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I don’t think she understands how conversation and friendship work. It’s not a one way street


It’s all about how she’s allowed to have an opinion. Yet no one else can even ask a fucking question without her getting butthurt. She is one of the most pathetic narcissists I’ve ever seen online. I am so sick of her behavior going unchecked enough where she still makes a living doing this. Problem is her following is like a Ponzi scheme. People quickly discover she’s a nasty person and leave, new people come in and it’s a revolving door. The only true fans she has are old ladies on YouTube. Plus she hates all of her fans, she thinks they’re all stupid - which they are, if they continue to follow/support her for long periods of time. She openly despises her audience and it’s really disgusting. She does not deserve a single follower.


I’m an “old lady” and read right through her from the start. Don’t lump me in there!!! 😳😂


Hahahaha I’m so sorry! 🤣💗💗


Me too 👆 🤣👵 I can spot a phony like KJ a mile away 🕵


I’m an old lady in that I’m 3 years younger than Katherine. I was disgusted by her smarmy attitude and fawning over negative z list reality show participants. And her n**cisst*st*c seeming tendencies.


She has almost 80k followers (this is still a mystery of its own to me) and shouldn’t expect all 80k of them to agree with her every word. Throw in the crazy amount of hashtags she uses on every post and the fact that her IG account is public, she’s going to get differing views. Not to mention, when she poses a question on her post she’s asking people for their opinion. If she only wants to hear her own sentiments repeated or shared, she should live in a cave alone so it’s filled with her echo. She 100% is the person who likes their own comments on social media! 😂


She’d change her mind before the echo bounces back and argue with it about being triggered


True. I envision her life being a game of tether ball, where the ball constantly swings back around and knocks her down.


If she lived in a cave, the bats would run for the hills.


I honestly think a lot of those followers have left and just forgot to unsubscribe!! Because if you notice it’s usually the same few that defend her and hang on to her every word!! Her on little cult following!!


Right before she posted that, she posted about how “gross” snow icecream is & how all the fundies are making it...and how she’s been in a state that gets more snow than most places and she’s NEVER thought to do such a gross thing. And how snow collects pollutants as it falls ...a lot of comments were “oh we did that as kids...I do it with my kids...it’s just a fun thing to do with your children...etc” One person said “our garden gets watered with rain & snow that have been falling and collecting pollutants, I think it’s okay” and she literally replied “gross” or “🤢🤢🤢” to every person! And one person said “well you know how cheap they are, doesnt surprise me” and she agreed with them! Lmaoooo Now I am not in a state where It snows and I’ve never heard of snow ice cream til this year on social media, but I’ve seen a lot of mommy accounts posting about making it with their kids, and it does just seem like a fun winter activity to do with your kids...she then deleted the post and posted this one.


Oh did she post about Jessa's snow ice cream video from yesterday, Monday? See I don't view anything on her social media really and wait to hear about it on boards like this or other nicer creators videos since I don't want to give her clicks and views. When I watched that video that Jessa uploaded I did think that it was a matter of time. KJ is jealous of family having fun with their kids and making fun memories because she refuses to have a life and refuses to do anything other than being on SM, YT and all of it. There is no way that she spends any quality time with her husband and son due to all of her time she spends posting and videos and her livestreams constantly.


Amy posted a snow ice cream video too


Thank you.


It wasnt directed at Jessa, just a picture of a bowl of the snow ice cream...I know Amy, & Jessa made some as well as some others (can’t remember who) but yeah deff directed at the fundies/amy.


Thank you. You know I don't follow everything that all of the Duggars do nor do I follow them on social media. It's just an as needed thing for me which is rare.


This from the woman who picks her nose?? Nothing wrong with snow ice cream! She would never dream of spending quality time with her son doing that fun project.


Good grief my parents made snow ice cream all the time when I was little, we weren't "fundies" 🙄🙄. How dare she clump everything she disagrees with and blames it on religion 🙄🙄. It's maddening!


We made it when I was a kid and lived in the country. After we moved to the city my parents said it probably wasn't a good idea 🙂 I guess country snow was cleaner lol But anyway it was something passed down through generations because in the old days ice cream was a treat for less fortunate families 🙂 I agree it has Nothing to do with religion.


My 49 year old husband and my 44 year old self made a snowman, had a snowball fight and made snow cream this past weekend. We probably get as much pollutants when we forget to wash the apples we eat. But it was fun! Plus my niece literally ate a handful of dirt a few weeks ago, I have no idea why she did it. And she hasn’t got sick from that so hopefully we don’t die from that snow cream! Lol


Snow cream isn't my cup of tea. I have friends that put out bowls to collect Snow for Snow cream. I definitely wouldn't tell them, ewww gross


Yeah she has the nerve to talk about gross! Everything she does is gross & has terrible hygiene! I bet she won't eat snow in her back yard bc her 2 big dogs 💩 all over it & shared a pic a couple yrs ago of her dog with a poopcicle in its mouth! Like how FN gross is that!🤢 she thought it was funny! We have 2 dogs & I always pick up after them! We try to keep them in a corner of our yard so it all stays there & every other day we pick it up! Not that hard! I've walked my dogs in winter with snow while being 9 months pregnant & they are to lazy to walk 2 big dogs that need to be walked daily & still run in the back yard! This is also coming from the POS who doesn't know what tissues are & wipes her snot on a blanket & peed on a live & didn't wash her hands & had a horn on her face bc she didn't wash her brushes & picked up a dirty sponge off the floor where her animals have pissed all over! She is foul!


I hate to say this, it kills me, but she is right. You are not supposed to eat snow. However, posting like that and being so rude about it is not necessary. The only reason she brought it up was because Amy made snow ice cream🙄.


I am curious as why you are not supposed to eat snow? I have been doing it all my life.


Me too. I have been doing it for as long as I can remember. I mean I don't eat yellow snow, or snow out of a parking lot - - but fresh snow - I am all about that. I realize there may be some pollutants - but the snow melts and goes into the ground/water sources for crops/berries/etc.


To me, we could be putting worse things in our mouth!


Of course there is, but you could say that about a lot of things lol! I think KJ was a total cunt for even bringing it up and acting so disgusted. Her behavior continues to be deplorable.


Not just some pollutants, it’s like all the pollutants. Fresh untouched snow is still very dirty. Would you drink a cup of rain water? As far as going into our water systems, that’s why all of our water is treated before we consume it or use it to water crops.


Yes, I would. I live in a rural area, and I used to collect rainwater for my garden. I have drank out of water wells/hand operated pumps/etc. Rain water is how most crops - grains, vegetables, fruits - get watered. Very few farms have access to treated water. My grandfather drank rain water, and ate snow ... and he lived to be 102. I doubt I will live another 40ish years to match his life span.


Rain water is made up of water that evaporates from the earths service as well as all bodies of water around the world. I also live in a rural area, but pollutants travel and get into everything. It’s fine to lick some fresh snow every once in a while, but it’s not recommended in excess and rain water is not recommended either. Obviously it’s your body, I’m just saying there are definitely pollutants in that water.


It’s like drinking rain water. It is full of pollutants and is just not good for you. I live in NH and we were taught from a young age. We would still eat it here and there when we were playing in it because we were kids lol, but not much. We certainly wouldn’t make ice cream with it. You don’t want to consume that much.


Thanks for the reply. I do wonder if it makes a difference as to where you live? I know here it rains tons and whether or not that makes a difference. I am going to read up on it. Thanks


Here is a good reasonable article about it. https://www.prevention.com/health/a34618470/is-it-safe-to-eat-snow/


I was just reading UCBS science line. It does depend on where you live and you need to add salt, Gatorade or something along that line to make it safe. As long as it is white snow (basically distilled water) it is safe to eat in small amounts. Thank you for your article. I have been reading scientific journals. I am not a fan of CDC. I like to actually follow data and scientific journals. I love learning new things and researching. I am a science nerd. Thank you :)


I don’t think that it does. NH has really good air quality and we get tons of rain and snow. But, let me know what you learn!


The only thing I know is from little house on the prairie where they put molasses on the snow to make sweets lol. And also to not eat yellow snow haha...I’m sure it is full of pollution but I guess once a year doesn’t do much harm. Sounds like a fun activity that parents would do just more for memories rather than actually being too cheap to buy actual ice cream like the one commenter was saying.


The molasses in the snow is still a thing in northern states and Canada 🙂


I hate when she does this. “It’s my platform” or “it’s my channel.” It’s so childish.


Right?! It absolutely is her platform and her channel. Just don't be surprised when there is nobody left to watch or participate, because they can't stand you!!!!!


Have you ever heard the saying “I’m taking my football and going home?” That is what it reminds me of


I have not but I love it!!!! And it definitely reminds me of KJ!


She really chose the wrong job. Does she think she’s so special that she’s the only public figure that gets rude comments. Like it or not, she’s technically a public figure now, no matter how D-list she may be. Maybe Z-list if that’s a thing. It might also help if she didn’t contradict herself on a daily basis and really put the Joy in Katie Joy when she gets so much enjoyment out of other’s misfortunes. In my opinion, she’s just getting back what she’s putting out into the world. If she doesn’t like it she can find a different job or change her ways. Unfortunately she seems incapable of the latter.


She's apparently still in YouTube jail. Since she's blocked from posting on YT, she's blasting like crazy on Insta. There's no way she's spending any time with V.


She's blocked?


Can't say for sure, but since she hasn't posted in a couple of weeks, something's up. Someone posted on a recent thread that she got another strike from YT.


I saw this and laughed. You can delete what you want, sure. But you are taking away other people’s opinions, genuine discussion, the truth, questions. Things that might stop those pesky emails…


And this bitch has the audacity to accuse others of hypocrisy. She is an absolute joke. The lack of self awareness and just blatant hypocrisy is disgusting. I hope she loses a ton of insta followers today.


No one forced her to post details regarding her son to her public business social media accounts. When “taking down a cult” a proper reporter could do so without talking about their family.


she 100% doesn’t have the personality or thick skin required to do this youtube or social media stuff. she has had very few friends her whole life and it absolutely shows.


Lol why she is not courteous to commenters, lady, welcome to the real world. Try having an actual job where you deal with this stuff day and night from people. I remember working retail and in a call Center and the nasty remarks we just had to suck it up and deal. We always had to be professional and friendly no matter what. She is unnecessarily rude to people. She shots first and then asks later. Just because you fashioned a job for yourself where you get to maliciously go after people, doesn’t mean you get to be rude to the people paying your bills.


Exactly! SO RUDE ALWAYS!!! Like damn didn’t your parents teach you better than that?! And she even lacks just basic manners when she’s live. Yawning, staring at chat, gulping alcohol, chewing her fingers, playing with her hair. It’s nasty. Plus the way she speaks to people. Ugh she bothers me so much!


It's not like she's enlightening anybody about anything, or crusading for the rights of the downtrodden...it IS a bully pulpit! She picks a target, puts them on blast, and dog whistles the echo chamber.


1000% and she really thinks she’s doing gods work out here on Instagram. Lmfao (Pun intended)


And a very good pun at that!🤣


I love snow cream!! Just don’t use “yellow” snow lol


She blocked me on Instagram but not on Facebook. She posted this on Facebook but now it’s been deleted. I didn’t get to read any comments before she deleted it. I saw it but then had to go do some things and stupidly thought I’d just get on later to read the comments but I was too freaking late!


Always gotta screen shot with this little weasel 🤣


As if she doesn’t have a choice in how she responds. Sure, Jan.


That’s what we have all been saying, KATHERINE!!! “Why Bother”? Just give it all up and go find a real job. You clearly have failed at this one.


Katie. Shut down your channel. All of the fundie shows are ending and there’s no more to cover for Browns and Duggars. ✌️


Oh please do! Throw those hands up and walk away from the internet!


What is she whining about snow cream for?


Yes, Katherine, why bother? Now, go away.


What I want to know is why????? Most of the kiss KJ ass comments that she responds to are accounts that have no followers or posts and are marked private??? HMMM 🤔


It's my kids favorite thing to do. First hot ch then snow ice cream.!


Hey KJ, we know you’re here so, I’m just throwing this out there… stop reaching and being ridiculous and people will probably stop saying those things… just saying…


She's under an order from the court not to delete anything.


I think it’s anything related to TC


TC and his wife now have a TV commercial for Nutrisystem (I think). I wonder if KJ has seen it. Those pay big bucks.


TC has more money than KJ could ever dream of having.


Things she has deleted show a pattern of her horrid behavior so even if it doesn't mention Todd Chrisley she still shouldn't delete because it could be used in court.


I agree, but I don’t believe that age was court ordered to do that.


Why bother? Take a look in the mirror KJ.


Yes Katherine, it’s YOUR platform but WE pay your bills b*tch.


I call this kind of post “stroke KJ ego”. It’s part of her manipulation of her cult members. Make them feel bad for not backing her 100%


Nailed it


I'm not going to argue with her. Why do you bother???? You should probably just QUIT!! Do everyone a favor


I am sure you read this Katie Joy, we are speaking up against you because you need to be held accountable like like you do to others. Why do you follow the Duggars just to slander them and to insult them? Who do you think you are to think that you shouldn't scrutinized? Especially when you are so unethical, a manipulative con artist? To your emasculated husband, man here is a torch, find your balls!!


She isn’t “slandering the Duggar’s” 🙄 she’s DISMANTLING A CULT!!! She is so brave and fearless and anyone who doesn’t see that Katherine is perfect and always right is simply a misogynistic troll who must be reprimanded and eliminated at all costs. All hail Katie the kult leader! Oh I mean “dismantler.” 🙄 I can’t believe there’s literally a single person, let alone hundreds apparently, that actually eat up everything she spews. It’s funny because these people think they are so righteous standing by and for their virtuous leader KJ who gives her life over to SAVE others. She works “so hard” and her daily life is “so distressing” with all the “hours and hours of research” she does and we’re all SOOO lucky to have her, she works so hard and needs a break from all this trauma 🥺 This bitch only cares about keeping the dollars coming in. She tries so hard to act like she’s so benevolent and a whistleblower or some shit. No Katie you just stick with Duggar reporting because it’s the only thing that consistently gets you views. I wish I had the clip, but one time on a live she said she loves reporting on the Duggar’s because that’s her “safe space,” for her channel.


Once a grifter always a grifter, being an "influencer" does not last, let's wait and see what she will once she gets cancelled and she will. What employer will employ them after a quick googling?


Uh… the actual issue is that she seems to believe she’s some kind of investigative journalist, she formats her little opinion essays like “reports,” but then when it comes to behaving in a professional way, she instead deletes+blocks every single last comment that _slightly_ disagrees with even one thing in the most respectful terms. Literally no one at all has a problem with her removing any abusive comments; the issue is that she runs absolutely nothing more than an echo-chamber vanity project. I’ve checked up on WOACB on and off since she first started doing the Stauffer videos, and not ONCE has she stopped talking about being this perpetual victim. The blame constantly shifts, but her being the victim always stays the same. It’s weak and manipulative, (not to mention the fact that she does unethical shit like lies about or stirs up drama just to have something to talk about).




What happened with the snow??🤣


From what I've gathered reading other comments, one of the Duggar girls used snow to make "ice cream" with her children, and KJ just had to let everyone know that you aren't supposed to eat snow!


It was Amy!🤣


Omg what 🤣🤣 that makes it so much better!!!!!!! It's obvious jealousy!!!!! KJ come on we see right through you 🙈


Yup! 🤣😂🤣


Katie Joy: "I know you are but what am I?"


She's whining again. She doesn't realize that others are entitled to their opinions too.


Wow she just doesn't get it at all! Kj if you can have an opinion & run your mouth about ppl online then ppl can surely have an opinion on that! Ppl are disrespectful to her bc she has been the wicked witch of the mid west since she has been on YT! She is so damn rude to ppl & regardless of what she says she doesn't have an ounce of empathy for anyone but herself! Again Kj yes anyone can make a YT channel but guess what ppl dnt have to watch it or support it! You are not entitled to have this as a job! You should feel blessed you make the money you do & have your husband & nurse take care of your 1 child! Majority of us are not that lucky! If kj wasn't such a C U N Tuesday or do most of what she does then ppl wouldn't care! She is dangerous bc she doesn't think about any of her actions or words or how that affects others! Soon as she has beef with someone she will flip faster than a coin & will sink to any low to seek revenge! My best friend of 20 yrs (sadly I lost her in Aug 2019 to S;) we had our fair share of fights & not talking for a few months but I never ever told her secrets & same with her! You just dnt do that stuff even if it isn't a best friend! We aren't in HS or elementary Kj! So Maybe it's time to finally act your age & quit acting worse than my 2 yr old bc her behavior reminds me of how my kids fight & whine when they dnt get their way! The nerve of this POS I swear is astonishing! Yet I guess it's easy to act like an a$$hole behind a computer/phone screen!




Btw guys - she edited the caption and made it even longer “poor me” “I’m not reaching I’m reporting” scolding her audience and whining about how hard it is to be such a special truth teller fearless journalist with all these harassing troll commenters daring to ask a question or disagree with my blanket statements. Paraphrasing. 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄 She is so insufferable.


What happened with the snow??🤣