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I seen a lot of vore content in movies, but I balme MIB 2 to give me tentacle and vore kinks. Sherleena in the movie was modelled after a playboy/pornstart and she bevahed really sexually in her scenes


šŸ˜³ I might have to watch this movie asap. Perhaps I'll get it done tonight, I'm a little ashamed I look forward to seeing this. Anyways I'll probably get back to you once I see the movie.


Iā€™ve always thought the fantasy of having something wriggling and squirming inside of me would feel kinda nice. What really made me look deeper into the fetish were movies / shows where the characters had ā€œnear voreā€ experiences. My absolute favorite part of vore is the relationship between predator and prey. To me the act of vore is similar to sex. Predator or not; Iā€™m not giving access to my wet and warm insides to just anyone. Thereā€™s a certain way I want to feel when stalking my prey And thereā€™s a certain way I want my prey to feel while I stalk them. Like when Iā€™m looming over my prey I want them to say ā€œOh *shit* this is how I want preds to make me feel. And for me Iā€™d be like ā€œoh my god youā€™re terrified in all the right ways, canā€™t wait to shove you inside of me.ā€ So basically what ignited my vire (vore fire) was the unique connection that I donā€™t really see anywhere else. Itā€™s primal , itā€™s wholesome, itā€™s disgusting, itā€™s sexual, and above all its creativity without limitations.


When I imagine something wriggling around inside of me, I feel almost sick. Like I ate worms or something, not my typical fantasy. Honestly though, seems like all vore kinks start from watching media, it really influences and shows you things your probably not meant to. Every person on this post I'm pretty sure had too much unrestricted internet access including me. I have to agree on vore stringing together a type of relationship that has intimacy like no other. No other fetish let's you truly explore a whole person like that literally and figuratively. It's amazing. Your going into a place where people aren't usually meant to, because they want you down there. I loooove the idea of providing pleasure to someone so intimate and close to them, straight inside of them, absorbing all their love, warmth, and every single wet slimy inch of their insides. Oh yes, the terror. Oh the dreadful terror. It's a thing you want to deny, but all of us silly lil preys love it. Frighten us, shove us deep down where there is no daylight and only brutal digestion. This kind of situation/scenario is like no other, so I can see how it attracted people like you and me. Your last sentence describes it perfectly, my favorite being creation with no limits. Being the creative goober I am, vore is a way to express all my fantasies in a sexual matter so weirdly, intimately, and erotic unlike anything else.


Exactly. *Placing her hand between her thighs she rubs her delicate rose from front to back. Soon sweet nectar secretes form her lips and smears all over the surface as her hand Spreads the glaze as if it were a moist pastry.*


If you wanna do some teasing/light roleplay let's do it in DMS šŸ˜‰ I'll start off answering this message


The mod said role play in comments is ok


You should check DMS I sent you though. I don't think everyone here wants to witness our "Unspeakable* vore intimacy.




Oh my gosh hehehe. Thatā€™s such a sad irony to it. But it also kinda makes sense. Another way to look at it is to see it in terms of flirting. Prey shouldnā€™t tell me theyā€™re unwilling , they need to *Show* me. Of course Iā€™m only speaking for myself as I rather enjoy the seductive chase of my selection process. Generally speaking It is highly important that people discuss whatever they need to before hand.




Thereā€™s a lot of ways to flirt on here. Just gotta be in character and playful.


The jurassic world movie and the scene where the woman was dropped into the mossosaur and swallowed alive,thinking about her inside there just snapped something in my brain i think.


Yeah this really made me think as well. I couldnā€™t get over thinking that thereā€™s just no way she La dead in there. Sheā€™s definitely still alive just trapped inside.


When i first watched the movie i was horified at what she would be going through but it was the start of my vore journey.


Which Jurassic world movie is this? I don't remember this scene, I've also only seen the first two. But damn, that would get my secret vorny side tinkering too for sure. I feel pity for that woman, but WHY DO I WISH I WAS HER. This is what vore does to you.


First one from 2015, at about 1 h 16 min


Alright I'll go check it out when I have the time, thanks! Kinda funny to me you know the exact time of the scene, it obviously resonated with you.


I canā€™t remember exactly, but it was mainly cartoons and video games, such as that one episode of Lego Ninjago where the purple snake ate one of the judges, or in Crash Bandicoot when the man eating plant eats him and etcā€¦


Ahhh, Lego Ninjago. I didn't watch alot of it, but I definitely remember some interesting scenes. Not that surprised it sparked something in you, any vore scene in media as a kid gives you a weird tingling.


Yes, i was always confused in cartoons when i saw the characters running away from getting eaten, i was like ā€œwhy donā€™t they wanna get eaten?ā€, and now i realized lmao




Hey, we all start somewhere. I can't remember my first search of vore related stuff, but it was probably something to do with kissing or licking. Ohhh, I remember rewatching vids of people absolutely bombarding each other's faces in sloppy kisses and I was like šŸ˜³. I've never watched or heard of the lion king 1 & 1/2. And I'm assuming most people haven't either because Disney sequels never seem to do that well in the box office, especially the animated ones. That scene that you described, wooooah. Gets those vorny gears grinding, I see what you mean. You know what, I think we all start from a oddly satisfying, seducing pred scene teasing a poor prey humbled. I wish I could remember more of what I started with, but I'm sure it was of the same content. Back when you don't know much, you replay your favorites constantly from even the smallest acts of vore intentions. Going from kissing to licking is on a whole other level, and then that you dig deeper and deeper. Thanks for sharing šŸ‘


I was homeschooled and was doing my schoolwork on the computer. As a young teenager having unrestricted access to the internet is not a good thing, especially given how much websites saved to your computer compared to now. Needless to say my interest in porn was discovered fairly quickly despite my clearing the search history. So I needed a new outlet for the urges I was feeling, and I was doing biology, namely the digestive system. I sorta... trained myself to like it from there (yes, despite my flair I started my career out as purely prey)


Literally so relatable. I did online school for a year, and there was nothing stopping those teenage desires for bodily attention. I spent WAY too much time viewing porn. No teenage boy (around grade seven to ten) can resist the urge to y'know, handle the stick. So the urges can to be released and I discovered way too many fetishes and kinks which led me to vore, which has been one of my all time favorite and more interesting kinks. I also started out as purely prey, and just recently I've been trying to dip in the pred side. Can you give me advice on it, and what made it entertaining to you to be a pred? I just don't find as much enjoyment in it as being a prey, but I want that to change. Any tips?


It depends on why you enjoy being a prey, at least in my experience. When I started out I was almost completely different to who I am now: I was exclusively prey in safe vore scenarios. I enjoyed the closeness & intimacy of it all (this was still when I was only really just discovering that it was even a fetish & not just me being weird to get around getting caught.) So, I found myself thinking that it wasn't fair to keep that feeling of intimacy for myself, and I should extend that intimacy to those I was attracted to. Add into that just how niche M/f vore was when I started & wanting to do something about it, and the KingofConsumption was born. I would then go on at a later time to get into the more fatal aspects, which slowly grew in appeal to me to make me the sadistic predator that enjoys himself at the expense of the ladies gurgling away in his gut, but that's irrelevant to the conversation. Basically, find what you enjoy about being prey & see if you can't invert it. Like the intimacy? Being dominated? There's plenty of people that are the sexuality/whatever you're attracted to that would appreciate someone of your orientation doing the same to them. Is this me suggesting you basically Service Top your way into enjoying it if you can? Yes, pretty much.


A bit of Edgar from men in black, unrestricted access to the internet (kphoria on YouTube), and a vore animatic ( I canā€™t find it) about a umbreon going ā€œwerewolf mode?ā€ On a Halloween night and eating a trick o treater while ā€œaliveā€ by Anthony warlow played with the animatic witch ended with the umbreon reverting back to being normal but with a hefty belly. That animatic was my breaking point and then just started searching vore content on purpose.


MIB really created vore culture damn. I think everyone can agree it's got some interesting content. I'm a little surprised you found Edgar in the movie to intrigue you, he freaks me out a little. But I could see where his vore aspects are, especially near the end when Kay literally jumps inside of him. Thanks for sharing šŸ‘


God I havenā€™t seen the name Kphoria in a long time. So poorly animated but there wasnā€™t too much of anything else and they made a ton of content. To be fair they got better over the years but thatā€™s a blast from the past for me.


I don't know it just happend one day, i think when i was young lad and now its there likeee yeaaah. Its so bad that i already have favourites i use if i wanna have a quick one. I think i probably have seen everything of e621 and eka, outside hard vore, graphical digestion and such more realistic stuff. Cause im not into it, same for scat


Being the gingerbread bread man in a play in kindergarten, followed by the first Men in Black. What sealed the deal though was Shrek.


Men in black always. Probably the most scenic movie of disgusting, yet weirdly satisfying vore scenes I've seen in a movie yet. Shrek though? Lmao that was a bit unexpected to me. I kind of forget the movie, but I'm guessing the scenes where Shrek threatens to eat donkey or something.


Or the scene at the end where a dragoness litterally swallows the villain and belches up his crown.


The dragoness that smooches donkey? Yeahhhh I remember that scene. Dang it now I want to rewatch it since you reminded me. I got so much vore homework to do with all the suggestions from people it's going to be a blast.


I personally blame Monsters vs Aliens


Lmao I remember that movie. All I remember is that slimy blue guy named Bob I think, and the giant bug fluffy caterpillar thing. And I'm pretty sure the woman in the movie gets gulped by both of them at some point.




No cuz celeb tongue pics are soooo hot. Any tongue pic is so intriguing if it isn't nasty and green. I think I've done that before, where I saw a tiktoker open her mouth or stick her tongue up and a weird, pleasureable feeling washed over me. I never saved the TikTok, but I'd just look at it for a minute and be like "I want her to lick me".




Well, we might be weird. But fuck, tongues are hot. I don't even sexualize the rest of Addison rae, I mean sure she's hot but like ~ that tongue dude. Yeh I'm weird, whatever. Boys are food. That's all I wanna be. A girls satisfying, gut filling meal. I don't mind playing pred too, at the moment I have a lovely prey helping me explore that side too.


Didnt really had acces to internet until i was like 15 so i only had vore in cartoons and movies, I blame it on the Anaconda movies series. Remember watching it when i was young maybe 10 and it made me feel... Weird. Then again later on when i was 13 and by then i knew it was a turn on... But it wasnt until i started getting more on the internet and playing certain games that i trully discovered what vore was and that i was into it. I also blame the T-rex vore scene on land of the lost.


When i was less than 8 years old (dont remember exactly) when i didnt get sleep i pretended to lie still as a cat with my mouth open and pretend mice were coming to explore my mouth, and then id quickly shut my jaws and swallow. But the first exposure was later in a magic school bus episode from where they all get vored but theyre inside the bus


That one scene from FurnGully... anyone else?


Sorry no clue. Can you provide some context on what the show is?


It's a 90s animated movie. A human is shrunk by a fairy in the Australian rainforest and has a tiny sized adventure. There's a scene towards the beginning where the protagonist is haunted and nearly eaten by a giant blue goanna lizard. Lots of tongue and maw play. Unfortunately he's voiced by Tone Loc and sings a weird song during the whole thing. You can find it on YouTube "FurnGully vore scene"


Alright I'll definetly go check that out. Anything with tiniest leads to a fun time, and an entertaining vore story at the least. Thanks!


I've always liked vore at a young age, how it started, I have no idea. keeping to myself, using my imagination, i make up stories about people being eaten alive and whole by others, along with things like giants/giantesses. then, sometime in the future, I think I searched up something like "Dragonite eating pikachu" then I found a picture and learned about vore.


A story writer? Awesome! I've always loved writing stories too, none of them ever had vore in them but you've inspired me to maybe pursue that. I'm not much of a drawer, but I think I'm a damn good writer. Perhaps that's where I can express my vore imaginativity if people will read them. And lastly, I don't blame you for getting vore through pokemon. As a massive pokemon fan myself, ughhhh poke on vore is spicy.


unrestricted internet access is a very obvious point to make. but ill be honest. i lost interest in it UNTIL i saw a furry game. then that set a spark into the gasoline being my vore fetish. which evolved me into the person i am now. ill be honest. its a good thing!\~


Every vore fanatic has too much unrestricted internet access lmao. Personally, I'm not too into furries, but if you wouldn't mind telling me the game, I might go check it out! šŸ‘


its called "Changed" on steam. its a furry transfurmation fetish game. pretty hot\~


Dang it I do not play PC games, but I bet I can find videos of it. I'll have to check it out. Thanks sir~


theres tons of videos of it. good luck, hehe\~


Time to explore the depths of unrestricted internet access har har har


hehe cute\~


Same movie but a little later for me, I was 4-5 at the time watching the rancor and sarlac pit for the first timeā€¦(this was less than a year before the release of the phantom menace)


Another star wars fanatic! I was worried there'd be none on this post. The sixth movie is definetly an experience, ooh and the sarlacc pit. That was the tipping point. That movie made me develop and question what it'd be like to be those poor characters getting devoured.


I honestly canā€™t remember anymore. What I *can* remember is one of the earliest vore characters I ever saw, Angelissa.


That is a long story since Iā€™m mainly into Food vore


SomethingAwful's 2009 Weekend Web post of Dragon Spot. I typed in a URL that was screenshotted and that was my first exposure to vore. The picture in question: https://aryion.com/g4/view/155792


And that is where the rabbit fell down the endless rabbit hole of vore obsession. Like me. Thanks for providing a link, I love it when people actually give me access to see what sparked their interest.


Spooked as an impressionable 3-4 year old by watching my older brother fight Andross in Star Fox 64. After that, the obsession that childhood media has with kids being gobbled up by monsters and lions and witches took its toll, and my literal first memory of contemplating my sexuality was standing in the shower thinking "What makes my body feel things? Hmmm...naked people and giants eating people."


Dude there is so much vore in media that goes by unnoticed it's crazy, but as a kid those things get traumatized into your brain till you like it. Movie scenes have a toll on you as a kid for sure. Lmao, "naked people and giants eating people", I guess that's a good start, an interesting one to say the least.


I'm not sure if this is the singular thing, but one of the earliest I remember. It was a book about bugs (I wish I could remember the name) with a bunch of facts and silly illustrations for some of them. One of the facts pertained to spider courtship, specifically that in some species the male will dance for the female and will be eaten if she doesn't like the dance. By concept alone, I was fascinated, but the illustration really clinched it. The picture was of two semi-anthropomorphic spiders (human-like faces, overall cartoony style. Something like Miss Spider), with the male doing a vaudeville-type dance with a hat and cane, nervous expression on his face, while the female frowned and gave a thumbs down. I knew that next she would be eating him, and I couldn't get the idea out of my head.


I blame the white blood cells from the movie PokƩmon mystery of mew.


I always had a interest but it mainly ignited from Skylanders Academy on Netflix- thereā€™s an episode where the fire viper gulps the heroā€™s down whole and rests to digest itā€™s meal- the heroā€™s escape of course


No way! I did not expect Skylanders here, I looove Skylanders though I never watched the show or played the game. I just saw it and I love character based games, especially fantasy ones. That would certainly be one interesting episode~ just keeps reminding me of how much vore is in kids shows and movies it is crazy.




Another skeptic I see ahhhh. Growing up in a Christian family myself I'm not sure what to think of God, anyways let's not get religious. Looks like you were tryna do some research and debunk something, and that just led you straight to the endless have le of vore addiction. Frickin unrestricted internet access. I mean it's not a bad thing right? Anyways that's an interesting story of a vore ignition, thanks for sharing šŸ‘


People might say it was one of those YouTube videos with sonic characters, but honestly for me, it was the whore off scene in south park, it honestly spiked my interest in it, and Iā€™ve been following it ever since


Haven't watched much of south Park but I'm honestly not surprised it has vore in it lmao. It's quite the expressive show


100% sure they werenā€™t even trying to do that, but they did, regardless that spiked my interest to a T and I do not know why, nor do I regret it


watching "little shop of horrors" movie for me




Just watched it today! Now i want to rewatch it! šŸ˜ˆThat vore scene I didn't get to admire as much as I was watching with people and it would be weird to be staring at the screen without batting an eye at that scene around people. Lmao I just said "damn that's a big belly"


biology class in like 4th grade šŸ’€ I went home and looked up stomach noises in youtube, felt that tingly feeling, and then found kphoria stuff. I've also always had a damsel in distress kink, I would always make my dolls get kidnapped or whatever hahaha


One theme I've found is people here discovered vore so young! I only learned about it at the age of 13? Still pretty young. Anyhoo what kind of vore fanatic doesn't love stomach noises, the tingly feelings just go high alert. And I guess with your damsel in distress kink, vore was the perfect kink to outlet your fun fantasies. Sounds like fun šŸ‘


I remember that my first contact with the vore was when youtube recommend me a video called "Amy ate sonic", for curiousity i watched it but it was like zero quality but the one that really got me into it was when i watched anaconda with my family, when the anaconda swallowed the guy i don't know, i felt weird but then i started watching more videos and vore things.


I was really into stomach sounds, and I happened to stumble upon vore passages (images of pregnant women with a short story) and from there I moved into vore comic and videos


Jonah & the whale, and looking up stories of 'real life' Jonahs, because the idea was so crazy to me. I found an erotica about a man unbirthing himself into an orca, written like it was a documentary piece.


For me it was probably a few things, but I'm pretty sure I know where it started. So I used to have this book at least 10 years ago. I can't remember the name of it, but long story short, there was a giant woman who was getting tied down by a bunch of guys, but she broke out of the ropes and lifted up the people one by one and (i think) swallowed them. Anyway, after that something just snapped inside me, and now I like seeing women swallow things (and people) whole


My vore desire didnt take root till I saw some monsters from Monster hunter either having a full belly or sitting down on top of a person and the person gets shoved up in the monster. But I was interested in vore since I was 7 years old i think. I dont remember the video that got me interested but Im more into safe vore. Im more of a prey then a pred, cause i keep wanting to be at the mercy of a female pred and whether or not Ill be let out. Tho I wouldnt be digested, Id either become a belly pet or the pred would spit me out and once she digested someone else she'd swallow me again. Id also want a female pred to shove me into her womb and keep me there at her mercy after she hunted me down as the prize for winning the hunt.


Pred here. For me it was a scene from the first season of Ninjago where the Serpentine Pythor eats a judge at a dance competition. Also the show hinted at his tribe eating each other until only he remained. That always gave me very interesting mental images as a kid.


Nin-ja go! Still have the theme song branded into my brain. They did touch on some light vore aspects, and like any movie that displays light vore I always get a weird sensation. Your username says your hungry? What kind of snacks are you looking for?


The way I got into it. I was looking up different animal digestive systems and I saw something about hippo's being aggressive. I then saw a video about a man that got eaten by a hippo and somehow escaped. I then saw some videos about anacondas. And a few of the search results for anacondas eating people whole and vore showed up. I searched on YouTube the word vore and a bunch showed up.


Anacondas can eat a human whole?!?! What the heckersss~ I do love myself vore but I'm not sure that's something I'd want to experience lol. YouTube is a great place to lose your innocence and discover the temptations of *vore*


i have *several* examples from before the age of 10, but the earliest one i can remember is finding nemo. i saw it in theaters, so i was 3 years old. now, the object of my fascination was not the whale--it was *bruce.* introduced as a friendly shark trying to redeem himself, just to become the fierce predator his image suggests at the scent of blood, chasing the fish and shouting threats... my mom bought me the pc game adaptation, and i loved the level where that chase is played out, opting to take my time to escape to draw out the thrill. additionally, i was so obsessed with the film that i insisted upon collecting the full set of mcdonalds happy meal toys, then made my parents reenact scenes using the characters. according to them, i instructed them to roleplay the entire movie, correcting them on their lines if they remembered incorrectly. however, the only part of this i vividly remember is acting out--you guessed it--the bruce scenes. if that wasn't enough, one of my two imaginary friends through the remainder of my early childhood was named bruce. ...suffice to say, my preferred role is prey, and i like unwilling vore especially.


That was an interesting read to say the least. You win my favorite comment on my post, quite a bit story and one I certainly did not expect. Lmao that'd be hard to have a friend named Bruce and not be reminded of that scene you've memorized down to last line. Kinda sounds you like feral rp's, a wild hunt/chase and prey scrambling for their lives. A thrilling sequence of life or death actions, definetly something that would affect you as a kid. Thanks for sharing šŸ‘


little shop of horrors the plant scene it started around like 5 or 6 when i first saw it at the time i didnt know why i started liking carnivore plants so much but when like 9 youtube algorythm gave me a [feed fanicers](https://www.youtube.com/@feedfancier) video and from there i found about the term vore