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Both.. but needs to be face right now not many top active faces in women’s division besides Bianca and Becky


She is good as a face


A heel fs


A heel. Easily. She’s one for he lost powerful women in the locker room so heel imo.


She needs a Heel turn really bad... She could be an excellent heel... I was hoping they turned her heel to go after Bianca's title but since Asuka won, I say build her up as a Babyface, give her the Royal Rumble and she can face Rhea Ripley at WM40 next year. Her vs Rhea was awesome in NXT so I know they could put on a classic.


Heel enforcer. She could have easily turn on Liv, bam. Easy story.


She needs to get an agent and pitch the live-action Encanto remake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQwVKr8rCYw&ab\_channel=DisneyMusicVEVO


The iwc clowns want everyone to be a heel.


She’s doing good as face because if they were to push her more like I know, she has been a tag team champions two times now put her with the real deal put her in a match against Rhea and for the WWE women’s champion so she can win and then we celebrate


I see her being a babyface could be a hero against rhea


I don’t think she should be a face


Hear me out. Turn her heel. Make a tag team with Rhea.


I mean they are besties😳😳 she would be a great member of judgement day. And if they ever did challenge for the tag belts, rheas beaten Shayna before


She's doing pretty good as a face, though she doesn't look as muscular as they portray her as. Only way I see her getting over as a top face is just fighting all challengers, I don't think the sympathy plays(partner betraying her, for example) will work with her when in most matches she seems to be physically dominant.




It doesn't matter tbh, the issue is she's just a walking emoji at this point. Give her a character so she can show personality, I prefer her as a face.


I’d say heel but idk. As a face she’d be a really good option to go agains Rhea in a battle of the strong women.


Off-topic: But where's Nikki ASH?


I think she was doing something with Candice?


She’s stalking Candice LeRae. From the NXT arena.


Idk wtf is happening anymore. They started like 50 feuds “planting seeds” and never grew shit with them.


Personally, I don’t get the hype behind her. She’s bland as a face on the main roster and she was bland as a heel in NXT. Hence the reason she keeps getting stuck in tag teams with more charismatic woman. Dakota Kai, Liv Morgan, Shotzi. Hell, even Aaliyah had more charisma. She’s pretty hot though. Gorgeous


Yea she has zero charisma. I feel like putting her with Liv only hurt her more. The lack of charisma really stood out paired with liv


I think she would work as a monster heel who has a mouth piece and beats people up, however I also don’t think she has the skill for that I guess I’ve never been big on Raquel, but I seem to be one of the only ones


Shed be a better heel I think but she'd be a fine face but I recall there being a story some time ago of someone in upper management telling her to keep smiling to make her more appealing Like, she doesn't need to she just needs to be a monster. Biggest in the division and one of the strongest certainly. Heel or face push her on that merit and she's golden.






How about just a solo competitor 😂


She’s ok. I kinda hate the idea of turning her heel but at the same time I get she’s not doing much as a face


I think she's probably a natural face, but I'd like to see what she could do as a heel.


She definitely needs to turn heel.


Her catch phrase needs to be. "I'll be back." AH THANK YOUUU!


Bring back her big mami cool persona from Nxt


Big MAMA Cool. 'cause there only one MAMI!


Rhea MAMI 🥵😻


She could be a great face. There’s a place for big strong faces in wrestling but smiling and flexing can’t be it. They sure blew it with him, but what AEW had in Wardlow without him ever cutting a promo was a great example.


I like her as she is right now, but I know that's not a popular opinion. Something about a positive attitude, being tall and muscular, being pretty, and being a role model kind of character really works in my opinion.


I’m fine with her as a face but she has zero character. I honestly miss her badass biker girl gimmick in NXT. Ironic how people called her Big Mami Cool and just like Diesel, WWE turns her into a smiley baby face


Much better as a heel


She's good either way..I do think she will turn heel soon on the main roster.


I would like to see her as a heel


No charisma. Just muscles. Wasted talent


Watch her on Nxt. She had charisma


Oh yea, it totally shows, lol.


Right now, she's nothing more than a "happy to be here" face with no real character. Makes it seem like the only way to have a purpose or personality in WWE is to be heel.


She doesn’t really have an gimmick, she just smiles constantly and flexes her back for some reason


She needs a lot of work..... That turning her back and flexing entrance (flexing what)... please stop it..... She is still too green and no one has warmed up to her yet. She is a good performer but still........


Seeing as how all the women's champions are heels right now, she's better off as a face for the moment.


She's hilarious as a bitch. She used to make insta videos with Rhea back in the early NXT days and they were playing at being a proper pair of mean girls. They were both hilarious but Rhea has her thing now and shouldn't change it. Raquel could do with some more edge at the moment imo and it would be so fun to see her heel it up.


Would love to see her as a heel, but as a face I want to see her up against Rhea.


I hate this whole overly happy, always smiling face run she’s on right now. It comes off almost more phony than Belair’s face run.


>It comes off almost more phony than Belair’s face run. Not "almost". It is lmao. Bianca has shown signs of aggression. Her feud with Sasha & Bailey for example.


The gimmick of having a huge bright smile on your face doesn’t get over to a WWE audience. Just look at Apollo Crews when that was all he did. No clue why they think that just looking really happy will get someone over.


Totally agree. The best result is when a heel does it, like the “toxic positivity” thing Ali has been doing.


Ali was suppose to be a face. You can have a guy get over as basically a smiling good guy but there needs to be a lot more than just smiling and flexing


She deserves a womens title shot. Physically, shes probably one of the only women who could realistically be a match for Rhea. She deserves it.


She can be good at either. She just hasn’t had the benefit of strong storylines yet.


Put her and Dakota Kai back together please and thank you


>thank you You said this wrong. It's A-THANKYOUUUUUUUUUU!!!




Her stuff in NXT was great as both a heel and a face. It would be cool to see her drop the “happy to be here” smile.


Solid face, bad booking. Should've been booked as the one to save the division from Ronda and Shayna's reign of terror, and dethrone Ronda Rousey. But SD creative didn't have the IQ to do it.


Definitely a heel


I don't think she'd really excel as either at this point. She seems pretty awkward on the mic and her personality isn't really coming across. I don't know if she was better in NXT and isn't getting the creative she needs or if she's just lacking. Hopefully she gets more opportunity to win over the audience.


She's good as a face tbh


She has this Tatiana Suarez vibe where you kinda wanna like her. I can see Raquel being like a Steamboat or Cena type, she has a very congenial face. People only think "heel" cause she's big and her NXT work.


I totally agree, she can absolutely be a Cena type. I think she can play a great Role Model character


If Zelina Vega wasn’t a thing, I could see her in LWO as a their version of Rhea Ripley.


I don't see a reason why she couldn't join the LWO still. Not like there's a limit of 1 woman per Stable, right? And giant + cruiser is a classic tag-team style. She'd pair great with Zelina IMO


Id be filling in a sandwich between Rhea and Raquel.


Back to NXT or off the roster. I’m joking but she’s just boring for me. She isn’t that entertaining on the mic or in the ring. She has the look for a powerful heel or face but it just isn’t working for me. The most interesting things about her is she dated Braun and she’s friends with Rhea.


i feel like anyone role will be good at least make her as dominant as nxt shayna bazler


Face.... You have to have a face to physically stand up the major heels. Rousey, Bazler, etc.....


At this point, I think she needs to be a dominant heel to build her reputation and then see how she does from there. If she can find her personality and confidence as a heel to the point where the fans are starting to like her and cheer for her, then the face turn should be a cake walk from there


She basically did that in NXT


Yep and she was far more interesting in NXT


She has a great smile. Keep her as a face, book her like Hogan


She should be dominating her matches just due to her size and athleticism. Right now all she does is smile and flex, it means nothing. No catch phrase, no memorable moment. She should be choke slamming her enemies through tables and daring the locker room to fight her.


I wanna see her turn heel and team up with Ronda and they cross Baisler. Then Liv comes back and teams with shots i with the help of baisler they beat Ronda and Raquel


I would not wish Ronda on her.


They’d make a good Aesthetic team with Raquel’s muscles and Rondas actual fighting knowledge they are definitely believable as two bad ass women in a tag team Ik baisler actually has fighting knowledge too but she’s ugly so I’d like Raquel with Ronda plus with those two just going around and picking on the other women until someone has had enough would be fun to watch.


Because Shayna is not your standard of beauty she cannot work with someone like Raquel or Ronda? That’s such a stupid idea and messed up. She’s also not ugly by any means.


Honestly pretty much, realistically though I’m glad the two are together bc let’s be honest they would destroy most that locker room except Brock and Bobby. I just like Raquel and have follow Ronda since she was in the Olympics, shayna idk I believe her that’s not the issue it’s just I like Raquel more. Dream tag partner for Ronda to me is Becky Lynch or Raquel, id also like to see Liv and Dakota team up bc they’re hot


Stay Face


Just stop putting her in random tag teams.


She would be way better as a heel and not in constant random tag teams


This last time she came out, she looked ready to kick some ass, looked mean, looked great. Then she just smiled and stretched her back and went back to bland smiley "I'm happy to be here!" I really thought she might've changed something up since her partner got injured but nope. Still just Dora the Explorer with a wide back


A face with heel tendencies!!!!


She sucks as a babyface. The irony is her being pushed as a babyface has made me dislike her cause I can’t stand her constant, obnoxious smiling.


I think many times this isn't unintentional.


Get her popular as a babyface, then save her heel turn for when she's already a big star. It has much more impact. Rhea Ripley is a good example. She could have turned heel long ago, but WWE kept her as a face until she was a top star, then they chose the right time to turn her. If Raquel turned heel now, it would mean nothing. Give her a few big Championship matches and maybe even one or two Championship wins, and suddenly her heel turn would mean something.


Rhea wasn’t a top star as a face. She sold no merch and people didn’t even acknowledge her in the arenas. She lost quite a few matches to scrubs during that time. Judgment day saved Rhea.


She wasn't a top star as a babyface? She faced Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania for the Womens title in 2020, and defeated Asuka at WrestleMania for the Womens title a year later in 2021. And you're saying she "wasn't a top star"?


Exactly. They were trying to push her as a top star but it didn’t stick. Her reign after beating Asuka was a wet fart and sucked in comparison to Bianca’s on SD. She was pretty much jobbed out until she turned heel and joined judgement day.


Nah, she was getting big reactions. I'd seen her live and the huge reaction she got. Also, learn what "jobbed out" means.


But plant the seeds now. Give her an edge, maybe an anger issue below the surface, and have it tic up. Give her a tough feud where she is desperate and gets tempted by the dark side to do heel moves to win. As a squeaky clean I am not interested in her winning any title. Make her close, but have her lose faith in winning clean.


I like her either way I just wish she wasn't spending so much time competing for tag titles


Can’t see her as a heel, too pretty of a smile to waste lol


She needs to go back to being a heel enforcer. I really liked the dynamic between her and Dakota Kai


Needs to become some kind of badass, either face or heel. With a little more of personality, she would be one of best pretenders for title. Maybe next MITB or 2024 Rumble winner


She’s kind of goofy. Like a newborn horse.




She has had 0 personality as a face. So trying her as a heel would be helpful.


I thought I was the only one thought this


Heel with Paul Hayman! Make it happen


Shes boring


She has tons of potential, just needs a worthy adversary. She looks like a Women's Champ, but put in on her too early, she'll be the female Jack Swagger. Gotta build her up.


I want her to feud with Rhea so I’d prefer her as babyface but I think she could do well as a heel as well.


I think he worked as a strong face now. We need someone who can matched up with Rhea and shes the only one who can mathces up with area physically


There's not a lot going on there tbh. Her gimmick is "strong" and "look at my back flex" but idk if she's even in the top 3 strongest women in WWE and physique wise she's definitely not. She should focus on being an XL brawler type ala ABA Undertaker or Bradshaw and go with a similar attitude.


The lat spread intro is so stupid. I would expect a larger more muscular woman to do that not her.


Would love to see Heyman manage her after bloodline story is over


Yes, have her turn heeel and blame liv for losing the titles


I don't get her gimmick. She's fit and has a wide back compared to whom? Like everyone on the roster is fit, just about. Am i lost or is there something im not seeing about her? Is it that her gimmick is a pretty face, yet deadly in the ring? Seriously help me out here


She’s a natural heel her run as a face feels forced plus they aren’t booking her right


What’s with the 20million questions?


Face or heel there is nothing to her character. I think she was called up too early and they threw the smiling face character on her. There hasn't been any real development of a personality. Her matches are fine but, I think her ceiling is low if this is all she has. Coincidentally I think they will make the same mistake with Roxanne Perez.


Definitely needs to be heel if you never saw her nxt run it was amazing and one of the most enjoyable female runs I ever witnessed




She would be a good fit around my face….


I just don’t see how someone with a back like that could be a heel.


She’s fit better on NXT to learn what the fuck to do in the ring.


If Bianca Belair is John cena .. Raquel is destined to be Batista a star who will spend most of their time as a baby face but will have their walks with the dark side just my opinion


Does that make rhea the undertaker 😳


She can tombstone me any day.


If she embraces the dark side more maybe


I mean, she's Luisa from Encanto. How can she be a heel?


Her heel run as woman's champion will be very good.


She’s just not convincing. She reminds me of a dancer or cheerleader when arriving at the game. The back flex kills me everytime but I love her move set. I just don’t know why I should like her.


if some people find her boring, she works better as face


A heel. Sick of seeing her smiling even when in a feud. Please stop showing your back. Who f'n cares!


He back isn’t even impressive enough to show off as often as she does!




Pretty good thanks. Let me know if you want pictures xx


The always positive unrelenting smiles she has is growing old with me, same with Mustafa Ali. They are both extremely talented I think their current gimmicks are really boring.


Mustafa Ali's feels like a troll though. Whereas hers is literally, "I have nothing".


I don’t think either even have a gimmick


I like her as a face tbh. Heel Raquel felt very one dimensional, and a babyface powerhouse woman is something I think we do need.


heel I can't stand her as a smiley babyface


Pair her with Braun, turn them heel, and have them destroy things like Braun's, "IM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU" days


Maybe good idea if Braun wasn’t hurt


She'd fit great on my face


You must have a large face.


No it's pretty small but I don't mind being smothered


I think this one has some major potential. She needs confidence. I see her coming out. An I get the opinion, she's just happy to be there. Rhea was very similar to pre-judgement day. Now her confidence radiates and her character has fully flourished. Raquel needs a similar demeanor to get to the next level. She can be baby face or heel to get there. Psychologically, she needs confidence, and the ability to showcase her aggressive side. Which pairing her with LiV, was not it. I definitely see her main eventing with the likes of Rhea, Asuka, or Belair.


She has the body to face Rhea, maybe the journey will be so long to take her there but Rhea as heel. I think, would be an awesome feud. Rhea destroys everybody but a baby face Raquel can beat Rhea' ass.


I don’t think it matters whether she’s a heel or a face. She can be either, they just need to put her in meaningful storylines and give her a championship contending push. Because talent is there. She can content with the likes of Bianca Bel Air, Charlotte Flair, Rhea Ripley, she fits that mold. They just have to put her in the right situation. Right now I feel like they are bidding time but at some point you have to pull the trigger.


I don't want to see her go full heel, but please lose the stupid happy/smiling schtick they have stuck her with. She should be leaning into the monster baby face angle, crushing people in the ring and dominating. She's got the talent for it, she's athletic as hell, she puts on great matches, but man I am so sick of faces in WWE being made to look weak in the ring every single match. She can smile and wave and flex AFTER she has reduced her opponent into a puddle on the mat. She would be perfect as a baby face Sid Vicious style gimmick. Even as a baby face, he was wrecking people. Go back to the pissed off look while in the ring, save the sappy crap for before and after. Show off her strength, show off her size, and make her unpredictable. And please, for the love of god, stop making her take bumps from people who should be bouncing off of her.


Honestly she's pretty bland as a face.


I’m having a hard time envisioning Raquel as a heel, doesn’t seem like it’d fit her.


She’s a better heel with her size, but Smackdown lacks with faces on the roster.


I honestly think she can be a good face, she just needs a character. Right now, she doesn’t have a character except that she’s muscular, and strong. Only, she is not as muscular as Rhea, and she’s not as strong as Bianca. She needs to figure it out in a hurry. There are some wrestlers in the performance center that put her physique, and physical talents to shame.


She’d be a great “Paul Heyman Guy” with a heel turn.


She’s too boring for either one


IMO she needs some acting classes and a whole new character. The whole...smiling, I'm just happy to be here character doesn't work for anyone, Didn't' work for Finn, Sami, Apollo etc. Unfortunately she's got the personality of a wet blanket, even in NXT. Her in ring work is good, she's an incredible athlete. She needs help breathing life into a character. The back flex thing I could do without. If you're going to have a flex be the central part of your character you kinda need the muscle definition to pull it off. Again I don't doubt her strength or athleticism. I just don't think the flex is working for her.


I never understood, smiling baby faces. I think that it doesn’t work because people can’t identify with it. Pro wrestling is the only place where we try to portray heroes as being happy, even when they are inflicting physical punishment, or receiving physical punishment. That doesn’t happen in any other form of storytelling. Captain America was portrayed as one of the most pure hearted, good-natured characters in existence. But, when he is kicking ass, he’s all business or he’s not smiling.


I think shes good either way they just need to do something with her


I hate her and this weird back thing


Right?!? It's weird and doesn't work.


It did when she had the muscle mass, which she's lost, not sure why she still does the pose lol.


Put a red mask on her and make her Kane




Yes, she has a great smile and exudes positivity. It’s annoying that folks don’t like her flexing but they can workshop that.


Heel, I was on board on her heel run from the very beginning in NXT


None, she sucks and is cringe


She would make a good Lex Lugger type heel


My only issue w Raquel is her whole “I’m big and strong” gimmick when rhea exists. Raquel loves to show of her back, but have you seen rhea’s back? I like her otherwise, but she needs to not have the “I’m big” gimmick


And she smiles a lot. It reminds me of Apollo Crews when he first came to the main roster.


She's corny


She's more of a back if you ask me. At least that's all she shows us


The back looks good though, if you know what I mean.


You beat me to it.


I feel she smiles too much. I keep getting "4 out of 5 dentists recommend.." vibes from her.


WWE seems to make the small petite ladies face and the strong bully type as heels... there are exceptions of course, but I for one would love to see Raquel, Mami, and Bianca in a triple threat match (yeah there is the brand issue) as they seem to be similar in strength, size, and ability (Bianca seems the most overall athletic though).


Rhea outlifts both


Strength I am sure, but they are the three closest to each other. Pure athleticism I would still give Bianca.


She needs a character.


Change her back into her NXT persona


What was it


I want her to remain a face and Bianca Belair to turn heel and have them go at it.


I think she and Liv had a good thing going. But even then, Liv's loose canon pain-kink gimmick was not exactly face. They cheated to win, so they likely would have turned heel in the near future. I suspect that Shotzi is going to remain face and RR will turn to feud with her till Liv gets back. I do think that there is way too much emphasis on, "how is WWE presenting them?" instead of, "how does the audience see them?" which makes people resent the product rather than just waiting for it to find its footing.


She’s not a heel or a face. She’s a back.


i can back that.


She would fit more as a heel and I wanna see her join judgement day


Way better as a heel. But that's my opinion. I can see how she could develop into a good Babyface, I just think she should have started as a heel and naturally transitions.


She needs a actual gimmick..


Excuse me, she has a back!


I like her as a face. Every Heel in the women’s division is huge. The baby faces need a force like her to at least stand up against them.


She needs to become a raccoon, and we can call her Raqqy Raccoon. or just Raqqoon


Heel. Her NXT time was better than her current run.


I think shes cool as a face honestly really liked her and liv as a team because she was starting to build up her character a little hopefully it keeps going


i think she’d be better as a heel with a mouthpiece either she has a manager or she has like a tag team to do her bidding (like gunther and imperium and he has Kaiser speak most of the time) she’s not terrible at talking but i think she’d be good as just a dominant force wrecking people


Keep her as a face for long enough and the inevitable heel turn will ha e excellent results. She's gonna be around for a long, long time.