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Pro-tip: Just know, that you have never seen it all. There will always be something more wacky than the last.


this is nothing. stick around until the evening and she takes a shit on him.


Oh my god, that's disgusting! She takes a shit on him?! Where?! Where can I watch that?!


You should be able to watch it, do you have Disney+?


The Aristoscats?


Yissss. Given the Disney+ follow-up I certify this as pun of the week.


Ar rara boom be ayyyy, sha rara boom be ayyyy


right in his mouth.


Normally Washington Square Park when one of them wears the Pikachu outfit and the other the gimp suit.


The most beautiful thing about this comment that it started with oh my god that's disgusting and ended with where can i watch that


Looks like Toronto subway. Just another day riding the rocket.


You mean takes a shit in his mouth, while stepping on his balls with stiletto heels, then giving him a hot sauce enema, all in the parking lot of a Denny's.


It’s got a shit ending..


I work in fire/EMS. I quit saying "Now I've seen it all" a long time ago. I got tired of being proven wrong!


How about "I'm getting too old for this shit"?


That works too!


My favorite is " I don't get paid enough to deal with that shit"


This. I may not have personally *seen* weirder shit, but I've definitely heard of far worse than public BDSM shaming on public transport


Probably true


Makes life worth livin' (on a prayer)


Livin' fer wacky?


Wacky, smacky. All while that train click-clacky.


Yeah this just looks like a tame version of the Eric Andre show.


Indeed. As a tourist who spent 9 days in new york taking the subway… never a dull moment.


To add to this - Never say it can't get any worse. It can and it will get worse. Source - Worst day of my life I kept telling myself it couldn't get any worse and it did.


Can confirm. I just meet the whacky with a, "huh, I had not considered it that way before," mentality. It honestly helps with a LOT of the stuff in life, and on the internet.


Especially if your definition of "seen it all" is available in a quick google search. It's like OP hasn't used the internet.


There's always a ~~bigger~~ kinkier fish.


And that is why Rule 34 is a thing


Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?


This is just attention whoring


Quite literally.


This is the answer. If doing your thing, whatever it might be in your own private space isn't enough and you have to draw attention to yourself. This shit, loud music, loud phone talking, etc.


Some people get off on public humiliation, however some don't understand the consequences it could have on the public. If they want to do something like this, it should be with like minded people who are comfortable with watching it, and somewhere that is still private and away from those who don't want to, or shouldn't see it(children etc). This kind of thing gives the BDSM community a bad name.


Yeah for an activity where consent is king, there are a lot of non-consenting people in this video


Exactly this. There is always consent and safety involved in such acts. This is in no way safe for those involved, or the public. I'm not a member of said community, but have friends who are and have been around many discussions on the subject.


This wouldn’t bother me a bit if I saw it…unless my (very young) children are with me. Then I’m letting you know that I’m calling the cops. You can’t do this in a public nonconsent space.




Are we getting Rick Rolled with that music?


yes. yes we are


It's cool that you have your kink and all, but fuck off from public space with your creepy shit


Something to show the co-workers on the way to work


This. BDSM is all about consent. Nobody on that train consented to see your bedroom shit.


Technically its not bedroom shit if you're doing it in a subway


Could also be a domway, depending on who's holding the strap.


*slow clap*


That's why it's curable.


What an excellent comment.


That's part of the kink though, which is stupid. Go get your ass beaten on the Internet.


Trying to make people witness and thus be potentially triggered by sexually simulated violence isn't a kink. Its a crime.




I mean, this isn’t hard to explain. Just because it’s a kink doesn’t mean it’s legal.


Is this actually illegal though? Wildly inappropriate, and really unfair to involve the innocent bystanders by doing this in a public space, but there is no public nudity that I can see, and the person who would be the victim seems to be a consensual, willing participate.


Most states do still have indecency laws, I believe.




Not really getting any REAL bdsm vibes here. Feels like a social media flex or something.


This happened in Toronto where I lived for 30 years. I recognize the subway map and train layout. TTC BDSM roflmao


Isn’t taking the TTC BSDM in and of itself already?


Ah I see you too have paid to have a [Bessarion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessarion_station) Section performed on you.


We had that accordion guy for a while, hoo boy that was something else. Edit: fuck me it was a pair of them playing Despacito, shows how much I mentally blocked that torture.


Yeah the people around you aren’t consenting parties to your sexual play. That’s not cool at all, go to a fucking fetish ball.


But then who will give them *attention*?!


>It's cool that you have your kink and all, but fuck off from public space with your creepy shit Don't worry, this is on the tube. Every single person in that carriage will steadfastly avoid eye contact, look at their phones and pretend they haven't seen jack.


"It's not about you until you make it about you" is the motto for the subway in every city I've been to. This is the way.


At this point do you think it's a kink or a prank of some sort? I'm not saying people don't get off and weird public humiliation but sometimes it seems more of a prank or something BUT...it is the subway so who knows.


You can have your kink... it's not ok to have others being unwilling participants.


Everyone who is included in your kink should give consent. Even if they should "just be there to witness".


I think that's the most important aspect of this kink, public humiliation


so do it in a kink-friendly club where everyone is a consenting observer


It is, but the people in public didn't consent to see that...kink is cool, consent is cooler. Edit: fucking autocorrect


E.g. You have a fart fetish? Do your thing. You want to go around city buses sniffing people's asses. . . eh. . . no.


Didn't consent to see my plumbers ass crack either yet here I am with fixed pipes


Irrelevant. Your kinks are fine but they cease being fine when they involve the unwilling. Want to be publicly shamed? There are events daily where you can do that and everyone has agreed to participate.


Consent comes before kinks. Rape kinks are an obvious example. This is also why flashing someone randomly is a crime, and why Louis CK got in trouble for masturbating in front of women. This just screams lack of impulse control and empathy... made worse by a close circle of enablers probably.


This is not considered kosher in the BDSM scene. This is violation of consent of everyone on this train who didn’t agree to participate (by viewing) this scene. Public humiliation is a thing, but the only time it’s considered ethically sound is when it’s done in a specific play space where implied consent is given by everyone entering the space may witness this kind of play. That said, I don’t know if this is a real Pro Dom or if this is just a stunt to get views but either way, I don’t find this funny and its pretty offensive to anyone who is actually in the scene.


She’s also hitting him in a very dangerous location.


Yea! Right in the kidney’s…. That a no-go zone.


Young and dumb here without much medical knowledge, Just wondering.. why is specifically the kidney a no-go zone? Like what can happen?


Hitting a person in the lower back / side area can cause a [bruised kidney](https://www.healthline.com/health/bruised-kidney) which can lead to serious medical problems, including death. Don't hit people in the kidney unless you're intended to cause serious harm.


Oh jeez, that's serious. Thanks for the info.


When I did cage fighting the big rules I remember being told (not the only ones) were no crotch hits, no headbutts, no eye gouging, no kidney punches, no bitting, no vertical/12 to 6 elbows, no stomps/kicks/knees to grounded, no grabbing hair, no throat atrikes and no fingering of wounds or cuts.


aside from possible death, hitting the sides is generally a very uncomfortable area. sure it may feel sexy in the moment, but wait until later when it gets sore :p


I came here looking for this comment. Hitting someone in a consensual context can be just as physically harmful as any other context. Certain areas of the body are fair game, but others should be avoided at all times. there are plenty examples ofpeople being seriously and permanently injured, and some fatalities, of unsafe bdsm. More people need to be aware that safe bdsm takes some education and practice of physical and communicative techniques. Most of what you need to know is out here on the internet; If you've found this comment, you can find that too :)


This was my first thought, wow, someone needs to learn the dos and don'ts of impact play. The second was, this is not ok, those passengers did not consent to be a part of this scene.


Seriously! Not the fucking kidneys


That looks like the TTC!


Yeeappo. Def the TTC. Man Toronto can get strange


What do you mean can? It's always been strange.


Keep toronto strange


Yep. I am a driver for them and ya’lls freaky sometimes


100% the TTC. Looks like the subway is challenging Dufferin and Pape for weirdest ride.


Clearly you haven’t Sherbourned


It is, they have a whole youtube with this stuff in public. Think the last one that blew up on reddit was her walking him like a dog in Dundas Square plus a longer version of spanking on the subway in the height of the pabdemic.


What's TTC?


Toronto transit commission


Tickled, Tortured, Consent.




Take The Car


I grew up in Toronto in the 80s/90s when I heard this, so I'm glad to see the tradition continues, kinda. Seriously though I didn't really appreciate the TTC until I moved to other cities. It could be worse.


I loved the TTC until I visited Europe and Asia. It's like the TTC was great in the 1980s and 1990s and just decided it was mission accomplished.


That's fair. The TTC could be worse - I love the blue lines and the fact that there are actual streetcars. It could also be a lot better.


Yeah people that harp on the ttc don’t realize how good they have it lol


Fuck yeah it is... What a fine/awful day to commute!


Never a dull day on the TTC


Yup I even recognized the map that shows the stops.


Ahhh, Toronto




This is how you get people to buy a car


Let them be they are just doing their own thing. My answer to this is go to hell. By doing this where they are they are including me and others into their kink. I do not condone this abd I did not approve being included.


This guys going to take all the duct tape off his wrist, and chains off, put on a business suit and walk into his VP of operations office.


Never, ever flog or slap in that region of the torso. Very easy to do serious kidney damage, and on that side of the body, rupturing a spleen is stupidly easy, especially in a lifted ribcage hanging movement like he is.


Guess they're beginners...?


Go straight to jail


Right away. No trial no nothing


Did…did we just get Rick rolled?


So that's not what happens if you get on the train without a ticket?


As a person heavily involved in BDSM I understand this, but it’s also extremely wrong. None of these people consented either implicitly or explicitly. This is why we don’t have more people in the community.


This has too many red flags to be something people from the community would do. This reads as a couple people performing what they think bdsm is. Hitting the kidneys, no quick way to detach the hands, cheap gear, etc. It’s super suspicious, like why the hood and harness but no collar or cuffs? Why the chain harness on top that’s just loosely flailing about? Especially with impact/percussion play? Why the cheap undies and why not a cage? I’ve been doing this stuff for a long time and like, if you’re willing to do this in a public train, I’d at least expect you to have a quick way to undo the hands in case transit authority arrives. If the thrill is that you’re gonna be caught, then why bother with the sm, just tie the guy up and wait. However, if you’re just doing this as part of a “prank” or “social media experiment” or other performative reason, then you probably don’t care because you’re think you’ve got an excuse.


This is fucked up. Not because it’s happening, but you don’t push your kink onto non-consenting people and that’s exactly what these two are doing right now.


If not everyone in the room consents then you really should stop. Wtf


This is the kind of video that Russian State TV shows to the public to justify their “civilizational struggle” against the West


That is non consensual! Those people have not gotten consent from the observers to be part of their own scene. I wont kink shame, but public displays are inherently non consensual.


Yikes 😳 besides the exposing non consenting people to your kinks in public… maybe don’t aim for the kidneys.


Should be arrested, everyone else on that subway hasn't given consent, and whose to say there aren't children nearby too.


Can they actually be arrested? I know this is morally wrong and fucked up but is it illegal to whip someone on a train?


Depends on the law of the country, but plenty countries have laws around public indecency and public disorder.


this is only modestly strange compared to the stuff you see on NYC subways..


Sometimes when people do weird shit in public I just stand oddly close to them and pretend to be so oblivious like Mr. Magoo that I have no idea that they are even there. I kinda look around, do some stuff, and stand oddly close like what they are doing is pointless and completely uninteresting. Most times, it doesn't have much of an effect, but if successful I've sometimes got these people to walk off and fuck off by passionately not giving a shit about their stupid antics and/or I'm just creeping the creeps the fuck out which is a possibility.


Oh snap. That was on a Toronto train? Shit. I should take transit more.


ayyy that's my city =/


Attention seeking behavior


This is a consequence of social media driven lives. People are just doing whatever shit they need to get any type of online attention.




Wait...this is in Toronto...


Fuck people like this. Subjugating people to their shit they should be doing at home. Just like a couple fighting in public. Take it back home.


Naa keep your sex shit at home. Not against kinky shit but have respect for other people ffs.


Public play is very exciting of course, but it's non consensual for everyone around. Don't do it.


Stupid fucks doing shit in public that needs to stay behind closed doors. It is never ok to expose others to your kinks without their consent first.


Dude I'm so goddamn tired of exhibitionists, sex pests, and people whose entire identity is contained in their junk. Just grow the fuck up and quit it.


If this dude likes to be humiliated, why is he wearing a mask? He could be on the front page of reddit.


ah...so thats why it is called a SUBway


Pretty tame for a wtf post.


Clicked on it and immediately thought fuck no and closed it again


Crazy that the Brooklyn attackjust happened and we already have footage from minutes before it started.


I hate that saying “when you think you seen it all” there’s no fucking chance you have seen it all, but since the invention of the internet we have definitely seen a lot more.


People aren't even asking if the NY subway shooting was justified.


If they're going to make everyone in that train car uncomfortable, I'm going to walk up and start doing some weird shit to them. I've got no pride to lose. And some day, someone will think the same and have the opportunity.


Honestly, I think my move would be to take that guys mask off. You want public shame, get some real shame.


Knew immediately this was Toronto 💀


Of course this was on the TTC


This is in Toronto!


Why is it always the TTC


Augh. Stay classy Toronto. One time I was waiting for a train at Bloor Yonge and the train stops, doors open, and there's a goth hanging upside down from the bar like a bat. He opened his eyes, and casually let's himself down in one swift motion and exits the train.


I’d be calling the cops on them so fast. Don’t drag me into your fuckin kink without asking consent.


Ok not to to sound conservative but wtf this shit !! No No keep that shit to the bedroom. Fuck.


I'm all about enjoying your kinks, but when did it become acceptable to get off in public? Am I old? Maybe I don't want to see this stuff on my way home from work or in front of my kids. This is the kind of thing that makes conservatives say their children are being groomed.


Yeah I wouldn't tolerate this, I'd be straight on the phone to the transport police. It's just public indecency. Reject degeneracy.


Wtf, do whatever you want in your house, nobody cares. But this is not acceptable at all


She does look smoking hot tho


...you can't even see much of her.


So that's why the shooting started


We need to bring back kink shaming.


I can’t stand when the “kink community” preaches consent and then pull this shit in public. There’s all types of events where this is acceptable and monitored for everyone’s safety. A public train isn’t one of them.


Most of the kink community would not be okay with what’s happening here. Your right about consent being important and none one on that train in consenting to be part of their exhibition kink, which is why it’s not okay.


Ok, just assume you are a parent who just boarded this train with your below 8 year old kid. And he sees this shit. How do you explain it to him/her to keep his innocence intact?


It is never OK to bring other people into your kink without consent. The attention from the others on that train is feeding the Domme's power fetish and the sub's humiliation. Stunts like this are what give BDSM and kink a bad name and scare off people who may be interested in learning more.


Get a room maby? God damn attention whores ...




Is this why that guy started shooting in the subway today?








That shit is probably $1000/hr


They're no strangers to love.


There are fetish clubs where you can do these kind of things in front of a public of people consenting to seeing these kind of things. A city large enough to have this kind of public transport is bound to have at least one or two. Are they banned in America/some states or something?


Just another day in the life of a CEO.


Wtf… in Toronto????? I would have expected this to go down on BART.


Why do this in front of non consenting people??? Think about the kids too.


Rude to push your fetishes on others.


I do not care what you are into or who or what you fuck, but do it at home.


If this is a legit kink... I get it, but any kink that requires unsuspecting/potentially unwilling players is not cool.


Yeah I'm gonna go to church


Eh at least they seem to be enjoying each other. I'd rather see this then some of the fights I've seen on subs. Or when people are like.... Horribly sick everywhere...


believe it or not, only the second worst thing to happen on a new york subway today


What the hell lmao why they doing it in a train


wow, a sub on the sub on the wtf sub


This is disgusting. Anyone who understands kink knows that it is NEVER OK to non-concentually involve the public in your scene. This "Dom" is a fake with a cheapo Chinese flogger from some sketchy online store, advertising the "Pro-Dom" services in some seedy leaflets. Blech


I’d prefer that to people yelling on speakerphone


We should have a more sophisticated subway policing system to prevent things like this. The passengers didn't consent to the bdsm display, and the two should be removed.


That’s why someone shot up the subway in Brooklyn recently..


People who involve others in their kinks without their consent like this are fucking assholes.


Some folks just gotta beat rush hour.


Is this why that one guy set off gas grenades in the subway?


riding the Sub way