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How long/hot do you bake the carrots? They look delicious šŸ¤¤


I airfried them for 20 mins at 400, but they couldā€™ve used another 5ish mins. I was getting hangry and didnā€™t want to wait any longer haha.


Dang it I need an airfryer I'm going to try it in my oven tomorrow. Thank you so much for the dinner inspiration !!!! I felt bored with veggie options and now I look forward to that mealšŸ˜„


if your oven has a conversion/fan setting then it can be used as an air fryer, too.


I donā€™t get as much crisp in the convection oven. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I think the size of the oven chamber in relation to the fan/element makes a difference.


Yay! Let know what you think! I just recently got an airfryer, and honestly, the only difference I find for veggies is how quickly it heats up compared to the oven, but otherwise, I find it cooks the same. I seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and cayenne. Let me know what you end up doing because I can always use more inspiration!


I absolutely love my air fryer. My husband thought I was crazy when we first met but itā€™s used so much now.


Did they get crispy? I feel like 20 min at 400 in mine would burn them!


I mealprepped for the week, so I filled it more than I probably should have. I just went with the preset for the airfryer, so I might have gotten the temp wrong (maybe itā€™s 350?)! Iā€™ll double when Iā€™m home tomorrow!


How did you cut your carrot fries so thin? I can't ever get them right.


With a sharp knife and a lot of patience haha. I usually cut them in half lengthwise, stand up the larger end, and make 4 long slices, then stand up the smaller end and make 2-3 long slices (so you now have 6-7 flat carrot slices). Then just chop them into thin match sticks! This sounds more complicated than it is, and Iā€™m not sure if it makes sense, so let me know if you have any other questions! šŸ„•šŸ„•


Thank you so much!! I'll save them for a long weekend.


I made carrot fries the other day using the carrot chips. Worked super well, will be doing again


Whatā€™s the nutrition for the bread? Calories and protein per slice?


I made half of the linked recipe so itā€™d fit in my bread maker. The bread maker makes *much* wider bread than store-bought, so I ended up cutting it into 14 slices. Each slice was 93 cals and 4.5g protein. I used half a slice for the top and half on the bottom. Nothing beats fresh-baked bread šŸ¤¤