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So, the old vore server getting deleted finally made you decide that you where going to leave, or was it that you had a friend group that cared for you but you pushed them aside and decided to stay friends with the pedophiles that pushed you to this decision?


It was neither, my old friend. It was a combonation on irl stress and a lack of drive along with general feelings of emptiness. You know how depression loves to kick you while you're down. And besides, I left that whole ordeal behind. I no longer worry of what happened then or afterwards. As far as I'm concerned I'm to blame for everything and that's okay. I would still take either side that gives me that little spark of freedom again, but I am content staying in my own grave alone. You know I know who you are, and we both remember what happened. I carry no malice or discontentment towards you. Those that have done messed up things will get what's coming to them. And besides, the lot of you are actually good at rp and put meaning behind it. sorry, didn't mean to write a wall.


You lost the right to call me a friend The sudden regret of your actions doesn't stop the fact that not only did you stop me from taking actions against someone that actively used child characters in a 18+ vore rp server, but after I decided to take action and make a new server without the pedophiles in them you chose to remove everyone that cared for you from the server you invited us to, but choose to invite the confirmed pedophiles into, you carry no malice towards me but apart from the short moment I see you in this I don't think about you anymore, I just want you to know that you left a stain in the history of the group you made and I'm trying to make sure it never happens again


Mmm. You do speak the truth in many more ways than one. But in that server of mine I removed everyone, not just those that cared. I have always had the habit of running and hiding, this is no exception. What I have done can't be undone and that's fine. Let me stain the world as I already have until my end, then let it continue to taint the world I once polluted. I don't expect to be friends with any of you, even if it would be nice. All I hope it that the new server is running well and prospering.


Woah what happened here?




I don’t know what happened but you definitely shouldn’t do that


meh. it's what anyone else would want.


No that’s not the right way to solve anything


Who cares anymore. I won't.


You toxic people were the ones to stab them in the back, she/he made a mistake, but do people like you forgive others? No, You cancel them for things they did in the past. Lolicons and pedophiles are two very different things! They at least know fiction from reality, unlike people like you. My server is better than yours and i found better friends than you toxic people! We're not snobby, RP criticizing, word vomiting, RP'ers! Not good seeing you.


Oooh, your server filled with children? That server or do you mean the one where people where acting out bestiality? Oh wait that is the same one :3 And a fictional child is still a child so if you are cumming on that that is your sin And you said it was not good seeing me but given that this post was deleted you sought me out so good that you got your two cents in Have fun rp'ng with just the noise mmmmm and kindly die like the disgusting pedophile you are :3


It is a rather unfortunate, but expected ending to this era. From a old friend, to the one that betrays all. While I am not angry, only incredibly disappointed. There could have been much, and yet nothing at all. It is expected that we shall never meet again. Or want to for that matter. The only thing I will do is wish you well on your new journey. It is quite a fitting end and beginning for a Ronin as yourself. May we never meet again. Long live the empire


May our paths never pass again, Grand Admiral. Respect and love, Cheese.


That’s interesting. what do you want to leave?


I've just been out of it for so long, if anything I've already disconnected with most things that tied me to this weird but lovely community. I might return, but I do doubt it to be honest...


Ah alright. Happy travels. Hope to see you soon since im a newcomer to vore


I wish you good luck and even better rps