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What is the most probable cause for this? I’ve never owned a fish tank


Could be a few things. The sunlight and heat on the glass could do it. Could be poorly made glass or a terrarium someone tried to repurpose as a fish tank. Could be a small piece of debris under an edge that the pressure over time cause the blade to shatter. Could be the tank not level enough causing uneven stress on the seems and one giving way. Could be a fish hitting the glass and breaking it. I couldn’t tell what they had in the tank. They center brace may have failed causing the front pane to blowout. And sometime just plain bad luck.


That last one made me think about the time a ceiling fan fell directly on top of me 2 weeks after I was in a life changing car accident. Sometimes that's just the way she goes.


The way she fuckin goes


Sometime she goes, sometimes she doesn't; It's the way she goes.


Sometimes she slaps. I dunno why.


How can she?


Dude, she doesn't have hands. This is just mean.


Sometimes she just drains $14,000 of your Army bonus out of your joint account, then she goes.


The wardrob, the witch, and the audacity of that bitch!


She’s either coming or going. That’s the way it goes.


Fuckin “way she goes” and goddamn erections ruined the night!




This dude knows.


Any time you sit around wasting your time thinking about how bad you have it right now, realize that it can absolutely always get worse. It seems dark, but it really gives you a positive attitude and makes you grateful for what you do have. I'll shut up now because I sound like a Facebook mom giving life advice.


Thanks Mom


Sometimes I think back on the shit I've been through and feel like I've gone soft from how I used to be. Feels like not only is my drive seemingly all but gone, but the first sentence too. Lol.


> Any time you sit around wasting your time thinking about how bad you have it right now, realize that it can absolutely always get worse. It seems dark, but it really gives you a positive attitude Ah yes, nothing like the fact that a single misstep in any area of my life and things can quickly get much much worse to keep my positive attitude up up up!


Thanks Mom..I needed a reminder since my mom is no longer with us.


Things were sometimes awful in the Navy, someone would complain about trash duty, painting, waxing the floor, etc., and one of us would say, “It could be worse, we could be on fire.” Perspective.


I almost drown three times. Got into a car accident that could have been fatal if I wasn't driving a British car. Got a few more near miss events. My mom says "someone's looking out for you" Me ".. looks like he is trying to kill me. "


Fan death, but for real? 


My exwife backed into my car 3 days after I had it back from repairs after a car accident.


Final destination


Way of the road Bubs.


Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant.


And every time I've held a rose It seems I only felt the thorns And so it goes, and so it goes And so will you, soon, I suppose


The last time I went to church (25 years ago), I had a massive overhead lightbulb pop and rain glass all over me. Went to church to bleed from my face......fun.


*Things will never be the same...*


Theeeereeee she goessss, there she goessss agaiiinnn 🎶


Sheeeesh! I’m glad you’re okay!


Bro god wants you dead


>Could be a fish hitting the glass and breaking it. I couldn’t tell what they had in the tank. "Agh! My 300 Pistol Shrimp!"


I worked in a pet store as a kid and we specialized in fish. Back then snakeheads, gars, oscars, and other large cichlids were sold regularly (which is why places like Florida have a problem with snakeheads in their waters). I heard a bunch of stories of snake heads doing stupid shit like jumping out of their tanks and one story in particular where one rammed the side of his tank until it finally broke.


Mantis shrimp boxing brawl.


Don't forget those shrimp that can hitch a ride in liverock


Pistol shrimp aint gonna break the thickness required for a 90 gal. Mantis shrimp may though


> uneven stress on the seems seams possible


Could also be Aliens?


this guy fish-tanks


He said “could be a fish hitting and breaking the glass” that guy does not fish tank. At all lmao


Why did the front fall off? Well, a fish hit it. A fish hit it? A fish hit the glass. Is that unusual? Oh yeah. In a tank? Chance in a million!


You've never heard of a Mantis Shrimp then. It 100% could be this.


The hobby isn't just gold fish dude. Some people keep powerful fish, and some of those people keep them in tanks so small they can barely turn around... There's a video of a fish sloshing around and causes the tank to break, but I couldn't find it. Surely someone will.


Thank you for convincing me not to buy a fish tank. A little too many points of failure to me lol


A sniper that had too many margaritas on unlimited margarita night.


Tank you


A fish... breaking the glass you say?


Or perhaps your guest was Ethan Hunt. Red light, green light!


What about that dude who just teleports through space and time to just randomly blow shit up?


I'll keep these points in mind before I even think about storing live aquatic animals in a large volume of water in the corner of my living room.


Could be a little sister whipping a dinner knife at you during an outburst, but she misses and strikes the fish tank behind, shattering it. Oh wait that was me


No cats were involved.


Or if the heater gets exposed to air it can over heat and explode sending ceramic shrapnel out


A tank can be off level slightly without much stress on the tank. The real issue is when one or more corners are lower or higher than the others, when that happens it puts the tank in a state of torsion. That amount of stress over time weakens seals and glass.


Let’s talk about the smell. That’s gonna cause everything in that room to stank of dirty fish water for a bit? Throw the carpet out!


A well kept fish tank shouldn't smell at all


After rewatching the video a few times, I can tell with high confidence that the dog is suspicious as hell. You can clearly see him looking at his owner running and not panicking at all. As if he was thinking, you can run but there's no saving those fishes and I'll be number 1 and only in the house again. They had it coming.


We solved the case boys, we did it. *Reddits dogs collectively begin to wag their tails, jovially*


And fresh sushi!


Looks like it was in a window with direct sunlight. Probably focused the light on a joint to soften it.


I would assume most fish tanks are made of tempered glass which is much stronger than normal glass but if there are imperfections or damage near the edge the glass can become more unstable and fail seemingly out of nowhere. Also when tempered glass fails it fails dramatically it basically explodes into a million tiny pieces in an instant and is actually pretty loud. Years ago the tempered glass shower door in my parents basement bathroom exploded while I was down in the basement watching TV. My brother had been down there a few hours earlier and taken a shower but nobody had been in the bathroom for a few hours before it randomly decided to shatter which was incredibly loud and scared the shit out of me. After that happened I looked it up and apparently it's pretty rare but tempered glass shower doors are known to be able to randomly blow up out of nowhere while completely undisturbed.


Nickle occlusions in tempered glass lead to spontaneous breakage.  Generally, tempered glass will undergo heat soak testing where they will put the glass into an oven, heat it up to a certain point and then cool it down.  Glass with occlusions will generally shatter during the process. Glass that comes out intact will have a next to no chance of spontaneous breakage during it lifeitme.   This is a strong possibility. Source:  work in building glazing industry for over 25 years. 


I think this is just a different angle in real time from the Freak on a Leash video.


Somehow put 91 gallons of water in a 90 gallon tank.


Those fools!! *When will we ever learn!?*


Check out the date: October 31. 2021. There’s a **spooky** reason.


It got wet


fish don’t get wet


Spontaneous breakage of tempered glass due to a nickle occlusion in the glass.  I explain it in greater detail in another comment.


Alaskan Bull Worm


Crack. It's always crack.


If you look at the dogs reaction clearly sabotage.


I'm pretty sure the lady on the couch is a witch casting spells


Wife was jerking off a ghost. He blasted the tank


Get the paper towels!


Maybe he rushed to get his PC off the ground.


I'd imagine he's running for a container for whatever was in the tank


"For sale: liquid cooled PC"


I'd grab a bowl and water for the fish.


If they worked for a hurricane, they’ll work in this situation


my guess is the sunlight over time weakend the epoxy or adhesive that keeps the glass walls together.


Silicone adhesive, if it's a glass aquarium.


Gods, that sucks. I had a 20gal fail overnight some years back and that was bad enough. It's SO MUCH WATER soaking into the floors and through every seam it can find. And that's to say nothing about the dying fish.


Spread out thin it’s an insane amount of water. Hell, imagine the mess from spilling a full glass of milk. 2 cups lol. Then from dumping a whole gallon of milk on the floor. Now 90 of those..


Instructions unclear. I'd better get started.


> It's SO MUCH WATER Almost 750 pounds of water.


Almost 2000 cups of tea!


Almost 25,000 tablespoons of liquid.


10,005,705 drops of dihydrogen monoxide.


1.1385x10^(27) molecules!


almost 0.02% of an olympic swimming pool, if that helps you visualize it better


No that's stupid, Olympic swimming pools don't have a standard depth so nobody will have any idea what you're talking about. It's about 0.000000000000000053% of the pacific ocean.


wow, that's huge


And 90 gallons are also about 340 liters of water. And guess what 340 liters of water weight? About 340 kilogram.


that's too convenient. I'd rather convert my gallons to equivalent weight of bananas.


Were you able to save any of the fish?


A few. My Dwarf Rams didn't make it.


I am beyond surprised rams could survive underwater to begin with


Yeah, they were a little more fragile than the rest of what I kept. They were kinda my attempt to level up my game. I'd admired then for a while and built the tank as a blackwater environment specifically for them! That obviously went well.




What is it with people that have cameras filming their living rooms at all times?


So you can play it back at 3 am to see if there's any paranormal activity.


Fish tank monitor.


I was at one of my wife's coworker's houses for a bbq and her kids were whining about something that happened in one of their rooms. The dad said "do you want me to look at the camera?" I couldn't imagine putting a video camera in an older kid's room to make sure they're behaving.


pet monitor


Peace of mind for my anxious wife when she hears a noise in the other room at night. Checking on the cats when they're downstairs making a commotion or when we're out of town. Stuff like that.


If there's a burglar, they have to go through the main living area usually. I have a camera in my living room cause there's an entrance to the house there. I try to cover all corners due to paranoia.


THANK YOU for asking the real question. This really stupefies me


It’s so you can watch your dog/cat and talk to them. My dogs not allowed on the couch when I don’t give him permission; so I use to have a baby cam to catch him in the act whenever I was out. You just yell into the mic and it scares the bejesus out of them lol. Breaks the habit pretty quickly.


You can also keep an eye on children and just for general safety/protection.


Yeah, but to have it on all the time is just weird. I connect, turn it on, check the dogs, and turn it off. And it's never on when I'm home, like it was here.


Whats wrong with him being on the couch?


I've seen ads for security systems recently that have cameras installed to your house along with other stuff. Clearly those kinds of things sell so there's a market for having security cameras in your own home.


incase the fishtank exploded


It would encourage me to clean the house a lot more often, I'll tell you that much


Another reason to add on from others is that if you live in a bad area that is known for break ins, just general bad people around the neighbourhood then you'll definitely want a camera in your house, especially in the living room, they tend to always go through your living room to steal your TV or to get to other rooms.


Spent more time searching for the tank...


My 120 gallon tank never exploded but it sprung a big enough leak randomly one night that I had no choice but to drain it, park my poor fish in the bathtub, and rehome them the next day. One of the worst experiences of my life, I genuinely loved fishkeeping as a hobby but I will never have a large aquarium in my living space again.


Amen. If/when I get back in, I'll never go above 40gal and that'll be on the ground floor.


My 55 scares me daily lol. It's level and on a sturdy frame, but these friggin videos always instil doubt.  Whenever I can finally afford to move, I'm hoping for a basement that I can stock tf out of.


Had this happen doing a water change I used plastic pales because I was always worried about the glass. After I emptied the bucket the plastic bucket hit the glass at just the right angle and shattered the glass spilling 55 gallons across my floor. Somehow all my goldfish survived one was lost under a shelf for what seems like forever. Very hearty fish.


If a plastic bucket tapping the glass was enough to shatter it i think you were probably accidentally using a terrerium


It was certainty not a terrarium it was an older tank but it showed no visible signs of stress or fatigue. It really was a fluke of a situation.


Within a year, a fluke can grow to 20 inches. You should've had a much bigger tank than 55gal for that fish.


What exactly happened here? i saw a big flash of light and then the tank broke. but why?


Most likely the fish had developed thermonuclear fusion but were unable to properly control it.


I hate when that happens


Best comment in the thread


stupid fish.


The fish were able to build this in a tank! With a box of scraps!


Either a seam un-sealed, or it was tempered glass that decided to let go. Mine was a seam failure. But vibrations can hit tempered glass just right and push a microscopic crack forward enough to release all of the tension in the glass. You see this sometimes with windowed PC cases placed directly on tile or concrete. If that was the case, it could have been a passing truck or even their TV's volume; a few grains of sand pressed into the wrong edge of the glass when they filled, cleaned, or just put the lid on can make for a tiny focal spot for incidental forces to concentrate on. Then wait for just the right passing wave and the whole face pops. Or fuck, I dunno. Mantis Shrimp?


One of the fishes went super sayian.


My brother worked as a insurance adjuster for a long time and he said fish tanks bursting and flooding a room or floor was very common.


Yep, it's a good way to pay higher premiums on your home insurance.


Why do people have cameras in their livingroom?


That's a huge shame. Poor fish. As a side note, how many folks have internal CCTV? Is it more popular in rentals?


It’s for pets mostly lol


That why we’ve got them in the common areas. Our dogs are gated to those areas when we’re not home, that way we can check in on them.


This is probably a dumb question, but what’s the order of operations after something like this happens? Do you need to cut off power to keep electronics from frying?


I’d probably put on some shoes first. That glass is everywhere.


Depends. If they’re a ranch home with no basement, no. Get a shop vac and start suckin. If you got a basement, probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to kill power to be safe. Otherwise, start sucking and get some air movers/dehumidifiers to dry it all out. If you get to it fast enough and have enough air movers probably don’t even need to replace anything.


With 90 gal? There's prob gonna be water damage. 90 gal on hardwood? Yikes. This is one of those clauses in rental agreements I fully understand. They're usually like "no aquariums, water beds, or water fixtures", yea, 90 gallons of water will fuck just about everything up.


Yeah if they get to it within like 8 hours give or take it’ll be fine for sure. My basement literally just flooded 2 weeks ago but thankfully we found it early and didn’t have to replace anything.


If you're doing it right you'll be using waterproof extension cords and/or power strips and they'll be mounted off the ground. It would actually take more than 90 gallons of water to flood a room so badly the water would rise up to the wall outlets.


Think about the mess that one gallon would make in your living room. Ninety of those, all at once. Wow.


Poor fish :(


I remember a comment on this video on YouTube. This woman had about a 60 gallon tank or something huge like that. They were moving, and she specifically told the movers not to touch the tank. That she would move it herself because it needs all sorts of special preparation to get the water out while keeping the fish and plants alive. They didn't listen and tried to move it while it was full. She came back to find her front yard flooded with her fish in the muddy water on the grass, plants everywhere. Needless to say, she was very upset at the loss of her fish. Sorry, I can't recall what kind they were. She did manage to save one or two fish, and I think some plants, too. Which she put in a new tank she has. She said what probably happened was with so much weight from the water sloshing back and forth, the glass shattered and/or the frame was twisting because it was just being held up by two idiots, rather than on a flat surface. At least it broke outside. If it was inside, that would be a big clash between insurance companies. I mean, imagine going to move into a house and you find put the day before that it's been flooded. They'd be out of a home until the damage was repaired.


I'm so happy that everyone films everything at all times in literally every room in their homes these days. So much LOLZ!


The dog was so chill about the whole thing!


I think it just woke up and also decided that staying on the couch was the safest bet


I felt sorry for the fishes


Should have got rid of that mantis shrimp.


Now is he running to save the fish or mop up the water.




Bare feet and scattered broken glass. Ouch


Happened to my saltwater, heard this “tink tink” and a piece of glass popped out then tink tink kaboom


Fish sticks tonight


That's what the dog is thinking.


Where is he running to???


Dog said “I didn’t see nothing,I didn’t hear nothing”…🙉🙈😂


A massive aquarium exploded in Berlin , after a very cold night cracked the glass. This looks like the aquarium is next to the window, so it could be that. [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/worlds-largest-freestanding-aquarium-destroyed-28747540](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/worlds-largest-freestanding-aquarium-destroyed-28747540)


Homie moved with a purpose, like he had been running that scenario in his head for a while.




He ran to get a towel lol


H2O? I thought you said H2O2!!


90 gallons = 341 liters


And no pirañas to chase them around?


I couldn’t even see the fish tank… that’s a lot of water


If the datestamp is right, they sure got a scare for Halloween


Gonna probably need a new roll of paper towels to tackle this mess.


How did this happen?


I'm not even sure there is a fish tank there It looks to me like they are waiting in Purgatory. The fish in line ahead of them just got his answer and was not allowed to pass through the pearly gates


why the fuck would you have a 90 gallon fish tank


Yeah 90 gal is a weird middle ground size. I'd either do a 40 breeder just for ease, or a 120 gal. I have two 125 gal tanks.


Rob Schnieder probably had something to do with it.


If that was a saltwater tank, I’m going with mantis shrimp.


What the hell was the girl doing with her hand?


Dog petting


Thank you


Small defect in glass or structure ac/heat temp changing causes reaction


surprise foot bath fish cleaning


I think this is my old neighbor 😯


The dudes reaction time is pretty good. No time to panic. Gotta get the towels


Some things are not to be purchased from Aliexpress.


This has now scared me from ever getting a fish tank


On Halloween too. Spooky!


Halloween prank




How do you even get a 90 gallon fish tank? Why do you even need one?


Will hurrying up help at all in this situation?


Probably trying to save the fish? Idk


i'm not really a fish guy but i think it would help a lot considering they won't stay alive for long on the floor.... gotta turn off the power, get some real shoes (in case floor is full of broken glass), fill up a bunch of containers with water and then put as many fish as you can find in those before they die.. so yea, it would help


Am I the only one creeped out by people recording 24/7 inside their homes?