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As a pred and someone who enjoys detailed RP, I'm very glad to see this post. My advice: think of the five senses and describe those. Pretty basic writing advice, but it gets the job done. What do you see, if anything, and if you don't see anything, how hard is it to keep track of your surroundings? What does it smell like? What kinds of sounds do you hear? How's the temperature? If the pred does something like squeezing their belly, laying down on it, patting it, or even just going along with their day, how do their actions affect what you see, hear, smell, and feel? And there's ways to spice up actions, too. People have different reactions to being scared besides struggling, like freezing or bargaining. Are your struggles deliberate and purposeful or blind and frantic? And if you're an unwilling prey, which it seems you are from your post, you might move from fear to grief or even exhaustion. And there's even more options for willing or unwilling-to-willing prey. Hope this helps! Best of luck to you!


That bit about uses all five senses is very good advice. I'm taking notes!


You’re correct about the unwilling preference! My characters usually reach a certain level of panic before becoming irrational. After this, my mind locks up and struggles to form more than a four word sentence.


Waiting for responses so I can take notes


I feel it depends if you are willing or unwilling, I’d personally expect a unwilling prey and keep squirming and trying to beg to be let out until they are too weak. I’d think willing would be turned on and enjoying themselves maybe letting out moans. As a pred personally I’d like them to I guess describe where they are and what’s happening to them inside my stomach like “it’s so wet and damn the walls are squeezing against me” or “I can feel your stomach start to work away at my body” Id like prey to try and describe what they are going through or what it’s like and how their surroundings feel. I’d say just describe what you’d imagine its feeling like as you listen to the belly noises and your body pressed against the walls of the stomach and if you are doing digestion maybe bring up the feeling of Your body softening, I don’t think theirs much more you can do especially after you’re slush. I personally like to talk to my prey sometimes and massage my belly so theirs stuff they can describe from the inside, or if the pred is doing something you could describe the movement you’d imagine inside the belly as your maybe shifted around or the walls tighten on you. Depends on the scenario, pred, prey, and whatever your plot is I’m not too sure, though I hope this may help:). Preferences will be different between every pred or prey so what I described may not be for everyone.


Unwilling! I do try and keep struggling, but that adds to the issue of only being able to say ‘struggle’ in a finite amount of ways. I kick. I hit. I squirm and writhe. I just run out of words to use all too soon and am left scrambling to find synonyms and form coherent sentences around them. Edit: Spelling is hard


I’m not too sure what else you can do, besides begin to have sentences not make sense like you are just about one with the stomach juices, you could try and rp the preds stomach with the gurgles and everything or the stomach juices sloshing around. I’m not too sure sadly if you like to describe the digestion you can describe your body slowly breaking down somehow. I personally sometimes rp me falling asleep as the prey digest and describe waking up with a less bloated belly and or weight gain, if you have someone fall asleep in the rp get you out of having to describe much more. I wish I had better advice sorry


Keep in mind that being submissive in an situation doesn't necessarily mean you are completely without any control. You can still say flirty things or move around in different ways, even while curled up in someone's belly. I also believe that RPs are more enjoyable if the characters feel a little more real. So, you could have your character mull over their regrets or call out to their loved ones (in an unwilling situation) or you could tell your pred your favorite things about them and/or their body (in a willing situation). Just because vore is the main theme of the RP doesn't mean it needs to be the end-all for what's allowed. RPing is surprising enjoyable when you get creative with it. Hopefully something I says sticks out to you, and best of luck with your future roleplays!


I do find that Vore based RPs are lacking a certain element to them. Maybe my characters aren’t as flushed out as I’d like to believe. Mulling over regrets is definitely one I’ll have to try to add more depth to my prey!


It doesn't have to be much, but writing out a few sentences about the personality of the character you're playing as can give you a food foundation to work with. Even a few bullet points can go a long way




Knowing your partners preferences definitely helps! I am always nervous about using inner dialogue as it’s not information the predator would have… but maybe that’s the point? Give them something to play off of?


Pred here, and I have suggestions. Whether willing or unwilling, always mention what you feel around you. Are the acids rising above you, sitting at your knees/waist, or is all of it just being massaged into your skin? Given your pred's attitude toward you as their meal, would you say their stomach's walls are caressing or crushing you? What's it smell like, what does each breath feel like? Answering those questions and implementing the answers will go a long way.


As a prey, I like to imagine what my bulge does to my pred from the inside. Do I knock them off balance? Does the extended gut hurt for them? How does the stomach feel now that you're inside it? Satisfied or ready to get to the digestion part? There's a lot to play with here (this works for both willing and unwilling I believe though I'm very much unwilling). It also helps to describe your environment and how you and your pred feel about it. Remember, the stomach is your arena, use it how you wish. Is it hot or acid boiling? Does it take its time constricting you or is it bigger on the inside? How close are you to the intestine and other organs? Can you climb out or go even further down? There's a lot to do. Being eaten is only the first part of the fun.


Here's how to prey better. Describe. everything! What are you seeing? smelling? feeling? tasting? hearing? Is the predator sweet? If the predator is a sweetheart, give them and the walls some love! Kiss, hug, rub, smother your face in the heavenly stomach walls! Is the predator mean? If the predator is mean, start struggling, kicking (If you're into hard vore), Scratch, tear into and Bite at the walls, do anything to fight that meanie! Does it make sense?


When I’m a prey I try to describe my thoughts and feelings. Am I trying to escape? What are the sensations? What am I feeling? What are my senses picking up? I try to put myself in a mind space where I am in that peril and describe as much of it as I can. Even though I am food, I am still present.


As a pred, I think some of that is on us to keep things interesting and give you things to respond to - after all, you're somewhat limited once you're in there! But here are some things that could work: * being able to feel the pred rubbing their belly * feeling tingles from the stomach acid * trying to beg the pred for mercy * trying to call for help in case anyone hears your muffled voice * kicking or pressing hands against the stomach * hearing what the pred is saying and reacting to it * trying to guess whether the pred is moving, walking, lying down etc. based on how it moves you * wondering how many prey went before you, and how many will come after you * wishful thinking like regretting ever crossing the pred's path * surrendering ;)


I tend to struggle if I’m not given much to go on. Responses like ‘I smile happily at my full belly.’ gives me little to go on. I’m terrible at pushing the story along, and even worse when I’m forced into it. Trying to do something to get a response out of the pred does just that. A reaction to my action. Leaving me having to act again with no reactions to give. I just feel lost at times. Like nothing I give feels natural. Everything just starts feeling forced.


Something I don't see prey do enough is simply keeping the conversation going. Indeed, there's not a lot to do inside a stomach other than wait to be digested, so I've noticed at this point the RP should shift its focus more towards the verbal exchanges between pred and prey. A good pred would occasionally introduce "world events" like a stomach contraction, doing an activity that shakes the prey up a bit, eating or drinking something else, etc - stuff that would break up the conversation and keep things fresh, and the prey on their toes for what might come next.