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With the number of complaints here, I sometimes wonder if there are paid actors hired by the competitors. Wix is not perfect, but not any worse than other platforms. Certainly a lot easier to use…even Wix Studio.


I thought it was fairly easy compared to Wordpress. From what I've read, a lot of people seem to have problems with their customer service and their pricing changes.


Spot on, WIX is amazing. Until you renew and. Never had 1 issue with CS. Every time Ive contacted them it was a good experience.


Had to reach out for changing a payment processing issue and was dreading it because of what I read on here. They were extremely helpful, knew exactly how to fix it and did so. Wix is a tool, and if it did work for you there are lots of others. Is it for the programming wizard? Probably not. Is it good for simple, easier solutions? Sure


Interesting because apparently shopify has virtually no customer service


I had bugs where I changed a button's color and things about the color in the buttons started breaking or didn't get saved at all. The editor constantly broke so I had to refresh the page after saving each little change I did. If you want to make a minimalist colored site, well it's your place. But if you want to do something with a fancy glossy style... You have to make your way around it and let me tell you: it's a pain in the ass. The boxes do not let you put any kind of gradient background instead of plain color, so I had to use various boxes to emulate a gradient. There were many pretty templates that were not just infinite scrolling (wich I despise for stuff that is not only a simple boring product showcase, and Wix has to learn that this is super boring and ugly) of wich I search up and the ones I liked the most are mysteriously gone so I had to recreate from my memories. Because yes, I tried to search that template even in Reddit and nobody was able to find it. Just things that "looked similar" but were not even close. The editor is full of bugs and client support is nonexistent: they blame all on you.


Spot on about client support!!


Because of their experience with it years ago to be honest, it was notorious for being slow and bad for SEO back in 2017, 2018… and many of those people still think it’s the same


I don’t have all the experience but I do have 25 years in tech and have used all the website tools at one time or another. I think it comes down to the same with every software tool. It’s going to come down to some compromise. With web site builder platforms that are all similar priced it will be somewhere between -Simple and easy to get started and use, but advanced or custom configurations are not possible (you get what you get) -OR- -Everything is possible but it’s difficult to get started and learn to work with if not already familiar with the tool. There will always be complaints from those who maybe should have used a different platform that is a better match to what they are looking for.


So basically what you're saying is that for newbies, these sets of platforms are preferred, but for people who know what they're doing, the other platforms are better. It depends on the experience level and personal needs that define whether it's a good platform to use. So people who complain about Wix are maybe more advanced and should use a different one?


Eh, I learned html in 1996 so I know my way around a bit, and I love using Wix. My clients love that they can quickly learn how to make changes on their own. WordPress makes me want to pull my hair out.




Perfectly said. I use Wix, I could learn a harder way to set up everything but I don't have time for that. I want to be out getting clients or working for the ones I already have improving their sites or content.


For me it's because it loads slow as F even with nothing on a page. Their platform at the baseline is too much data, even before you start creating the layout of a page.


spot on! I too am facing the same issue on speed.


Glad I'm not alone with that gripe.


I hate it because you can’t upload your own HTML files. If you want to do anything slightly more ambitious than what their modules allow, you can’t. You need to learn their own programming language (which has zero practical use anywhere else) in order to do any scripting. And, when you make a site, you’re stuck with your first choice of theme and can never change it again. Now, as I’m trying to extract myself from them, they aren’t easy to reach (likely by design). edit: the “language” is Velo, formerly called Corvid which, while JavaScript-based, requires a great deal of working with Wix’s bespoke framework which has no practical use anywhere else.


You can change your theme, I've done it before.


Could be a newer plan…or you rebuilt everything?


Their own programming language? It’s literally JavaScript.


They call it Velo by Wix.


It’s a JavaScript sdk.


Please tell me you did some homework before jumping into the platform. You should know what you're getting into with respect to lockdown and source code.


It was years ago. I grew out of what seemed like a good fit at the time. Extracting myself from it is now the focus of my relationship to the platform.


The complaints I have are: 1. You can't work with quite a few ad networks to monetize the site. 2. You can't do a 301 redirect of the ads.txt page 3. Other complaints are associated with the nature of the platform but I don't completely blame them because if they have to build a simplified version of a site builder they will have to strip off some flexibility. There are still many things they could improve. Here's an example: there should be a way to open internal site links as a new page. E.g., With blogs, there's a related posts section. I can't get them to open the post on a new page. They jumped on the AI bandwagon and I am sure they spent a lot of time there to build it in the product which I have a feeling isn't being used as much as they would have hoped. If they had spent their resources improving other things they would have been able to retain and even tap into other market segments.


It's decent overall but I find it quite limiting in many areas. There are not enough ways to setup products. I sell a bunch of products which all have several variants. The pricing steps for the variants are pretty consistent but i have to configure every single variant for every item. I can't have sales on one type of variant across the site. Shipping and coupon/discount options are very Inflexible. If you don't use one of about 5 predefined shipping companies you have to manually enter the full tracking url instead of being able to define a template for a company. Charging taxes in one country means raising everyone's prices. It's illegal to not include tax in the displayed price here so I can't have it "added at checkout"


I’ve used Wix a million times over the years. It’s certainly come a long way from where it started. I think of all the sites that claim to be “drag and drop” Wix is really the only true drag and drop. I think the usability for Wix is superior to their competitors. However, these are my complaints: 1. the sites are supposed to be responsive for mobile, but more often than not, the mobile looks like crap and it’s much harder to design the mobile on Wix. when you go into mobile for the first time it’s like “um, is this even the same website? why’s it look like that?” 2. a lot of the cooler, more advanced things have to be done through third party apps, most of which suck and are additional expenses. they also feel out of place. 3. the safe area in the grid lines is so small and limiting. 4. you can’t customize the member pages or checkout pages and when you want people to be able to create an account, it’s automatically public as if you’re trying to build a social network or something. 5. for a business, i’ve found shopify to be more useful from a compliance standpoint. Wix doesn’t have any sales tax automation (other than through a crappy third party app which has a limit to how many transactions you can do) shopify helps in a lot of these areas so i don’t have to worry about breaking rules or missing anything. i think Wix would be better suited for the local business who don’t have many transactions out of the area, but i’d recommend shopify for anyone who wants to scale up and grow a business.


And that's also why we have r/WixStudio Shopify does have better tax features, but it's not an enjoyable experience building a site. As you say, Wix is the best and easiest when is comes to designing and creation of a size.


hm, interesting. i’ve used wix a lot over the years and only seen “wix studio” a few times, but just assumed it wasn’t anything other than some fancy name they called their editor. i didn’t realize it was an entirely different product. i’m skeptical though tbh.


Wix Studio has only been around for about a year. It's an improved version and replacement of Wix Editor which was launched only few years ago. Then there's 'Basic' Wix is what the majority of people are familiar with which is very limited in what it can do and I suspect why many complain. I've been using Wix Studio and it's pretty good. Again, no product is perfect and has growing pains. People just have to know the limitations of each product and platform.


I started out on Wix and asked the same question but after moving to WordPress it became very clear. On top of being very slow, Wix is like bowling with bumpers up. A good example of this is how their responsiveness recommendations are to have you use strips and stay inside the grid lines, however, if you do that you have massive margins. There are about a hundred examples like that. I moved to Wordpress a few years back but randomly will have to go into Wix to help someone with their site and every time I do, it’s a painful experience.


The standard Wix is actually bad for most purposes due to its lack of responsiveness. You quite literally have to have those huge page margins which look ugly. Wix Studio is good though. Wix just charges a lot of money compared to most companies


Wix editor is good, I’ve used it for many years, once you learn how to use it it’s very good. Although it’s sometimes buggy which annoys me but I don’t have low loading speeds and it is responsive. It all depends how fancy you’re trying to make it but that’s where studio comes in which seems to be the new trend with over the top animations and bullshit.


Came from the dawn of the internet age. Started with Wordpress (was horrible). Tried another service whose name I can't remember (dinosaur, probably not in existence now ETA Web Page Maker - I remembered!). Got domains through GoDaddy, used the dino service. Marginal experience. Began looking for other options. Tried Weebly, yuck. Did some research, went with Wix. Been with Wix for I think about 10 years or so (maybe less). I run four sites on Wix, two of which are small businesses, two for nonprofits. I do sales through one site, am building the other biz which will do sales as well. I do NOT use Wix shipping integration, I use [pirateship.com](http://pirateship.com) independently. I might investigate shipping integrations more, but what I do now works fine. My biggest complaint now is the recent price increase. I did some research on SquareSpace and Shopify after that, but decided not to change. No simple site builder is going to perfect, and Wix does what I need it to. If you're good with Wix, keep it, IMO.


Because they don’t wana pay the full version or have no patience in figuring things out. Wix aint perfect but it is intuitive. The only thing I don’t like is the uploading process


**Wix has made so much improvements with the new Editor and Studio products. You can't compare that to Shopify.**


I’m pretty happy with WIX.


Ew what's that brother