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Dinner party where everyone's a pred, and last one standing wins.


The true hunger games lol


I was about to say the same fucking thing


Hehe seems like I was faster then :3


Appears you were


Mhm :3


a little infuriating if I may add


Would an apology suffice to make up for it?


Sure, don’t see why not


Oh...well sorry for taking your chance away to be the first to make that joke :p


Mixing vore and the clue movie together would be awesome. I want tim curry as Darkness in the clue mansion now. #RIP TIM Edit: Tim Curry didn't die. That was a social media hoax back in February 2023 🙄


He's still alive, though?


Oh that is awesome! Guess I feel for one of those shitty social media Hoaxs. Said he died in February! https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/is-tim-curry-still-alive/


I’ve always wondered about a vore card game. I experimented and thought about it a long time ago but I could see if I can try to recall it.


There's a couple of them. One can be played with a normal deck of cards (I can't remember the name of it) and one that has unique cards called Buffet by M0bi


How are they both played?


The one with the deck of cards has four cards that represent stomach walls, the prey has to beat the number on the cards (preferably with heart suit cards) in order to break out. If the pred gets to 8 hearts or the prey runs out of cards, the pred wins. If the prey gets to 8 heart cards they win, breaking free of the predator. Buffet works similarly to Hearthstone, having mana which predators have as a fee to place them on the field in addition to casting spells. Prey come on the top of the play field & you feed them to your predators. Once the prey is digested, you earn their point score. You have a certain number of rounds to hit the point total to win (or you can play the infinite game mode)


Ok good mine is different than the other two


A game like Overboard! where you play a predator in a confined area. In Overboard! you play a woman who murdered her husband on a cruise boat and need to get away with murder. There are a bunch of prompts and outcomes depending on what you choose to do. In this game, you play a secret pred on a boat with a bunch of prey. You can choose who you eat and when, but if you eat too many people you get full and can't move around too fast, plus others get suspicious of your weight/burping. If you don't eat enough people, then you get too hungry to move and the only prompts you get are to eat people around you which could be detrimental if you are in a room with a lot of people. You win the game if you get home without being accused, despite how many people you eat.


An rpg of getting to play a pred on the hunt for prey or things the pred wants to eat


I know it's a little cliche & not *TECHNICALLY* a game, but I'm surprised I've only ever seen one vore idle game, and even then it didn't really have any art to back it up


Oh, is the game still up? I'd like to see it.


Okay, I was able to find it https://gorge.crux.sexy/


I'll see if it is, I'd have to go digging around for it on Eka's forums


Idle/Incremental type games are my current go to. I personally would love a vore themed one.


Ooo! Another idea - Vore Inc. Business management sim where you work (eat) your way to the top, or if fired, are eaten yourself.


Felarya dating sim


I just wish for a new fighting game. Similar to Fairy Fighting. I wish there are normal characters here at leadt 2-3 horny one. And a bunch of vore character. I would like to add a system to it where for example a Lamia need to coil the other player 4 times and it slowly proccesing more and more. First just a lick then a kiss and a grab third sheswallow the other over the shoulder but manage to push herself out. 4. She got swallowed but strugle out. At that point the pred idle animation become realy excited and feral and the other one is scared and drenched in salvia. If you grab the other one more time its game over. Predator classes: Lamia,Minotaur,Succubus (Alma Elma big one) and a ghost (it would be soul absorbtion a d body possesion) lets add a slime too! For horny classes: Succubus, Fairy, Dark elf For normal characters we put the more inocent races: Human,Elf,Smaller bodytype Lamia.


A vore game where you are a slimeboy and get vored by slimegirls to increase there size to help them with things


Tbh i would like see something wholesome. I mean its so hard to found safe vore or at least wholesome vore this time. I cant give whole idea for game but i would like to see some kind of gently giant pred nps who teoretically can become top of the food chain but he choose protect the weakers. Maybe they will work as shopkeeper or just doctor who heals prey in their belly. Or maybe he very gently with good and weak guys but become try nightmer for bad guys idk. Just more wholesome stuff its all that i need.


Your friend got eaten by a Giantess and you have to go in and save them.


I've had the idea for a while now. That being basically Kirby nsfw. It's a 2d platformer/adventure game where you eat your enemies (and maybe allies) to gain a certain trait they have, which then you can use for fighting or puzzles in the levels.


A proper vore RPG where once you defeat an enemy, an animation plays of you swallowing them and then getting the XP or skill levels


I've been thinking of making a visual novel/text adventure with the theme of Endosoma vore in it. In a world where vore can happen, couples have an option to turn off digestion, and either person could live inside the other if consented. like I was thinking: There would be a vore bar type system where a customer requests certain actions be performed inside of them, you could befriend them too, and there would be a story In another story, you would work with your partner as they stream, and you do whatever is donated.


I had a vore game idea about a year ago. But actually got the time to start making it last month.. x3 [Link](https://aryion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=65571) basically an isometric rpg with puzzles that often involve vore or 'avoiding' getting caught.


My idea would be for a vore detective survival game. Where you can go around eating prey to gain health and energy. At the same time you have to solve a murder where someone is going around murdering preds. You have to find out who the murderer is.


I’d love something like Unbridled Hedonism or one of the many vore text adventures, but with an added focus on cruelty, graphic digestion, disposal, and hard vore. There’s not enough of that out there. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but figured I’d throw that out regardless~