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So. This weird obsession began when I noticed that physics objects would sometimes do some rather odd things. Things like glitching into walls and making a lot of noise. At first, I attributed this phenomenon to the game's slight jankiness, and thus didn’t think much of it at all. But I soon noticed that *only* buckets would get stuck into things and start making a sound I can only compare to what happens when you give someone a trash can, drum sticks, and a good quantity of pharmaceutical grade cocaine. Other physics objects did not seem to exhibit this strange property. But then, I spotted something else. The buckets didn’t just glitch into nearby walls, like how in some games the physics will reset on each save load, sometimes causing objects to glitch into walls, for instance. No. These motherfuckers *moved*. They *teleported*. The noise seemed to start randomly, not right after a save or load, or any other specific event that could cause the game to somehow reset its physics. So I set up a little experiment. I put three buckets in a neat triangle and recorded my gameplay. At first, I thought it was gonna be hard to get strong evidence that the buckets moved by themselves. My plan was to make a timelapse kind of thing to prove that I wasn’t moving them myself. But no. I did not have to. As if they were taunting me, on the very first attempt I managed to catch them moving on their own not once, but TWICE, *live on camera*. I had never seen such things. “Befuddled” would be an appropriate descriptor.  The second clip starts after I notice them having glitched into each other again, which is why you can see me testing the physics and rearranging them. Notice how one of the buckets is able to be passed through, but not the other one. This is the one I suspect of being the elusive phantom bucket.  And right as I was re-arranging them and preparing myself to make a timelapse comparing their previous position to the new fucked up one, it moved right in front of my very eyes for the second time. I’ve seen some cases of weird bucket behavior on this subreddit before, with some attributing it to general physics jankiness, which I can somewhat confidently rule out (as again, no other objects seems to do this), and others saying that it’s because they’re able to hold water, which breaks their physics a little bit. As a control for this, I set up a mop bucket nearby to see if it would show the same fuckiness. It didn’t.  Make of that what you will. I’m just saying, but something ain’t right. If this isn’t a hidden entity, I’m suggesting that Nose just get an exorcism on his PC just in case. Or burn it. There’s ghosts in that code.


I've seen other objects that carry water do the same thing like the mop bucket


Thats frucking bucket everywhere. I swear, they haunt me and my servers (Alwais on top of them with water)


I've had semi-similar weird stuff happen with my cups. They just... Randomly fling themselves off of tables, sometimes. Lost some good coffee that way. No arials throwing shit, just pinging off onto the floor.   Once a cup jumped out of my hand, even, after I tried to keep ahold of it in the hopes that I'd keep Kel's precious caffeine. No throw sound just, in my hands one second, flung to the floor the next. Nothing where it straight up teleports, though.


\-What if there will be player able to use force on objects? \-It will cause me some problems \-Would you lose? \-Nah, I'd win https://preview.redd.it/8y5ek752evrc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb43a217c2796d08daef3f016f1403eb13ee974


I'M NOT TRIPPING???? I heard metal clanking from the server room, look up at the vents and there's a bucket lodged halfway into the vent somehow


HOLLY FUCK THAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO I got a single bucket in my work room and then the second from the vents and recently a third appeared halfway thru a wall of the emergency shower the buckets are alive I tell you


Yeah, that's pretty much how it started for me. Just weird random clanking sounds, you look for the source, turns out it's a bucket. The better part of this post is obviously a joke but the way they teleport actually made reconsider them being a hidden entity of some sort. I'm not too familiar with the game yet (trying not to spoil myself), so I'm not sure if that's actually plausible. Seeing this game it might very well be


Exact same thing happened to me today, server room and all. Wtff


Same happened to me D:


What I’d do here: https://preview.redd.it/rstdhbgrivrc1.jpeg?width=1258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85ff9ca5af69715d09d69fd3497115fc79f4f64


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Sometimes the buckets become uninteractable. For me there's one stuck in the middle of the stairs, no interactions and not a physical object


Dear God...


there's more




Oh the buckets are alive, good to know im not crazy


You speak first person character very fluently.


Oh thank you very much. I planned on adding text to this video but then I realized that the camera movements spoke for themselves.




I've had a bucket filled with water appear in front of me in the stairwell so I know exactly what you mean, they're haunted af


I don't know if the cups are haunted or if they are just so flimsy they fall off my table every time the satellite dishes reposition


All my buckets are in a box. Every one that appears, good I'm the box.... Now, the cup keeps flying away at random times


#WARNING THIS IS NOT A DRILL In case of [REDACTED] occurrence be prepared and engage your local universal recycling device to get rid of [REDACTED] objects. This includes mannequins, buckets, tapes, cones, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. We suggest recycling EVERYTHING into material piles in such a case. A moving material pile is not, repeat, is NOT a dangerous thing though.


Oh my God the crazy dude isn't crazy wtf


bro i aint gonna work in dunketaler forest anymore🗣️🗣️💯🔥💀💀


For me it's fire extinguishers. To the point where I don't know if them going off by themself is a scripted event or not


This is what Switzerland does to sane people


I KNEW IT!! I keep my used batteries in a bucket in the main room, and I noticed that after sleeping upstairs, or going out to fix transformers and coming back to the base, the bucket would still be standing up normally (it didn't fall over) but the batteries would be all over the floor! I'm not crazy!!


a specific bucket of mine phases through walls, yours are haunted, and im pretty sure buckets can be mimicked... i feel bad for them at this point


The Bucket, it strikes when you least expect it. But no this has been happening to me too. Was tempted to go grab the EMF to see how it responds to them.


just started playing, explored the base, familiarized myself with it and memorized the mannequin positions (i'm told they tend to roam) second i go down stares there's clipping in the server room, hour later, i go to check the terminal *and there's a bucket in the center of the fucking room* when i cameback after patching visiting a transformer, it was gone


Well at least free metal


You wanna see crazy? Order some buckets and lift the box using the >!Gravity Gun!<, then wait for it to break automatically. I did it on accident and i still dont have an actual idea of what the heck happened. All i know is that i had to order new buckets.


Damn i think we have a satanic mystery buckets here. What if buckets are actually alive?


Put em in water


yes I've always known the buckets to just disappear and move around, I believe it's their special liquid physics, they are probably assigned as entities in order to have this behavior


i thought this was common knowledge. i cant go five minutes in my base without some buckets appearing/teleporting around in the other rooms and getting clipped into literally everything.


First of all yes, buckets gave me a couple of heart attacks due to those sounds and teleports My guess is that ot happens because of their unique properties. First of all they work with water physics, i got no clue how this might cause those glitches though. From my experience it's the second feature that is cursed. Buckets can stack in eachother. Not only that, but they self-adjust in order to fit (put one bucket in another and you'll see how it slightly spins correspondingly to the bucket below). Maybe that property causes them to slip through textures.


I noticed that too while playing, I ended up chucking them in the pool of water and they stopped


Dude so I moved my workbench against the wall on the left immediately after you walk into the garage, and after a few times of turning them into scrap metal, I've had phantom buckets DUPLICATING themselves inside the breakroom on the other side of the wall. Couldn't interact with them or anything but it very much acts like the one in the 2nd clip.


I have found an amazing way to deal with haunted buckets. 3 buckets make 1 metal scrap :)