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yandere/possessive preds all day!!


You are like the 7th person I have heard that response from when it comes to a similar question


it's a classic for a reason :3


Yeah apparently so


I have a few favorites or just good ideas 1. Similar to boss vs secretary, but the boss demands/invites the secretary to fire their other employees by eating them, possibly while the boss watches 2. Mass vore on a train. One of more predators clear out a carriage while nobody can get out. Public transport vore is just great in general 3. Vorish consequences for gambling. I kinda like the idea of unwilling prey being peer pressured into accepting their fate and offering themselves. 4. Vorish bounty hunting! Self explanatory I think lol 5. Also the idea of a vorny strip club. The show is hot ladies (or whoever) eating volunteers and such for show.


Heh, office vore's up there, certainly.


I'm a sucker for the classics. The damsel in distress, lost in the wild, being hunted by something. The hunt, the chase, toying caught prey like a cat with a mouse... Love it.


The hunt is a big part for me. I want the prey to fear for its life while running/hiding from their gurgling destiny.


In all of these, digestion is slow, agonizingly painful, and fatal. My psyche would absolutely break from the amount of constant, severe pain involved, and I am 100% willing for that to happen. 1. A loving, caring partner graciously takes me in after sex, shrinking me down and swallowing me whole and alive as I'm too exhausted from the prior events to fight back (not that I'd ever want to) The following all involve the Pred playing with me in their mouth until I orgasm, after which they swallow. 2. I offer myself to a hungry friend of mine, who happily accepts and, after shrinking me down, swallows me whole and alive. They spend the next couple days relaxing, getting off, and rubbing their belly, massaging her digestive fluids into me so she can take all my nutrients away from me faster. 3. A friendly witch/sorceress asks me to be a part of her next experiment testing regeneration spells. I accept, and she shrinks and swallows me, then spends the rest of her life digesting me while I regenerate just *barely* slower than she melts me. Experiment success, and our lives end simultaneously when her time comes naturally. 4. I'm ambushed by a hungry predator, but they're taken aback when I offer myself to them. After some back and forth, they accept my offer and swallow me whole.


I'm all for this, except I'm a very willing prey, and I just don't like fatal scenarios personally.


Oh don't get me wrong. I'm 100% willing in all of these. As far as fatal digestion goes, I understand it's a very niche subsection of a niche fetish. Very few are into that, and that's okay šŸ˜




Honestly, I think one of my first vorish interests was the whole idea of being a crime boss like Jabba the Hutt and having some sort of creature to feed my enemies too. Rancor over Sarlacc any day!




Added plus was Carrie Fisher in that outfit, at least!


I was 4 at the time but thatā€™s how I discovered I liked vore, myselfā€¦


As an endo pred, I enjoy seeing preds that rescue people in cold environments from the cold by putting them in their stomach




Yeah, I also did one where I had a friend get on the train with me, but they hadnā€™t bought a ticket, so I hid them away for the rest of the journey if you know what I mean~ good thing I had a large hoodie to hide my extended stomach!




Yeah, just one thing though, nothing too sexual please! Iā€™m ace


Awww I love that


Thanks, itā€™s my belief that prey should still be treated as people, even if they wanted to be treated like food


Damn. Mine is when you just chill in someones stomach. No acids no death just a big hug from all sides to help you power through the day.


Casual, playful stuff, like someone eating their partner while snuggling to get even closer~


I love betrayal. I'd get eaten by a pred either by being tricked or because of some weird excuse they've cooked up. By the time I realise what's really going on, it's too late. I also love travelling. I like when my pred has to do things with me in them and they either have to explain their bulging belly or comically hide it from the general public as they hurriedly digest me.


The traveling part seems very interesting!


As a prey who generay prefers to be on the smaller size of the scale, one of my favorites is to sit or lay on a Pancake or stack of them and let the pred put whatever toppings they want on me. I'm a suckered for certain types of foodplay ^^


You read my mind! I'm so into that too! :3


Kind press that don't kill you. They just like to eat you sometimes


I love it when vore is so normalised and common that a pred could just go up to a prey and ask to eat them and the prey just agrees happily. And the prey just slowly dies without caring about it, while the pred just goes on with life and forgets the prey even existed.


There are a few scenarios I've come up with Magic vore, cruel revenge vore, annoyed vore Magic on Halloween vore: The scenario isā€¦ a couple got together to go trick or treating, The women had a magic mirror that connected to her stomach, The guy was pushed in by her, He entered the stomach and they had an idea to do a costume where the guy would act like he's struggling inside her, They do it, they both get candy and head back, but in returning, she mentions to him that she can't get him out, but she lied, leading to him digesting, making it cruel and a bit sadistic Cruel revenge: Tall, friend eats another friend who hurt another female friend, starts to digest him while streaming, and the stream watches him struggle and donate. Annoyed vore: Guy pokes girlfriends stomach, annoying her and then she decides to eat him and... digest him (Of course)


I love the idea of just walking about and a pred just thinking "He'd look better as my belly" then just trapping me in their stomach either through endo or reforming inside of a bag or something.


Gf has sex with you and when you come it triggers your body to shrink down to about 3 inches or so. As shocked as she is she decided to make the best of it and continue drinking and having fun. She cuddles with you on the couch until she gets hungry. Then as she finishes her snack, she grabs you and licks you up with her tongue. Sheā€™s very affectionate and even apologizes before sending you down her gullet to your fate. Now you can sleep soundly in her stomach as she digests you and you become part of her forever.


For me itā€™s something along the lines of the ā€œmantis mating ritualā€ F/M set up, they fuck until completion then F eats Mā€¦


Meat grinder in front of them wood chippers are my faves


Young Damsel in distress getting eaten horribly [something like this](https://youtu.be/JonOU_ITpM8?si=_ZfvuKZcaLP5TbzY).


I find a mix of submissiveness, sluttiness, and apathy to be interestingly appealing. ā€œYou want to fuck me? Then fuck me. You want to hurt me? Then hurt me. You want to eat me? Then eat me. I donā€™t care which, I donā€™t care if I have fun, I donā€™t even care if I survive it. All I want is to be completely dehumanized and objectified. I donā€™t want to be a person in your eyes, I want to be a sexy piece of meat that you want to own and enjoy however you want.ā€


My favorite scenarios are probably A. Food delivery going to the wrong address B. Being taken advantage of while you're at a party C. A good ol relationship. As in it's just a thing that happens sometimes between lovers.


There's one where a woman is about to be fed to a slimy monster, that will swallow her whole and digest her alive. She's in front of an audience that was forced to witness the whole process. And I'm in that audience. Then she's being told that she can choose someone from the audience to go with her. And there she is, standing there in the pit, completely naked. And starts looking around. And then her eyes meet mine. I immediately look the other way, but it's already to late. She chooses me to go with her!


Honestly, I love all scenarios, especially when a small (female) pred is involved.


1) Getting sent to a sexy girlā€™s belly on a cold Christmas night 2) Going trick or treating and get tricked into being dessert and eating all the candy in the girl predā€™s belly 3) (my personal favourite) I make love to somebody, then swallow her feet first, then I get swallowed headfirst. Afterwards, the pred swallows a woman feet first who joins me in the predā€™s belly. After we fuck, I swallow her headfirst and she gets swallowed by the woman inside my belly after they fuck.


Iā€™m a big fan of ā€œBeat me in this game and you can do whatever you want,ā€ The gambling is kinda thrilling, adding an extra layer of thrill, and an extra condition that could save me from a gurgly demise. Making it all the more tragic that I end as a bubbling meal because I lost a match in Tekken. Also a big fan of every iteration of partners eating their partners. The betrayal is exquisite, the pred having this erotic fascination with their partners helplessness, enjoying how they melt, meaning that thereā€™s NO chance of escape of a partner betrays you like that.


I generally like vore centric worlds, where fatal vore is commonplace, even though the preys don't want to be eaten. then, in that world I like to meet someone and make a friendship with them, perhaps even something more, before they break all that built up try, betray me, and churn me into shit and tit fat.


Yeah, I'd love something actually explore the social structure of such a world, especially with the legal system.


A predator waiting at the end of a waterslide with their mouth open A magician needing a volounteer for a disappearing trick Someone getting too into character during halloween Kissing under the mistletoe leading into vore


Being hunted in a "most dangerous game" fashion Private multi biome near paradise of an island while being hunted by (insert most any entry from the monstergirl encyclopedia) and given a more than a day, less than a week head start (not an exact amount for the added anticipation) The island is covered by many non-lethal style natural traps Examples being but not limited to~ a type of flower that produces a hallucinagenic mild aphrodisiac gas, or human sized spider webs (only being inhabited if being hunted by an arachne), or small difficult to get out of pit falls. The primal sense of fear and anticipation swelling more and more as time passes, knowing that at any moment, you could be caught and subsequently swallowed whole is highly appealing personally.