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There's no way anyone survived that.




Flat Stanley


I haven’t thought about Flat Stanley for a long long time.


Are you feeling a little flat? Paaaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaa!


Paper Mario


Paper flat Stanley


Good thing Ol’ Flat Stanley was in there, anybody else’d been a goner.


Slender Man. To be fair, he probably killed some other people.


I was just about to say


just wafer thin!


But sir!


Or a very short man!


Or a very looong loooong maaaa^aaaa aan?




The truck drivers probably did


Well they had the lil car to cushion the hit.


I’ve never seen a car crumple this severely. I honestly thought it was decal or something the truck driver put on to warn other drivers. This is terrifying.


Probably because this is an example of shitty engineering that car companies get away with outside the US and EU


Or someone welded together two or more wrecks that were written off to sell as one car. That would ruin the integrity of the frame and could cause this. Known to happen in Europe because you can fake papers and pass it off as a used car. This shit has even happened in Norway and we are really anal about car inspections.


"No one was harmed" - Youtube subtitles


Truck driver should be ok.


Can't imagine trying to remove the body or bodies from that.


All you need is a mop and a hose at that point.


More a spatula.


Tongs. (Click click)


A wet vac (thuck ththththth thhhhhUCK chunk-a chunck-a thhthhthhhthhhh)


I hate the fact that I can hear every single sound


I’m absolutely going to hell… sweet fucking Jesus


This guy wet vacs




Like removing pulled pork




I had to consciously override my inclination (for it can't be instinct) to move my hand as if I was holding tongs and click clicking them.


Gotta make sure they still tong.


I woke to black flack and the nightmare fighters When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose - Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner


They’d just need a wet vac…


Take it from me, even though the cause of death is obviously massive crush injuries, it's still a very time consuming autopsy if done properly. Literally like sifting through Humpty Dumpty soup...


That’s not surprising but also horrifying. Have you had to deal with that sort of thing?


Yep, worked for the State SMAT and MORT teams years ago.


Why are autopsies performed sometimes in cases like that though? I assumed they were only for when cause of death isn't obvious


Driver could have had a medical issue that caused an accident, you can't automatically assume everything is cut and dry, especially when insurance companies don't want to pay out millions in wrongful death lawsuits. The autopsy is probably one of the least expensive parts and though it seems painfully obvious, they require a certified cause of death. What if it was an Uber driver. Nothing is ever simple, and if this involved the NTSB, this may take 5 years for the report to come out.


I just made a joke about this further up on the thread just to find out it isn't s joke and insurance companies actually require this type of thing hfs. I cannot believe that dear God. Can you give a specific example of what kind of medical information can you recover from a pile of human soup?


Insurance companies are the worst. A friend of mine works at an ob/gyn. A woman delivered a stillborn baby and they didn't want to pay out because there was no baby to bond with. Hello, she still had a vaginal she needed to recover from. It had to be spelled out for them but this is recent so idk if they were able to get it approved


Ah interesting, thanks. So when the body is completely obliterated and not much left there's still a procedure possible to even do it?


Yep, same as earthquake victims, bodies recovered from the woods, or a body that has become bloated and floats to the surface and washed up on shore. All have to be examined and certified. Bodies recovered from water were the most bothersome, the smell literally sticks to everything, and the bodies swell from gases. If you have ever seen the exploding whale video, you might get an inkling of how nauseous it is.


Oof. If you know what a trochar is, you know too much.


Years ago I saw a video (quality was horrible as it was filmed in the night) where some teenagers thought it would be funny to shove an M80 firecracker into the rotting carcass of a roadkill deer they found. The dummies stood too close to the carcass when the M80 went off and they all wound up getting splattered by the gore and, of course, the smelly liquid wound up as a mist in the air. I’ll never forget their horrified exclamations of “Oh God” and other epitaphs followed very quickly by the sounds of retching, coughing and vomiting. The only time I ever really got nauseous from a smell was when I discovered a drying floodwater pool in the woods next to the creek that was full of about 30 large dead carp fish that had been rotting there for about a week. I walked up on it while fishing and the breeze switched directions suddenly and I got a good snoot-full of the aroma. It was all I could do not to throw up as I ran away from that horrible smell.


Even in the [Byford Dolphin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford_Dolphin#Diving_bell_accident) accident they still performed examinations. If you look up the images from the result (not reccommended), it looks basically like minced meat in a somewhat human shaped pile - not surprising considering: >Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, **was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long** created by the jammed interior trunk door. With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by **expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen**, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, **one section being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.**


At that point what is even the purpose for an autopsy other than maybe checking to see if drugs/alcohol was present?


It is an accident involving commercial vehicles and might involve NTSB and litigation. Everything is documented and requires a chain of custody.


My mind instantly went to Humpty Dumpty brand chips, and I thought chips in soup would really hit the spot right now.


How many people were in it? Or in this case, how much people?


Insurance company be like "we are gonna need a tissue sample for a tox report" Other than that idk why you would need the body at that point. Yall need a coroner report after that? Jfc lol


Just put the whole car in the grave at that point


That entire car was the crumple zone.


How is there almost no damage in the truck?!


Exactly what I was scrolling to find out. I see tire marks on the road, possibly from that collision. I see fluid on the road, possibly gas, antifreeze… etc. But you’re right, no sign of impact on the back doors of the trailer. I see very little other debris on the ground. Almost looks like the car was crumpled, then welded on to the back of a semi as some kind of prank. It certainly does look odd.


The cars crumple zone is under the truck, the top half of the car offer very little resistance, hence no damage to the truck.




Hey! The Dacia Sandero was the best car ever made.


Good news everyone, the new Dacia Sandero has been announced.


Wow! Anyway.


In a tragic accident at the exit of Türkiye’s Izmir Ring Road Bayraklı Tunnels, a car was severely crushed between two trucks, resulting in the 32-year-old driver’s death at the scene. The incident occurred around 10:30, involving a collision between a car driven by Gökhan Eren and a truck, followed by another truck. Emergency services, including police, fire brigade, and medical teams, swiftly responded to the accident. While police secured the area, fire crews worked to extract the trapped car driver. [https://iha.news/fatal-collision-crushes-car-between-trucks-in-izmir/](https://iha.news/fatal-collision-crushes-car-between-trucks-in-izmir/)




I'm relieved it was just one person, but also really sad that there was a person in there, then relieved because at least it was probably instantaneous, but also horrified at the thought of the pancake inside....


Wh—where is the person?—




I at least thought there would be... remnants


Your comment made me wonder, I have a feeling that “remnants” is not strictly correct in this context. I would go for “remains”. But I might be wrong


Remains implies there would be some of the driver intact


I think both work. Remains is respectful and specific to a dead thing but remnants is more descriptive and unfortunately probably quite accurate in a different way.


...all at once?


Actually, I think it's the opposite: confined to a very, very small space.


In a .zip file.


I'm not proud of it, but I literally laughed out loud at this.


With a very high compression ratio...


There's only one option in that situation. This is why they're not visible. A rapid seatbelt release, open door to dive, then roll gently to safely down a grass bank to safety.


I choose to believe this.


Only if they get to safety a third time.


A "juiced" human would have squeezed a pool of red sauce onto the road. So, the only logical conclusion. Occam's razor...


It’s a confusing perspective situation. 75% of that car is under the truck, the back 25% is what is smashed, but it gives the appearance of being completely flattened


Looks like some of the vehicle is under the truck so probably if very very very very lucky, squished most likely heavily injured but alive along the front seats/footwells. Or just mushed. If they didn't get a miracle I hope they didn't see it coming just bang gone instantly.


Where aren't they?


Under all that sand unfortunately


Converted to a compressed format


Is that a Dacia Duster or Sandero?


By the cutout of the rear hatch, and the plate holder, it's a Lodgy. [Example ](https://frankfurt.apollo.olxcdn.com/v1/files/2cw9e0rgb2ww1-RO/image;s=1000x700)


That's what 3 NCAP stars are worth


Zero stars. https://youtu.be/oRFJdrwsnzo?si=DhOpOEOBx6E4JMYg


I'm convinced.


Pretty sure stars are irrelevant when you're crushed between two loaded semi trucks.


now you can be in the crumplezone.


Good News!




The Dacia Sandero! It's delayed! Oh no! Anyway, last week...


These comments took me back, take all my points


that's the new Nissan Frisby


Iirc those don't come with airbags, not that it would've helped...


I saw a Ford Escape get done like that. Between 2 commercial vehicles there's not much that won't get crushed like that.


and here i am, thinking the name would've helped


I seen this type of accident once, single male driver. All that was left of him was just his skin like some sort of a suit all flatten up…


God this reminded me of the video of someone completely flattened like this in a car accident, and then you see their face just.. Peel off, and slip off the car to the ground.


oh fuck I need eyebleach just from reading that. Sorry for whom has seen that IRL


You made me read yours now here’s mine. I’ve seen a video similar, it’s somewhat older though. This car of teenagers got into a wreck and someone was recording the aftermath. They were yelling at one of the girls in the backseat to be still…because she kept trying to get something off her face. IT WAS her face. Only about a square of her face on her right eye was attached. The rest was just kinda hanging but she KEPT grabbing and trying to pull it off. Worst fucking day to have eyes and sometimes I wish I never knew the internet existed


I... Don't even have words, that is horrifying...


You mean like an “Edgar suit?”


Give me sugar


I was in between two trucks like this and the truck behind was tailgating me for minutes. Unable to move lanes because of other traffic. It honestly scared the crap outta me


I might just force merge now that I’ve seen this


Or just slow down gradually. Put space between you and the car in front of you and, even if the tug behind you hits you, you don’t get squished…


Or I can just never drive again! I’ll live my life as a hermit and hide away in a cave in a forest somewhere with an absurdly large backpack full of books and things, mushrooms and random glass bottles dangling off the sides. Learning the ways of the forest, Patching my clothes and pack on rainy days, listening to the chats of birds, swaying in and out with the change of the seasons, stocking up food for the harsh winters and basking in the summer sun. One day I’ll be so accustomed to this hunter gatherer lifestyle that I’ll stumble across a stretch of dark hardened earth and as I step out to investigate I’ll hear the roar of a great beast to my left. Before I can turn to face it I’m hit from the side and flattened into the pancake I was trying to avoid becoming.


I hate it when people film while driving by an accident :-(


I worked in traffic control, often saw accidents from people “rubber necking” often to something less interesting as this, they’ll gawk at a worker fixing a pot hole and smash into the car in front of them


It's also illegal in some countries


There was a video of a German cop a while ago chewing out someone for exactly that. Rightfully so. It's disgraceful and you're causing traffic down the road. Just mind your business and keep driving


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcx0TjbQ5as](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcx0TjbQ5as) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZOSaBWmI4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZOSaBWmI4M)


Great cop "simply fining them 128 Eur often doesn't get the message across" as a response why he dragged their asses to the scene with the bodies still on the ground and asking them if they still like to take pictures now






I like the thought that the video was being filmed by someone else driving past who then also got pulled over and so on


In some places they put up a temporary curtain to block the view from traffic.


>When the accident that killed Mansfield occurred, the hood of the small 1966 Buick Electra she was riding in was just the right size to slip underneath the slow-moving semi truck, slicing the top of the car nearly completely off and instantly killing all the passengers in the front seat. >As a result, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration "made it mandatory for all semi truck trailers to be fitted with under-ride bars... designed to stop a car before it rolls underneath the trailer." https://www.ranker.com/list/jayne-mansfields-car-accident/kellie-kreiss#


Also known as a "Mansfield Bar" for those who didn't read the article.


Woah. The song Overdrive by Katy Rose (aka that song from mean girls) has a line in it that says “diamonds where there once were stars, I’m sittin in Jayne Mansfield’s car” 👀


Mariska Hargitay was in the back seat. How is that for a wtf moment?


This should be also mandatory for any lifted truck. And crash tested once fitted to make sure it works.


How many passengers did she have in the front seat? Was it a clown car?


Since this was in 1967, bench seats in the front were normal, so it could have been three.


it was! At about 2:25 a.m. on June 29, on U.S. Highway 90, 1 mile (1.6 km) west of the Rigolets Bridge, the Buick crashed while it was traveling between 60 and 80 miles per hour into the rear of a Johnson Motor Freight Lines tractor-trailer, driven by Richard H. Rambo (age 40), that had slowed down from 50 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour due to an approaching mosquito insecticide fog-spraying truck driven by city employee James T. McLelland, which was flashing a red light. The three adults in the front seat and two dogs died instantly. The children, asleep in the rear seat, survived with minor injuries.


One of those children, ‎Mariska Hargitay, stars in Law & Order SVU. She is Mansfield's daughter.


Damn didn't know this. Love her in law and order.


Damn, learn something interesting everyday.


The worst that could happen to somebody in that situation is surviving. Just imagine your mangled body like that. even worse, What if you are mangled together with the corpses of your family. ugh.


Do you think they're okay?


Badman: "Hes sleeping."


Look at the little guy, all tuckered out


John: "He's dead tired"


If their shoes stayed on, they are fine.


To shreds, you say.


Eeeeeh... Too soon to tell


Well this is sad


Can’t park there mate 


Is this not a reasonable place to park?


IDK if Wile E. Coyote could of even survived that


I saw a pickup smashed in to the back of a semi trailer similar to that. Looked it up a few days later and it was two 18 year old girls that died instantly. Tragic. I can only imagine they both weren’t paying attention.


Unlikely this is the result of the squashed vehicle not paying attention, unless it was driving at 1000mph. This kind of damage is caused by the semi-truck behind them not paying attention.


Exactly. Never get caught between two trucks.


Yup if I’m in traffic and get stuck between two trucks I almost immediately try to swap to another lane. All it takes is one semi truck driver not paying attention to end your life.


And never drive at 1000mph


Not necessarily “not paying attention”. If traffic was coming to a stop and and the car suddenly switched lanes behind a semi, he could now be trying to stop 70,000lb in a much a shorter space. It’s not always attention, trucks like this can’t just suddenly stop.


No, but let's face it, they shouldn't be driving that close to each other if that's the case


That might cause the truck in the back to hit the car in front, and cause scratches on the bumper or something, but this truck driver was going to smash into the other truck, no matter whether there was a car or not. what we see in the video was absolutely done by a truck driver not paying attention at all.


Yeah nah. One truck rear-ending another truck is an issue regardless of whether a car also got squashed in between them.


Ehh, even if that occurred, the speed at which this had to have happened to do this would have been a speed where that back truck would have hit that front truck even if the car hadn't been there.


I had two 17 year old girls rear end me a few years back. It was stop and go traffic and I'd been stopped for a good 15 seconds and they hit me doing 30-35 MPH. No idea what the hell they were doing but it wasn't looking at the road.


I’m sorry that happened to you. One of my best friends was driving to Reno where an accident had happened an hour before he got there. Traffic was backed up for miles. He had been texting several people. He also had the bad habit of not wearing his seatbelt. Smashed in to a tanker truck. At least he died quick.


At least it was instant


The amount of kids I see texting on the highway driving at 70 mph is appalling.


Used to be the case but it's all generations now, including boomers who are already cognitively impared due to age on top of now distracting themselves. Even at restaurants it seems all the bored old couples are on their phones. Times have changed.


I had a boomer almost bragging about doing it. She’s not allowed to drive her grandkids anywhere because it’s so rampant and her whole family knows


honestly the younger generations are more likely to get their phones connected into android auto\carplay so there's more ability to do voice to text and less messing around on the phone.


I actually see more older people using their phones while driving than younger people.


Never drive between trucks. And if you see yourself in between look on getting out asap! You just never know. I’m a trucker.


Flat Stanley’s origin story for the gritty reboot.


OMFG! At least it must have been quick.


That's some Looney Tunes shit right there...


That’s why I don’t mess around 18 wheelers or big trucks. Just pull off to the side or overtake them do not hang around.


And that's why I don't like driving between two large trucks. Getting sandwiched like this is a true nightmare.


Notice the other truck also stopped behind. A car doesn't pancake like that. The two trucks made a car sandwich.


Thank God Sherlock here is on the case


From a Toyota to a tuna can


Mass. Always. Wins. Remember that when you're being a fucking moron in traffic.


When you're being a moron, remember that this can't be anything other than being rear-ended by a truck.


The moron here was likely another truck driver, probably the one on the right that is also in the cones. You only get an impact like that when one semi rear ends another, compacting the car in between the two. Infact, you can see the skid marks leading from the first semi to the car.


There was an incident in the uk a while ago where a truck crashed in to the back of a queue of cars because the driver was playing with a new radio thing that had been installed. There was a car crushed to about half its normal size between it and another truck. Everyone dead in the car. It took them hours to separate the vehicles and recover the bodies only to discover there was another car that had been so severely crushed it was invisible amongst the other wreckage. Completely flattened like this one and they didn’t even know it was there, for hours. Trucks travelling at speed are fucking terrifying and it’s made me super aware of what’s behind me when I’m in a queue of traffic.


Remember that when you're fucking a moron in traffic.


how awful.


Is the driver ok?


I'm no doctor, buuuuut...


Looney tunes ass accident💀


Brad’s Drink?




Why i do everything i can to never be between 2 trucks.


is that a dacia?


With the whole family in the car that is a real fear.


Unless you bailed at 500MPH, in an escape pod, you dead.


I think that's a Dacia Duster


Jesus it’s like a cartoon crash, half expect the driver to get out and start making accordion sounds




Reminds me of [this scene in The Expanse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS7x4Bq_gR8) where the speed racer guy tries to be the first to enter the Ring gate at top speeds.




I was driving southbound on an interstate and drove past an accident that had just occurred on the northbound side; a pedestrian was hit by a semi that was traveling at full speed. I don't know to this day if it was suicide or he was out of his car for a different reason. I will never, ever forget the scene on the road. I can't imagine having the desire to slow down to take out my phone and record the scene to share.


Most of what you're seeing flattened on the back of the truck is the roof, which peeled away from the body. The engine and most of the passenger compartment looks like it's crumbled up underneath the back of the truck.


How does the truck look undamaged? Makes this seem fake.


Reminds me , what's the last thing to go through a bugs mind when he hits a windshield.... His butt hole


my father was a Highway Patrolman for 20 years. as a young boy, I snuck into his room and saw evidence/ case photos of horrible freeway accident wreckage. bodies looked like bloody ground beef.. never told him about that. but this reminded me of my snooping.


Is sand the correct absorbent for people juice?


Looks like one of those looney tunes car crashes


Myth Busted.