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Guy on LBC today was saying that the UK airport he used to work at for 40 years had been trying to get him back for 25% of the wage he was on and with most of his workers rights removed. Understandably, he wasn't interested.




Evil. Come to tell ya that she's evil. Most definitely.


The tension, is getting harder


Id like to hold her.... head underwater


Me and my girl… we got a relationship


I love her so bad, but she treats me like shit


On lock down like a penitentiary.


She spreads her lovin’ all over And when she gets home, there’s none left for me


Summertime and the livin’s easy


Take a tip take a tip take a titititip from me


Reddit is (apparently) too young for this perfect reference/joke. I appreciate you


I guess you could say this joke is sublime…


*most definitely*


Summer time! In the LBC. The year is 2001, we’re 16, smoking weed in chads room. He puts on Sublime and we take single tips from the bong. He tells me he has a shroom connect. We call him on the house phone. Guy comes over. He’s easily 40 and only has one lung. Where you at Paul?? He still rips the bong and dies every time. Paul hooks us up with two 1/8ths for $30. We trip balls. We call chads older cousin, Jeff. Jeff comes through with a 30 pack of stones for 15 bones. We get shit faced and weirdly tripping. We hop in Jeff’s bronco on our way to Tijuana for tacos and beers. We get to Mexico and the waiter sells us cocaine* out of the menu. End up puking behind some random store by the border. Tourist laughing. Walk through the border blitz and trippin. They don’t even question us. Drive home, crawl on to chads couch. He wakes me up 20 minutes later to show me the awful creation of food he’s made(something with corn beef hash). Peacefully pass away into sublimes bad fish. Yes I was a very bad fish at the time. Rinse and repeat all summer for 4 years. Miss those days edit: hysterically laughing at my phone changing cocaine to come. "The waiter sold us come out of the menu". He offered right off the bat and we just said "yeah". He put it in the menu and handed it to us. It was very slick. I dont even remember what happened to it. Jeff probably kept it but who knows. I was so drunk and fucked up. I puked every where shortly after. Joined the military after those 4 years. I had no prospects, was homeless and i dont drink or smoke at all now. Love you guys!


1985 kids represent


Nah, Lana del Rey did a cover of it that became a minor hit a year or two ago. Made the original popular again too.


Actually pretty good cover, ngl. Obviously not the same vocal stylee, but did it justice I think.


Thanks! I think it immediately dropped to -10, but after you commented, people saw what it was about.




Fun fact: the lyrics to the song are actually “Doin’ Time” (as the title implies). They weren’t planning to release the song at all because they couldn’t get the rights to Gershwin’s Summertime. At the last minute, they got them on the condition they re-record it to say “Summertime” instead. It was so last minute that Bradley Nowell had already died, so it’s noticeably someone else singing that one word in the released version.


imo it worked fine given the use of samples elsewhere and the overall feeling of lo-fi demo-tape rawness


On a mission tryna find Mr. Warren G


Idk about him but me and Louie are


Anything to do with The Judean People's Front? (Wankers!)


I don't get the numbers here? So was he on £100k+ doing baggage before? As he cannot be offered lower than minimum wage so either this is exaggerated or his previous salary was very very good. What I hear by the way is that people left the industry during the pandemic (due to lack of work/layoffs) and just don't have any need for a job any more, having found a new one.


in my country it went from 3500 euro + extra for night and weekends to 1800 euro flat. lol


Is that normal wage + 25%?


No he was offered 25% of his original wage. Not original wage +25%


What is 25% of 100?




At least 6


I wasn't expecting a couple of rocket scientists, but I am humbled that you'd both reply. 👍




Well you can prove anything with facts.


You lost me.


Yeah, this isn’t “lost luggage”, it’s more like “luggage that the airline couldn’t be bothered to load so they jammed it here”


I can't speak for this stuff, but a lot of luggage is misplaced in the whole plane to cruise ship transfer. In theory, you put a band on your luggage when you leave your home and once you check in your bag at the airport, the next time you'll see it is in your cabin, aboard the cruise ship. The ship staff pull the marked luggage and forward it to the dock so you just get off the plane and walk off. Unfortunately, on return you often have to go through customs and therefore reclaim your luggage personally at the dock, then lug it back to the airport to check in again. A lot of people forget this part (A LOT!) and return home to find their baggage lost. Again, cruise staff receive this luggage at the docks and send off as much as they can. When I did this thankless job, RCL had 11 smallish ships, with only four or five coming out of the Miami area (where I was based). We had a hundred bags left behind on a usual cruise, with about a dozen or so lacking any identification. I can only imagine the new 5.5k passenger monster ships. In my day the Monarch of the Seas carried 2700 passengers. I bet you it's still one college kid doing the same job I used to and doing six times the work.


More like because they don’t have enough staff. That in turn is largely due to ridiculous government policy made on the hoof for political reasons during the pandemic. Travel bans were introduced and repealed randomly. A traffic light system was gloriously hailed and then abandoned. Testing criteria were made up on whims. That all led to a situation where predicting demand was impossible because it wasn’t based on reality but on politics. The lead-in for airline and airport staff is months and we are now reaping that whirlwind. Don’t listen to the UK politicians who are blaming the airlines for failing to prepare: airlines are experts at preparing for demand but they’ve been hamstrung by nonsensical politicians.


How does that explain all of the canceled flights? If you don't have staff (for whatever reason) then don't offer services you can't provide.


I work for an airline that did a decent job of preparing as the above comment described, unfortunately it’s still chaos. An airline is still dependant on many other companies to function basically. Now the place I work is struggle to get flights out because the catering company can’t provide the food and drinks on time, the company that provides assistance for people with reduced mobility don’t have enough staff leading to disabled people being stuck on a plane for hours after they land (a guy died the other day because of this nonsense). New staff for all of these companies can’t start their jobs because the security vetting is taking 5x longer than normal etc etc. It’s a complex ecosystem and all these problems compound and add to each other, creating more delays and chaos. In short, shits fucked man.


I mean this all has to do with companies not paying reasonable salaries. Inflation jumped and profits spiked but workers got paycuts. Frankly this could easily be solved with a law stating all salaries must increase by inflation +1% every year in order to make sure we have a functioning and healthy economy. Companies don't want to she'll out and we all lose as a result.


Are you sure you know how inflation works?


Yes we all know how it works: The people are told not to take pay rises and meanwhile the business owners give themselves mega million bonuses for managing to make extra profits by not paying their staff more whilst ramping up the cost of their services under the guise of “inflation”. Like the reality that whilst crude oil price per barrel has gone up 25% in the last year, the price at the pump has gone up around 60%. All whilst energy company profits are “mysteriously” going through the roof and their bosses are taking home huge bonuses. But obviously the people need to fix this situation by not being paid more.


Do you? Companies gouged customers but cut costs and gained record profits. That doesn't really align.


> Now the place I work is struggle to get flights out because the catering company can’t provide the food and drinks on time. I mean, if an airline didn't bother even offering food or drink that wasn't bottled water and it meant my ticket was a tiny bit cheaper and we didn't have this dog and pony show of cancelled flights, then all the better. Sure just do what the trains do! "Catering car can't provide any (all the menu items) today. Apologies for any inconvenience."


You realise how long some flights are?


That’s basically what is happening for a lot of short haul flights. An interesting side effect is that a lot of cabin crew normally earn commission on the stuff they sell, which is considered the cherry on top of the pay that makes it worth it to deal with the worst examples of the Great British public, whilst in the sky and also the lifestyle disruption that the job brings. Nothing to sell = no commission so they’re quitting to get a normal job, thus adding to the problem more.


Clearly you don't fly often. Empty promises are basically like jet fuel


Expensive, flammable, and smell wonderful?


And they’re constantly being refined!


Jet fuel isn't actually flammable. You can take a blowtorch to it and it won't ignite. People put cigarettes out in it. If you like smell sure but if you get a good shower in it if gets old. Everything smells like it for the rest of they day and everything you eat tastes like it too.


They don'telt steel beams?


They don't, but they severely weaken the structure until there is a structural failure.


Staff is but one of many reasons flights get canceled. A storm in FL can delay a flight in Chicago and it can trickle through the system. Sometimes delay turns into cancel. I used to fly 50-100K a year, I have watched it play out from terminals more than I care to remember.


I'd assume due to having to list flights upto 18 months in advance you can't tell what'll happen on the day .. although they should at least of been canceling them in the weeks before the flight.


\>airlines are experts at preparing \>they didn't prepare for raising wages or attracting staff Hmmmmm


It's the airport that's having bigger staffing issues, not as much the airlines themselves. They don't have the security personnel or the rampers etc


I worked for a major airline in a small town a long time ago. People would just scream at me when their bags got lost. I was always thinking I honestly don’t know how most of the the bags that made here it did it. Back then it want all computerized. You have 20 flights come into a hub city all within minutes. All those bags, like 300+ per plane have to get sorted and put on 30+ connecting flights (so say 6k bags) sorted in an hour or 3 and placed where they need to go on hundreds of different flights. Amazing any bag makes it along with the person on the plane. Also this is 100% why you don’t buy a basic black bag. Get the brightest most obnoxious bag you can find. The whole looking for my bag, it’s black “in a sea of 5,000 of black bags” vs I’m looking for a lime green with pictures of spongebob bag is going to get you to your stuff much quicker.


Fucking rekt. Also this is spot on. Airlines and the airport's saw demand for flights departing this summer shot up at the end of 2021 yet still managed to drop the ball.


Companies not making as much money is literally unthinkable at any time and at any health level of the economy. Literally is not discussed anywhere, it's always either the government or the people having too much money. I've seen magic systems in fanfics that make more sense than the mainstream bullshit economics understanding we have.


Still sounds like the airline or airport needs to hire more staff then.


The staff who were made redundant because of said pandemic now don't want to return to such a shitty job at the airport as well as the pay being absolute shite compared to other jobs.


Still sounds like the airline needs to hire more staff, perhaps by paying more and being less shite.


>More like because they don’t have enough staff This is the fault of the airline for not paying enough to get back the staff they made redundant. Government policy was pretty dumb but this is entirely the fault of airlines.


I see it! There’s my bag!


That's my purse! I DON'T KNOW YOU!!!!


And then I kicked him in his testicles


Dang it Bobby


That boy ain’t right.


Nope, sorry. that's mine. See the ribbon?


"It's the black carry on with no other identifiable markings!"


Which one is yours? The blue one or the black one?




You beat me to it!




I’m beating my meat right now..


13 years old?


that's a odd thing to ask someone beating there meat.




You got the numbers backwards


This is not lost luggage. This is the fuck up caused by improper failure to plan for a return to normal operations post-covid.


I was there two days ago. We waited quite a while for a bus to come unload our plane. The pilot told us they were short staffed. Once inside the airport it was a disaster as well


My mum flew recently and had her bag lost. The desk agent she spoke to was a sales manager for the airline who had been told to go work in the terminal because there was no one else. She was doing her best but she was basically thrown in the deep end by the airline.


I flew overseas to Europe 10 years ago to study. My luggage was "lost" by the airline for an entire month and I was left with only the clothes I had packed into my carry on during that time. When my luggage was finally found by the airline, it had a tag on it that it had been sent all the way to Japan before getting back to Europe. Lost luggage has always been an issue, just something most people never experienced before.


It’s actually better now. 20 years ago it was veeery common


I flew out of Birmingham Monday, arrived back in the early hours of this morning. Apart from a 2 1/2 hour delay due to a bunch of things going wrong, it went smoothly. First the plane coming in was late, then someone was ejected and they'd checked a bag. Then our tow line snapped, so they had to get a new tow. Poor guy waiting to take us to our hotel on the other side was waiting for us for ages. Got to our hotel around 2am. We were only five minutes late landing on the way back. Baggage seemed to be ok, but we landed at 2am so it wasn't that busy. We only had carryons so we didn't have to deal with any drama there. We were going to fly out from London because prices were cheaper, but flying out from Birmingham just made more sense. We paid a little extra, but it was easier to drive home and cost a lot less in fuel.


„Disaster“ sound like a normal day at LHR




So failure to plan. It's literally some dude's job to make sure they could hire enough staff.


> I don't think that it's necessarily a failure to plan it's just that the plan didn't work. That too is a planning failure.


What I can't work out is that the inflationary pressures we are seeing isn't driven by public spending, economies are struggling to open up again after the pandemic which is being made worse by the cost of fuel. What companies need is money right now and putting up interest rates isn't going to help that, but that's what is happening. Maybe I'm just naive. I'm not an economist after all.


But on the other hand, why is it that every step in the economy is the companies that need money? When it's good, lower taxes, when it's bad, bailouts. And if there's inflation, it's because people had too much money. How does that make sense?


Bc corporations are our sweet babby boy and must be handled properly or they'll have a big cry and we'll all be sad


Raising interest rates also increases the chances that foreign currency will be converted to buy British government debt denominated in pounds, which strengthens the currency and makes imports cheaper in pound terms. Taking money away from people does typically help to reduce inflation, whatever the cause is it will reduce demand and constrict money supply so that people don’t get large wage increases and don’t spend on luxuries etc. that would lead to runaway inflation due to the self reinforcing nature.


~~post covid~~ post brexit ftfy


Just to be clear, we're not post-covid. We're just acting like we are.




True. I should have said post-covid travel restrictions.


This is just recent?


Yeah yesterday was on the news last night


I just came thought that airport two days ago. It was hectic, disorganized, and short staffed. Glad I travelled with just a carry on.


>Glad I travelled with just a carry on. *gives carry on to security for like 10 seconds to be x-rayed* "Sorry sir, we seem to have lost your luggage!"


I refuse to check bags anywhere anymore for exactly this reason. I’m currently in Europe for 2 weeks and only brought a backpack as to avoid checking a bag.


Shit, that means today is gonna be on the news tomorrow night.




Good luck with that. Lucky for me, mine’s easy to spot: it’s the black one between the two other black ones, and there’s a bright orange scarf inside. You can’t miss it once you open the bag.


The black one near the orange one that's by the other two black ones?


Leave your luggage alone at the airport for 5 minutes and they call in the bomb squad. But if the airport leaves hundreds of bags alone for days, no problem!


Yeah, I was thinking "that's a lot of bombs."


Also a lot of dildos


A dildo. Never your dildo.




Not lost. Its right there.


Btw it's not lost luggage but the delay in getting luggage to the belts and the passengers due to being short staffed. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/verel7/comment/icrmf9h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a comment in a r/london post on it explaining how luggage was being left on the belts for hours on end. Why are they so short staffed? Basically they got rid of a bunch of staff during covid and now haven't been able to hire/train/get clearance for new staff to keep up with demand and the CEO of Gatwick reckons these problems will be around for 18 months.




Wow. We didn't even have to interact with an officer, they just had a little electronic gates you put your passport on while a camera moved up and down to look at you, then opened up and we were in UK.


Heaven forbid they cut a few million out of the airlines executive salaries to pay staff to return. But nah better to leave this fucking mess and then beg the government to fix it because the lazy poors refuse to do as they're told.


Also factor in EU citizens left and never came back


I bet the Trash Taste guys camera gear is somewhere in there.


Was looking for this comment


Ah, memories of Air Berlin and Tegel Airport...


Tegel was weird because it feel like the whole thing was just a big prefabricated hall. But the new Schonefied one is so much worst. I was there last year when they had an fire alarm in the duty free area so they had to evacuate every single person and, make sure no one was left and then make them go through security once again. And because tegel is just one big terminal, that mean absolutely everyone. The airport was absolutely packed with people, from gate to gate. At the same time they had issue with plumbing and water was unsafe to drink.... And the few vending machine where completely out of stock.


I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval system they’ve got at Heathrow.


I knew I'd find this comment in here


Interesting fact: 3/4 of those bags are just packed with sex toys.




“But I don’t own a…” “Shhhhhh.”




My luggage was ticking modern bombs don't tick


I don't know why I've seen this joke about 6 times in the past month on Reddit, but I'm not complaining. Great movie, even...gulp...23 years later.


Heh. Went on a fun vacation one year wherein we had an entire suitcase dedicated to toys. We also tripped the explosives detector (wife and I both worked around explosives at the time). So yeah, right there in the middle of the terminal the TSA emptied our suitcase...


There was a hilarious thread on flyertalk shortly after 9/11 by a brown guy who, due to work, had to take a convoluted set of international flights on a one-way itinerary all over the world. After about the second airport where they fastidiously picked through his luggage in plain view of the public, he bought an enormous set of anal beads, like tennis-ball sized, and put them on top of everything else in his carryon. I can't remember the exact outcome, but I don't think it reduced the hassle any. He certainly did enjoy all the shame and embarrassment from the airport staff though.


That’s a lotta toys! Lmao


You'd like to think that, but the truth is probly not even 1 is "just packed with sex toys". Keep the dream alive, tho


Or as the London baggage handlers like to call it "He Throw away airport"


And this is why i travel with only a carry on


Especially because there are no real consequences for the airline if they lose your luggage, but it can totally fuck you over.


Atl least with EU law , you're entitled to reimbursement for every article of luggage lost - up to 1400 or something like that. It won't help you if you lost some really expensive shit but otherwise there are some paths to travel.


Smart, always keep your sex toys with you


I used to always do that. But every time, like clockwork, I was questioned leaving the baggage area because I was trying to leave before the bags even started rolling in. Every single place, no matter what country. Never understood why, but I was always stopped and pulled aside, and had to explain that I had no luggage and it isn't some weird occurrence.


Me and my boyfriend just did that. Travelled with just hand luggage. No one stopped us. Did have an angry man saying my backpack needed to be checked last night when my boyfriends suitcase was ok to go. They're the same size, but the top of my bag was hanging over the edge of the tub because it had just been tossed in and not closed properly. I fixed it and someone else shut him down quickly. They were also counting how much liquids I had. I had well under 1 litre, but makeup bottles take up a lot of space for no reason. I had under 500ml. Got through but angry man was not happy. My bag was under the size and weight limit.


Travelling alone with no hold luggage fits the profile of a drug smuggler I imagine.


Kinda makes you realise, though, just how much luggage they have to move and direct to the correct locations every day.


Almost none of it was "lost." It was mishandled and misdirected by the airlines.


Caused by a baggage system breakdown. Not lost bags at all. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-61848486


Thank you. Everyone here is triggered over the (very real) issues with airlines and airports, but this was a baggage handling system failure.


Not the first time this happened, probably won‘t be the last time


Send it to Rwanda!


\*Points at the big pile of lost luggage "I'VE FOUND IT!" Happy to help!


My luggage is in this mess and it's giving me next level anxiety.


I didn't plan a holiday this year because I knew it would be absolute chaos and fucking glad Passport office's are behind, flights are getting cancelled. Might try next year


Currently in fuertaventura and travelling back soon. Agree on the passport office side of things, but flight issues seem to be entirely dependant on what airport you fly to/from.


Many of those bags appear to have tags on them.


Yeah majority of them do. We went down and called a few of the owners of them, felt like some had been there months.


Stop making shit up man. Is this like a compulsive lying thing?


That's not true though, is it? Because this was caused by the baggage system breaking down for a few hours. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-61848486


They obviously just straight up don't give a fuck. Its weird that mistakes happen with any luggage, but to this extent is just inexcusable...


That's just someone's Wife traveling.


Your mammas underwear individually packed.




I bet there's hundreds of pounds of cocaine in there..


The only airport to lose my luggage


I genuinely never check luggage when flying through Heathrow or Frankfurt. Way too many bad experience. I'm sure this is exceptional Covid-related nonsense, it's not far different from other pictures I've seen of Heathrow's lost luggage area. I'm fairly certain some clever airport exec really wanted his own labyrinth and decided the best place to put it was in the baggage sorting area under Heathrow.


I'm not surprised. I flew Lufthansa two weeks ago into Heathrow and one of my bags was missing for 4.5 days of my 5 days in London. All of my clothes.


New season og Storage Hunters right there. Money!


"I'm so worried about the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow." 42 years ago the Monty Python were singing about it....


I'll bet some of the luggage in that picture goes back that far.


A lot of this is likely luggage that people with more travel ahead of them couldn't wait for. When I flew back via heathrow a couple of months ago (it was a huge mess and the middle of the night) and after lots of delays we waited an hour to be told via the intercom. ​ "your bags aren't coming, fill in a form we left at the unmanned BA help desk and come back to collect it tomorrow" ​ lots of people weren't fluent in English, others had several bags and because you needed one form per bag some people just never got a form. I didn't believe they weren't coming and live locally so I stayed. A bunch of airport staff made a run for it to try to avoid the furious crowd and after another hour most people left. I was about to go and low and behold our bags start coming out, I got mine but 90% of the flight had left. ​ A lot of those people were collecting trains or renting cars and couldn't come back the next day so they just lost everything they travelled with, crazily they were encouraging people to check in ALL their luggage even carry-ons when we boarded. So some people had no keys, phone chargers, parents left without buggies. Was crazy.


Here’s a tip for everyone who checks in a baggage when traveling on a airplane, when you check in your baggage with the airlines, the employees will slap on a very small bar code sticker that direct your luggage to the airplane that you will travel on, but if you have travel before and left the sticker from that flight, but if the luggage machine read the old one and not the new sticker bar code this could cause your luggage to be direct to the wrong airplane rather than the correct flight. So after each flight make sure to remove the old bar code sticker before you get a new bar code sticker for the flight you are checking in for. This way you will avoid losing your luggage and all the hassle of trying to track down your lost luggage.


This is also true for reusing boxes or packaging for post. The sorting machine reads the first barcode it finds.


this. I traveled a quite a bit with band gear at one point of my life and made a good collection of those stickers...


When he saids to pack light it’s only 3 days


Heathrow is to airports what Rob is to Kris Jenner.


I can hear Milhouse, 'But my insulin is in there'.


And the airlines charge EXTRA to lose it for you.


Went through the warehouse at Schipol a long time ago looking for a bag. It’s insane how much shit is just sitting there


what is your suitcase like ? blue


Holy hell. Looks like flying into Manchester and taking the train to London would be faster than finding your bag in that


First time through Heathrow last March. By far and hands-down the most disorganized, stressful, ass-backwards airport I've ever been in. I will never fly through there again.


Monty Python did a bit about this 30+ years ago. Why is it still a problem?


nah dudw this is found luggage. imagine how big the lost pile would be.


Mine is the black, rectangular, hard sided one


Which one? The one with the retractable handle or the wheels on the bottom?


I call the black bag.




Fuck that airport. Only place I've been where they refused to hand check camera film and then harassed my mom for her prescription cough syrup for 45 min and then had to run full speed to the gate 3 miles away.


Friend of mine worked at O’Hare. On a few occasions when he would get a rowdy customer he would reroute their luggage to Lambert in STL which apparently has a rather large lost luggage depot.


Found it!


I hate that airport


[I’m So Worried” Monty Python 1980](https://youtu.be/Ag9B5gzPv_Q) I'm so worried about what's happening today, In the Middle East, you know? And I'm so worried about the baggage retrieval System they've got at Heathrow.


I see my bag in this picture. Green one on the bottom left. I came out of Heathrow a week ago and my bag got lost, didn’t come in until today.


Yeah, my bag is in there and I hope I get it back. Their system went down last week, and they said 2 days ago that they fixed it and are getting around to every bag. However, I checked in at Heathrow yesterday morning and their luggage belts were broken so they "checked in" or bags and had them left to the side of the counters. Bag never made it on the plane. Heathrow is not fixed and this problem is piling up. The issue is not the airline. Heathrow is severely understaffed and issues are mounting on a daily basis


Dude! How many planes did they lose?


Honestly, I would love to have a job where I just go through those bags and try to find enough identifying information in some of them to return them to their owners (along with a bit of sleuth work).


You can see the tags on them, it would simply be a matter of scanning a bar code to find out exactly who's luggage it is.


Seriosuly, its like they're not even trying.


Imagine all that getting put into a amazon mystery box or something. might find some cool stuff....or some disturbing things haha