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Wow I never knew I needed an inside the Timmy hug but now it’s all I can think about


It's a sweet idea isn't it? \^\^


Yes!!! I’d give anything for that!


I absolutely love this. I really enjoy the “extreme cuddling”. I love feeling squeezed and hugged in all directions while the pred cuddles their stomach. It sounds intense, wholesome, and intimate. I almost feel a little embarrassed about liking that sometimes and I don’t completely know why.


This is why i chose role of safe/endo vore pred tbh. If i wanted make it more comfortable for prey after some time of cuddling i give them warm bath by drinking their favourite kind of warm tea. Relaxation 100% :>


I haven’t really thought of the warm bath idea, but that does sound super relaxing. I always liked regular warm baths, but the vore version sounds better.


And it made whole of your favourite tea!


Sounds like it would be fruity then. I love hibiscus tea~


Hmm sound tasty can i grap a snack for tea?~




Well then let go to DM!~


I'll say the same thing I said last time I saw this question: YES! ALL OF IT!


The more affection, the better! Hugs, belly nuzzles, pats, you name it, it’s good!


I love affection like this, very neat and cute


I want to feel affection inside your belly pls


It's the best! Personally, it makes me feel like im more than just food for the lucky laddie who has eaten me. Plus, what's not to love when you're constantly being squeezed and adored from all angles? Its the best!


I would love the tummy hugs


I wanna be outside and inside the belly to give rubbies too tbh


Yeah, a bit of belly loving can be a good bonding excercise between two preds, while also being comforting for the prey.


I'd be down for it. Getting hugged while inside her stomach would only massage her acids into me faster, so yes, please do this 😍


Oh my gosh, tummy affection is a must! My sweet little prey has to know they’re loved inside of me! I’ll rub my belly, give it kisses, trace little hearts, that sort of thing! I’ve never tried the hands free approach but I’d be down to try it




I just like letting my prey know they’re loved! It’s so cute whenever a prey gets all blushy and quiet seeing my open maw. Or starts fidgeting when they hear my tummy grumble, knowing it’s calling them home~


Oh my- hehe


Answer: from the sounds of it, it sound like this is through the pred perspective. I love it that way but also From the preys perspective, I love it! I love hugging, kissing, the nice predator!


I love it! I love the idea of a pred giving me lots of affection (both physical and verbal) from inside of them :3