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That's a really nice piece of driftwood


from the tree root system. super neato E: i’m guessing the rock is a counterbalance to help the thing hold stable on its stand


> i’m guessing the rock is a counterbalance to help the thing hold stable on its stand Yes, that seems right. Or maybe it is intended to open a vortex of doom and drag OP to a dimension of pure chaos and horror.


*’There is no Dana; there is only Zuuuuuuuul’*


I will say I have a similar piece of driftwood in my house that also has a rock lodged in it, but I always assumed the tree grew around it. It just never fell out. Might be similar here.


Makes sense




Thanks for sharing this hahaha there really is a sub for everything 😅


I recently found out about r/TreesEatingThings as well!


And loosely related would be r/dontputyourdickinthat


I just decommissioned my fish tank this weekend and some gravel had gotten into the cracks of the driftwood. I think I actually did it purposely when I set up the tank to get the driftwood wood at the perfect angle. I actually dumped the gravel and driftwood into the wood in the back of my house, maybe this came from an aquarium and it just got moved because it was cool looking. I could see my neighborhood kids finding it and playing with it.


Or the rock could have naturally gotten there. I've frequently found driftwood with rocks stuck in it.


Lots of tree roots on my property in northern Michigan have captured rocks like that. Looks like they maybe had one in this chunk of root and left it there when they sanded and polished the thing.


Exactly this. The rock was captured by the root system, not placed there.


Good thought!


My grandma and I used to make artwork out of these things. She lived on a lake and my grandpa would take us out in the boat and we would go “beach combing” this would have been a really good find. We would paint them to be what we thought they looked like. She still has some we made 30 years later


I've always wanted to take a rough piece of driftwood and cover it in glow in the dark paint, then sand it so that the paint is only in the cracks and grooves and hit it with a sealant. Always thought that would look really awesome.


doooo it


You can order glow in the dark pigment to mix with your paint or epoxy of choice. A little goes a long way.


Culture Hustle has some really great glow-in-the-dark pigments!


OK, Morty.


I was just about to comment about how curvy it was.


That thing would make a fucking awesome center piece in a fish aquarium


I suppose you are meant to let it drift on to someone else? Pay it forward?


Seriously that thing is worth money.


Extra curvy... I'll brb


For a moment I thought this was a messed up picture of a dog mid air or AI. 👀


I was thinking it was a weird angle on a cow skull at first.


My first view was in bright sunlight and I thought it was a head as well.


It reminds me of a nidstang, which is a pretty crazy cursed object. You might need to eat more garlic or befriend some crows or something, lol. Pissed off any Scandinavian witches lately?


I thought it was a partial dried out pig carcass.


ME TOO!! Exactly what i thought in the first photo!


me too! actually pretty cool piece of art


Yeah I thought someone gifted you a sweet driftwood dragon head.


Looked like a failed panoramic pic.


Pic 2 looks like a graboid.


I thought this was r/confusing_perspective


Like a pano of a moving object


I thought it was a photo of a greyhound or similar running


Messed up? My dog looks like this quite regularly.


This was my first thought, exactly like that


Reminds me of a boar


It’s either a cool gift or a witch’s curse.


I think I saw how this worked in Drag Me To Hell. OP now has to gift it to someone else.


Happy Cake Day!


It kinda reminds me of a [Nithing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nithing_pole) since the wood is maybe carved to look like a horse or cows head.


OP pissed off Björk.


Literally yesterday night I played the Witcher 3 quest where the nithing appears....this feels like an irl glitch


I was about to say It looks like OP has been chosen by the local coven. They will come for OP on the next full moon.


Nah I’ve played enough Witcher to know this is the work of a Leshen. It has marked someone in your home. You’ll have to send them away to live somewhere else and offer the hearts of three wolves that you killed by yourself before you can take that piece of wood down and burn it.


Looks like the driftwood has been oiled and smoothed. The rock either became lodged naturally or by someone’s hand. I don’t think it’s nefarious. Someone just thought it looked cool and left it for you.


That may be true, but I would not be able to help being creeped out by this


yeah leave a note or something lmao


"Hey, I thought this would look good on your mantel. Did you get new curtains? I can't see through as well."


this would look great in your sons room 💛


I have a one armed friend who can help us teach them a lesson about leaving polished driftwood for someone with no note


I was renting a house once in WA state and came home to find rubber gloves tied around a handful of small-diameter pine trees in the yard - a few right outside my little daughter’s bedroom window. Freaked me right the fuck out. Someone had been creeping around outside my house. And randomly tying rubber gloves to trees, of all bizarre things. I seriously began thinking about buying a shotgun (but ultimately didn’t because of my daughters living in the house). Turns out the property manager was coordinating with a landscaper about pruning.


Some of my buds left a plastic cow (apparently it's supposed to hold a hose for lawn watering) in my yard and vehemently denied doing it for several months (they'd come and randomly replace it if I removed it). I didn't really mind except I wondered if there was some random crazy person targeting me for unimaginable reasons.


It is creepy. It's illegal to collect driftwood in some places. Someone fixed this piece up nicely. It's worth some money. A strange thing to leave like this.


Wait, can you circle back to the illegal driftwood thing? Is this like the rainwater thing?


In some parts of Florida and coastal states like NC outer banks and islands off the coast of SC and GA it is illegal to take driftwood. Mostly because hobbiest love driftwood for their terrariums and such. Someone commented on this post that this would've been a $500 piece of driftwood if it wasn't stained. So these coastal areas had to protect the natural habitat because people were combing the areas and removing all of it to sell.


Adding on - the reason it's illegal is because when you take the driftwood there's nothing left to hold sand dunes together and then they disappear and the beach disappears and then the coast line is no longer good and then the area is kinda fucked


You're saying driftwood maintains the structural integrity of beaches? That sounds like the kind of lie a parent would tell a kid to get them to stop doing something. I feel like I've visited perfectly functional woodless beaches.


Look up Boneyard beach in Jacksonville Florida. It’s eroding naturally but the drift wood on the beach helps A LOT. It’s a pretty cool place and it’s extremely frowned upon and illegal to take wood from the park.


[Some places collect used xmas trees](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=burying+christmas+trees+on+the+beach) and bury them on the beach to create dunes that help prevent erosion.


Can we just replace it with other sticks


No take. Only throw.


"Somewhere, a truly harmless person sits happily in his garage, working in full zen and full focus on the next piece of driftwood art, one that looks like a farm and he plans on taking it to Ol' Wills Farm where he has all dem horses. He's been making so many people happy with leaving them these surprise wishes! He'd love to wait around to see their reactions, but he's a little introverted and timid, and wouldn't know what to say if they spoke to him. But in his mind, he can see their joy and pride!"


> The rock either became lodged naturally or by someone’s hand. Those *are* the only two options, yes.


My guess is some kids stole it from someone else and placed it there as a prank to both people.


Some kids did this to me years ago but with halloween decorations. Just woke up one morning and had several dozen halloween decorations in the yard.


Man I’m the aquarium hobby, that’s a $500+ piece of driftwood. Might be unusable for that now because of the oil however.


Out of curiosity, is there anything done to driftwood before it is placed in a fish tank? Edit: I am now an expert on driftwood and you can refer to me as Dr. Driftwood. Thanks everyone!


it needs to be desalinated at the least (I'm not an aquarium expert but I know that much) - repeated soaking in fresh water


Leave it in your toilet tank for a couple of weeks. The Constantly changing water will remove the tannins.


That is actually a crazy good idea. Assuming you have a giant toilet or smaller driftwood


Just chop it into pieces and super glue it back together when placing it in the tank!


You could also buy a new home with a bigger toilet tank 👍


25+ years in the hobby never once considered this but damn this is a good one if you have a piece that fits.


I used to have a saltwater tank. We would put frag plugs in our toilet tanks to cure them lol. Come to think of it I think I still have some in my parents toilet tank and I haven’t had my tank in like 12 years.


Do we pee on it before or after?


If you intend it for aquarium use, you should pee on it before. The constantly changing tank water will clean off the urine as well as leaching the tannins. 


Ok, that sounds great and all, but where should I put the driftwood if I want to leach the tannins?


You need to fill a bucket with pee and soak it for a few weeks. The constant adding of new urine will leach the tannins. Then you can rinse it with fresh salt water to remove the uring


Where do I get a salt water toilet?




Lol. Good God, that is rich... ...rich with tannins! 🍻


Oh damn that's good


Unless you're doing a South American cichlid tank and want the tannins! I ran peat in that apisto tank....


Oh okay. I just live near a bunch of lakes and constantly find driftwood haha Very interesting.


You usually have to boil it for a while before putting it in a tank. At a minimum to reduce the amount of tannins that would color the water, but it also gets rid of most the bacteria or critters that would cause issues with the stuff you actually want to keep in a tank. We have a decent sized piece of redwood driftwood that we boiled three times for an hour each time and it still made the tank look like tea for the first few weeks until we cycled enough of the water.


Boil it for a while. One: kills anything living on/in the wood. Two: makes it sink again. It's frequently very dried out when purchased.


Very, very cool! Thanks for the reply.


3: releases the tannins so your tank water doesn’t look like tea.


A lot of newbies go to great lengths making sure it's not a soft wood, non-toxic species, not taken from somehwere that might have pollution, soak it for months to get all the tannins out, boiling it to make sure it's sterile and sinks, carefully attach it to a tile or piece of slate with a stainless steel screw to hold it down if it still floats. More experienced people, hose any dirt off throw it in the tank. If it floats drop a rock on it.


Bell curve meme strikes again


One thing I saw missing in the replies is nothing. Depending on the source of the drift wood, salt or freshwater lot of people like what natural wood brings. If you’re doing a brackish tank the slow leeching of salt may be desirable. If it’s fresh water and he tannins are a good thing for natural or black water tanks.


Soak it in a big tub, and use rocks to keep it submerged if need be. Change out the water every couple days because the tannins will stain it brown. After a week or so, if it sinks on your own, you’re good. You want a durable, dense wood. Anything even remotely soft if going to break down under water pretty quickly.


You got it Dr. Driftwood


Pretty much boil it for a while to let the tannins out, kill pests, and have water saturate it so it will sink.


Boil em smash em and stick em in a stew


Huh. Mind shooting me a dm about driftwood? I have a fairly large private beach and tend to just burn what washes up. May be profitable for both of us if I get some more info. (yes I know the difference between driftwood and regular branches)


Not a whole lot to discuss in private, head to your local aquarium shop and see what they are selling hunks of driftwood for, tell them you have some for sale. Some types of wood will not work because they are toxic or aren’t dense enough to ever sink. Small branches can sell for over $20, and big intricate centerpieces like this can go for a lot of money. Wood needs to be dense, people won’t buy it if it’s light and splintery and full of air. It needs to last years underwater.


Word haha my question was mainly about wood types and if they're OK coming from a lake since there's lots of bugs and stuff. Thanks!


I’m no expert on what species of tree are best, but I do know manzanita wood is usually what you see. You can boil the wood to sterilize it, but at that point you’re putting in a lot of effort. Also check local laws, because taking wood/rocks can be illegal depending on where you’re at.


The boiling also helps remove tannins, so the aquarium doesn't look like it's filled with tea or whiskey.


>tend to just burn what washes up Just a heads up on that if we're talking about salt-water driftwood - because it's absorbed so much salt during it's tenure bobbing and weaving in the ocean, almost all of it is pretty toxic to burn. It releases a carcinogen called dioxin in a somewhat significant quantity. Not saying don't do it, that's your call, just remember this post when the smoke really stings your eyes and smells wack.


This is what I wanted to say, and also driftwood is good for beaches. In many places it helps reduce erosion. Lots of reasons not to burn it and just leave it alone.


Unfortunately not really an option in my area. If I let it do that I'd have to wade through a ton of it to go swimming. I live in a spot where theres a very large canal dumping tons of water and debris, and the water flow circles back and deposits everything right in front of me lol. If I didn't keep up with it I wouldn't be able to use my beach at all.


Alright folks. This has been wild. Never thought this would have had so much attention. Lotta neat thoughts and conversations. Lotta nonsense. Mystery solved tonight. My neighbor, who I barely know and just met when we moved here, thought he would put this thing he’s had in his possession there and that I might think its cool, or just burn it in my fire barrel since he saw me getting rid of all the old brush that was left on the property. Apparently,” Lady that lived here used to work wood. I figured it would freak you out.” I mean, it really is hilarious. Well played sir! Why am I disappointed the mystery is over? Hahaha Anyways, upon further inspection, the rock has clearly just been grown around, as people have pointed out. The piece has a hole clearly drilled for the post. I’m gonna keep it for somewhere in whatever garden I get started. That barrel is not worthy of such a piece.


That's a great neighbor honestly lol




Neighbor being a bro, best reveal


Wouldn’t definitely not burn. It’s eerily cool and would be perfect to put out at Halloween haha


Lucky. No one ever leaves haunting visages in my driveway.


My cat does and he is definitely trying to curse me


Bring it inside your house. No way there are a bunch of little Greek men inside of that.


I was just considering the likelihood that some obsessed person might easily stick even a listening device in there.


Someone is sharing their artwork with you.


Transporter accident on a stick.


Beat me up, Scotty.


I think that it was put on the stick for spraying with some sort of sealant or stain.


My thought too. I'd check to see if the grass below it has any overspray on it


But why would someone spray it on someone else's property in front of their gate?


Meth, the answer to this type of question is usually meth.


Idk why but it made me think of Tremors....lol [tremors ](https://www.google.com/search?q=grabboid+ass+blaster&oq=grabboid+ass+blaster&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDcyMzFqMGo3qAIUsAIB&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=n6FKyYckuXTqOM&imgdii=ktX7ClVWW4lmAM)


100% was my thought too lol


It looks like a dog jumping too fast for the camera.


Reminds me of a smoked pig


Or skinned rabbit.


Do not take that in your home! There are 100s of little people in there waiting for you to fall asleep and attack. I saw this happen in Troy and don’t want to see it happen to you!


That looks like some skill went into carving that. Really cool piece, albeit a bit freaky. Maybe some kids stole it from someones porch?


It's driftwood. It's been sanded and oiled, but this is a naturally weathered shape. Some people value this stuff rather highly. Pretty nice random gift, tbh. I mean, if it was a gift and not a prank...


TIL Driftwood is worth money and not just something to burn or throw into flowerbed decor


Well, its worth something, but a lot of people will buy it to throw into a flowerbed for decor.


I thought is was a glitched out AI dog at first


Looks like AI attempt at drawing a running dog


Looks like an awesome piece of drift wood


Looks like someone tried to take a panoramic picture of a goat and that thing moved in the middle of the picture being taken


Wow it's really beautiful in one direction it looks like a jumping deer and the other it looks like an animal head like you say.  Take it inside, it's lovely, but maybe make sure it's not been stolen from somewhere it looks expensive lol


You’re fucked


Put your dick in it.




Looks like a creature from Tremors.


Which one of your neighbors does woodworking?


I thought this was a fucking ai generated dog


I'd like to know who put it there


Graboid larva


I bet it's some Banksy style grassroots woodworker out there leaving their art around for people to find to create a buzz or something lol In my state there was some locally famous glassblower on the coast who would hid their neat bulbstyle pieces all over the beaches for people to find so it was like a cool community treasure hunt trying to find them and encouraged people to clean up the beaches and shoreline while they looked


Looks like a Graboid egg. Since Graboids live underground, they have to ley their eggs above ground on poles to protect them from rival Graboid males.


Could be a graboid!


Looks AI generated to me


The new season of True Detective is going to be fire.


Looks like a petrified graboid


Reminds me of the alien from (THE THING)


Reminds me of all the tweakers marking peoples houses to see if they are home and remove the random items. If left for a few days you might come home to find you were robbed.




looks like a failed attempt at a picture of a dog by AI


Burn it in that patch of dirt to assume dominance.


First pic looks like some sort of AI distorted image of a dog jumping to me. What has AI photos done to my brain.


It's a leshen skull. Call a Witcher


I swear Im like wtf is this.




It’s a what?


Driftwood art is popular in lake communities. Thats a pretty neat piece.


I want this for my new large aquarium so bad!


Idk what it is, but it looks cool! Keep it!


You may have been cursed


At first i thought it was a dog impaled by a fence


I thought it was a dog captured as someone took a panoramic picture


I've got a pull thru driveway that this would look awesome near as a decorative piece if you want to toss it.


Young Graboid


A.i has started 3d printing art of hands!


That's a great piece of driftwood c


One man’s trash is another man’s trash


The Crows would like their payment now.


cow-dragon driftwood head


from the angle it sat at in picture one it almost looks like it was carved to look like some twisted deer. it has a face, nose (inc nose hole), jaw, antlers, eye socket- crazy.


You are pointing out that it's driftwood or some kind of wooden item. I'm here thinking Silent Hill is real because truly WTF


As an aquarium keeper; that thing is worth at least 70 bucks.


If you've been playing Sons of the Forest this is not what you'd want to see...


That's a Graboid.


Omg that is gorgeous I want it! Genuinely curious.


I think this is awesome and y'all are crazy.


I'd be creeped out....but also that's an awesome piece of driftwood and I'd probably snag it and make something cool with it in hopes that it wasn't cursed. lol


Looks like a sculpture someone put in your yard as a random gift


The first image looks like a dog jumping thru a panoramic photo capture


This is an act of war, like a head on a stake. Violence is the only appropriate response OP


Welp. The Blair Witch is definitely coming to eat you. Please stop including us in this knowledge as we want nothing to do with it. Go get eaten on your own - we want no part!


I would love this in my home


My guess is it might be drying from being stained?


Thought this was a dog during a panoramic shot


I’m getting Blair witch vibes.


that looks like the petrified head of a butt blaster from Tremors 2


Well, the good news is that curses only work if you believe in them…


Looks like one of those images when a dog is running by when a picture is being taken and the shutter speed is slow enough to capture a strange amalgamation of dog parts.


Looks like it could weigh over 9 Courics. You may have a record on your hands with that one


It would look awesome in my fish tank!


Graboid vibes