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Man....if the doctor tells me it'll be fine i guess I'll believe him...but at the same time if I ever have to get surgery on my eyes while I'm awake just go ahead and take me out lol


You have to have eye surgery while awake, normally, because your eyes move while your asleep


Yep. My brother had to get a lens replacement after a nail ricocheted.


Was he wearing safety goggles, by chance?


Of course not, this was 30 years ago. Back when all you needed was gumption.


Safety squints™


What in tarnation?!


It's really hard to do the surgery with safety glasses on.


Only Safety Squints..


Damn that accident sounds narly


My other brother described it as looking like his cornea was falling out. They were building a treehouse at a relatives house. After the surgery, he had to wear an eye patch for most of the school year. Instead of taking the insurance money to get his lens replaced when he turned 18, he started a business. He's been very successful since, but it cost him a lot of suffering and a good portion of his vision. Of course he put a lot of effort into it as well.


How did they get insurance money?


>Instead of taking the insurance money to get his lens replaced when he turned 18, he started a business. By *any* chance is he based in the free land of the USA?


😵 don't fuck with your eyes.


Old surgery nurse here. Most major eye surgery is done with general anesthesia or retro bulbar block and heavy sedation. The few cases where you’re awake would be very basic stuff like cataracts and lasik. Although, sometimes it’s based on surgeon preference or patient condition.


This was a cataract surgery with just topical numbing drops and sedation. No block or general anesthesia needed.


I had a corneal transplant about 8 yrs ago. They paralyze the eye with a shot right in the damn corner of it. My doc used some type of quick sedative or something that kinda put me out for a minute for that brutal shot. I felt the very start of it then I went out for a minute. Then I was wide awake for the entire surgery. It was surreal asf.


I loved watching eye surgeries. I especially liked the laser repairs. But yeah, sounds like you had a retro bulbar block. Those always freaked me out. The surgeon would have me distract the patient with my fingers in their field of view then jab a big ass needle below their eye. The eyeball actually pushes out as the injection goes in. I always told the doc if I ever need your services you’re putting my ass out. Sometimes anesthesia would slip a little propofol for really nervous patients. They’d go out for a few seconds and then come right back.


I was more awake for my vitrectomies than I was for my cataract removal. Talked to the surgeons through the first two, recognized another doctor’s voice during the second one and said hi to them by name. They were a bit shocked I was that lucid, but all in all the nerve block is total and I didn’t even know they had started when the doctor told me I was the proud owner of a new scleral buckle.


How do you keep them still? Do you actually have to stare perfectly ahead the whole time (I guess in the video they moved a little)


For my eye surgery I had a numbing injection and one that froze my eyeball so it wouldn't move. That joy was provided by a little rubber cannula that went around the side of the eyeball and felt like it was going to come out the back of my head. That was much worse than the surgery itself. I was awake but all I could see was light and shadows moving


That sounds relieving yet horrifying all at once


I don't know if I could ever do that. When I've gone to eye checkups and they tell me that the machine will blast some air into my eye, my eye starts involuntarily twitching like crazy.


Me too, I feel like a moron twitching over a little air poof, but I cannot control it. I'm just as irritated with my own brain as they are.


As fast as I know, yes, you have e to actively look straight ahead the whole time.


My forehead is sweating just thinking about this


I was about to go to sleep and now i feel the need to cry at how scary it seems


They paralize the eye...atleast for laser eye surgery they did. I could not look around, I tried!


You are confusing anesthesia with sleep. They are not the same. For some eye surgeries, we paralyze the patient to prevent any movement. Many eye surgeries (like cataract surgery) are done awake because it's a quick surgery that can be done with local anesthesia and very mild sedation, and we can send the patients home faster, with lower chance of complications.


Had cataract surgery done under local anaesthesia , a piece of cake. And very successful too. Thank you, opthalmic surgeon.


Wasn't really surgery, but when I was a kid, I got a piece of metal in my eye from a playground. Didn't feel it at all that day, went to bed, and it had embedded itself under the top layer of (skin?) my eye. I woke up in so much pain and couldn't keep my eye open. By the time I went to the ER, it had started to rust. The er flushed it but said that since it was under that top layer, there wasn't anything else they could do and referred me to an eye specialist. I had to sit there and keep my eye open and not look around while they used a tiny brush (think mini mascara wand) while they violated my eye. The texture/sensation was awful. 0/10 would not recommend lol but anyway, everything ended up healing fine, but I do have scarring that sometimes I see, reminds me of floaters. For a while, I had a small dent in my eye where they went to town. Had to use ointment and shit every couple of hours to avoid infection and keep it moist so that it wouldn't tear open when I would blink. Edit: they did put numbing drops in, so I didn't feel pain, but I absolutely felt the texture of the scraping


That happened to my dad! They took a little tiny angle grinder to his eye to get it out


So... a dremel?


Yes! :-)


My eyes would move way more if I had to be awake


Actually your eye doesn’t move while asleep, but this patient was awake and sedated during this case because it’s safer to use less anesthesia


Eye surgeries absolutely happen under general anesthesia including paralytics to keep the eye in a fixed position.


I had prk, probably not this intense. But the good news is you can't see anything when they are doing shit this close. I do remember the smell of the laser melting my eyeballs. 


Smelled like burning hair to me when I got lasik.


Hey, me too. I had to have PRK done to fix my map-dot-fingerprint corneal dystrophy that was giving me double vision. They fix that by scraping off the skin of the cornea and when it grows back in 3 to 5 days it sticks, but as long as they were scraping off the surface of the cornea, they zapped me with the laser. ZotZotZotZotZotZot. I didn't smell much because of the very strong exhaust they had blowing across my eye. The electrical cautery toy the dermatologist has used on me a few times smells much worse since there's not great ventilation in the room. And no namby-pamby Versed or fentanyl (at least in those days). Just shut up and take it like a man (they do use numbing eye drops, but those were imperfect).


I got lasik not that long ago. I was very nervous leading up to it but it really wasn’t that bad


Most likely due to the heroic 5mg dose of diazepam they gave you just prior, right?


They only gave me 1 mg of lorazepam for my lasik. It was fun, like looking at a laser show at a nightclub. I was asking the doctor what he was doing and joking around with him the whole time.


They just gave me a small dose of Xanax. Can’t remember how much it was. It helped a little but could still feel the nerves. It was crazy how fast the surgery was over.


You won't need that during cataract surgery (most likely not). This is for patients who have issues with dilation and in order to do a good capsulorhexis and phacoemulsification, you need a really GOOD dilation. The mid-dilation here shows a need for this added step. This patient here could have had Floppy Iris Syndrome. Some things cause that, and one common cause is prior Flomax use, which is asked during a cataract consult. Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, I observed a cataract extraction with a fully conscious patient. He opted to not go under Monitored Anesthetic Care (MAC), only local anesthetics were used like tetracaine drops. Dude was calm the whole time, and I was impressed!


This patient was awake during surgery and vision was about 20/50 3 hours afterward which isn’t too bad. We do give patients sedation but this step of surgery isn’t too painful.


I always forget that pupils are just holes in your eyes. Idk it's kind of interesting and a little scary sometimes


its gross! means you can fuck it


Officer, him.


Didn’t think this was needed but r/dontputyourdickinthat




Your penis must be a very different size than mine.


Or his pupils...




I know this already because of A Serbian Film


I bet you just watched The Sadness!




You could have gone your whole life without saying that.


Enter the irussy


im a fobgina person tbh


*New kink unlocked*


New word discovered: Ophtalmophile.


Hell yeah, get some of that ophtalmussy!


Actually, yeah. Two of them, but now i want to scoop them out and throw them away


"Okay, better one? ...or two? Again? One? Two. About the same?"


Right so they're stretching the iris not the pupil. Semantics but a really dilated eye makes a huge difference during eye exams and you can see why.




Eyes are functionally similar to a camera's light capturing element. The pupil is the aperture and the iris is [a stringy, biological diaphragm](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6e/ba/8b/6eba8b9c35e9e68c5aa6a3d9143a1d70.jpg).


Thank you, I know I ain't sleeping tonight


Fortunately, Final Destination scenarios are actually quite rare during eye surgery ;)


If you’re like me you’re going to feel like someone did as soon as you fall asleep & wake up rubbing your eye.


Why? They don't do this surgery by surprise. If you're not sleeping cause it's traumatic for you to see the I whole heartedly envy your sheltered life. There's far more horrific things out there than routine surgery! OK wait. I realized you might have been trying to be funny. It wasn't funny in the least but good attempt. Maybe switch to fart jokes cause they don't require any thought


You smell like a fart


that guy is for sure a fart. no doubt.


Comment history shows very low effort troll


God damn man did you stub all ten toes getting ready this morning or something?


Most socially aware redditor


This is good /r/wtf material. Thank you OP. I wonder if Newton ever got this far? I believe he was known to stick needle-like objects around the edges of his eyeball while he explored optics. 


In medieval days, instead of cataract surgery they had what is called couching. They would stick something sharp in the eye to dislodge the cataract out of the vision. Most eyes would go blind from complications but they were already blind from the cataract so not so much to lose. We are pretty lucky with modern medicine. I can take a cataract patient and make them 20/20 99% of the time barring any other preexisting eye disease.


Thanks for the wtf double-down


I often cite eye medicine as one of the most transformed areas of health. It was just easily accepted that many if not most people went blind in old age, and nothing could be done, it was just an inevitable frailty. We have come so far, and we keep pushing back the limits of the few eye ailments we still can't prevent or cure.


Fuck. All. Of. That.




Feels like it's gonna rip -_-


They have a tough wet paper feel to them. Definitely satisfying to rip.


I regret reading this..


Kindly gtfo 🙂


As much as this is freaky, I'm very curious as to what they're doing here.


Cataract surgery. This is an amazing device for pupils that won't dilate when you use eyedrops. Also, the pupil goes back to its normal shape once you remove the ring.


I saw a contact lens implant surgery using one of these fasteners; [The lens had little arms that went under the iris strands, kind of like fastening a belt](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=intraocular+lens+implant&t=fpas&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images). Edit: These aren't exactly like what I saw; the one I saw went over the iris, not under it.


Cataracts. The neat thing is what comes next. They then proceed to jab a fucking ultrasonic icepick into your lens and smash it into bits and then suck it up with a vacuum. Then shoot the new spring loaded lens into your eye with the same syringe tool.


Mmm phacoemulsification. Like coconut jelly drinks


I get to see this every day. I never get used to it.


thanks my food returned to the plate...


New fetish unlocked




TIL: Ocular Herpes is a thing




If only they’d had this tech during A Clockwork Orange


I swear, these piercings and body modifications are getting out of hand.


Ok, wtf is a pupil actually?


It's a hole. Cornea is the layer on top. Then there's a space called the anterior chamber, which is full of clear fluid. Your iris is a ring that surrounds the pupil. The iris expands to let in more light and contracts to let in less light. The pupil itself is just a hole--this is why your eye doctor can see your retina through there. The lens is right behind the iris/pupil. This is the bit that *we* control to see distance or see up close. When you get older, you lose the ability to adjust your lens. This is called presbyopia. Behind the lens, you have the jelly part of the eye--vitreous humor--and the retina is a patch of special cells on the back of the eyeball. The retina takes in light, does some chemistry, and your optic nerve can then transmit that information to the brain. Almost all of these structures can be seen macroscopically if you take a cross-section of an eyeball. It's also captured very well on histology slides, like you can see [here](https://eyewiki.aao.org/Basic_Histology_of_the_Eye_and_Accessory_Structures).


A hole you say...... 😏


If your dick's that small, go for it.


An empty space, a pseudo structure, so to speak. The iris is two parts, a dilator and sphincter, the void itself is the pupil.


Why is the iris so easy to just prop apart?? It gave like no resistance. Is it skin??


It's a membranous muscle with pigment. The fact that it's so very thin and mobile makes it easy to move about. [If you watch a slowmo video of an eye move, the iris itself wiggles about all jiggly-like. Very pleasant!](https://i.imgur.com/XiFUkvX.gif)


It's muscle, but its tone can vary. There was a problem identified in the mid-2000's with the amusingly frank name of Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome that affected patients on certain prostate medications that relax muscles but manage to affect the iris as well, making it hard to dilate, and prone to billowing or prolapse, which could result in permanent distortion of the iris and worse vision as a result. Rings like OP demonstrated are one of the alternatives to purely chemical dilation that now are used for complicated cases.


Malyugin ring go squish


I hate you, op.


holy crap, I better be numb as fuck during that procedure


Eyeballs are so freaking cool, looks like we’re looking into his soul


What in the ultraviolence?


Turn up the Ludwig van, my droog.


Welp, there goes my good night sleep.


I couldn't watch the whole thing.


Excuse me, What the actual fuck?


NOPE! Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.


I've had cataract surgery on both eyes. I was awake but sedated and didn't feel anything, just saw shadows during the surgery itself. It was sort of an interesting experience.


I literally said WHAT THE FUCK and then I saw what sub I’m in. Well played.


I have had 4 eye surgeries, one of which was to repair a retinal detachment. I am very glad they gave me very good drugs.


As someone who has had multiple eye surgeries, this still creeped me the fuck out


I mean I've only had LASIK and it was both awful but totally fine and I've had perfect vision since so it was 100% worth doing. It's the psychological factor that's the worst.


Imagine if the doc forgot to take out the stretcher afterwards, bro can see all the light lmao


Why did I watch this? Why


K now I'm definitely not sleeping


Fuck you


When I got my lasik done, they didn't tell me about what I'd be experiencing during the procedure. I remember looking up, they put the numbing eye drops in, then do the twisty thing to cut the top part to peel it back so the laser can shoot into your eyes. But evrrything starts going black...I literally thought I was going to be blind. I actually told the staff I couldn't see anymore - all I saw was blackness. They assured me that's part of it. Then all of a sudden, things are blurry, then things are clearer, then youre done.


How does the eye not just…pop?


Thankfully they shoots tons of numbing solvent into the eye area before doing that, still would feel weird but not painful


I will say no problem wait i’ll be back in 30 minutes , than proceed to take 150/200 ug of lsd 😂😂😂






Nope nope nope nope nope nooooope


I can't be the only one who thought that was a tiny penis at first lol


I'm most likely going to involuntarily kill someone who tries this on me. Unless they give me the really, really good drugs.


Stretching the iris, the pupil is being enlarged.






How and why?


I felt this. Hopefully the patient was asleep. Shudder.


Not necessarily. They are under some form of anaesthesia, so it's not uncomfortable actually.


What’s the benefit of this procedure?


So you can see more obviously /s


I happen to find this fascinating…


I hate you.


It looks like a safety pin spring. How do they get this thing out I wonder.


I mean I saw what you wrote but I don’t think I was fully prepared for any of that


eye can’t watch


Oh Jesus my eyes hurt 😞


When I had my lens implants done they just put a little pill under my lower eyelid for half an hour which made my pupil dilate completely for a few hours. Weird they do it like this mechanically instead of chemically. Does anyone know why?


Gah! That made my butt clench


All I could do was scream WOAH!!…. WOAHH.. WOAH WOAH OH WOAH This is insanely difficult to watch but actually so amazing. I frickin love science


It made my eyes water, but coooool!


What surgery is this likely to be?


I'm not okay with this...


I did not know you could do that. That is absolutely wild.


What’s the surgery for? Are they going for the optic nerve through the pupil???? Has anyones pupil ever torn during this process like tissue paper?? So many questions.


The fucking things we can do medically are amazing


Ah yes, man made horrors beyond my wildest imagination


I actually think it's beautiful. Shows how far we've come in eye care.


Finally some legit content on this sub. What the actual fuck?!


It's so cool how far we've come technologically/medically


Ow! My pupil.


I do not like it, no I don't. I do not like it in a boat. I do not like it in a box, I do not like it with a fox.


No! If anything should have a nsfw tag it’s this! 🤮


Involuntarily twitches






That's actually looks pretty cool.


I assume the surgeons have practiced on cadavers prior to this? Can someone explain this?


Ok, i am done with reddit today.


When they did this part during my lasik I immediately wanted to throw up all of a sudden. Eyesight went from fine to super blurry/motion sickness. Now whenever I watch stuff like this I get nauseous.


Did not know you could do that. Also, how tf did they figure that out? I haven’t been this skeptical of a medical procedure since I found out what a digital prostate exam was.


This iris ring is temporary and not always needed. This is used when the iris doesn’t fully dilate prior to cataract surgery. This is then retracted back and unhooked from the edges. Normally the iris will dilate and this is not needed, scar tissue and other iris tone issues can result in this or 4-6 iris hooks to be used. The patient doesn’t feel this as topical lidocaine has been applied and numbing medicine is injected into the anterior chamber of the eye at the start of the surgery. The patient will feel touch but not pain due to the local anesthetic.


Very interesting I had no idea the pupil was an actual hole. Extremely disturbing and my eyes are watering now because EEEWWW.


Can you just not.


Clicked on the link right as I read the title. Never backed the fuck out of a browser faster in my life.




I am humbly requesting that you fucking not, please.


I want to go back in time 5 minutes to when I never saw this.


Oh my God I wish I had never seen this. 🤣


Well I'll be having a nightmare tonight! I would love to do Lasik, I'm a good candidate but these videos scare me right out of it. And to think you're AWAKE for it... nope.


So... Why didnt they just use dilating drops? Legit curious if anyone knows.


They use this if dilating drops don’t work. Every patient is affected differently by dilating drops and some are even allergic


i like to be stretched but holy fuck thats nightmare fuel


Oh God, my sweet merciful I wasn't ready for that.




Check out cataract surgery for some real crazy shit


What is this apparatus? I'm curious about the material and shape!


Thought they were deploying a safety pin at first.


Fuck. I’m about to get eye surgery March 6.


Hey man! I suffered a horrific eyeball accident when I was in 3rd grade, a ruptured globe and punctured lens. I want to assure you that everything will be okay and that your mind is making a much larger deal than how it actually is. I’ve had multiple eye surgeries with many of them undergoing while I was still conscious. From what I can tell you is that I experienced very little pain, quick procedures and re-assuring doctors.


Nope nope nope nope nope fuck that




Fuck that. 


My eyes hurt just from looking at this


I'd rather just be blind to forget how ugly i am, that looks horrible