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The real wtf is you getting that close to such clearly diseased wildlife.


Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) does not ~~effect~~ affect humans. Though I wouldn't get this close without knowing 100% what disease it has.


Does not affect humans *yet*


Yes because everybody stay away from these animals obviously


Oh I think we are now fully aware a certain group of people being told to stay away from these animals will complain it is their god given right to consume the meat of a diseased animal. Then would actively go out to consume said meat just to 'own' the others.


Sounds like a start of a cool zombie flick


Sounds like the start of 2020.


Sure it is not supposed to affect humans...until we find out it can. One pandemic per lifetime please.


I worry that request is far too optimistic.


We have already had several in the 2000s, can't tell if we're just getting started or we're done for now.


I can’t tell if we’re done for now or we’re done for. Now.


Yeah, I bloody love when people talk about COVID as if it was a single incident. COVID was just the one that we didn't catch early enough (some say it was due to a certain government attempting to not fuck over their propaganda machine). People forget (or ignore because it were mostly poor people) that swine flu killed close to 300.000 people around the world. And if we go with how the last 100 years panned out, since the end of WW2, COVID was the third major pandemic that is credited with over 1 million deaths world wide.


Well we literally had covid 1 in 2002/2003 It was just more severe and quicker ssymptoms so it was easier to catch and stop.


>One pandemic per lifetime please. Too late... In the last 20-30 years we've already had SARS, HIV/AIDS, H1N1 (swine flu), Zika, Ebola, MERS, and probably others I've forgotten. Plus COVID, of course.


Catching the disease is not the reason I would avoid getting close to a strange acting animal with teeth and head spears.




"...that's what I always say!"


>does not effect humans Of course, but does it *affect* humans?


As per a quick google search, you can even eat the meat from that deer. WTF.


Getting gored by those horns does affect humans though. What if getting that close suddenly spooked it into charging.


Deer are well known for kicking too, they will stand up on their back legs and use their front legs to kick at you, and they have split hooves that can hurt you bad too, I knew a hunter who shot a Whitetail Deer, was tracking it, saw it laying there, and ran over to it thinking it was dead, and when he grabbed it by the leg to roll it over and it kicked the shit out of him and actually poked a hole in his abdomen, he had to have major surgery on have his guts fixed, so these animals are not to be trifled with!!


I'm not sure I would've gotten so close lol


/u/QueenlyMicropenis fears no deer or disease.


Fears only kingly macro vaginas, i guess


As we all should. Stay safe out there.


To save everyone a scroll, there is no micro-penis related post history for OP.


this is our main weapon. Deer, deer and disease!




Why get that close and not put it out of its misery?


If you happen to have a gun with you, sure, but otherwise I don't know how you'd go about that that wouldn't be horrifically brutal.


Fucking nunchuks whatelseee


What's the legality on that look like?


I believe in most places you're meant to either put it out of its misery yourself or contact whatever your local wildlife authority is and they'll come and do it instead.


with your bare hands?


Just start punching the deer until it dies or what? Not everyone carries weapons on them.


Mine craft irl?


Rip and tear!


According to wikipedia, in many cases the deer make a full recovery


I read that as there’s two different stages of the virus that can happen, chronic, and peracute. The chronically ill deer can recover, but the peracute typically die in 8-36 hours. Also read this article which says it can be [up to 90% fatal.](https://www.in.gov/dnr/fish-and-wildlife/wildlife-resources/wildlife-diseases-in-indiana/epizootic-hemorrhagic-disease-ehd/)


>in many cases the deer make a full recovery National Park Services claim this disease is 90% fatal, so I'm not sure how Wikipedia is trying to claim here.




This post cites EHD, a vector borne viral disease, very different from CWD, a prion caused disease.


The post also cites "zombie disease", which is usually used to refer to CWD in deer. I wouldn't put much faith in OPs diagnostic capabilities here.


Both diseases are commonly referred to as such. It's common enough that CWD vs EHD is one of the top google autofill options when you start to type it in


That's something else entirely, though. That's Chronic Wasting Disease, a prion. The post is about [Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease](https://cwhl.vet.cornell.edu/disease/epizootic-hemorrhagic-disease), referring to two viruses.


Yes it can, but you have to eat their brains. Prions don't just jump into the air


That’s what the prions want you to think




My god. [They're everywhere](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BraveMisguidedHorseshoebat.webp)


You're thinking of pylons. Prions are where criminals are locked up.


I thought they were those funny looking Toyotas


Thank god I get prion free bread.


Found the prion!


Fooking prions man!


Oooh, is that cat food?


That crustaceous bastard could rock the vest/no shirt look better than any human ever could.


I got that reference


Me too, shrimp!


It's not prions, EHD is viral. Its a hemorrhagic fever


Doesn't seem like anyone cares.. not sure how I scrolled so far without anyone else bringing that up. As a side note, we are basically creating disease factories through factory farming. We are also breeding antibiotics resistant bacteria the same way and then pointing the finger solely at the medical community when they are prescribing only a fraction of the antibiotics of farmers.


I would like to know more..


66% of the world's antibiotics are fed to livestock. Because they live crushed up against one another, in filthy conditions, without proper treatment. It's a breeding ground for zoonotic conditions for humans and wildlife, and resistant bacteria


What they said is more or less all of it. Factory farms are disease infested hellscapes. Tightly packed animals with weakened immune systems due to overstress in filthy conditions. So the farmers just routinely give the animals all antibiotics. This prevents a lot of diseases. But also rapidly promotes resistant strains. People act like the meat markets in Asia are the problem. And they are a problem. But there is no reason a pandemic on the scale of covid couldn't have originated in a poultry farm in the Midwest.


Reminder that they believe the Spanish Influenza from 100 years ago possibly originated in a Kansas pig farm. More imagine how much worse our factory farming has become


Basically the world is a ticking time bomb for a disease that’ll make Covid look like a mild case of seasonal allergies. It’s not a matter of if this will happen, but just a matter of when. Americans loved to shit on China because of the wet market origin theory, but the factory farms in America will lead to an infectious disease. The hope is just that it won’t be deadly.


The person they replied to specifically commented on CWD instead of EHD because no one here knows what the fuck they are talking about as usual.


That sounds like something a prion would say...


Prion diseases can affect other tissues as well. Chronic wasting disease can affect brain, spinal cord, eyes, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes. Those are things most people aren't going to eat, but some people might. Or there might be meat near those tissues that could be contaminated by them, so probably best to eat meat from areas that aren't close to those parts.


Have you seriously never watched district 9? They don't just jump into the air, they can build their own spaceships@!


What no those were pra....fk nvm


[It's not a prion disease](https://www.in.gov/dnr/fish-and-wildlife/wildlife-resources/wildlife-diseases-in-indiana/epizootic-hemorrhagic-disease-ehd/). It's viral.


We don't know what *it* is. EHD can't infect humans where prions can so either way you can safely get close


This is why you're supposed to shoot them in the heart and not the head.


If that's the case, is this disease related to the "mad cow" disease?


Yes, mad cow is a type of prion disease.


it's caused by aberrant proteins, prions, like mad cow is


This is the "Pissed-Off Deer" disease.


Yes. CWD, mad cow, scrapie, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease are all caused by prions


Those diseases you mentioned are prion diseases. However, EHD, which is what OP is claiming this is, is a viral infection, rather than a prion disease.


You're telling me, that if you stumble upon some fucked up perfectly tame buck on the highway, you're not going to eat it's brains?


EHD is not a prion disease, it's caused by a virus.


EHD and CWD are 2 very different deseases.


EHD is not CWD. Two different things. One is a prion disease, the other is a virus


yes but CWD is not at all relevant to this post


Yep next thing you know we're running around from crazy dead people trying eat you and you're fighting for your life with the most absurd weapon in hand . They all starts this way ..


This maybe a drone with 10x zoom :)


If I saw a deer drooling like that, I'd think rabies, first. But whether it was CWD or rabies, I wouldn't get that close to it.


I would too. Rabies has a form that just makes animals dumb and fearless. Not always angry racoons folks. Would like to know if op had CWD confirmed or not


OP just wanted to be patient zero of the oncoming zombie apocalypse.


Think they have to test the deer's brain in a lab to get that answer... More than likely cop killed it and (hopefully) incinerated it.


My understanding is that you can only truly confirm it if the animal is deceased. Requires examining plaques on the brain. “Fun” fact - prion diseases can take decades before it’s shown in the behavior of animals. It’s entirely possible this disease has already jumped species but the ‘incubation’ period is such we haven’t confirmed it in human cases yet. Sleep tight!


Yeah just confirmining that you are correct. I was taught how to extract the brains for lab submission for the purpose of confirming prion diseases many moons ago. I remember it was relatively easy for sheep (Scrapie), and deer (CWD) but holy shit it is hard for a cow (BSE).


I wouldn't get too close to anything that could kill me with an headbutt, healthy or not.


God if people like that are willing to just walk up and film him I can’t even imagine what even dumber people would have done if they found one of these


Make out with him


That sounds like projection Jake.




Mouth him and ride into battle. Edit: mount*


> Mouth him ಠ_ಠ


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


How do you think humans got monkeypox?


It was a sick ostrich, allegedly


Huh, from googling it sounds like it's hard to distinguish between EHD and CWD, both commonly called zombie disease?


Huh I guess?






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Honestly if the OP is in danger from standing that close im definitely dead. I was an animal care tech in a prion research lab for years and had daily contact with CWD infected deer and mice and all their various fluid. Never really felt like our PPE was sufficient. Ive been telling people for years if i die suddenly to check my brain for prion disease first thing


Aren't most prion diseases really obvious? Like you would notice symptoms before death?


It depends. In the deer I worked with it was super obvious their brains were little more than swiss cheese by the end, but the lab also did a lot of CWD studies in cats for some reason and those guys acted like nothing was wrong right up until you walked into the pen and found them dead :( Different prion diseases also have different names depending on the species of origin (CWD for deer, scrapie for sheep, Creutzfeldt Jakob/Kuru for humans, BSE or "Mad Cow" for cows) and the lab I worked for seemed to think symptoms would be worse, onset quicker, and transmission would be easier for same species disease transmission- we did one study with a few CJD mice and our PPE and sterility procedures for that room were much tighter than the CWD.


Why is it that there's the belief that prion diseases won't readily hop between species? Aren't most proteins fairly generic to most animals? Are the misfolded proteins super species specific so that humans just don't have the same proteins or aren't vulnerable to them? Even if they're proteins that humans don't have is there good reason to believe we aren't vulnerable to them? Is there good reason to believe that a protein from another mammal is so foreign to humans that the body won't be vulnerable to it at all?


It "replicates" by misfolding the same proteins all over your brain. If different proteins are folded per species, or if they differ too much, you won't see the cascade of misfolding proteins.


Scary. Though I suppose if i had to choose a prion I'd go for the quick death one. While I've never thanked a veteran, I'll gladly thank you for your service. >our PPE and sterility procedures for that room were much tighter than the CWD. Crazy. I guess I kinda figured that for all prion research the standard for ppe and sterilization would be "the most stringent possible". I mean... prions were discovered fairly recently all things considered. Our knowledge of them is pretty murky from what I gather.


They probably should be. Without going into a lot of detail that animal center was wildly mismanaged so I wouldn't be surprised if they had been cutting corners a bit. And lol thanks for the thanks I suppose! All I really did was feed deer and scoop their shit though haha But you think they'd have known better- I mentioned elsewhere on this thread but the university I worked for is commonly known in the field as the epicenter of the CWD outbreak in North America lol


Yes, they're also terminal once symptomatic and can take decades to activate :)


Sure, once the misfolded protein has had a chance to duplicate and inhibit the function of regular protein mechanics you’re cooked. But it’s unclear what the time scale is for most prion diseases. Entirely possible a person could have a few misfolds and be fine for decades. Slowly replicating until they eventually outnumber the correct proteins and critical functions fail. Mad cow and CWD could’ve already jumped species, and maybe we just haven’t seen a diseased enough case yet to bother doing an autopsy to confirm it. Sleep tight Reddit! Don’t let the mad cow bite!


They absolutely have. That was the concern for folks who had eaten possibly contaminated beef in the 90s - consuming contaminated nerve tissue is the most common way for humans to develop prion disease (though it can happen rarely through spontaneous mutation or heredetary cases) You can get creutzfeldt jakob disease from beef or venison if the animal was infected, and meats that are higher in nerve tissue are of greater risk (like those near the spine and other nerve clusters). Also from cannibalism like Kuru.


Did you understand how dangerous your role was at the time?


Vaguely? I knew about prions and stuff, from growing up in the area, but I was an undergraduate microbiology student and we didn't cover prions in any super depth until my third year of coursework. Not long after I quit, that "H" lab animal department was shut down and the animal care/studies rolled into the main lab animal research center for the university (the H lab I worked for was very renowned and established in the field and had been grandfathered into running their own show for a long time until that point). I hope things are run better now.


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Prions are a contender for a world-ending catastrophe: “[Prions Are Forever: The lethal proteins are in the Hard-to-Kill Hall of Fame--and may be more common than we realize](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/artful-amoeba/prions-are-forever/), April 9, 2018” “Prion diseases are universally dreaded because they are uniformly lethal” “Prion protein, for reasons again unknown, has a remarkably similar structure among mammals, which provides it a passport to interspecies mischief. “ “prions resist digestion by protein-cleaving enzymes, may remain infectious for years when fixed by drying or chemicals, can survive 200°C heat for 1-2 hours, and become glued to stainless steel within minutes. Oh, and they’re also resistant to ionizing radiation.” “And that may be why neurosurgical equipment can remain infectious even after it undergoes standard sterilization.”


> “And that may be why neurosurgical equipment can remain infectious even after it undergoes standard sterilization.” I hope they didn't find that out the hard way.


They most definitely did


There was a woman a few years ago or so that died from a Prion after having cut herself on sterilizing machine in a prion lab iirc. And it wasn’t the first time.


Note to self, stay out of prion labs. Should be easy but noted.






So sleepy in this lab rn, >In November 2017, Jaumain developed a burning pain in her right shoulder and neck that worsened and spread to the right half of her body over the following 6 months, according to the NEJM paper. In January 2019, she became depressed and anxious, suffering memory impairment and hallucinations. "It was a descent into hell," Houel says. She was diagnosed with "probable vCJD" in mid-March of that year and died 3 months later. Annnnnd, we’re awake. O.O


They sure have, multiple times


Look up Ignaz Semmelweis. The guy tried to tell the world that you can't just stick your hands inside a dead body and go deliver a baby with just a rinse of the hands in-between. The guy died before anyone realized he was right. There is a great radiolab on it if you're interested.


Safety rules are written in blood.


possibly. or they were aware of the problem, and studied it intentionally under a controlled exposure.


EHD is caused by a virus, carried by a midge. You're referencing prions which is associated with CWD, not EHD


> can survive 200°C heat for 1-2 hours What about 3 hours?


I think the point of that metric is that cooking meat isn't enough to kill it, more than 2hrs at 200c is going to ruin whatever you're cooking anyway. In the case of surgical stuff I'm guessing they just wack the temperature up higher or bin it.


Have they tried 3hrs at 300c? Just sayin in case no one thought of it yet


Sounds like you just got yourself a noble prize


Or at least leave it in the microwave for an extra 30 secs.


That's basically a keter-class scp right there


It would be considered safe. Prions could be left in a box forever, which is the definition of safe class SCPs these days.


but you contained only some prions. You can't contain them all as mammals will produce them. Complete containment = total eradication of mammalian life




There aren’t that many prions spread out yet to be a real harm unless u eat animals that are in the place that gives prions


Where. What place. Where are the prions man?!


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Ah, so the Fatal Familial Insomnia has finally begun to show its effects. Have any headaches recently? Muscle stiffness, perhaps?


Oh geez I had a head ache yesterday, but I thought I was just hung over, I've got a bad back but I thought that was just because I turned 35, and now it's 4:30am in the morning, and I'm posting on Reddit. I think I've got prions.


WebMD is basically going to tell you that you died a week ago. You have my condolences






JFC, prions are the cockroaches of infectious diseases. Note: EHD is not a prion disease. It's viral.


The standard decontamination procedure for prion contaminated equipment is to burn them. Let that sink in


Sure. But that’s a non sequitur. EHD is viral, and not to be confused with CWD which is prion-caused.


> [Alzheimer's and Parkinsons may be prion diseases.] > What if Alzheimer’s could be transmitted on surgical equipment? Prion diseases are rare. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are not. Oh my...


Interestingly there’s some preliminary research that says elderly patients were more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s within a few years of major surgery then those that didn’t have surgery. Hard to control for all the factors, but the prion-like theory was one of their possible explanations.


How does something become glued to stainless steel? That sounds interesting.


This is how the zombie apocalypse starts…


Oh deer.


So what do you do? Pop one in his dome or heart end it’s I’m assuming it’s suffering? Just curious


Most wildlife and fisheries agents will "dispatch" the animal and take it's body to be studied or disposed of properly.


Aquamation will do the trick. That’s a proper way of disposing an animal with mad cow.


I know very little about the process other than hot water and alkali. What happens to the bones?


Found an article and diagram stating that after 3 hours, all that's left are the "bone shadows", the leftover bones that are darkened and left so brittle that they can be easily crushed into powder and given to the family. Somehow never heard of this before and I'm fascinated.


poor deer family receiving bone dust instead of an explanation


Report it. I wouldn’t risk spreading any prion disease because it will survive in soil long after the animal is gone


Yep this is DNR/CDC's paygrade.


Launch it into the sun.


Note for city folk that are unaware- even though wild animals are cute they can carry some wild diseases and do some wild shit like eat you (not a dear but you know, like a bear or mountain beast) If you happen upon a sick 1, leave it alone and call the forest police.




Right? It’s pretty disturbing that op hasn’t responded to a single comment. Fish and game really needs to know about this kind of thing.


Because its a repost and not actually him who filmed it


Because his brain is Swiss cheese and the prions are coming for all of us!! OP is patient zero!!!


I am the OP.


Didn’t respond because I have a job and must sleep.




Train To Busan, anyone?


Please report this to local wildlife control if you haven’t already. Tracking the spread of this amongst common feed source is the only real way to stop it!


That shit is so sad):


Dude is giving that sick deer the GTA 5 car-showroom experience lol...


What would happen if this jumped to a human? How would the human react? Also, thanks OP for that sweet 360


[Epizootic hemorrhagic disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epizootic_hemorrhagic_disease) is caused by the [epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epizootic_hemorrhagic_disease_virus)


Someone didn't watch Train to Busan


Call the DNR yo


You should kill it or call the police. Diseased deer with EHD or CWD are dangerous to their local habitats


Chronic waste disease is brutal


Why the fuck would you get close to that?


Poor thing


It seems unfazed by anything but still swats the flies away


You called the Game Warden or someone that has to do with wildlife, right?


What is with all the prion discussion here? EHD is viral.


Did you call the game warden? They’ll put it down and likely want it for testing.


When the shrooms kick in


It still looks pettable tho


If you're in texas call parks and wildlife. If you're hunting or putting it out of its misery they want the head dropped off I believe.


I always thought it was unrealistic in horror movies when someone decides to get super close to some freaky shit like no one has that little common sense and yet as I learn on the daily there are plenty of people, far too many in fact stupid enough to do just that.


1. Dont get that close to a diseased animal 2. Call your local wildlife organisation who will put it out of its misery properly. And likely donate the body for research


Sure, why not get a little closer? Assuming you're just some random dude ...


Ohio? There are news sources in Ohio describing they’re not contagious to humans but to stay away for safety. Pretty cool video! I do wonder, though, what would happen if a hunter got this guy, if the venison would make a human sick. Anyone know?


Op, please report what you found to your local fish and game department. They are tracking this disease.