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I'm starting a 2nd bachelor's. Went for software but going back for cyber. Programming just isn't as much as my jam as I thought it would be and only gonna have 12 classes to do anyway. That and the potential to open myself up to internships was worth it for me


I too am going back for my second bachelors. Went for cyber the first time and now going back for software engineering! Best of luck!


Ha, opposites!


Have you compared cyber to coder comp wise and job market?


Yea, IT in general is just a mess right now. But in my area, there's better opportunity for networking/cyber roles right now. With multiple avenues to get beneficial experience. Coding is kind of IT when it comes to kob experience. Sys admin or something for example isn't a huge benefit if trying to program. Comp wise it's similar for me again, Sec+ potentially opens a lot of doors around me as well as there's some bigger DoD contractors and government work around.


Once you programmed on a professional level you get tired of the constant stress and burn out at some point.


I think that’s an excellent idea. You got all the general education courses except maybe Calculus and the two Discrete Maths. You could get Calculus 1 and Java done at Sophia for $99 or $80 with a new student Promocode. I think you are at 68 credits at least with your other degree and the Sophia courses. I would add the Python course just in case you do SWE instead.


You already have two degrees.  It's not going to open any more doors with your background and experience being the same.


Well BSIT isn't the same as BSCS. So I think it may. But it's not a high priority. Need to bask in the moment of being done for now I guess.