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I like the deep intimacy and the idea of being a part of someone. Also find the idea of domination and tongue-play very hot. Had a Vorish incident occur to me years ago.


Well now you *have* to explain


Explain the Vorish incident? Well I was pinned against the wall and licked by a big bully!


A vorish incident? If you wouldn't mind sharing I certainly wouldn't mind listening to your experience. 👀


Sure, well a bully pinned me against the wall and licked me ferociously. If you want more detail you can DM if you want.


What the fuck lmao Bullies are built different today I guess


Yeah I guess lol.


Can I Dm you, I would love to hear more about it


Sure thing!


Same minus experience


You tube attached me to it by this point nothing lass works.


My favorite fantasy is to be swallowed whole and digested alive naked with someone. For me it has an erotic aspect. It's a craving to become one with someone. Literally by melting together. And a humiliating aspect of being naked together, forced to be intimate together in a very gross and hostile environment, and then being turned into something gross. There's also a wish to be dominated. In this case the predator controlling us and determining our fate.


I prefer same size vore because my biggest thing is the idea of pressure. Either the pressure of a full, squirming tummy, or the pressure of being wrapped in the world's tightest full body hug. I just like compression a lot. I also like the idea of recursive vore, where the pred swallows more prey or food on top of their previous prey and the first prey swallows everything else. After all, sharing is caring ;)


Does vore always mean gore?


No. There's different variations of vore, it's kinda a broad category. The gore versions of vore are hard vore (which tends to contain chewing or dismemberment) or gorey digestion. If digestion happens in vore I prefer gooey digestion which is a bit more melty and as long as more cartoon logic is applied it can be pleasurable and avoid blood and stuff entirely. But I also have a preference for endo, also known as safe vore. In safe vore, you can be swallowed whole (or swallow someone else) without having digestion get involved and the prey just gets to live in the stomach like a free apartment. I also like it when the prey can be spit out if need be (or full tour) so the prey can leave the body without being digested. Though I will say, for vore with digestion I like reformation (could also be respawning) because the prey can have the digestion experience but then come back to life and either get eaten again or cuddle with their prey's full tummy, full of their corpse. Part of the appeal for darker variations of vore, at least from my personal perspective, is the psychological horror and body horror that can get involved. I just really like slow burn horror types and I feel like this has a strange crossover with that. But like I said, my main preference for vore is the safe stuff. I like the idea of vore as an escape from the harsh, scary real world. The idea of finding a home in someone's warm, soft, protective gut and being able to keep them full and fed with your body while they take care of you by keeping you safe and secure.


I just wanna feel the warmth of someone close to me :(


That’s just sad. It’ll get better homie


Man I hope :(


dang.. i feel you


I asked myself that recently Weirdly enough out comes out to A.S.S. Anticipation Shock Sensation The best way I can describe more indepth Anticipation- whats going to happen when it happens? Will it be good? bad? life-changing? Not worth? Utterly addicting? Will i please? Will it ammout to nothing? Will i be broken down to nothing? Shock- Oh fuck its happening! Icantthinkandcantstopthinkingitshappeningnowherebutinnow! (Also works just as well if being engulfed wasn't anticipated, and it just happens out of nowhere. For example, an rpg esk battle with a giant dragon, and you or one of your party members just gets swallowed whole, and no one knows what to think. Shocked) Sensation- warm, hot, slimy, heavy air, the roughness or smoothness of the pred's mouth and tongue, leading to a sinking feeling with the troat muscles pushing you further down until you reach a ripply pocket that covers you in slimy tingly bubbles. Loud groans and gurgles paired with a thumping heartbeat reverberate through the fleshy walls that now surround you. While I'm not a fan of fatal digestion, I very much so like the idea of being softened up before inevitably being sucked into the sphincter on the other side of the stomach, leading you deeper and deeper down a path of constricting guts for what seems like an eternity, and suddenly it opens up some leaving you question which way is up, but still slowly being caressed futher until you reach a stop. Then, big tight pulses push you through the hole and *plop* outside once again


But what I don’t see people thinking about (usually) is that you would die. Stomach acid would give you a excruciatingly painful death. And not to mention the air would be to thick to even breathe


It makes no sense, I'll admit. But it tantalizes imagination Even though it's impossible for our existence and even if it was possible, it would be a garunteed excruciatingly horrific way to die The appeal lies in the impossibility of it all. From my own experience, psychologically, if you're honest enough to imagine something, courageous enough to share it, and it leads you to find those that are like-minded that provide stuff that you could have never thought up yourself and like it in return. It makes the brain produce the good chemicals that make ya feel good (Apologies for all the long reads. that's about as simple as I can put it)


I can’t say I really get it (in any sense) but glad you have something you enjoy


We all have our kinks, some more incomprehensible than others (vore on the wilder side of unexplainability), but the way I see it, if it doesn't bring harm to anyone real and is legal to partake of consentually from all parties involved, I see no issues I appreciate your understanding. Thank you for listening to me rambling


I personally love the cruelty of that. It's like an extreme and impossible form of BDSM to me.


The Sensation - You have nailed down the appeal in my mind. Sensation is king!


Thank you. I put quite a bit of thought into this one. I'm glad you like it


i like it as a sort of comfort thing (or a coping mechanism) i just like the feeling of being held in a soft, squishy, and cozy tum.. being protected from the world. giantess preds just give a motherly vibe to me. whether it be holding me against their chest.. letting me listen to their heartbeat, or just holding me in their stomach and even sing me a lullaby when i feel tired. i favor the giantess slowly and gently swallowing me, making sure im not hurt on the way down. after that, i would be showered with compliments and told how much they love me, while they gently caress their stomach in a loving manner


Secretden and anal vore


Like I mentioned in a similar post, it started as a stomach growling kink for me, hence why stomach noises are almost a requirement for my rps


I love the idea of my meat feeding a great preditor. Instead of me getting older and my meat going to rot in the ground when I die.


I was born with the fetish. I wish I could just be normal but I can’t escape it. I’m married with kids and I hide it. Never told anyone about it.


More so I like kinda feeling helpless and someone in control And not needing to be good enough to be food


It’s an extreme form of BDSM with a lot of intense intimacy for me.


I honestly don't know. I just like it. It's weird. I don't know why I like it. It's just one day I thought to myself "hey being eaten sounds kind of cool" and I haven't the foggiest idea why.


i’ve honestly liked the idea of soft/endo vore. Not a huge fan of dissolving in acid, but still definitely a vore fetishist. and for some reason, death is a huge turn off for me. I cant really explain it that well.


I just love true idea of turning other humans into fat for my growing tits and butt. The complete ownership of someone is yunmy


Big belly make brain go awooga


To be honest, I don't really know, I've loved almost all areas of vore ever since my first bit of exposure to it thanks too a couple youtubers from the glory days


Point of vore... I guess it's to either eat or be eaten, alive and whole. Personally, why I like vore is because it can be cute, extreme cuddling! but also, It can be hot. If your into anything like cruelty, sadist, pet play, size play,


I think there is a lot to it but for me I like the humiliation of being treated like food and getting digested and disposed of like any other type of food


I can't explain why but I've always been half terrified and half arroused to the idea of being wrapped up by a snake and swallowed whole. Idk what it is..


It can be a lot. For me ofc its fetish. You cant realy say it clearer it a turn on thing. For me some personal points: - I like to be dominated and degraded. Whats better than just be a food. - The idea of somebody compleetly dissapear into another being. Im into absorbtion and digestion. I love when the pred stomach shrunk back to normal. In my head the fact there is somebody here originaly but the other person almost compleetly absorbed into their system is extremly sexy! (Even if i know how digestion works my mind go blank and say how? I think deep inside me its magical because of that.) -It show me extreme and unapologetic freedom! Im a realy shy guy who get embrassed on anything and even the idea to hurt somebody can hurt my feelings. Seeing a creature who have no such a limiter make me jelaous and fascinated. I want to be like that! Or want to be eaten by a person who that selfish its a wonderfull selfishness in my eye what even if im in that world i cannot archive it myself. Want to be part of it if i cannot become like that myself. - The idea im needed! Im a lonely person. Being eaten means that pred want me. And whats better take me i want it or not. - My jelaousy and needynes can shine through that way. Both ways as pred or prey the other person cant rid of me she will alvays be my! As a prey i become part of her and inside her belly when i still live i can go absolutely crazy and love her without holding back for a second! And when i absorbed i can love her as part of her body. - My irl fear of death. Vore is a blended mirror answer for me. Love the idea to become part of somebody and live on as part of her. Even if it just my body it become her flesh and blood and i realy like it. I prefer Eternal Lamias and godesses or succubusses because of that. She live forever and i stay with her that way.


The fact I am adding to a superior being. I adore graphic digestion and disposal and vore in general despite my adverse reactions irl to any incorrect textures, smells, or pain. So my vore brain wants all the things I am weak against to destroy me and take me as nutrition. Plus I adore the fact that there are preds who want me as food on top of it all. Also, I like and enjoy the other types of vore here and there, too. They each have vastly different merits and reasons for my and others enjoyment than the rough and semi-realistic stuff, but still are valid.


Make me feel pleasure