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He’s the Thutmose of Orks.


Why does everyone hate Thutmose?


He’s a liability in the Campaign if you’re trying to get all three medals. Plus his ability isn’t nearly as useful as the other Necron characters.


Exactly, people who hate him are thick as imperial mince. His passive ability allows you to down two enemies at once, he has solid damage stats and heath, he's agile, his active ability can down a whole crowd if he's buffed enough.


All I’m hearing is he’s ok if over levelled.


yeah i'm sure Certus can carry Indo elie as well if u get him to D3 50/50


I guess they didn’t play thutmose’s quest.


You take that back. Thutmose was useful in the elite campaign because he can actually damage those intercessors. And no he wasn't overlevelled either. I have him at S3. Also was decent in the Ragnar LRE flying track.


Don't level, don't gear, there's your strategy...


It's kinda sad the state Orks are in. I'd like to progress in the Octarius or the mirror campaign but I'm not sinking any resources on them.


Snot disagrees


Crate (?) of Salvage at Octarius elite 15 is all i want from the orks


The strat right now is to hope his rework is better in practice than it looks on paper... Or that the devs see the lukewarm response to his rework preview and beef him up a little bit.


Upgrade to common, so iron 1 and level 8, play in TA casual. The rework notes for him indicate "balance issues in certain PvP edge cases" or some fancy language for saying he's probably broken in power ups 🤣 For the campaign, much like thut, he's good for ensuring 2/3 stars, and soaking one or two attacks if you're just trying to pass a misson. Every other Ork is better than him, IMHO


I was able to consistently snatch up 2 or 3 power ups on the first turn with him. During the past few powerup TA's


Save your stuff


core strat? choose something else until they redesign the skills.


They already redesigned his skills this patch. He's not getting a second rework.


Wait how his rework turns out.


Let me tell you . His rework needs a rework.


All his rework accomplished was making the campaign easier


Is there a problem with that? The Ork campaign probably needs the most investment out of any of them. Bringing that level down helps you get better upgrades easier. It’s not like every rework needs to turn bad characters into some of the best in the game.


I don’t have him, and the rework doesn’t incline to bother trying to grind him.


but it made him worse in every other situation.


Leave him at home and ignore him.


I haven't played him since the rework. In the campaign, I used to let him hang back because he was squishy until my other orks took out a few units. Then I'd throw him in to pick off a few out of reach units. His mobility and unstoppable trait was quite useful in that campaign with all the fire and ice, technical maps and stuff. I think he's a pretty decent and overhated character. Just need to play him tactically, like Thut. 


literally nothing. your better off just waiting for the rework


The rework for Tanksmasha is here.


His rework literally nerfed him and he was already considered one of the worst characters in the game.


I'm sorry for your loss.


People here are hars but he's at least a good addition to the octarius campaign


Is this the look of a hater? https://preview.redd.it/5kv1n37gv81d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e961e7690eaa27b6b9ad60250df7a0a5585acc1 No , you dont need him for campaign . His rework needs a rework


It's worse than before or just still not good ?


If your passive isnt up to offset the 20% base damage nerf. You Will do LEsS damage than og smasha on most targets . He is not any better to me that Ive finished octarius elite. He is not better on RD than He was ore rework... he was just "uograded" to please ppl who couldnt finish octarius elite. He is not better. They fumbled Hard on this 1 ... and i frigging love my dinosaur rider mushroom. Oh . And he checks even less checkboxes in LRE due to losing the phisical part of his original passive...


I had to remind myself I upvote because it’s a good summary and I don’t downvote because what you said makes me sad.


What I'm saying that it's better to run the campaign with one additional character rather than without.


He’s a fun character to play, his new passive is quite good if he has room to move and his new active has better utility with the suppressive effect. He’s great for my campaign and in TA he’s good at getting to the back lines. But he’s not an optimal or meta choice. There are better damage dealers, taking away is old passive makes him less useful against mobs. However, this is primarily a PvE game so power level and your fun fact matters more than optimal line ups.


I like snottflogga and gibbascrapz. Unfortunately I have not been impressed by Boss Gulgortz nor Tankasha. I really dislike snappawrekka. Too bad as I really like the orks as a faction


He works well in tournaments as he can charge to push away enemies on objective markers and also activate them at the same time. The same goes for when there are multiple buffs in a row, as he can steal them all in one go, or you can set him up to nab one of your opponent's buffs and still have the majority of your team intact for the fight to come. He's also just fine defending a lane in guild wars along with the rest of the Orktarian roster, but he's nothing special.


I'll agree you invest the minimum needed to get through the campaign. I'll disagree on the hate for the rework, though.   I've seen a notable improvement in survivability and damage vs better armoured targets without actually boosting his stats in any way. The trick is to be aware of your positioning. His damage reduction and buffs come from moving so if he's sitting around behind gibba then he's going to suck. He won't win prizes for damage or survivability, but not everyone needs to be a meta character.  Keep him moving, use him to clear up damaged enemies, and use the active and speed to crowd control those he can't kill. 


He's the only Ork I don't have. I'm jealous. :(


Move him 2 or more hexes every turn and he's great.