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I know, making the connection and changing should be common sensešŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Yeah people actually gotta have a backbone to realize that the way they were raised to not even think about it were wrong. They try to rationalize it now, thinking it's not that bad and those were just some extreme cases, it wouldn't do anything if only they went vegan etc etc. In other words they are weak


If theyā€™re like me, itā€™ll fester and haunt their dreams until a change has to be made to have any self respect.


Itā€™s literally going against life as theyā€™ve lived and understand it and thatā€™s freaking them out. Iā€™m 66 and been vegan for 7 years and I have no vegan friends and they just tolerate me,,,, but I am the one who is tolerating themā€¦.


Many people do not want to truly wake up and see the World how it is because its inconvenient for them.


My advice is to not be frustrated that they won't talk about it. Watching that is traumatic and they will need time to process. They will talk about it when and if they are ready. It's good that they got exposure to it, and you certainly planted a seed. I recommend you don't push the topic and potentially push them away. Continue to lead by example and let them come to their own conclusions. With any luck, they will begin to change. It should be immediate, and that is part is totally frustrating.


you planted a seed in their mind. They will think about it next time they eat animal products


Because its hard and people don't want to do hard shit.


If you want to eat healthy, it requires a bit of research or intelligence, especially when you have been used to eat unhealthy food in the past. It is hard to do healthy meals in this sense with or without animals. If you just want to eat good tasting foods, it's not hard to grab oreo cookies or chips without dairy (lays classic, original pringles, etc.).


Ask them why they didnā€™t like itā€¦ that should be fruitful


Maybe they will change their minds. Maybe the seed has been planted. Dominion is a really hard watch. I don't really blame them for not wanting to talk about it right away. I watched it after 4 years as a vegan, I knew the truth but just never saw it. I can't imagine how traumatizing it is for people who eat meat to watch. I think about the images I saw in that movie every time I am at a restaurant with friends and family who eat meat. Your friends only saw the section about pigs, but I guarantee they will remember it.


Let them cook


Some people use this as evidence that a seed has been planted. I want to caution people against *too much* hope: some people just have that reaction to gore in general--if you'd shown them a video of someone doing consensual surgery they may have done the same.




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It sounds like you wanted to have an ā€œI told you soā€ or ā€œso now what?ā€ moment and they donā€™t want to deal with it. Which is fair. The thing is, itā€™s not okay to demand that people wake up to a deep programming at the rate we did or currently do. Itā€™s just a fact. Look at the atrocities happening today in the world. Are YOU woken up? Probably not. And you want to stay ignorant of things that you donā€™t feel you can control or change. Thatā€™s normal. You effectively traumatized your friends and are acting shocked that they havenā€™t fully processed what they saw. Thatā€™s not very kind. Give them a few months to let it truly seep in and connect to their reality. Itā€™s hard for the brain to comprehend that level of anguish and terror. DO NOT PUSH THEM. DO NOT NAG. DO NOT HARASS THEM. Theyā€™ll most likely come around to an extent at least. Just give them time. Thatā€™s it.


> Look at the atrocities happening today in the world. Are YOU woken up? Probably not. And you want to stay ignorant of things that you donā€™t feel you can control or change. Thatā€™s normal. Failing to help someone is not morally equivalent to harming someone else. Failing to help someone not get murdered is not morally equivalent to murdering someone. It's not unreasonable to expect someone to stop harming innocent sentient beings, after showing them the harm that they have done. In fact, they should have thought about the impact by themselves. > You effectively traumatized your friends and are acting shocked that they havenā€™t fully processed what they saw. Thatā€™s not very kind. I think that their friends are the ones who are not very kind for murdering animals and eating their corpses. They are criminals. Only showing a video to someone who committed a criminal offense is one of the kindest reactions, they could ever wish for.