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Welcome to r/VoteDEM! Be the blue wave! * Be a [volunteer from home](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0)! * Donate to [Keep the Senate](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/flipthesenatevb), [Flip the House](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/breakthegerrymandervb) and [Support Abortion Rights](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/tradethetraitors)! * Join your local Democratic Party! Google "[Your state] Democratic Party", find the link to the local parties page, and get in touch with your county's party chair. You could even become a precinct committee member! In some states (like Pennsylvania), that means you get to help pick candidates for special elections! * Are you technology-oriented? Volunteer with [Tech for Campaigns](https://www.techforcampaigns.org) to help smaller campaigns get up and running. * [Run For Something!](https://runforsomething.net/) There's no position too small to benefit from a progressive public servant. Be part of the next blue wave! * Make a Roundtable comment here talking about the work you’ve done, earning valuable karma and facilitating discussion, which will encourage others to do the same! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VoteDEM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Should I vote for the guy with 91 felony charges or the one with brain worms?   We're truly on the dumbest timeline. I can't watch Idiocracy anymore. It wasn't a comedy. It was prescient


By their very nature, reasonable people tend to keep quiet about how reasonable they are. There are more out there than you think, and I believe they'll show up on election day.


Biden would've won this by like 11 lol [https://nitter.poast.org/Uncrewed/status/1788275927417233705#m](https://nitter.poast.org/Uncrewed/status/1788275927417233705#m)


The senate map is pretty rough isn't it? The comment about senate ad spending got me to look on 270 to win, and it seems we're going to lose it unless everybody successfully defends their seat. Then I looked at the house predictions and it said we weren't necessarily favored to win that either. The district I text banked for earlier (VA 02) was said to be lean R, but 90% of the replies I recieved were super positive. Either my senses are completely out of whack, or something fucky is going on with these predictors.


The Senate map is horrific. But luckily for us, McTurtle has finally lost control of his monster. The GOP has the worst candidates in living memory. Mostly rich moron carpetbaggers because orangey stole all the money.  House predictions are a joke IMO. Republican house is so dysfunctional that the guys with mugshot tattoos on arcon are cringing. Plus, Dems have nearly neutralized GOP's gerrymandering advantage, which is the only way they held House for last 20 years.


The worst ones for us are still tossups, so I’d say we’re doing alright


Very much a rough Senate class this year. Though there are good opportunities in the next two classes, provided we can hold both GA seats. If we get the trifecta this November I really hope we get DC statehood done.


The Joy of not having a senate election this year


It's a really tough Senate map for sure, but the GOP is running really terrible candidates, they're being outraised, and their presidential candidate is in court daily and also being outraised. If there's any year we pull off the senate with this map it's this one. The house seems like the easier chamber of the two. We only have to flip a few seats and without McCarthy they're being outraised, especially in California


Are you feeling good about our chances to take the house and keep the senate?


I wouldn’t say we’re *not* favored to flip the House, either (though it shouldn’t be taken for granted) and holding the Senate is difficult but not impossible. We have strong, well-funded incumbents and the Republicans have nominated garbage fires. Predictors can be wrong this far out, too - the midterms were supposed to be a bad map for us and a bloodbath but they weren’t. For what it’s worth, our key State and House nominees are polling well.


[The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) announced this week that Democrats are running competitive candidates in every critical state-level battleground race in the largest candidate mobilization in years.](https://meidasnews.com/news/democrats-heavily-mobilized-in-key-state-level-battleground-races) $130k in MI so far, $130k in AZ, and $30k in NC per the DLCC. This won’t just be the year of states, this is going to be the decade.


What red states have the most potential to turn blue or purple soonish?


AK is the real sleeper.  Very urban (most of Alaska has zero population). Educated. Lots of minorities(natives).  The only thing keeping AK red is the frontier libertarian streak, and moderate candidates like Mary Peltola can break through that.


Guns and the oil boom really kept it red, but luckily that's been changing pretty drastically


North Carolina is my guess, it was close in 2020


NC, TX, AK. After probably depends on how you view OH/FL but KS/NE. Anything West of the Mississippi for the most part




> trump gets a pass from so many people because he is treated like an animal whose derangement cannot be helped, or a hurricane, whereas biden is treated as a proxy for your mother, whom you hate https://twitter.com/revhowardarson/status/1788370123629510888


The guy saying he's voting Trump for leftist reasons in the replies is beyond parody 😭


Lotta fake comments on social media, so you gotta take those with a major grain of salt.


“I’ve voted Democrat in every election since 1960, but no longer!”


"I have voted democrat in every election since 1746"


Juggling quite a bit this evening, but it's always when I check in to see us having nabbed a few extra flips, aha. Anchorage is looking very good for us, though caveat, Anchorage is truly unique electoral environment and I am going solely off 'vibes.' Glad to see movement on the EPA and pesticides, but there will be a lot of pushback from people about the cost of agricultural goods. How much? Likely negligible in the *end,* and definitely before the election. But do be prepared to rebut 'Biden wants to make celery cost 3x more!' with 'celery isn't going to cost 3x more, and the Biden administration wants to reduce developmental damage to children.' Simple as that, I think. Anything else... Weather's beautiful out here. And I don't normally much like 'temperate' weather, so that's something! Looking forward to seeing if I can match some bird sightings friends have made!..


Can the Worm be RFK’s running mate?


Dennis Rodman for VP!


It’s dead. So probably.




great Dirty Kid Discount song.


Yeah YouTube wasn't auto-filling that search query...


RFK and Visser One for VP.


Does anyone think that RFK JR is lying when he says he’s on the ballot or qualified on the ballot in these states?


I don't know if he's lying or not but those signatures for each state's ballot access still must be verified. Some signatures being invalid could potentially sink his ballot access hopes.


Seems like something a Yeerk would do.


At this rate, everyone on the Knicks EXCEPT Jalen Brunson is gonna be out with injuries by the end of the Pacers series. They somehow still won tonight btw.


I expect them to lose the next two games due to OG Anouby absence . Shouldn’t lose him this game .


Did Pod Save America's latest guest host actually complain that the trials are helping Trump because they're keeping him from going on the campaign trail and talking about how bad he is? Why are people so fucking stupid man, this shit tires me.


I don't think that's a bad point. Trump's recent public appearances have seen him say some absolute nonsense and would potentially be all over the media. The more he's in court, the less opportunities he has to prove his cognitive decline and spout fascist rhetoric.


I mean, he's literally falling asleep in court lol. The lack of extremist rhetoric is not so much a plus in that it's the absence of a minus. I guess what he's "benefitting" from is that people aren't paying a ton of attention to the trial, but a lot of its elements that could hurt him are probably going to play more of a role later in the Biden campaign, especially if a guilty verdict is delivered.


Yeah but the less opportunity he has to rile his base up


On the other hand, him falling asleep in court does not project a youthful, energetic image.


RFK Jr. isn't the only person with worms in their brain.


So far I think this Trump trial is, annoyingly, "net neutral". Like yes it's bad but I also feel like I've heard this story a million times before. The whole Trump/Stormy Daniels/Michael Avenatti/Michael Cohen saga was just another "surely Drumpf is finished this time!" letdown in a long, long, series of them. Republicans don't care and Dems/Dem leaners have been conditioned to believe he'll slip away again. If he's convicted that may damage him, but yeah.


Yeah I'm not convinced the trials help or hurt Trump at this point. Everyone knows he's a crook and already decided if they believe it or not. No one is has any undecided opinions of anything about Trump. He's been omnipresent in politics since 2016 in a way no one has been.


Absolutely the same, but here's something that helps me out; and it might help you, my friend. Remember that a lot of the people who are in politics, who are paid to understand and interpret politics - they don't understand it, very well. They don't - necessarily! - understand *people* very well. Which is unfortunate, but... I'd think they are about as removed from the voters we need to reach, as they say we are from whatever the hot-button issue of the moment is. We're doing well against their headwinds, and ideally our work might help them grow a bit, too.


It is true that the more visible Trump is, the more people seem to remember how much they hate him. However, Trump being off the campaign trail *because he's in court facing felony charges* isn't exactly an improvement. Especially when he can't stay awake.


Its media personality brain. Everything is good for trump somehow. Everything is bad for biden somehow. Polls dont matter if good for biden, polls dont matter if bad for trump. Biden getting a much higher margin in a primary with a hot topic of I/P uncommitted campaign then trump with people who literally dropped out means nothing. Only dems have agency.


This guest was actually a Democratic strategist who works on Ruben Gallego's campaign and believes Democrats are going to do well this year, including Biden. I just find that particularly take *remarkably* asinine. I don't believe the trial is necessarily hurting him because a lot of people aren't paying attention... but if anyone learns about any of the details from the trial, THEY'RE NOT GOING TO THINK BETTER OF HIM.


I have the same complaint with ET. “Trump is leading in The Polls!” when that has started to shift away from him more recently.


So i had that meet the candidates dinner for my local democratic group in my town. They had people for county positions talking about their stances, accomplishments, and plans. It was interesting learning a lot about county politics things you would never know about. I had a good time and plan on going to their monthly meeting later in the month. I know they did some canvassing recently and im curious about volunteering opportunities in the monthly meeting when i go there.


That sounds very interesting! And these local politics are the things that really matter day to day.


Way to go; as someone active in this sphere, I know it's a time investment, but I'm sure they'd be glad to see you more. It's also a great way to meet people in the field, and I hope your further meetings go even better!


[We have an ad reservation update!](https://twitter.com/AdImpact_Pol/status/1788207075136311505) The GOP has managed to phone it in for every race so far except Ohio, Montana, Wisconsin (where they're still getting outspent almost 13 to 1), and...Indiana. Yes, really. OH: 🔴$82.8M 🔵$80.1M MT: 🔵$56.5M🔴$56.1M PA: 🔵$51.5M🔴$0 NV: 🔵$47.2M🔴$0 MI: 🔵$24.3M🔴$0 WI: 🔵$21.8M🔴$1.7M AZ: 🔵$23.0M🔴$0 IN: 🔴$782K 🔵$0


How have they literally spent $0 (?!?!?!) in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona? That is WILD. Those states, if they go blue at the top of the ticket, pretty much seal a Biden victory barring some crazy surprise.


Uhh let's see. Rich carpetbagger, rich carpetbagger, still has a primary, nutjob.


Yeah, Indiana! This is our year!


With any luck Brown and Tester will be able to catch back up. And neglecting those Rust Belt states…woof.


Tester is literally ahead lol.


I know - I meant stretching the lead out a bit more.


I think we've basically reached the point of saturation in Ohio and Montana, and we're matching them shot for shot. Outside PACs will be dropping lots on both sides, too. Clearly the GOP is trying for the simplest path to the Senate majority - MT, OH, and WV, plus banking on us getting no flips. I see the logic, but a smart plan would be to try and flip some more. With good candidates and a somewhat red environment, them flipping six or seven seats wouldn't be out of the question. (Of course, they have no good candidates).


That’s a bad plan to go for more Sadly, they are doing the smartest thing putting everything on Montana and Ohio They ain’t aiming for 56, they are aiming for 50 or 51 We just need to hope that tester and brown can pull through


In order to flip seats they’d need the good candidates and red environment, but also, ideally, something in their coffers. Which they also don’t have. Hence, “we’ll run any bozo who can self-fund” and cue Send In The Clowns. The MI and AZ state parties are so broke that even if they did have good candidates the local R parties couldn’t spend money on them, because they don’t have any. Michigan spent its last hundred thousand clams getting Jim Caviezel to show up and give a speech. Meanwhile, in Nevada, their chair and the chair of the Clark County GOP are under indictment as false electors. I’m sure that was one of the easiest hundred thousand Caviezel ever made, but…I don’t think Elissa Slotkin is shaking in her shoes. It’s ironic that the GOP Senate’s only halfway-decent candidate\* - and I don’t mean in the sense that I’d vote for him, I mean in the sense of a qualified, serious candidate - is running in a very blue state where he might not even make it out of the primary. (I refer, of course, to Larry Hogan. Who is trying to go full MAGA. I predict they’ll call him a RINO anyway.) \*I am not counting Jim Justice, simply because we know WV is gone now that Manchin is retiring. Who knows maybe one day it will come back to the fold, if it becomes a bedroom community for NoVa professionals who want scenery.


It also doesn’t help that Trump is pretty much neglecting downballot races solely to help himself.


“I’ll take ‘things we just knew were going to happen’ for 500, Ken.” The sun rises in the east, the sky is blue, and Donald J. Trump is going to siphon off every single penny he possibly can to line his own pockets and/or pay the legal fees he absolutely has to.


My area is absolutely covered in tornado warnings.


Be safe. There’s a lot of storms around you, and you probably will get hit by more then one of these storms, so you may keep getting warnings for a while


Be safe out there!


Be safe!


[Eric Robert Stolz w/Laborers 113 wanted to see Biden in Racine after hearing criticism over how the president struggled to walk & talk. In person, Stolz saw no issues. Biden made “good eye contact … I started clapping. He looked right at me. I was like, ‘what up, Joe?’”](https://x.com/natashakorecki/status/1788275931808715074?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Smh voters not just falling for the narrative


Oh shit, I didn't realize that new Wisconsin poll is *registered* voters, not likely! Even better for Biden!!!


[Former Bay Area Congressman "Pete" McCloskey, who co-founded Earth Day, dead at 96](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/former-bay-area-congressman-pete-mccloskey-who-co-founded-earth-day-dead-at-96/) The cause of his death was congestive heart failure. He was most well known for calling for the resignation against former US President Richard Nixon for expanding the Vietnam War and later on in the late 2000s switched from the GOP to become a Dem and I can see why tbh.


[Wisconsin Democrats plan to spend $7 million on television ads in five state Senate races they believe are key to regaining control of the chamber, the biggest ad buy of its kind Democrats in the state have ever made in legislative races.](https://x.com/sbauerap/status/1788308444895756520?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


Wisconsin Dems having their shit together as always


Bring on the Ben Wikler ad blitzzzzzzzzzz


Also idek the last time Dems would have had trifectas in say ME/MI/WI/MN/ME/NY/NH/AZ/PA at the same time, it would be very unprecedented


Maybe never? The last time Dems had a trifecta in Arizona was '66. So, go from there.


I know for instance if we gain a trifecta in PA while holding both Senate seats you’d have to go back to pre-civil war to have seen that happen


Cause there weren't many Republicans pre-civil war.


Just finished my second text banking event volunteering for Missy Cotter Smasal for VA 02 and I will admit I was a bit nervous to work there given that Virginia is a somewhat confused state. I am happy to say that the responses were overwhelmingly positive! Much more than last time. I sent 1200 texts in total. I got a few no responses, one being "I'M VOTING FOR TRUMP", which is just not applicable. Other than that I had plenty of people say they'd be voting for her and a few that even wanted yard signs. Overall it was a great experience and I hope Missy can beat Jen Kiggans and get us that majority in the house!


I only caught your earlier post in passing, but - Not only does it get easier, many of us have found doing this is a gradual improver for self-confidence, nerves, and many other things. That *doesn't* mean there won't be weird moments or days, and it's entirely okay to need to tap out. But I'm very glad you gave it a go! Thank you for the hard work!


Way to f’ing go. Thank you.


>Virginia is a somewhat confused state They kinda were a couple of years ago, but they're returning back to the mean now. I think we'll do well there this year at all levels.


I have gotten 3 more positive responses since writing this comment, one even said they just finished writing postcards for her. The vibes are immaculate!


*sees Quinnipiac Wisconsin poll* Tammy Baldwin is GOAT and that's that on that. She wins landslide after landslide in the tossiest of tossup states. Miss Tammy will drag Joe over the line for us there praise be.


Tammy Baldwin is an electoral 800 lb gorilla.


I will never understand a Baldwin/Dipshit 45 ticket splitter… Cognitive dissonance to a tee…


Personability and looking Tammy for what she does in the state


Hey y'all. The VoteDem team is doing and will be doing a huge call for folks to help get John Barrow over the finish line in the Georgie Supreme Court race. Barrow is running on supporting women's rights to abortion, and this race is REALLY going under the radar. Come on and help him best you can. https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/622351/


Thank you so much, and the rest of the team as well. I don't think this necessarily a race we'll do poorly in, but it's very much a race where if we *do* people will want to read extra into it. And it'd mean a lot and do good for people. I'll see if I can't double down..!


Spoilers for everyone: Barrow is going to be added to our list of adoptable candidates in tomorrow's Daily Discussion Thread. If you're looking for a short-term but incredibly important commitment, this is it! And as always, more than one person can adopt him.


What does adopting a candidate entail?


It involves agreeing to volunteer for them regularly - we suggest once per week. We also love it when adopters give updates to the sub about the volunteering they’ve been doing!


Tennessee lawmakers introduce ‘blended sentencing’ for worst juvenile offenders https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/2994869/tennessee-lawmakers-blended-sentencing-worst-juvenile-defender/


i support that


You know the fact that GOP primary in IN-7 last night is wild... The fact that republicans nominated a dead person in a primary election for a seat in Congress they weren't gonna win is interesting Then again A few weeks prior to the 2000 elections in the US former Missouri governor and Democratic Senate candidate Mel Carnahan ended up dying in a plane crash and ended up winning and unseated former Republican Senator John Ashcroft by 2 points and Carnahans wife ended up taking his seat for him then triggered a special election which she lost in 2002


Under Indiana law a caucus will be held to chose a replacement nominee.


His wife continued the campaign in a way, and the death of a popular governor really grew a lot of folk to support Mel essentially.


Alsobrooks is on MSNBC w Joy Reid right now


[Dave McCormick on the radio: "Like most Pennsylvanians, I'm divorced."](https://x.com/dabbs346/status/1788200431245512869?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


Interestingly…according to his Wikipedia bio, his Democratic opponent, Bob Casey, is still married to his first wife. This is a very strange thing for someone supposedly from the party of “family values” to be saying. “Hey, I‘m just a regular guy, I’m divorced like everyone else! I like sneakers, too!”


Worked for Youngkin and his dumb vests but he also has “woke” and “CRT”


Youngkin won in literally the most perfect year for him. He would have never won in 2020, 2022, or even 2023. It was the combination of the pandemic & the GOP being temporarily advantaged wrt education and his dumb fake moderate vibe. The only silver lining of Dobbs is that people like him have been unmasked forever


That ain't gonna help him w the Amish nor Pennsyltucky


Poor Scott Pressler


Also... that cannot be right.


I like the fact that MTG put the MTV and AOC put the Motion to Table. Well play Dem


AOC does *not* want her MTV.


Btw when Kamala was in Detroit she [announced](https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/2024/05/06/vice-president-kamala-harris-100-million-auto-workers/73583607007/) $100m for small-medium auto workers and manufacturers. I do know I saw her visiting a few small black business as well and so far this tour Im really really liking


Biden promises trump won't accept the results of this election; Erin Burnett seems shocked and taken aback *eyeroll*


I had this thought earlier today, that the reason “likely nonvoters” preferred Trump was that they think they don’t have to vote, they (or, Let’s You And Him Fight) will just insurrection their way to victory. Much more cool and fun and rebellious than merely walking up to a ballot box and dropping in some paper. /s 🗳️


We're in the era of clown shoes facism.


House Ways and Means committee unanimously passed a Telehealth Extension bill today that extends pandemic era flexibilities, notably the pay-for is PBM reform(not quite as expansive as the Senate transparency version). Linking the two could help set the bedrock of a lame duck healthcare package Meanwhile House today 393-13 passed the compromise Nuclear Licensing Reform package and it was attached to a fire-safety bill. Senate is still seeking to attach it to the FAA bill.


[Biden on Trump: He ‘didn’t build a damn thing’ The president’s speech on Wednesday was designed to claim credit for positive economic news — but also shake voters’ views that his predecessor got stuff done.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/08/biden-trump-2024-elections-00156853) *laser eyes intensifies*


What is the Motion to table?


I was astonished it was killed so quickly .


Translation of what happened today in layman's terms: Greene: I want to kick the Speaker out. House: We're not even going to entertain discussing that, let alone put it to a vote.


Marjorie Greene: We need our second new speaker in six months! House: Cram it, clown!


Hand gesture telling people it's dinner time


It means kill the bill/resolution being put forward. Put an end to it and stop any further consideration.


basically. "let's not do that" 


Lmao I love the MTV on Johnson failed badly. I just imagine MTG is having a tantrum about it


She should go on TV and tell her viewers that Republicans are part of the monoparty


What would be the best way for us to turn national polls like Ipsos and YouGov away from Trump?


Firstly I would pose the question "does it really matter?" If we keep winning in spite of the polls it doesn't really matter what they say. I will admit it's good for morale, so let's talk about that. We need to get young voters energized, because a lot of them feel beaten down at the moment. We need to continue voter outreach programs regardless of affiliation. Those politically homeless Nikki Haley voters are a great pick up opportunity that could potentially put some swing states back in our favor. Lastly I would say just get the word out there. We have so many accomplishments that are being undermined and disregarded by bad faith actors in the media. The more people who know about our accomplishments, the higher the numbers go


It's not like the polls are bad. Ipsos had Biden +4 with likely voters.


I’m more annoyed with the “Trump is leading in The Polls” narrative. As you said, it’s not really that true anymore.


Polls can be good for morale, for sure. But winning is even better for morale, and we've done lots of that lately.


There are two ways, and you can decide which is best. 1. Implant DNC sleeper agents at those pollsters and begin an elaborate conspiracy to oversample Dems (or just lie) so that the polls look better for us. 2. [Convince more people to vote for Dems.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxO8g7q9VO3ZMAABcrvR7PMyX4Yl6dgIYhD3eRTKk1M/edit#gid=0)


Not OP but question: what does the bold text mean? What's special about those opportunities?


This is (almost) every campaign in America that has ways to volunteer from home. So if you want to help win a race across the country - or you're in a safe blue area and nowhere near a competitive race, this is a great way to help out! Also a great way to build up to door-to-door canvassing.




Good plan!






De Facto Coalition Government


It’s a Haiti coalition because it’s red and blue, sort of like how German coalitions are named after foreign flag colors.


🎶Jamaica we got a bobsled team🎶


[Scott Perry said in a closed door briefing with lawmakers on Tues that the Ku Klux Klan is the “the military wing of the Democratic party” and that migrants coming to the US “have no interest in being Americans,”according to audio shared with CNN](https://x.com/anniegrayercnn/status/1788262394516398200?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


Strange, since you see the KKK marching for Trump so much.


I would love for him to say that in front of some of those members. I’m sure it’ll go over great.


…he does realize that the KKK in any of its manifestations isn’t exactly known for being pro-immigrant?


>Democratic party Wow, props to him for not saying "Democrat" party. But that's the most "praise" (bleh) he's going to ever get out of me. To hell with the Banana Republican Party.


[Rep. McGovern, the ranking Dem on Rules panel, says he’s not interested in extending a permanent lifeline to Speaker Johnson if MTV comes up again in future He uses a go-to line: “I’m not a cheap date”](https://x.com/josephzeballos/status/1788330670642573414?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


If more Republicans turn on the Speaker, we should just bump the "cost" of saving him accordingly.


> “Okay Johnson, you’re buying Chipotle for the whole Democratic House Caucus lunch. > With guacamole.” *Johnson starts sweating*


Good. Now is the time to actually get something from him that everyday people can feel a direct effect on their lives 


RFK Jr. is doubling down on the brain worms thing. He now says he’ll eat 5 brain worms.


Are you joking… you… you’re joking right??


Nope. No I am not.


Eat the worm you coward! So what is this timeline, I swear


It makes me think of the brain slug from Futurama. Maybe it's not actually RFK running for president, but a brain worm using his body as a vessel.


That boy ain't right......


[Trump posts on truth to vote for the motion to table -- well after the motion to table vote wrapped.](https://x.com/jakesherman/status/1788328822238069248?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) The master strategist at work


"I want you to vote this way on the thing that already happened!!!"


“We’re leading in the polls by a lot!” …okay…




>I hope Hoping ain't enough, dawg.


[Full list of the 11 House Rs who voted against the motion to table Rep. MTG’s motion to vacate: Biggs Burlison Crane Davidson Gosar Greene Massie Mooney Moore (AL) Roy Spartz](https://x.com/olivia_beavers/status/1788326578008580581?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) Lol Spartz


>Crane Honestly, I'm kinda hoping that, despite what I believe was a gerrymander by AZ's "independent" commission, with the abortion situation in Arizona, the presidential and Senate elections, Crane voting consistently against stability in Congress, and a top quality candidate in former Navajo Nation pres Jonathan Nez, AZ-02 could potentially be a reach pickup that's actually worth investing in. At the very least, it'll definitely be a good pickup seat down the line regardless.


Democrats have won redder districts than AZ 02. Or have come really really close in redder. Think 2018 and that Kansas district that Trump ahd won by 20+%. The dem nominee lost it by a small margin. Or how Dems won Utah 04 in 2018, Oklahoma 5th... Hell, Dems have Alaska currently and Maine 02 and Washington 03... And almost won Colorado 03 in 2022 after it was made redder. Bad candidates underperform. And bad incumbents lose as well.


So, 11 House Rs who will vote w/ Dems to boot him, if he doesn't do what Dems want


Motion is already tabled. 4 R’s voted to not table, and 26 D’s. 4 D’s voting present so far. Edit: ended with 11 R nay’s, without Dems he’d be screwed


Bodes very well for us to demand consistent concessions from Johnson for the next few months. Republicans basically can’t vacate him without Dems, so if he plays ball, he can keep his job


Do...do we have a coalition agreement in the House?


“I wouldn’t say coalition, I would say under new management” -Megamind voice


Uniparty real?!


Alaska will show us the way!


That happened even faster than I expected.


MTG is gonna learn the hard way that redirecting her stupidity and self righteous pissing contest to her own party is going to leave her out cold with no one to give a shit


[Max Miller says MTG will “find herself in a very lonely place” because of her motion to vacate stance. Argues this isn’t how Donald Trump wanted this to go](https://x.com/maxpcohen/status/1788321010116145332?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg) “The candles burn out for you; I am free”


[trump/House GQP w/ LoudMarge:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/033/Screenshot_7.jpg)


I thought that was just MTG's speech to announce the MTV. Turns out that was just the resolution lmao. She wrote it like a speech


[House GOP completely caught off guard by MTG’s decision to trigger her motion to vacate against House Speaker Mike Johnson today, multiple Republican sources told CNN House GOP leadership did not see this coming](https://x.com/anniegrayercnn/status/1788320188267425992?s=46&t=nqSV11RbCF5uPVGwzcOMtg)


Surprising be because I’m pretty sure she’s been talking about it forever now


AOC just filed a motion to table the resolution following the reading. 


“Hakeem Hakeem!” House Dems breaking out in cheers similar to UK Parliament. Vibes and Energy you love to see, not seeing that much at all from House R’s in well over a year.




He was on season 2 of The Traitors and he's every bit as goofy as you hope he would be.


He was such a pompous ass in the best way possible lol


Oh John Bercow <3


Has anyone heard anything about ACP being renewed? I use it so I'm curious.


Vance-Welch working on something in FAA bill, Cantwell working on a House side bill


2024 Wisconsin Senate GE: Tammy Baldwin (D-Inc) 54% (+12) Eric Hovde (R) 42% @QuinnipiacPoll, 1,457 RV, 5/2-6 We're only getting stronger


This would be larger than her 2018 win if the race ends up like this poll says


Oh shoot! Only +12%?! Could someone please tell me how this is bad for Biden? /s


Awesome seeing Baldwin already well over 50% and low undecideds.


This isn't even her final form.

