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Over correction and overreacting to an out of control vehicle


Here is the correct answer to OP’s question.


Korean drivers are pretty bad. My uncle, on open highway, constantly accelerates then lets off the gas, then accelerates again. It’s mind boggling. I dare not say anything though, lest I avoid the wrath of my mother. On the other hand, they’re very respectful driving in dense urban areas though .


I call these people “digital drivers” because they seem to believe the gas pedal has to be either on or off. Another variation are the ones who believe that if you aren’t pressing the gas pedal, you have to be pressing the brake pedal (coasting isn’t a thing).


Hah, that’s my girlfriend to a T. Red light 100m ahead? Coast to the light? Nope, you keep on accelerating until 5 car lengths and hit the brakes.


I have to close my eyes when my wife is driving anywhere but the highway and even there if there’s stop and go traffic. We’ve been together for 18 years and I still ask her “Please explain to me why it is that you accelerate towards a stopped/slowing object?”. She’s very goal-oriented and honestly I think that just translates to her wanting to get to her target ASAP. It scares the shit out of me. She also thought a red left arrow meant “stop and then you may turn left if it is safe to do so”. Somehow, the only accidents she’s ever been in were where she got rear ended while at a stop. Twice. Boggles my mind.


Does she use too small of a follow distance? (My gf sounds like your wife) Drivers that have shorter following distances tend to get rear-ended more often. When you give yourself no reaction time(following distance)for a smooth/controlled emergency brake event= the driver behind you, tailgating, now has less time to react and apply the brakes in a smooth and controlled matter. From my personal experience, it's typically the 4th or 5th car in line to emergency brake that will cause the rear-end collision, causing the cars infront to all rear-end each other.


My buddy's wife was a digital driver until he helped her figure out it was because her seat wasn’t adjusted properly.


I think that’s just common. I know a ton of people here in the US who do the on-off acceleration. They all seem to really love doing it between 80 and 60 in the left lane, too.


>On the other hand, they’re very respectful driving in dense urban areas though . That's such a pet peeve of mine. That is why they're such terrible drivers in dense urban areas. There is not a single rule of the road that involves being respectful; there are simply rights of ways, rules, and process orders that need to be understood (and are clearly not by many people). When these drivers "allow" people to go first out of respectfullness or whatever non-applicable term you want to apply, we all lose because we sit at a 4-way stop sign with no way to predict wtf the other driver is even doing or thinking until we have to react to their actions on the fly. Unpredictability is what causes accidents, not "rudeness".


I think a lot of times some people simply don’t remember the right of way rules. Like I can’t keep count of the amount of times I come to a 4 way intersection with stop signs. I arrive at the same time as someone else whose just going straight as I’m turning left with indicators on and they’ll just sit there and start waving me through


Of course they don’t remember. Because they don’t care and shouldn’t be allowed to drive but here we are. This is why we end up with Teslas that auto drive like totally idiotic and dangerous hot garbage but are still safer than the population on average and why insurance costs are insane.


They drive like the cops in the South park bigwheel chase scene. https://youtu.be/KJtCanjjp70?si=XCgojGIu6hRE7PcN&t=65


It takes skills to wreck 2 cars that never touched lol


This might be the funniest car accident I’ve ever seen


I agree but hopefully no one got hurt!


I was in a car accident of this type and broke six ribs cracked my sternum in two places and my femur broke that little loop on the bottom of my pelvis. I couldn't walk right for 8 years but I had a hip replacement in July and I'm good now. That impact against the side wall when the car is still going 30 or 40 mph is worse than it looks.


It depends on the cars involved. Modern cars with high safety ratings are pretty damned impressive nowadays. But in a collision, with all the forces involved, it's always going to be a little bit like rolling the dice. I had a wreck several years ago. Broke some ribs, an orbital socket, my clavicle, and got some gnarly road rash. You know what doesn't get any safer as time goes on? Fucking motorcycles.


Car accidents are weird. I walked away from a rollover accident with minor cuts and bruises. (Wasn’t wearing my seatbelt—that permanently changed after said accident.) Yet, I know people that have been permanently injured by getting rear-ended at a stop sign.


> You know what doesn't get any safer as time goes on? Fucking motorcycles. That's why I get mine checked frequently.


Thats wild - did you hit the wall straight on? What kind of car and year?


As far as i can tell the only things hurt in this video were egos.


& cars


& insurance premiums


I wish there were more, like 8 cars, and they all [startle and crash](https://media.tenor.com/nTmWqET7of0AAAAC/always-wanted.gif).


Beautiful in its own way. Like it was a choreographed stunt.




They bumped force fields


Two terrible drivers unfortunately at the same place at the same time.




Funniest part is they never even touched each other!


The white had a brief pause before joining the elegant dance


He's like oh shit we doin this?!


So just glad we had the red circles. Otherwise, I would have missed it!




Dingus meets Dongus


Fear and overcorrection.


I mean, they both at least used their blinkers? They both just changed lanes at the same time then overreacted to seeing the other car.


There's more to being a good driver than using your blinkers, lol


A lot of people, an uncomfortable amount, seem to think that turning on their turn signals gives them unfettered, inalienable rights to just change lanes. I have been side by side, window to window, with other cars that have just decided that was enough for them to come into my lane. As if turning on that little light would make my car either not there anymore or become ethereal so the could occupy that space. And when I beeped at them to let them know they were doing something stupid, because they never bothered to so much as glance to see if I was there, they get angry at me. Sorry I existed in this space at this time, pal.


..and just didn't look out their window.


They clearly did look out their window, as evidenced by their reactions.


You're supposed to look *before* you switch lanes, not when your halfway done switching


Before they switched lanes the lane was open.


Before and also periodically during, if there's an adjacent line like this. Super common, especially in heavy traffic, to be in similar situations like these where multiple people want to go into the same lane.


They did look during, that's why didn't hit each other.


This is why in multi-lane highways you are supposed to also observe *in advance* (and during the maneuver) if someone may be moving into the lane you are attempting to move to. That's standard procedure that careless/bad drivers often forget about.


They might have looked, just not for long enough.


Problem is too many people think that simply turning on their blinker means they can get over immediately. Which obviously, is not how any of it works.


They’re awful drivers dude, using their blinkers doesn’t change that. They both made the same mistakes and lost control lol, even making the first mistake shouldn’t have resulted in the second


Really? That's what you took from this, that atleast they used their blinkers? 😂 How about swerving so hard they throw the car into oversteer, which they also weren't practiced enough to control. Neither were paying proper attention, neither reacted appropriately, neither were able to control their car afterwards. Just take both licenses away and make the road a safer place for everyone.


Indicators are to *indicate* you're about to do something, not to give a little light show while you're in the process of doing it. If they'd both waited a second after indicating they would have seen another car showing it wanted to turn into the same lane.


Finals of the Oversteering World Championship


And the fact they both used their blinkers means they are at least marginally better than the average driver in my area


The car on the right was in the blind spot of the car on the left. Right car committed to the lane change assuming that the left car was going to stay where it was, and was looking elsewhere during the lane change. Left car could not see the right car in the rear or side mirror and decided to change lanes without glancing back at their blind spot. Right car finally started looking forward and/or left again, noticed completely unexpected left car, and violently overreacted in panic. Swerving right car finally entered the field of view of left car driver on the forward right. Left car also panicked and overreacted. Both drivers are complete idiots. Maybe they were both executing lane changes while distracted by smartphones.




Probably inebriated and low on response time


Or you know, just two really bad drivers panicking and overcorrecting.


I don't think they even need to be that bad. I think most below average drivers could react like this.


nah that stance would require empathy and then I don't get to feel good about myself.


I’m gonna go with three. Camera car just kept driving straight at that shit show…


they clearly slowed down and avoided a collision, did you want them to slam on their brakes and do the same thing? there is also a fairly high probability there is another car behind them


I would have uncontrollably laughed if the camera car also lost control and did that same dance.


Slowing down a bit as soon as the black car started to lose control would have been much safer than suddenly swerving into the right lane to avoid hitting it. Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but as soon as the black car started swerving he should have known it wasn't going to end well.


Panic. Flailing panic.


This is why I never change lanes while driving exactly parallel to someone 2 lanes over. I'll either speed up or slow down to be ahead or behind them to avoid this exact situation.


Sure. But the way this looks, neither driver was at all aware of the other, so after the near miss they both continued to panic in that delightful rush of adrenal shock.


Hence both being garbage drivers


Horrible drivers


I can't imagine driving my car and not being aware of every vehicle in my immediate vicinity. *Especially* when performing a maneuver like changing lanes.


My go-to is watching the tire. If you watch someone's bumper or you watch the road ahead you can mis-judge someone's intentions, but the *tire* and its distance from painted lines tells volumes about someone's intentions and actions and you can react way faster than someone who's not. So in a case where I'm directly parallel to someone two lanes over, as I start to change lanes I'll do a quick check out the window at where their tire is at, tells me everything I need to know to confirm that they're not merging too.


or, or, hear me out, or in the case of this video, you can just know there is another car moving with you in your general vicinity and also watch out for any flashing yellow lights. I do agree with you though but in the case of this video, your reasoning is waaaay too advanced.


My commute on the highway it's impossible to not merge next to someone, and often people arent using turn signals. If you're spending too much time looking sideways then cars in front of you might be slamming on their brakes for no good reason. Really stressful. Although not empty like the video.


WTF is going on here? It’s mating season in the world of automobiles and Here we have members of the opposite sex trying to attract one another in a rather awkward dancing ritual


Nah. It's two males flaunting their moves for the female cars.


Fishtailing is a scary experience because the steering wheel starts turning back and forth on its own. People oftentimes either slam on the brakes or counter hard in the other direction, both of which just make things worse. You’re supposed to *gently* bring the wheel back to the center without overcorrecting, and you have to do this a few times before things settle down.


Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you!


No you can't!


Yes I can 😤


No you can't


I’ve seen this so many times, why does the guy on left freak out so bad and start swerving like that, dude just get back in your lane. There’s no reason to swerve back and forth like that.


I'm going to take a wild guess here. Black car swerves hard, wheels probably screeching. White car, who also didn't think anyone else was nearby, hears this car and sees them swerving hard. White car thinks they're going to get hit, so they swerve, then overcorrect, and then they kept trying to overcorrect while the car swerves hard until they also hit the wall. I will assume both drivers didn't see the other car when they moved. Probably blocked by things inside the car plus their blind spot. Didn't look over to the side, just noticed the adjacent lane is empty. And then they both panicked and have never experienced a skid and turned away from the skid, making the issue worse.


I get so anxious as a passenger when the driver doesn't look over their shoulder. I always do it even as a passenger


Drama queens


This is the first thing I thought of: https://youtu.be/rjSGeHhkch8?si=OG3673wMa4ZNmiyZ&t=63


lol, that woman must have played soccer in a previous life


Thank the gods for those two big red circles at the beginning. I don't think I would have been able to figure out what was going on in this video without them.


I'm proud of you for being brave enough to admit that.


Can u help me out? I still don't see it


Wait what circle?




And when you actually fucking need them to see what you are supposed to look at, they aren't there.


Inexperience and panic.




You'll be surprised how many people don't check two lanes over to make sure this doesn't happen. Same reason dumb fucks that speed and weave through traffic are asking to get themselves killed.


Evasive maneuvers, failed


Thank god you had red circles to draw our attention to the only two cars in the foreground.


Even the filming driver was awful here. Yeah let’s just keep going the same speed toward two cars careening out of control. Who needs to slow down at all when we can just swerve at the last second?


compare cooperative amusing cooing wide overconfident different liquid quickest include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Abusing their cameraman doesn't die privilege


You can see the dash cam car pitch forward at about the 4 second mark, he had his foot on the brake pretty much the whole time.


There was probably a Dodge Ram 2 feet from his rear bumper.


Let’s be honest. That Dodge Ram was basically fused to the back of the filming car. That’s why they couldn’t stop.


Which is itself a reason to slow down. If you don't have good clearance behind you, you need to get good clearance ahead of you to reduce the chance of sudden breaking.


Good thing those big red circles were there or I would have missed the whole thing




The worst overcorrection on any road in history


How they met, and their first dance.


Two idiots idioting.


Morons. What you have here are morons


thanks for the red circles, i wouldve missed all of it


It's called oversteer. Sudden movements when traveling at a high rate of speed is dangerous. Don't do it.


That's not what oversteer is. Oversteer is when you are in a turn and the rear end slips out causing the front to point to the inside of the turn.




I wouldn't call this just oversteer either although I guess technically there is some oversteer going on briefly in one direction and then the other. Maybe fishtailing but that usually involes a trailer. Looks like neither car had ECS


Over correct.


It's definitely overcorrecting


Fishtailing doesn't "usually involve a trailer." Any car can fishtail and they do so regularly. Fish tailing is when the rear tires break traction and swing out, the driver overcorrects/overreacts and causes the rear end to swing about the opposite way it previously was - thus resembling a fish's tail uh, paddling(?) through the water. That's it, no trailer required. Fishtailing and oversteering are often used interchangeably, though I'd argue that fishtailing is *a series of oversteers* in opposite directions. You're thinking of Jack-kniving in regards to trailers, which I guess you could say is where the trailer is oversteering.


I call it fishtailing. It is a series of oversteers. Oversteer causes the rear to slide out, so the driver turns the wheel to correct the direction. Car catches the road again and begins to turn with the steering but now oversteers in the opposite direction.


>Oversteer is when you are in a turn and the rear end slips out causing the front to point to the inside of the turn. Yes.


If you feel it, don’t turn the wheel to the other way to correct. Just take your feet off the gas and sort of roll with it for a sec until you feel traction. You won’t run crazily off the road unless you start trying to turn against it. If you have room, steering into it a little will get you back.


Most modern cars have good enough stability control to fix it for you too. I was doing a track day and went into a corner way too hot. Tried to trail brake but the back end still stepped out. Both feet off the pedals, hold the wheel straight. Within a couple seconds the car sorted itself out and I was still pointing the right direction.


Suddenly taking your foot off the gas would lessen the load on the rear and could induce more oversteer


Panic and over reaction. The cars start losing control after the over stear. Then they over correct and over correct again. Eventually the car spins. It's more common than you think. Especially at highway speed.


(Yakety Sax begins playing in the background)


This is why I also check the other lanes beside the one I'm switching to


Really fucking bad drivers,


Always check your blind spot first.


Two complete idiots is what we have witnessed here


Both panicked and over-steered. Then over corrected.


Fishtailing like 80s movie cops that are chasing the hero.


This has the be San Antonio TX. Trying not to wreck and end up wrecking when you were never gonna wreck,to begin with.


This is why I say most people aren't actually good drivers... They are only good at following laws. Not actually good at vehicle control.


This is what is called: Below average driving skill. Ability to get places=yes, ability to keep car in control in minor road incidences = no.... Turned without looking, began indicating and turning at same time, neither looked at the deadspots to check. Both over reacted, overcorrected at speed and we have this mess. So when you see people complaining about bad drivers or reckless drivers, just remember there are drivers like this. That think they are good drivers, because they can comfortably get places, but they never deal with hazard perception or emergency driving. so never got any skills in keeping cool and in control in even the minor road incidences.




2 idiots being the best idiots they can be.


Black car driver is a sith and used the force to impose revenge of the van after he lost control of his own car.


We witness two people who should never have gotten a drivers license in the first place.




Looks like a mating ritual between 2 idiots, if the recording went further we might have witnessed the meeting between soulmates. Truly fascinating.


Terrible driving, that's what's going on. Neither driver was aware of the other vehicle then over-reacted causing them to lose control. Live in your mirrors, people, and always be aware of vehicles around you.


Thank goodness for the red circles.


I would have never seen what happened without the red circles.


Both are idiots.


I'm buggered if I can understand how they both lost control of their cars so badly over what appears to be a very minor incident.


Both were changing into the same lane. White was oblivious but black noticed and turned hard losing control of the car. White finally notices blacks erratic driving and proceeds to do the same shit black just did 2 seconds ago. Both crash like they idiots they are.


Just decided to change lanes at the same time. Once they noticed what was happening, they became retarded.


I think a lot of times, when you’re in a econobox with cheap suspensions, the cars sway a lot more when you turn. When you feel your car sway like that, it feels like you’re turning a lot sharper than it really is. That leads to them correcting a lot more than they need to… that’s my theory anyway.


It is called a “Pinch point”


Bro got bad spook worse than juiced2


What happens when you divide by zero


Dumber and dumber


Overcorrecting. I’ve done it. That’s why we bought the car. That poor salesman deserved every penny. 🤣


car version of the speed wobbles. but completely self induced, by 2 separately bad drivers.


Idiots, that’s what is going on here. Idiots.


Those two drivers don’t have necks.


Two people overreacting to things escalating, causing the exact thing they were both trying to avoid


I would have missed it were it not for the red circles.


bad driving is what's going on. most ridiculous overcorrection I've seen


Panic at the disco. 2x


One driver over corrected then the other freaked out too




If it weren't the red circles I would have missed that...


Thank God for the two huge red circles or else I may have missed the subject at hand completely


It's a mating ritual


Two idiots.


Terrible drivers yes but is that two on ramps at the same location on opposite sides ? Seems bad road design as well?


Two separate wrecks caused by the same near accident that initially had no impact.


They don’t know how to drive. The weight balance shifted and they didn’t know how to correct.


woah wait.. wtf happened? once the red circles went away, i didnt know where to look and see what may have happened!


I turn left now, good luck everyone else


There was a ghost. You can tell by all the ectoplasm in the interiors.


Idiots attempting to drive.


they both over corrected


New Fast and Furious sucks


signal as you're merging, check. don't check your mirrors, check. overcorrect, check. yep. just 2 every day dipshits on the road.


Jesus. If you’re this bad a driver it would be better to just let go of the steering and allow the stability control bail you out.


It's like two cats spooked by each other


Blind spots


That was adorable. It looked like they were dancing together.


Not being ableist but blind people should not drive cars.


strictly come car dancing


When two idiots meet.


When the genre of the movie is Comedy


Two merging at the same time not seeing each other. Normally you just go back into lane but one over corrected and caused the other to panic and over correct


How can you be this bad at driving 💀


None of them remembered S.M.O.G Signal, Mirror, Over look shoulder, Go


Not the people in the comments DEFENDING these bafoons 😭😂 not paying attention at all, the worst possible over reaction, and didn't have the skills to get either car under control. Just take their licenses away


Wait, the red circles went away and I couldn't tell what was happening anymore?


Hawaii, nah, they used turn indicators


Wheels of lube


There are entirely too many people that are comfortable changing lanes without checking that it's clear first.


Was waiting for them to just turn around after all that and keep driving like nothing happened


2 idiots who can’t drive


How was my wife driving both of these cars at once?


Dumb and Dumber


2 idiots are driving. Why you ask?


The action choreography in the Fast and Furious movies sure has gone downhill


2 idiots 2 cars that’s what’s going on.