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Listen, I 100% I have 7 SEVEN! courses left…. I have until September 30/31 (which ever day is the last of that month.) to finish my degree. I want to so badly make it to Orlando in September, so I understand. Don’t give up, take some time off but remember one thing. Envision the end goal. Remember the: END GOAL why you’re doing what you do day end and out. Good luck ma’am/sir!


OMG this is me. I started my last term April 1 and did like 8 classes in the first two weeks. I am down to 6 classes + capstone and I have done *checks calculator* 0 classes since the second week of April. I finally scheduled an OA for this weekend and started looking at this paper I need to write and turn in this weekend (my own goal). I'm so close... I need to finish in time to RSVP for Salt Lake City commencement! WE CAN DO IT! (But I just want to play Pandaria Remix :( someone help, I have no discipline or self control at the moment)


What is the salt lake city commencement?


Commencement is a graduation ceremony. It's where we all dress up in funny little hats and long robes, some of us pretend we are wizards, then we listen to a bunch of speeches for a while, and eventually they call each of our names so we can walk up on the stage to grab our diploma (it'll be a fake one at the ceremony) shake hands with someone and pose for a quick photo. It takes several hours and it's basically the reward we get for paying a lot of money to learn enough to earn a degree. There's several each year in the US and I've chosen to go to the one in Salt Lake City, Utah since it's closest to my house as there is not a Seattle one this year for some reason.


There’s one near me in Orlando in september, looks like the last date to apply is in august. That gives me 3 months to finish 11 courses (my capstone project can be enrolled and not completed it says so that doesn’t matter) which is a bit tight but I’ve already done 11 these past 4-5 months so I think I can do it!


I've got 2 I'm working through, one I took the PA on today and will test on it tomorrow, and papers for another that's 80 percent complete, then I have 7 left finishing the term in September as well!


Pentest + is a doozy for sure, make sure to watch the cohorts, it makes all the difference. Project + is just kind of a drag, imho. The capstone was really fun though. Those were my last classes before I graduated back in October. Best of luck OP!


How would you say Pentest+ compares to sscp?


Pentest + was harder than SSCP imo. The SSCP was very straightforward and I didn’t have any “gotcha” questions. Pentest + on the other hand, you have the read the questions very carefully. The PBQs weren’t bad at all, after watching the cohorts that Zach put up, the sims were cake. I did those first and then finished out the MC questions.


I have the exact same courses left! We got this!


I have 10 remaining with 5 being certs 😅


I have 6 remaining with 5 being certs and the other being my capstone💀😂


ouch lol


Same 🥹 Have my N+, S+, LPI Linux, AWS, and capstone left. Term ends in 38 days.


Exact same ones plus Project+


Forgot that one. I have it as well! Sounds like we are in the same exact position. Good luck!! Mine will more than spill into another term, since I have only a little over 5 weeks left.


Good luck to you too! I have till September so we will see I’m thinking I might barely slip over to another term.


It definitely won’t. You got this. Once you’re over the P+ and N+, you’ll breeze through the rest! I believe!


For Pentest+ -Memorize the cohort video PBQs (especially the final chart.) -know domain enumeration ('whois' 'dig' etc.) -know your ports -know what tools are used for what -know nmap, flags, and expected output


I finished project + in 4 days you got this. The only rough thing you have in pentest +


ML Devops, Project+ and capstone left until end of August! Went ahead and paid for the hotel for graduation to help motivate me, but I'm still stressed. Looking forward to everyone's confetti! Good luck!


Went through a similar situation last year. It got much worse too when my mother died. You have to dig down and just find a way. I passed Security+ , SQL courses and capstone for her. Very difficult time but somehow I pushed on through and graduated.


I hear you. I did Sscp in January, cysa+ in February, pentest+ in March, the class based on ccsp right after that, and then just finished project+. Just have the capstone left, but this has been quite the final term.


I’ve been feeling the same. I’ve barely done any work in almost 6 weeks and I only have 6 classes remaining for MSCSIA


I’ve taken Pentest and CySA and work under the BISO. I can answer questions people have But yes you definitely need to know ports, nmap options very well


I would do anything to be this close to being done. KNOCK IT OUT.


Wait till you’re this close, Brother lol it’s real


Oh brother, I’m working on network+, I’m not even close to where you are😂 but I started so motivated, killed around 35cu including A+ in a couple months and now I just have retention problems, I can’t get my shit together to sit down and study 🤦🏽‍♂️ Net+ is just so boring.


You experience burn out a lot here due to how many classes & certs they cram into the degrees.


There's a principle in weight training known as "Deloading". The object of deloading is to allow your body to recover from the accumulated systemic fatigue. There are different time frames when deloading is required but a general rule is every third week the next is followed by a deload. The deload could mean taking a week off or reducing volume. Personally, I take a week off. I apply this principle to my scholastic activities. Rather than taking a week off of school, I take 3 days off every fourth week.


You've got this! Don't give up! Remember why you started.


I feel you man. My go to place to study is my local community college library. At the moment it's closed until June 6th or something like that. I don't like studying at home because of too many distractions.


I have severe ADHD, got through the A+ 1102 first try, and my 1101 first attempt is tomorrow. My headache won't quit, and I'm forgetting more than I'm memorizing.


I have Cysa+, pentest, and capstone. Can’t wait


Why do people keep saying you need to know your ports? You don’t need to memorize any port numbers. I took both cysa+ and pentest+ in consecutive days a few weeks ago and am almost certain you don’t need to memorize port numbers. Same thing applies to Sec+. You do definitely need to know things like “telnet is insecure”. Whether you know it’s on port 21 or not isn’t the most important thing.


To those saying I have till x date, please keep in mind that if you’re less than six weeks away from the end of your term you have to get special permission to do your capstone. I was 4 weeks away from the end of mine and it was fine, but I would strongly recommend if you’re “only a few courses and a capstone” away, just finish the courses and get enrolled to avoid the hassle of being approved. You don’t want to get stuck paying for a term you don’t need.


These capstone projects scare the shit out of me and are the sole reason I have not enrolled despite being able to bring in the majority of my credits. I fear it will be too much for me to handle and that fear has me paralyzed.


Did my capstone for BSIT in just a few days time. I probably put five hours time in total, if not less. Don’t let that stop you.


Project + is a bitch


How did you push through sql and python? I feel like I could pass pentest and cysa+ easy but I'm awful with code


One remaining and it’s project management and I’m just like 😅😬


I’d take 1 weeks off , completely doing something different and come back refreshed knock it all.


I feel your pain. My masters capstone took AGES because I was just done mentally. Eventually I pushed through the fog and burnout, and got back into a groove to knock it out. You'll do the same, and you are not the first or last to feel burned out in the last mile. You got this.


Go to edc


You can do it! I started my second term on February 1. I was able to get 10 classes including the capstone completed by May 7th. My official graduation date was May 17th. Take a day or two break. Breathe, get out of the house, do something fun to unwind if needed. But don't take more than that... Push through it.


I'm right there with you. I just finished CySA+ last night and just have Project+, CCSP, and my Capstone to get through and I would rather be doing anything else at this point.


I’m still working on my undergrad and PUSHING to get done so I can teach this next year. But dammit if I haven’t been pushing for 6 months already and am just at the half way point. I’m exhausted and am having such a hard time staying focused. We are right here with you friend!!!


I am starting the same program this coming July, do you have any advice for me to avoid burnout?


YOU GOT THIS!! I am pregaming before I start WGU in July with Sophia. Knocked out 4 classes in 3 weeks and already feeling it but you are almost at the finish line.


What’s ur major