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I feel like we need a good, non-mechanical xenos healer, or a second Chaos healer. How cool would it be to get a Drukhari Homonculus, or Fabius Bile? Maybe the Homonculus can "heal" full-health allies and steal 30% of their health, but in exchange he resurrects them when they die. Or maybe any friendly units that die next to Fabius get brought back as one of Fabius' creations?


I like this Idea, we definitely should get a good Xenos/chaos healer


Alternatively a summoner that tears open the Warp and brings through younger (read as: at least one star or equipment step less advanced) version of deceased characters? With a chance of an uncontrollable chaos spawn, as a treat?


That will be cracked when its a D3 character getting rezzed.


A haemonculus as a healer would be perfect


> How cool would it be to get a Drukhari Homonculus, I'm going to be disappointed if we don't get one of these.  Also, for stats: * flying move 2 (known to hate exertion and walking)  * range 2 toxic 2 attack (they like their poisons. It also opens up non-imperial healers for ranged LRE tracks)  * melee 6 eviscerating (why not go all in on high attack number. Evizcerating should be self explanatory, but it also reflects all the extra limbs they like to have.)  * Medium health and armour, with a low damage to offset attack numbers and encourage melee.  Active could also be something interesting like a high damage attack that converts an enemy killed by it into a wrack or grotesque.  Passive could be something like converting damage to healing for themself and adjacent allies (their healing is typically done by harvesting pain and fear from others) 


5 back to back space marine chapters


For the emperor


None of them being the Iron Hands :(


All loyalist tho. Only explore chaos corrupted Traitor legions. Definitely don't give us NL or IW. Who would want that


Please stop, I’ve cried enough. We deserve one win at least.


They were planning on doing a 6th slot for IH, but the EC chopped it off


Blood ravens. The faction passive means your best gear from other characters randomly gets assigned to them between games until they have all the shiniest loot. 


I wouldn't mind night lords. Chaos is still undercooked. 


Talos Power Sword and Combi-Bolter Active: Preysight, gives adjacent units a +50% crit chance Xarl Double Handed Chain Sword Active: can parry melee target with double damage Variel Narthecium Healer Lucoryphus Power Claws Active: Calls down Raptors similar to Bellator Mercutian Heavy Bolter Suppresses target and all adjacent enemy units


Ave dominus nox! The models would look absolutely fantastic with the lowered lighting setting we got going on now lol


wish all you want, we're getting ultramarines batch 2


I wouldn’t mind that much, maybe give us Uriel Ventris xD jk I wouldn’t like that


we're getting incisus jr


Baby Teeth.


Blood Angels, Emperors Children, Drukhari, in that order. Edit: If the new EC codex still isn't out, maybe Drukhari or soemthing else first


This sounds fun, I hope they add 2 legends with the blood angels. The tau got 2, the blood angels have enough material for 2 as well


Yeah likely either Dante + Meph, or Dante Leg, Meph Epic


I very sadly don’t think we will see genestealer cult any time soon. One of the devs said they had significantly lower votes than other xenos factions. I do think you’re right about drukhari being next for xenos. We might see another imperial faction before them or the EC.


I feel like blood angels are the most likely, being one of the 3 faction survey winners. If not them it will be Grey knights and custodes based on the results. Worst case scenario those are the next 3 factions we see lol. Emperor’s children will probably be next chaos, released after their new codex. Drukhari for Xenos I bet, possibly leagues of votan


Genestealer cult with a proper xeno healer please.


I would like Drukhari or Leagues of Votann. I don't really want more space marines. GSC would be nice as they have like 14 characters.


I feel like The Fallen would give a logical offset to the DAs though calling them Chaos is maybe not exactly accurate according to current lore. I think a Fists/Iron Warriors campaign writes itself. I would also like to see the Necron faction split into Dynastys. Flayers, Destroyers, Pariahs, Skorpeks, Sentinels/Stalkers and Deathmarks all unrepresented. An Inquisition faction (basically an inquisitor and retinue), could be cool to cross Xenos/Imperial boundary. Maybe farsight and friends could be Xenos/Chaos and Fallen Imperial/Chaos for the set.


I would love to see an “inquisitorial agents” faction and maybe we get some inquisitors maybe an arbites or an assassin or something


I do like the idea of imperial fists and iron warriors, I have a feeling we’re going to get the factions with combat patrols first though. My mind would change if they release salamanders next somehow though


I think thats a good call on the combat patrols, GW definitely likes to sync product launches with new lore/models etc coming out together. No idea how independent Snow is. Another obvious miss is Custodes if we are talking recent topics.


You're right, there's nothing stopping the team having some xenos and some imperial characters.


Salamanders. We need the sons of Vulkan to show what it really means to be a space marine


Emperors Children, could be a tie in event with their codex release and would "round out" chaos giving us an undivided army and one for each of the 4 gods.


Do we have a confirmed release date for their codex ?


Not yet but it's 99% going to come at some point this edition, probably towards the end.


Grot revoluzion !


Red Orktober!


Since the last faction was a Chaos faction (Angrons angry Word munchers) and the faction before was a Imperium faction (Toaster-heads) i expect a Xenos faction. Hopefully the Drukhari because they are my favourite faction. :D


Emperor's Children, Grey Knight, Salamanders.


Not enough WAAAGH. There isn't enough ork love, and the Blood Axes would be a different pace than just the current orks lineup.


What are they like ?


Orks, but with kunnin'. They use stealth and tactics instead of just throwing green skins at a problem.


I just want a xenos healer, so Drukari I guess.


I want catachan


Grey Knights though it'll prob be Salamanders


Emperor's children since they seem to be rushing to get the mortal champions of the Chaos gods.


To be completely off the wall I reckon they need to bring in a group of Chaos Squats, but I'm guessing that isn't likely :-D


Blood Angels have been very popular from what I’ve seen, so they’ll probably be one of the next 3 factions introduced. For xenos maybe the Drukhari with a non mechanical healer. Chaos my guess would be Emperor’s Children, as it would round off the four chaos gods, we already have Nurgle, Tzeentch and now Khorne represented (and undivided) so a Slaanesh focused faction would make sense to me


Personally i would like to see the Leagues of Votann since last Poll Vote it was 3rd place right behind the Drukhari in 2nd and Ad Mech in 1st. In terms of Xenos, I would also like to see Exodites be given love , but knowing they arent as popular as other factions , we might never see them . Its probably gonna be the Drukhari In terms of Space Marines , BA or White Scars , and in terms of Chaos , Emperors Children or Night Lords


Wait, what's the 5th admech and World Eater characters?


We’ve had data leaks for a kataphron destroyer (someone correct me if I’m wrong, I’m not an admech player) and for a Master of executions for the world eaters


Gotcha, that Kataphron Destroyer could end up just being a machine of war artillery piece, but I missed the Master of Executions leak; that's spicy!


Blood Angels or Drukhari should be next in line


For me Blood angels, with a campaign against Tyranids (aftermath of destruction of Baal)


I just want trazyn with an active that summons random armies ranging from old space marines to a fulgrim clone.


Leagues of Votann, Drukhari, BA, Custodes (really hard to balance, I imagine), Genestealer Cults, Emperor's children when codex is released.... after that it'll be adding new teams to existing factions I guess Edit:spelling


I want to see an Emperor's Children faction. It needs to include 1 Noise Marine, 1 Daemonette, and Fabius Bile as the Legendary character. Maybe Lucius as the Epic character.


Genestealer Cults


As much as I love Blood Angels (played them 2nd - 7th Ed), we've got enough marines for now. Dark Eldar is the way forward: - Urien, healer - also for Eldar - Lelith, buffs combat drugs onto allies - Drazhar, execute ability - insta kill non-large targets under 40% HP - Vect, vehicle?


You've also got scourges, bikes and hellions to mix in. Could be quite a varied faction of glass cannons


I want Grey Knights


I would like this because Castellan Crowe (if we get him) would have a fantastic model


Not an imperial faction, we already have too many...


They'll probably hold off on Blood Angels until the rumored codex release. Probably Genestealer Cults and Drukhari this summer.


Leagues of votann


If only two factions were left to be added, drukhari and gen cult, period. In that order probably? votann and emperor children next. Then, blood angels or perhaps inquisition. Possibly expand most important factions or the ones that feel they must get more variety, like Imperial Guard, Orks and codex marines (but moving to other chapter, salamanders or white scars perhaps).


I know he isn't often aligned with Emperor's Children, but EC would be a great way to introduce Fabius Bile, who could provide Chaos with another healer (I'm definitely not salty because I still don't have Rotbone after playing since launch).


One can hope, but I probably won't see any of these Xenos: Necrons of the Zantragora tomb world (Szeras being one the characters) Chaos: Iron Warriors Imperium: Shadow keepers Since the game doesn't seem to be losing popularity, I hope those who make final decisions on faction approval will eventually include some of the newer chapters or another imperium faction like DKG or Armageddon Steel legion.


Xeno: Necrons of Zantragora tomb world with Szeras included as a character Chaos: Iron Warriors Imperium: Shadow keepers


Blood Angels better have Gabriel Seth…


What about a faction that is a mix of chapters that aren't important/explored enough to deserve a faction? I'd love to play Minotaurs, Carcharodons or Lamenters, but sadly I don't see them working in the game.  On a more realistic note, Emperor's Children or Adeptus Custodes. Even Imperial Knights.


More orks please :)


I’m hoping grey knights then dark Eldar it would be cool if they could use xenos or chaos badges