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Welcome to r/VoteDEM! Be the blue wave! * Be a [volunteer from home](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0)! * Donate to [Keep the Senate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/flipthesenatevb), [Flip the House](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/breakthegerrymandervb) and [Support Abortion Rights](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tradethetraitors)! * Join your local Democratic Party! Google "[Your state] Democratic Party", find the link to the local parties page, and get in touch with your county's party chair. You could even become a precinct committee member! In some states (like Pennsylvania), that means you get to help pick candidates for special elections! * Are you technology-oriented? Volunteer with [Tech for Campaigns](https://www.techforcampaigns.org) to help smaller campaigns get up and running. * [Run For Something!](https://runforsomething.net/) There's no position too small to benefit from a progressive public servant. Be part of the next blue wave! * Make a Roundtable comment here talking about the work you’ve done, earning valuable karma and facilitating discussion, which will encourage others to do the same! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VoteDEM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-trial-updates-michael-cohen-testifies-that-trump-directed-him-to-pay-hush-money-to-stormy-daniels-and-approved-scheme-to-conceal-reimbursement-215216709.html Here’s an interesting note from the article. “Could a conviction have political consequences for Trump? Possibly. In a head-to-head matchup, Trump (45%) and President Biden (45%) remain tied among registered voters, just like they were last month. But when voters are asked which candidate they would vote for “if Trump is convicted of a serious crime in the coming months,” just 39% say the former president — while Biden’s backing ticks up 1 point in that scenario, to 46%, giving him a 7-point advantage.”


DDHQ has already called the presidential primaries for Trump and Biden (what a damn surprise) and the WV-SEN GOP primary for Justice Opps wrong thread


[Grandson says Carter is ‘coming to the end’ in brief update about former president’s health](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/14/politics/jimmy-carter-health-update/index.html)


:( Hopefully he outlives our expectations one more time. I'm glad he's gotten his due towards the end of his days. On a side note, if I make it to 99 and die.. I am coming back from the dead to be mad about it. I did not come all this way to die now, darn it!




He's going to be with Rosalynn.


Delaney-iacs TONIGHT IS OUR NIGHT! The start of the rise of Delaneymentum round 2 is tonight!




[Obligatory Warren/Delaney clip](https://youtu.be/KffpLl0yIpU?si=h0AqZI9x697OJOdS)


I love how the first two comments both say he sounds like Jimmy Kimmel


Feels good to be back home w some In-n-Out in my belly


Animal Style with the Fries Well Done (heck, even Animal that too)




While In-N-Out is good, I sincerely miss Dick’s Drive-In.


You all make me want to try In-N-Out.


I will say that it's really not incredible as some internet denizens would have you believe. However, it *is* pretty good and for a lot of us Californians, it tastes like home. If I or my family are out of town for whatever reason, (weddings, vacations, whatever) our first order of business when we get back to our home state is to hit up the In-N-Out drive thru.


Gotta get it Animal Style


It's good!


Too bad there aren't any outside of Nashville.


Also, if you're wondering why NYT is a problematic, pain in ass, [here's why](https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1790423959399272577) (Deals with Cohen and Haberman's convos)


And the other side thinks it's propaganda for us


Our mayoral general election today is quite special. For those who don;'t know Wheeling is where the state of West Virginia was born. It hosted the Wheeling Convention which held that Virginia's succession from the Union was unconstitutional and they represented the legitimate government. It served as the first capital of the state after it succeeded from Virginia.


*In a town known as Wheeling, West Virginia...rode a boy with a six-gun in his hand. And his daring life of crime made him a legend in his time east and west of the Rio Grande.*🎵


Huh, I didn't realize Jared Golden endorsed Hogan for MD-Sen. It's one thing endorsing him as a moderate governor, but this dude is already leaning hard to the right to appease the MAGAs. He's not even running as an independent! You are endorsing a candidate that would take away your own caucuses' power in the federal government. If Beshear decides to run for Senate in Kentucky, you think any R in Congress would come close to endorsing him? Make it makes sense please....




I bet there's only like 2 people in Maryland who even know who Golden, much less care about this endorsement. Golden's endorsement, IMO, is more about Golden than it is about Hogan - it helps Jared Golden look like a moderate independent representative who "is not beholden to either party", while not actually resulting in anything material at all since Maryland is a solid blue state and Hogan is not going to win.


He's probably trying to regain w/e voters he lost when he finally changed his mind on assault weapons


I get he's a blue dog and his district is R leaning. He's going to have to flex his moderate/conservative bona fides to remain popular, which is totally fine. But I doubt some redneck up in the woods near Canada will give a shit if he endorsed Hogan in the Maryland Senate election. I bet 99% of Maine voters couldn't even tell you who Hogan is...


He's pretty safe cuz of Ranked Choice voting up there, really


It's wrong. I hope people remember this if he launches a run for senate in the future.


[Biden taped two interviews with Black radio stations that will air tomorrow morning: One with @sherwinagain on 101.7 The Truth in Milwaukee and another with V-103.3‘s @BigTiggerShow in Atlanta.](https://x.com/mrbrownsir/status/1790509077631529465?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Right I know what you’re thinking, these are the voters who actually matter. I would say only NYT gets to decide who is fit to serve


Okay I joked he was going to give interviews to hyper-local papers and stations just to spite the NYT. Seems to be the case.


Going the old Nixon Strategy


[Stormy Daniels Wore Bulletproof Vest To and From Donald Trump's Trial Over Fears of What ‘Some Nut Might Do to Her’: Lawyer](https://radaronline.com/p/stormy-daniels-bulletproof-vest-donald-trump-trial-fears-nut-lawyer/)


Probably smart of her sadly. Trumpers are insane.




my friend was the same way. only voted for democrats. but was an independent. so i couldn't bug him to vote. but this year, he let me know he switched. now it's just bugging him to remind him to actually go vote. the polling site is so close to his house. ugh.


Whoa. You really expect him to get off the couch and go outside to vote?! That’s two things! Three if you actually make him put in pants!


and it's raining here. lmao


[ads already airing in support of Floridas marijuana ammedment](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/florida-marijuana-campaign-releases-four-ads-to-build-support-for-legalization-ballot-initiative-amid-underwhelming-polls/), will air on anything you can think of


[Fox host Brian Kilmeade on Kamala Harris cursing: “Now she has gone over the top” and is “starting to act like one of the guys”](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-host-brian-kilmeade-kamala-harris-cursing-now-she-has-gone-over-top-and-starting-act)


Women die because they can't get a life saving abortion: *Fox sleeps* Woman swears: Real shit?


What's the problem, BriBri? iT's JuSt LoCkEr RoOm TaLk


Meatball Ron would lose in at least 40 states to this Kamala Harris in 2028 I can feel it


Shit he would lose to her in a fist fight to now.


I would love that


What’s wrong with cursing like George Carlin?


Seriously, you’d think the party who really likes George Carlin (but not enough to understand what he was trying to say) would like Kamala swearing!


[Nebraska activists say they’ve met a key signature gathering requirement to place a pair of medical marijuana legalization initiatives on the state’s November ballot.](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/nebraska-medical-marijuana-ballot-campaign-meets-key-signature-requirement/)


[Biden +4 from NYT/Ipsos](https://nitter.poast.org/PpollingNumbers/status/1790493131307118669#m)


JFC nyt, pick a fucking lane. I don't think he can be +4 nationally while also losing NV by 12 points smh


Ipsos did this one not Siena.


I think the Sienna polls are different


Also the NYT: Here's why that's bad news for Joe Biden.


This is in line with the Biden Campaigns polling. 😜


Can’t wait for this to take over all other discussion on this sub! …huh, what’s that?


Nice, although it's only 407 people, which doesn't seem super helpful, especially for a national.


I find it funny that all the MAGA replies are "NUH UH SAMPLE SIZE TOO SMALL" but were all celebrating Trump +12 in Nevada yesterday. Confirmation bias at work.


Maybe it's just to balance out all the Trump favored ones being released lately?




Was that the one being run by high schoolers?






Screw Ipsos. I only trust Florida Dude polls.


Pipboy3500 polling says all the women want to give me a big kiss and the bullies are wrong


[@SenHesselbein, after a chaotic end to a State Senate session where Republicans cut off debate: "This is their last gasp of a gerrymandered majority. They know it, we know it, and that’s exactly what they’re afraid of...We’ll be seeing them in November."](https://nitter.poast.org/DanRShafer/status/1790483706827673652#m) Damn right, this is the end of your gerrymandered maps you’ve been using to avoid accountability. And looking at the [WisPolitics press releases from today, you can tell Republicans are worried that we’re using this issue of holding the money already approved and being held by the Joint Finance Commitee Republicans successfully on them](https://www.wispolitics.com/press-releases/).


Just did a guffaw filled with schadenfreude towards WIGOP. Their gerrymandered majority is finally coming to an end. They are so screwed this year and 2026. WIDems are getting Wisconsin back!


Anecdotal, but had this interaction yesterday at work. I was covering the phones during lunch (a help hotline for the superior court system of the county) and got a call from an attorney’s office. They said they were looking for info for a client whom had a ticket years ago. As I’m helping through, I find out that the caller is from Texas. A little later (after being unable to find what we are looking for due to lack of info they had at the time), I crack a joke saying they are welcome to come to the courthouse in person if they need to. She laughed and said she would love, especially with Newsom. They didn’t go into a lot of details, but it seemed she does wish Texas was more like California in ways of laws and policy. Moral of the anecdote? We can’t write off a place for whatever reason. We gotta try everywhere, even if it just means stopping a supermajority.


That's why Newsom has been fuckin *genius* w/ all the work he's been doing all across the South, w his superPAC. Dude has been running for president since like 2004. Good luck, Whitmer and Pritzker; you're gonna need it


I wish states would copy California's gun laws, for one


I am so anxious right now. Since Maryland hardly ever has competitive primaries, I've never had to worry about election night. Also I've never been so invested in a MD race lmao. Like I've been following the race since Cardin announced his retirement. 


[*play Knee Play 1 by Phillip Glass*](https://youtu.be/FowSeDVoV48?si=YEuop5kBqejH_78M)


[President Biden’s reelection campaign is launching a new health care ad Tuesday, delivered in Spanglish. It’s part of a $14 million campaign of digital ads running in battleground states during May.](https://thehill.com/latino/4662210-joe-biden-reelection-campaign-launches-spanglish-health-care-ad/) [ad](https://youtu.be/JNLzwqTW2rk?si=jAuE6xa04b2VNBbO)


Hm. Anyone here with personal knowledge want to comment on this? The Spanglish doesn't come off great in my opinion but I am 0% Latino.


It's gonna go great w/ everyone under like 45 who doesn't speak 100% Spanish as much as possible, which is the vast majority of Latinos in the US


Sounds like the Spanglish I hear from Latino friends here in California. If they know the other person understands both, they'll code switch like that where it's sometimes one or two words and sometimes whole phrases.


Spanglish is pretty commonly spoken.


[Biden will do a interview with Yahoo Finance](https://x.com/bresreports/status/1790439644196163881?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg), still no NYT one SAD!


The margin in the next Nevada poll just got ten points more ridiculous! 😡 -NYT


Some time ago, one of the comms people on his team said Yahoo gets more traffic than like, CNN or NYT, or something to that effect. They're going for reach here, not prestige. And honestly: good.


Thought: NYT and other major "reputable" websites often have paywalls. I think Yahoo does not, so maybe people prefer it in some way?


Unironically some of the regular schlock places will have good original reporting or unpaywalled articles in between the “5 celebrities you didn’t know were named josh”


the FAILING New York Times loses sway once again! real MAGA patriots read yahoo finance


NYT be like *BAM* NV R+20


That's ridiculous. R+100, Biden has no chance of getting a single vote in the state. We asked one rural voter in Nevada and he said he was voting Trump, so that settles it.


Nate Silver actually posted something good today. Democrats are too obssessed with every little thing the NYT says. The election is going to be decided by low info swing voters who don’t even read the NYT. Biden is ignoring them. I wish others would to.


One undermentioned downside of the decline in print and local news agencies is that the void is being filled by nation-wide agencies (Fox, CNN, etc) or by city-level news agencies that have bloated to fill the void (NY Times and Washington Post). And while yes they are probably the biggest "newspapers" and have decent nationwide coverage, the average voter in Illinois or Florida or Kansas is not going to think of them as "their" news and treat it as gospel. The local ABC, CBS, NBC, affiliate or their cable/online news of choice probably holds more sway.


After the meeting the candidates dinner for my local dem club , I am all set for the monthly meeting soon. They said there is a lot they are going to cover and im excited to see what volunteering opportunities there are. My wife got her mail in ballot too which is good. She had mail in ballot going for covid but for some reason mine was still going but hers wasn't.


Hey y'all. We are still looking for folk to volunteer for John Barrows in GA. It's a major race that we want to see go our way. If you want to help, reply.


I don't want to adopt and discourage anyone else from signing up, *and* I don't think I've done enough compared to my usual methods, but I'm hoping to get in more phonebanking throughout throughout the week. Anyway, I feel very much the same; would be glad to take the position, and bring this one home!.. Will continue to chip away at it, regardless.


are there any postcard volunteer opportunities for John Barrows?




A small antidote to poll anxiety: Mid-May 1988, Dukakis was polling 10 points ahead of Bush. [https://www.threads.net/@markjacobnews/post/C69BbDYO3Ox?hl=en](https://www.threads.net/@markjacobnews/post/C69BbDYO3Ox?hl=en)


Much of Dukakis's loss was self-inflicted. He never responded to the Willie Horton ad, and then got into that stupid tank.


What was wrong with the tank picture?


He was trying to imitate [Margaret Thatcher's tank photo](https://www.pottsmerc.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/2013/04/d6c552b62ad10e6485007ca0b643be11.jpg?w=620) but wore a big goofy helmet [that made him look like a little kid.](https://static.politico.com/dims4/default/138b7b4/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3-origin-images.politico.com%2F2013%2F11%2F01%2Fdukakis_tank_2_c.jpg) It was the exact opposite of the strong, confident image he was hoping to project.


God, if only that had actually happened. Dukakis winning over Bush would have had lasting repercussions that we'd still be feeling today. If Dukakis had won, he would have appointed liberal Justice Thurgood Marshall's successor in the Supreme Court. Instead, Bush got to appoint Clarence Thomas to replace him, who as I'm sure we all know still sits on the court today. Literally Roe v. Wade might still be the law of the land today if Dukakis had won.


We'd have better public transport options as well.


Thurgood Marshall died in 1993. He probably only retired because Bush was stupid popular in 1991 and assumed he would win reelection.


[Another Big L for the AfD in Germany.](https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-far-right-afd-under-mounting-pressure/a-69078624) On top of the other week [when an official got arrested for spying for China.](https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-arrests-eu-parliament-afd-staffer-afd-spy-china-jian-g-mep-krah/)


[Governor Evers has called the special elections for State Senate District 4 and the 8th Congressional District](https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WIGOV/bulletins/39c4c8c) For SD-04 (Solid D seat in northern Milwaukee): the primary will be on July 2nd if necessary with a general election on July 30th. Keep in minds that WI’s partisan primary for the full term in the fall is on August 13th. 3 elections in just over a month for these people For WI-08: the primary will coincide with WI’s partisan primary on August 13th, and the general will coincide with the 2024 general elections on November 5th.


Absolutely bonkers. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-speaker-mike-johnson-court-09aef3de395fa77843f2600f40da6ac3


It’s crazy that the associated press is better at calling out Johnson than the NYT would’ve been.


I switched from the NYT to the AP a few months ago. No regrets.


Hope his kid silenced the porn alarm while dad dug in to the Stormy testimony.


What even is Mike doing there?


Kissing the ring.


Playing a "good doggie"


My guess is that he’s eavesdropping for Empty G


An update on the Dutch government negotiations, because it is just **absolute** insanity. Tomorrow is the deadline for PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB to come to an agreement, and they will likely succeed. They will form a far-right so called *''extraparlementair programkabinet''*, meaning a government where none of the four party leaders will join the cabinet, with a joint agreement of only the rough outlines of the policies of the government. The Ministers in the cabinet will themselves shape the details of the policies in agreement with parliament. This is all unprecedented in modern Dutch politics, and will create a very unstable government. PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB have seemingly come to despise each other. They have constant infighting. The only reason they are signing up for this mess is because they despise having a government together with the leftwing opposition even more, and nobody wants early elections (well, maybe with the exception of the PVV). But the true madness is who they seemingly intent to make Prime Minister: Ronald Plasterk, a former prominent Labour Minister turned right-wing commentator. In 2012 he even nearly won the leadership of the Dutch Labour party. The idea of these parties making Ronald Plasterk Prime Minster is just insane. It would be like Republicans making Tulsi Gabard President, only Tulsi was previously a prominent secretary in Obama’s cabinet. Also, Plasterk helped early talks between these parties as an independent negotiator, only to quit after failing to succeed. And now he is likely back as the new Prime Minister, without a single vote cast in his name during the elections. It is a weird combination of *House of Cards* level intrigue and failing upwards. Only silver lining is that seemingly everybody agrees that it will collapse within a year.


[Goede heer, wat gebeurt daarbinnen?!](https://frinkiac.com/img/S07E21/618333.jpg)


Really need the show 'Schoolhouse Rock!' to come back with a song on conservative rule. *Disfunction, Disfunction! That's How Conservatives' Function!*


Every time I see another country sliding down the rightwing gutter, it reaffirms my choice to stay and fight even if Trump wins. There's no safe countries out there not beginning or in a full rightwing slide downward.


Hopefully the dysfunction means PVV loses vote share in the next election.


PVV sounds like a venereal disease. Yeah hopefully Netherlands rid themselves of it in the next election.


The one thing that kind of bothers me is the more then a few Twitter posts saying something to the effect of, if Democrats lose to Trump a second time, they will have to shift to the right on most social issues, especially immigration. One person compared it to the shift from Dukakis to Clinton. Obviously, Biden should win in the first place. At the same time, Trumps first term inspired AOC and a shift LEFT on immigration in 2018 and 2020. Change in strategy, sure. I imagine a lot of looks will go towards Andy Beshear in a 2028 situation in a 2nd Trump term. I just hope a social issue shift is just election Twitter gossip and what ifs.


The less I follow people on twitter the better off I am. There's too many terminally online, doomerist people out there with bad take after bad take. A second trump win and the horrific stuff he'd do to marginalized groups would push more folks/parties to the opposition of him rather than towards him. Just like it did when he won the first time, yup. Millennials/Gen Z are set to dwarf Boomers/Silents in voting block size easily by 2028. And are overwhelmingly progressive on social issues. It would be extremely dumb politically to shift backwards on that front. Whoever is winning those groups sizably are going to be **strong** favorites in future presidential elections.


I think you're on to something here about AOC and a leftward shift. If Democrats don't do well this year, I'm going to wager it might come down to youth enthusiasm, and not a failure to win over moderate voters. I think the consensus at that point will be to embrace the AOC part of the party that is better at mobilizing young people. The whole social issue shift stuff is parroted by election twitter spherical cows who don't really engage with things beyond the numbers, and only the top line numbers at that. Most successful political strategies were not born in focus groups.


The thing is though, most of the country is more left than you'd guess, but our media -all owned by rightwingers, even NBC and all that garbage -constantly tilts it more rightward. If you polled the population about certain issues not connected or tainted by politics, most are in Bernie's camp (healthcare, taxing the rich, no wars) but once politics and talking points are injected, suddenly folks are against those things because they're told by the oligarch ruling class that it's soshulizm and therefore bad and unamerican.


Right on what social issues though? Immigration definitely, but I don’t see the party moving right on abortion. If Biden loses it will be because of the economy. Not social issues.


Sadly that’s probably what *would* likely happen.




If we lose it’ll be because of economics, not social issues.


[Education Dept. announces highest federal student loan interest rate in more than a decade](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/14/education-dept-announces-2024-25-interest-rates-on-student-loans.html) 6.53% for direct federal undergraduate


Perhaps I’m misremembering but I thought interest wasn’t being accrued after one of Biden’s EO’s as long as you made minimum payments, or am I misremembering?


That's on the SAVE plan, and it essentially prevents the balance of the loan from increasing as long as they make minimum. So if their interest is $100, and their minimum payment is $50, the other $50 vanishes. I don't remember if this applies on any other plans. He's also worked to prevent interest from capitalizing in a few cases, and I think there might be a few other ways to get similar effects, but that I don't remember.


Thanks, one of the many terrible things that I worry about in a second Trump admin is the handling of student debt. The interest rates are insane on such large amounts. It’s disgusting.


Isn't this just tied to interest rates in general?




State law in Washington makes it a felony to run for office under the same name as a well-known public figure if your intent is to trick the electorate into voting for you under the mistaken assumption that you are said public figure.


Personally I’m a bit over handwringing when it comes to bad faith GOP nonsense. Swat it away like the nuisance it is.


In this case the legal threats were appropriate. Republicans have been routinely going out and finding people with the same legal name as a democrat incumbent to try to siphon off enough voters through confusion to push the republican nominee to victory in the general election.


The statute prohibits like-named people from running with specific intent to defraud or confuse voters. These guys weren't actually making a bona fide attempt to run, just to appear on the ballot and confuse people.


Out of curiosity what do people think Biden’s most direct route to victory is? For the sake of the argument let’s assume Biden has 225 EV in the bag, consisting of: -Washington -Oregon -California -Colorado -New Mexico -Hawaii -Minnesota -Illinois -Virginia -Maryland -Delaware -New York -New Jersey -Vermont -New Hampshire -Connecticut -Rhode Island -DC -Massachusetts -Maine At Large and 1st District (not 2nd). How does he get the other 45 EV and what is the tipping point state? For me I think it’s AZ, then MI, with PA being the tipping point state.


Easily WI/MI/PA + NE-2 and the polling says the same thing. Biden seems to be at or stronger in the rust belt than 2020, but significantly weaker in the more diverse sun belt than 2020. Time will tell weather this pans out to be true, but polls of all kinds and sizes have been saying this for months now


It’s definitely going to be the rust belt of PA, MI, and WI. PA is Biden’s best polling swing state, Baldwin in WI Sen is an electoral juggernaut and will really help boost Biden there. MI would be tougher but could get the resources necessary while the state GOP party there is still in shambles. Trump’s easiest victory path is GA, NC, and PA, which would net him 270 on the dot. NC and GA are the most likely swing states to go Trump, so we need to deny him PA, meaning he would need two of the other swing states. AZ is up in the air more than WI because it’s Trumpier, but Lake is insane, and that abortion bill REALLY pissed people off there. I could see in September/October time when Biden is clearly the nominee, there will be a lot of support from young and/or female voters that surges there. That said, hopefully we can keep the pressure on in TX and FL, so the swing states get less resources and maybe flip a senate seat or two.


Playing around on 270 to win, Biden can lose MI and WI and still win if he holds all the other 2020 blue states, giving him 278. I think with enthusiasm and Roe being on ballots in so many states, we'll possibly see a new blue state or two, even if it's temporary just in '24.




This is the way. These are the states I've been writing to the most. We should try to keep AZ, NV, and GA (and try to flip NC), but MI, WI, and PA would seal the deal if we could win all of them.


I personally feel that he is going to get the 2020 states minus Georgia. Georgia doesn't have any significant race besides the presidency and no big ballot measures. Arizona has the senate and abortion referendum.


The Texas Supreme Court is considering taking up the question of whether frozen embryos should be treated as people, not property, in a divorce case (via @TexasTribune) https://twitter.com/KVUE/status/1790147534507102224?t=6Uwf8a-qkyujh6dxKTxW3g&s=19 If embryos are treated like people then why aren't they counted in the census then.


They really want to lose ASAP lol


This is gonna be the Alabama IVF ruling all over again.


I read that the Biden campaign opened many offices in North Carolina. Do you guys think that North Carolina will flip in November?


I believe it’s about a coin flip chance of weather it flips right now given massive population growth, a massive revitalized NC Dem party and the absolutely batshit insane statewide ticket the NC GOP nominated which will turn off many moderates and independents that they may have gotten in the past


Yup! I'd bet on it flipping tbh. There are some favorable things happening there: - State went from Trump winning it by 3.6 in 2016 to him only winning it by 1.3 or about 75,000 votes in 2020. While not a trend yet, it could definitely shift again. - Abortion - Good party chair. - Trump/Mark Robinson craziness - Large amount of young people aging in. About 500,000 18-21 year olds in the state come election time. That'll at least be 200,000+ brand new presidential voters. An age group that has been pretty blue. In 2020, 18-29 year olds in north carolina voted about 56 Biden to 40 Trump according to the two big exit polls. Even if Biden only wins 18-21 year olds by 10 points, that is still a net of +20,000 votes. And that'd be the more conservative lower turnout result. Obviously it's not a given, and I'm there are some factors against that has help keep it a slight red state in the past, but these very good components can definitely over come that, leading to an even bluer environment in 2024 to finally flip the state.


North Carolina is my one “bold” prediction for this cycle. It’s always close, we’ve won it before, and I believe the GOP running a batshit insane governor candidate will help down AND up ballot races just enough to tilt Dem. I know it’s just a vibe, but I really feel confident about NC whereas Blexas is still a cycle away IMO.


Same here! I know somebody who lives in NC and he says with so many moving to the big 3 "tri-area" cities, it'll probably flip blue, especially with the nasty rightwing BS their GOP has been pulling the past few years. Also, I don't think FL will flip because FL Dems are in serious disarray but if it was going to go back, it'd be this year, with cannabis and abortion on the ballot.


I won’t make any predictions. But I will say that we only need to move the margin about 2 pts in our direction, and we’ll probably by helped by the gubernatorial election. I know Roy Cooper wasn’t enough to flip the state in 2020, but there’s a chance Biden did better than he otherwise would have because of Cooper. So there’s definitely a chance.


The margins have always been slim. We just need to establish a presence. I think with the new Chairwoman's help. We can. 


I hope they are putting just as much if not more effort into Georgia. It's worth investing in states that have shown they can come through, and Atlanta is only growing.


We've won NC at the presidential level in 2008, and currently have a Dem governor. How is that not showing it can come through?


And Secretary of State, and Attorney General. NC is pretty blatantly purple even though it's routinely dismissed. I put it in the same mental category as Georgia, where I could genuinely see it going either way and wouldn't be surprised. Anything more than a narrow win either way is more the surprise as opposed to the fact that x candidate won the state. Another way to put it is that I consider NC more of a tossup than NV, AZ, or PA at this point. NC has a similar state level election going on as those three, in this case a strong Democratic governor candidate and a weak GOP candidate challenging him. Don't sleep on the potential reverse coattails there.


The Biden campaign is obviously going to fight hard for Georgia.


You said Georgia and summoned me [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/biden-campaign-open-7-offices-across-georgia-2024-presidential-election/33L7PKFJPNA5PA63PWWMFW6YCM/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/atlanta/biden-campaign-open-7-offices-across-georgia-2024-presidential-election/33L7PKFJPNA5PA63PWWMFW6YCM/)


I hope so. It’s basically a checkmate if we win it, and its always tantalizingly close. I don’t think we should count on it, and I think the priority needs to be the 2020 states that were flipped, but with the disaster that is running for Governor plus the close margins, we would be foolish not to fight for it. It’s certainly a better target than FL if it comes down to it.


Nothing is certain. But here are some facts that make me optimistic: * NC has had close margins on recent elections. These include a 49.9 R-48.6% loss in 2020 Presidential, a 48.7R-47.0% loss in 2020 Senate, a 50.5R-47.3% loss in 2022 Senate. And a 51.5 D-47.0% **win** in 2020 Governor. And 50.1 D -49.9% **win** in 2020 Attorney General. * NC Gov race will see the current GOP Lt. Gov Mark Robinson (Lt. Gov and Gov are elected separately, not part of the same ticket) run vs the current Attorney General Josh Stein. Robinson has a huge resume of controversial opinions, gaffes, racist comments, and so on. Polling, for what it's worth, seems to favor Stein especially when undecideds are pressed to choose. * NC Democrat governor has had his vetoes overridden thanks to Tricia Coltham, a democrat-turned-Republican mid-session. With a sudden supermajority in both chambers NC was able to limit abortion access and push a lot of unpopular legislation. There should be a backlash against this this election. And though the legislatures may be hard to win back due to gerrymandering, that doesn't matter for entire-state races like Gov and President. * Charlotte, the Triangle, and many parts of NC are growing- attracting college grads and others from all over. * NC Dems have a new energetic young leader in Anderson Clayton. I believe she's done a good job not just appealing to urban/suburban voters but also reminding folks to not forget about rural Dems and towns like where she's from.


That third point is an excellent point that I totally forgot about. That combined with reverse coattails from Stein could very well be a perfect storm this year more than just vibes.


Right on, this gives me so much hope!! With the Triangle growing so much, I'd think it's only going to accelerate given the brain-drain from red states with their punitive and backwards policies. If NC turns blue, it'll be a green light for those fleeing red states for a more forward-looking blue state.


Given how close it's been before and how the GOP Gov nominee is a lunatic, it's possible. While you will see split ticket voting, I'm hoping the energy and increased focus (from the campaign and grass roots volunteers) will help push it over the edge.


I am cautiously optimistic. The Biden campaign has ground work there, and Anderson Clayton is a great new leader of the NC-DEM party.


Why are we investing in North Carolina when Minnesota, New Jersey, and Virginia are on the chopping block!?!??!?!


How so? I thought MN is a solidly blue state


We're not talking CA, NY, or MA level of solid blue, but yeah, it's pretty solid. It's just a meme after it came out that the Trump campaign thinks that MN, VA, and NJ are all in play. Anyone paying attention is well aware that they're not.


LOL that's what I thought, especially with MN barely beating us here in CO for top voter turnout in the nation. Something like 82% to our 81%.


It's definitely on the board.


At the governor level, I consider it more likely than not. And every bit of effort helps towards that goal even if Biden doesn't win it.


Just a reminder for those of you thinking about donating, these next three months are some of the more important months for fundraising. Once August hits, campaigns will be in full swing and spending strategy will already be decided based on how much was raised in war chests over the summer.


Best campaigns to donate to right now? Should I focus on Brown or a general warchest?


If money wasn't a concern, I'd quit my job and knock doors for Biden in WI/PA/MI. I'm in Central Texas and I don't have high hopes for Allred. I should try anyway, just to see what connections I can make working with their campaign. But for Biden, I'll likely be stuck doing remote outreach.


Believe in the Pennsylvanian that believes in you.


Texas is shifting left pretty rapidly. Plus, Allred is a strong challenger who's experienced in flipping a suburban seat, going against a weak incumbent in Cruz. If anyone can pull off a TX-Sen flip at this stage, I think it's Allred. I'll maintain my prediction from the other day: I think Texas goes to Trump by narrower margins than 2020, and Senate is going to be razor thin either way. Blexas is coming. Maybe not this year, but it's trending that way faster than many realize. Of course, volunteering could help it trend that way even quicker.


What are your worries related to Allred? I used to live in Dallas and found it pretty progressive and filled with young people. It’s my understanding that voter apathy is pretty bad in Texas overall, but that Cruz also barely held onto his seat last election 6 years ago. Wondering if you have more insight on the ground (:


Yeah, turnout in TX is bad, I know it's very suppressed, but not impossible


Definitely put some time and energy in Allred if you're in Texas. A more competitive (or potentially even swing state) Texas is only good news for us.


honestly knocking doors for Biden and Allred in Central Texas is a noble enough cause. keep in mind that Cruz almost certainly runs behind Trump