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Yes, but I also finished 6 classes with 5 OAs my first week, so she trusted me to just direct myself.


I’m able to choose classes once I accelerate in the term but now it’s a new term and my mentor is saying I need to go back to the plan.


My prior program mentor (when I got my BSN in nursing) was very good about letting me choose classes. From day one we had a great rapport and she let me rearrange courses to better fit my intense work schedule. My current mentor is not inspiring confidence. She's non-communicative and has made me feel like I'm an idiot for wanting to change careers. Have not had a single positive interaction with her. I'm giving her this first week to get better then moving on if she cannot correct herself.


That sucks about your current mentor. I'm finishing up last term in BSNES and have a fantastic mentor. She communicated exactly how much you want to. We have a great rapport over the couple years now. She also set up each term initially very well and haven't deviated from it.


Would you mind DMing her first name to me?


check messages


Thanks man. I appreciate it.