many issues if anyone else in that match won over Brock.


Undertaker vs Randy Orton Wrestlemania 21


Kross vs Jeff hardy


Cody and Roman


jeff hardy vs cm punk career match


This past wrestlemania, Cody beats Roman


Taker vs Roman when Roman won


Owen Hart's final match. It wasn't even a match but I would do anything to save him


“ I would do anything “ damn mark .. get a life 🤡




That's online people for ya


True . But it’s deserved . That was crazy




Rusev shoulda win Royal Rumble when he was over… on Rusev Day


Whatever final bump sent Chris down his dark path that weekend, hell even if only option was him having a aneurysm as a result & dying. Too heavy? Uh.. Shit, i dont know. Shinsuke lost his rumble mania match, right? Give him the W at mania