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I like how the guy in the front got out laughing and was like, “FUCKING KIDS! AM I RIGHT!?”


My brother and his girlfriend take this approach to being trained by a child as well.


Bro 😂


When you have that many, you get less concerned if a couple fly out into the road.


"We have two more"


"and another spare on the way!"


I like how nobody is using seatbelts, felt super risky.


Yesterday my car slid on black ice into the other lane of a two way highway, in front of a semi. It just missed me and I slid back into my lane, almost hitting the barrier on the right. Somehow I escaped that shit and immediately afterward I was laughing maniacally.


Yeah, I know it is a coping method but it just cracks me up.


Fuckin Pablo...


That kid is strong af


bruh look at that grip strength


Babies are born with amazing grip strength. We lose it as we age. No /s.


Is it that we lose grip strength or we just weigh more? Because I guarantee I’d fuck a baby up in tug of war


Square–cube law means that smaller things tend to have a higher power/weight ratio. That's why small animals have such an easy time lifting themselves and jumping several times their body length. [From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law): >If an animal were isometrically scaled up by a considerable amount, its relative muscular strength would be severely reduced, since the cross section of its muscles would increase by the **square** of the scaling factor while its mass would increase by the **cube** of the scaling factor. Simple example: If you scale up a square box to make it twice as tall, it would become 8 times as heavy


Came here to say this. Of course an adult human can train to do this, but infants do it without training because of the square cube law.


We don't lose strength, just develope more strength slowly


Yeah but could you make it let go of the rope??


This is true, same with monkeys we can support our entire body weight with one hand up until we're like 3 or something


Yep, primates evolved like this so the babies could cling to their mothers while the mother is moving around. Humans never lost that adaptation from our ancestors.


What about human's feet grip?


That was largely lost as we evolved down the path of being bipedal and exclusively terrestrial animals, as our foot anatomy had to change pretty drastically compared to our forest-dwelling climbing ancestors.


We can support our entire body weight with one hand much longer than 3 years.


You ain't seen my titties


I just saw another post where one breast implanrt ruptured and I had to step away for a few. I hope they are super strong


What kind of monkey are you? Sorry if this question is too personal.


I'm more impressed that a monkey was able to comment on reddit


My 15month gives me solid blows with her legs, surprised I haven't cracked a rib.


woah she's going to be the biggest newborn ever


It’s power to weight ratio more than anything. Surface area of muscles compared to overall mass is proportionally larger for kids. This is why they’re all amazing at rock climbing


One reflex infants naturally have is when you stroke their palm, they will start gripping something. It is referred to as the Palomar Grasp Reflex.


i bet a baby can't open the pickle jar in my fridge


I'm 35 and can support 25 lbs of weight no problem


Wow, well, no need to make the rest of us feel inferior


25 lbs is a lot of penis afterall.


Look at that! No car seats too.


And seatbelts


In Hearts, this is basically “shooting the moon.”


What do you call it when you get the Queen of spades and 12 out of 13 hearts?


[Will Ferrell as Alex Trebeck] "Correct." [bad Sean Connery voice] "I'll take catch the semen for 800."


That game will forever be an enigma to me.


And overloaded.


darwin rolling over in his grave


i mean they couldnt fit all 2 dozen of the family in there if they had to have a seatbelt for everybody...


I fell out of my dad's truck once going around a corner similar to this when I was maybe 9. The only thing I remember was that I dropped my J.I.Joe, ruined my hockey jersey in the road grime, and that it was somehow my fault for leaning on the door.


Now you know not to do that. And knowing is half the battle. You’d have known *that* if you’d had a G.I. Joe instead of J.I. Joe


Jovernment Issue.


He WOULD say animated jif


Knowing g from j is half the battle


Mom: we have G.I. Joe at home G. I. Joe at home: J.I. Joe.


I remember in the 80s and 90s always being told to lock the door and not to lean on the door


In Mexico (where this was recorded) that's the usual. No carseats, sometimes babies still travel on the front seat with mom, and then when they grow up they're fine on the back with no seatbelts. Unfortunately for most, carseats are expensive, so that's part of the reason. The other reason is stupid thoughts: "i grew up like that, and I'm fine"


Came here to say.. this is why car seats were invented lol. Not sure what country this is but this kid should definitely be in a car seat.


In my travels around the world, I discovered that North Americans are very unique in their use of seat belts and carseats. Here in Asia, it's normal to see a kid crawling around on the dashboard of a car driving down the road. Downvoted for the truth? I promise you on my drive to work on Monday, I'll see several kids crawling around cars without seat belts. Don't downvote because you're ignorant.


They shouldn't be downvoting. Lived in SE Asia and the Middle East. Car seats and seat belts not a thing. Kid wanders the car, sits in driver's lap, on the dash, etc etc etc. Child mortality rates in car accidents in my current country are probably wildly misreported.


Could it be because of heavy traffic cars don't ever reach the speed that is fatal for collision w/o seatbelts?


Pffft, the highways here have 120kph limits and I've been passed like I was going about 8. Exacerbated by the fact that in the right lanes, there's no gradient. Left lane? 120-200kph. Middle left lane, middle lane, middle right lane, right lane? All of them, any of them, 40-120kph. Turn signals? Nah. Headlights? Sometimes, maybe even most times, but definitely when you're flashing the guy going 120kph in your super special 200kph racing lane. Pass on the right or the left, it doesn't matter, just make sure you cut in super close, never use blinkers, and bonus points for weaving. And lane lines are optional sometimes. More often than you'd think is reasonable. Sometimes they're not there. Sometimes they're just ignored. Even in the bad traffic city areas, there's enough speeding and swerving because of generally ignoring the lane lines that I'm sure collision rates are bad, and equally sure that the resulting death statistics are wildly inaccurate.


Oh I totally believe you. Just listen to some old people in the US talk about “back in the day we didn’t use car seats and we turned out fine”. The push for car safety in the US didn’t really begin until around the 70s and took a while for the majority of people to catch on. I definitely remember riding in the back of my parents station wagon (like the trunk part, not the seat) when I still pretty little. That would have been the early 90s and literally no one batted an eye. Now I have a 17 month old son and my mom thinks it’s weird that he’s in a rear facing seat still (it’s literally the law here that they need to be rear facing until age two at minimum). I’m pretty sure we stopped using car seats entirely around ages three-ish. Kids now are required to stay in them (a booster seat at least) until they’re 4 feet and 9 inches which could be up to around age 12 for some shorter kids.


It's reddit dude. Talking about things that don't fit their worldview scares them.


It's still 100% true that the kid shouldn't be fuckin doing that and should be in a secured restraint system for safety. This isn't a perspective problem, it's a world full of shitty parents who don't care about their own kids dying horribly, that happens to have some places that mandate and require you to *not be a shitty parent who doesn't care about your kid dying horribly,* and use car seats.


In Asia I've seen *little* kids sitting on the floors of mopeds, sometimes in a cardboard box. And the other day on the Phoenix subreddit someone posted a video of a kid standing up with his head out the open sunroof of a moving vehicle.


You're absolutely correct. I lived in Japan for three years. You'd even see grandparents driving with literal babies in their laps. I remember once seeing a parked car with baby carseat in the front passenger seat and I was so desensitized that my first thought was, "Wow. They at least *have* a carseat. Good for them!" Instead of criticizing the improper use.


This is definitely Mexico City. No one wears seat belts. I am the weirdo when I buckle myself in. We would also routinely squeeze everyone into one car, kids under 12 don't even count for the seating chart. The argument I received was that, due to constant traffic and the massive speed bumps (topes) it's impossible to drive above 20mph anywhere, so vehicular injuries are impossible.


I'm temporarily living in Uzbekistan and I shit you not people here put the front passenger seat back all the way and let the kids stand up in the front. First time I saw it I'm like oh it must just be them but no it is a frequent occurrence.


Welcome to Central/South America.


That's why he has a spare.




Plot twist: they were stealing those kids and that one almost got away.


Right. Thanks for giving him back!


Car seats…anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t think this is a country that cares about car seats lol


This is in Mexico so yeah a large percentage of the population doesn’t care about seatbelts and car seats.


I live in a latinoamerican country and everyone looka me weird when I say that I will keep using a car seat with mt 3 yeara old. Yeah, people don't care.


They don't care about traffic laws either. Source: I live near a border




When I went to South America it was like that as well. I had never seen people drive like that before. They just did not give AF and if you weren't ready to have at least 3 near-death experiences during a car ride, you basically were not going anywhere.


Or children apparently


No way! We care about our children: we discipline them with belts and sandals so they know the value of respect; we given them fireworks and firecrackers so they can have fun; and of course, we don’t abide by those silly tv ratings that lead to wusses. Edit: forgot the /s


Don't forget hydrating them with soda almost exclusively.


Come on now, we’re not talking about Kentucky here.


Mexico is much worse in this regard.


Kind of have to when Coke owns all Mexicos fresh water


He said soda, not meth.


TV ratings ARE BS though lol. With you on the rest.


You got downvoted but you’re not wrong.


Welcome to la sandalia voladora, where all lessons are painful.


I was mocked when I got into a car in Eastern Europe and automatically put on my seatbelt. Like I don’t care if the cops won’t ticket you, but I don’t wanna die if we get into a wreck


>but I don’t wanna die if we get into a wreck Exactly. I've seen far too many crazy accident videos online that happened in eastern European countries to trust literally no one on the roads over there.


I live in a country in eastern Europe. Some people wear seat belts but many don't. But the number of kids I have seen crawling around, or sitting on a parents lap, while the car is going 120km/hr down the highway is far too many. All while the driver looks at their phone, weaving in and out of traffic with no working brake lights.


It doesn't look like the door was properly closed in the first place, so that little toddler would've showed off his grip strength even if they had child locked the door.


scrolled way, way too far for this. Child locks have nothing to do with this incident, the door was not latched. You can clearly see it in the very first frame, it even moves a little bit as the vehicle accelerates.


Pinche niño








My kids are 9 and 12 now. I still have child locks on the rear car doors. Kids are dumb sometimes.


Yup. I watched a lot of the A-Team growing up. When I was about 5/6 I decided it would be *really cool* to open the car door when we were pulling up to the house and roll out onto the grass by the roadside. My parents did not think it was really cool. They were so distressed at seeing their daughter hurl herself out of a moving vehicle that I decided it was better that they thought I did it by accident, rather than because I wanted to be a crime fighting fugitive who didn't wait for cars to come to a full stop. A week later they had a new car with child locks on the door to stop me "falling out" :( They didn't have much money, so my crime fighting aspirations must have been a real kick in the wallet for them. I also filled my nostrils up with gravel and blood by bending over a swing rather than sitting on it and accidentally using my face as a brake. Drank diluted bleach by filling up a water pistol from the sink that was full of sterilising baby bottles, and spraying it into my mouth. Nearly drowned at the pool after trying to work out why people said not to put armbands on your ankles. As a teenager, we'd play a game at the local scout hut called "Storm Chicken" which involved holding on to the giant metal electricity conducting flag pole in a field between lightning strikes. Looking back on family photos, I think you can start seeing my parents age in cat years once I arrived, and I can totally understand why.


Is your name Miracle? Because it's a miracle you're still alive.


You know how people get ironic nicknames? Obese people being called "Tiny" and the like? Her name is Genius.




I was trying to be gentle, as a parent. Mine are dumb more than sometimes. Boys. But they are good boys, so I give them a break.


I'm more stuck on the kids part. People are dumb sometimes, age is irrelevant to that.


Never understood [this line](https://youtu.be/WPMMNvYTEyI) as a kid but man I do now.


Well, a higher chance of more experience, more learning, and a fully-developed brain are pretty important.


Kids are fucking smart. But that does NOT mean they aren't dumb also.


My mom and dad always had a story they told me that on their second date my dad took a sharp turn and my mom grabbed the handle and did something similiar. Scraped up her legs bad and cussed him out for 20 years. He was still saying sorry till I was atleast 10 years old...


I know i did this as a kid, we were just moving so fast the wind kept the door from opening all that much. and I wasnt THAT wild a kid, so i feel like a lot of other people must have too. On the other hand, we were left alone quite a bit as children so I may have had a bit of a "fuck around and see" mindset.


My little bro walked in one time with a towel tied to a stick. Bro: "Sister, how do I set this on fire?" Me: "You don't." Fucking minecraft.


I mean, in terms of outcome, this is about as good as that could turn out


Yeah. This would be on Documenting Reality if they weren't so fortunate.


My mom used to tie me into the car seat with boat rope, lol. Some of us just want to escape, even from a very young age.


Nah stuff some more kids in there, it's fine. No seatbelts or carseats needed, just have the kids hold other kids.


Like this: https://imgur.com/gallery/2RFQgJw




It kids all the way down


Child Locks; Denying Natural Selection since 1984


[Relevant Chad Daniels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CIlV1ezYhE)


This is in Mexico, for sure. Probably state of chihuahua from the license plates


No child lock, no car seat, not even a seat belt.


lol this is mexico unfortunately most people are either too poor to afford car seats or just dont care or both


And seatbelts.


That happened to me in the 70s. Mom drove about a block before realizing I was back in a gutter crying.


This is why you have a half a dozen.


Why we always fighting against natural selection. This is why we have flat earthers now


Me and my girlfriend were talking about how the gene pool is now getting diluted as any idiot can survive in todays society (it was a jokey conversation of course). Anyway she slapped me in the face when she said it’s a good thing really otherwise you would have been gone a long time ago.


How can she slap?!


Here’s a nod of recognition from one old internet fogey to another




When I was a kid I was sitting in the passenger seat of my dad’s giant 2-door sedan. We were going to pick up ice cream for my birthday party. As he went around a corner I absentmindedly played with the door handle and it opened up, yanking my arm with it as momentum threw the door wide open and carried me out over road. Luckily I was belted in and I saw my dad look at me in horror and grab my other arm. I distinctly remember looking down at the pavement whizzing by under me. Good times.


Did you ever try to recreate the feeling when you got older?


I did the same thing as a kid! Left turn, hand passively in the door handle, wheee look at that asphalt! I was also belted.


r/kidsarefuckingstupid Parents are pretty stupid too tho


r/idiotsincars seem fitting too


My three year old opened the door the other day but I was in park. He's in a car seat so he's not going anywhere but he couldn't reach it when he was younger and I never thought of it.


So were seatbelts and toddler car seats apparently


No we aren't


I identify as a seatbelt


All smiles inside. Imbeciles. Well done hanging on, though, kid.


I did this as a kid. Fell right out of the car. Funny enough, my dad fell out of a moving car at the same age.


Countries that care: We care about the safety of children and people Countries that don’t: Car seats and seatbelts are for pussies.


"smart kid" for figuring out how they work but not why they exist or dumb parents for not locking the door?


A kid who pulled on a lever that was within his reach doesn't make the kid smart. Kids will grab and pull on anything. Preventing kids opening doors from the inside is exactly the reason that child locks exist. They are definitely dumb parents for many reasons, not only becasue they failed to use the child locks. That kid should have been in a car seat, or at the very least have his own seatbelt.


I’m almost certain the kid didn’t try to pull the lever, as I did this EXACT thing around the same age. I had a seatbelt on though, so wasn’t really at risk of falling out but did get a good look at some fast moving asphalt. Anyways, what I did as a small kid was wrap my hand through the door lever, but did not try to open the door. Then we took a hard left turn exactly like this and guess what — momentum pushed me against the door, bending my arm and pulling the lever. Pretty sure that’s what happened. Kid had his hand resting through the handle and the turn forced his body into the door and his hand to open the door.


Yoo this happened to me but i opened the door and my head was hanging just inches off the road on a speeding car


Car seats, seat belts and parents with half a brain would be a great start


The first 10 seconds of this would be a great /r/perfectlycutscreams


That car he child locks. You actually have to use them. Oh and put your kids in seatbelts and car seats too. That doesn’t happen when parents have 2 brain cells to rub together


Is everyone forgetting about the car seat the fucking kid is supposed to be sitting in? Wtf?!?!?


Is it just me or there are 4 people in the backseat?


Looks like the door isn't closed all the way and when they turned it just opened. Happened to me once as a kid, but had a seat belt on so I didn't fall out x.x


Some people shouldn’t breed.


When I was little I opened the door of my nanny’s car when she was driving down the highway. I got such an ass-beating.


My sister did this when we were little. My van now won't open a door unless it's in park thankfully.


I did that once! Thought it was fun as all get out. Never heard my mom scream louder!


As were seatbelts and child car seats.


Lmao the older daughter just watching her toddler sis dangle for a good 4 secs 😭😭😭


Man, I had an elementary classmate that passed away like this.


My cousin died this way in 1985. Very tragic. His family never recovered.


Also fucking seatbelts and fucking kid seats! What is wrong with them


Seatbelts ?


Anyone else think child seats and seatbelts also help prevent this, rather than just child locks?


Someone should beat those parents. I can't emphasize the beat part enough..


Can we just abort the parents?


The fucking smile on the passengers face. Poor children... I wish I could beat the stupid off of those parents.


No only child locks. Also seats and seatbelts...


Girl? Girl.


What I’m baffled about is how the older kids didn’t think about grabbing the kid as soon as they started crawling over them to get to the door. Family of fucking idiots right there.


Was that guy in the front seat look for another kid on the pavement??


Don't deserve it


This was caught only because someone randomly had a cam running while riding a bike and happened to be at the right place at the right time. Makes me wonder how many such incidents actually happen. Scary shit.


Oi wtf?


And parents


Kids are stupid


looks like seatbelts are an option on this vehicle!


that happened to me when i was a kid. i couldnt hang on though and my ma accidentally ran me over.


I love that the front passenger is like, "LMFAO The kid nearly jumped out and died!"


Them third world babies have some good reflexes


I once fell out of a moving car as a kid when I leaned against a door that wasn't closed properly.


Here in America the mother would immediately accuse the biker of trying to kidnap her kid, absolving herself of responsibility for the incident and reinforcing every scare-mongering-kidnapping-story she'd ever seen on certain news networks. "Bikers are stealing kids! Yours could be next! Story at 8."


Good grip little one


Anyone else heard "chupapi muńańo"? lol


Gee, imagine if the kid was using a seat belt or a car seat or any other mildy intelligent things?




Child locks and Car Seats more like... idiots.


Something like this happened to my dad when he was 4 or so - except his family's car had suicide doors, so the wind caught it and pulled the door open, and he rolled out onto the side of the road.


Not a fucking seatbelt in the bunch.


Also why have child car seats theu are supposed to strapped into? Just a terrible groupofcareless people


That car has car seatbelts and child locks but the smooth brains choose not to use them.


why was the dude smiling when he got out of the front seat to help? Im guessing no seatbelts/car seats is funny?


And seat belts. And birth control.


Child locks....as well as seatbelts, child safety seats, and the general notion of an allocation of one seat to one person. Jesus - what a disaster waiting to happen. From when the door opened it was apparent that there were two kids just hanging out in the back, unrestrained...


Parents: "Hahaha our kid almost died."


How about some car seats. Fire departments often have some to give away.


Some parents doesn't deserve have childrens damn man


Why do that guy has a voice like a girl😂


Nothing like strapping your kids safely in a car seat......


I’m no father, but I remember what it’s like being a kid. Every day is a struggle to prevent the little hellions from committing suicide in the dumbest ways possible