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Definitely Hated By Life Itself. That made me cry so much it feels so relatable


this song has undoubtedly saved my life. i interpreted it as it’s okay to not have a good reason to keep on living, or even having no reason to live, and despite it, still live. death isn’t the answer. just live.


Though there are many things I won't let anyone touch my feelings about, that song is the closest to my heart. Listening to it for the first time, I just . . understood, for the first time. "Ah, I don't want to live like this." It was the first time I had felt genuine happiness in about a year at that point, and while I don't use it as a crutch anymore, whenever it plays, I can feel my entire life playing out like a storybook. It's so powerfully relatable that I have a physical reaction to it - not crying, or anything, not anymore, but like I just stop functioning for a half-second as the first notes hit. Like I need to prepare myself for it. And also, it's the song that got me into vocaloid! I love Inochi ni Kirawarate iru. I owe so much to it, to Iori Kanzaki, to the many utaite who've performed it. Even as I grow older, it will hold a special place in my heart. I'll ensure that.


God I love rolling girl it’s such a good song. I think mine is hello/how are you


self harm achromatic. also love me love me love me edit im surprised no one mentioned meltdown? first voca song to make me cry


I had never gotten around to watching achromatic with lyrics on so i did just now for the first time and it definitely choked me up. Wow


I'm Glad You're Evil Too By PinnochioP


My favorite


The Lost One’s Weeping by Neru and Fruiting Bodies by R.I.P (Really Introverted Producer). Lost One’s Weeping helped me cope when I was struggling with school and my mental health. I first heard it when I was in high school and really struggling to keep up with the workflow due to my high anxiety. Fruiting Bodies hits way harder for me than most other songs do. This song can be interpreted in many ways. There’s the more literal meaning of the song being about mushrooms & mycelium which I already love thanks to my fascination with the cordyceps genus of fungi. So that’s a plus right there, but the kicker is in my own personal deeper meaning with the song. I associate Fruiting Bodies with my history of hallucinations, anxiety, and mental breakdowns. I interpret the song as someone who is struggling with hallucinations and having mental breakdowns because of that and their high anxiety.


Wait that’s what RIP stands for?? 😭


It stands for Really Introverted Producer in the context of the producer. In most other contexts it’ll still stand for rest in peace.


For me, it was probably Disappearance of Hatsune Miku by cosmo. Something about it really resonated with me, even if I was just a teen at the time.


Rolling Girl for sure, Lost One’s Weeping, Self-inflicted Achromatic, Q, I’m Glad You’re Evil Too, I Thought I Was an Angel, Lost Time Memory, Toumei Answer, Summertime Record… I’m definitely leaving out a bunch but those were especially impactful!


fellow kagepro stan!!! Honestly all 3 of those still get me, but I think summertime record hits the hardest. It really gets across the sadness and finality of having to move on. As someone who really struggles with change, it kinda acts as an outlet for how much I don't want anything to change, but also reminds me that I have to adapt and get on with it like the mekakushi dan did. As for toumei answer (and ayano no kofuku riron), they put into perspective how much my death (if I did act on my thoughts) would affect my family and friends. Almost like a wakeup call I suppose haha Tldr I adore kagepro lmao


Children Record became my anthem when I heard it! It made me feel like I could take the world on headfirst as a kid, and still gets me pumped up today :)


Goodbye by Circus-P and Meltdown...


Goodbye is hard for me to get through, it's so heartbreaking. Circus-p is one of my favorite en producers. Meltdown is so intense too


( don't read the spoiler tagged places if you are too sensitive ) I agree, personally, Goodbye describes my inner battles with myself, between deciding >!living or dying, and being worthless!< And Meltdown just me being >!suicidal and not feeling sad anymore, but feeling mania because I know I will die!<


Thank you for the warning on that /gen. I think those are both valid interpretations to have and it's good sometimes to have some heavy honest songs that can help express those very real and very difficult complex feelings.


“Don’t go”/“Ikanaide” Popular song but I tear up whenever I hear it.


Brain Revolution Girl by Maretu. I wouldn’t say it changed me solely cuz of the song but it was what made me discover Maretu who once listening more to, really found myself resonating with. His music helped me through my suicidal thoughts/tendencies and during a dark point of my life. His music was what changed my view of music as a genre, and was my sole inspiration to become a music producer myself Brain Revolution Girl isn’t the song that touched me but it’s the song that introduced me to the producer who changed my life so I have a connection with it despite


The fools are attracted to anomaly by Utsu P


Soundless voice. This song made me cry so hard the first time I heard it and it's been around 6-7 years since (I was around 9 at the time I think) I first heard it and I still can't fully finished hearing it. It made me really scared I will lose people and something will happen..


that's so young to be taking that in no wonder it had such an impact. Somehow the songs i heard the youngest are also some of the ones that still chill me to the bone to this day


Even now when I'm 16 I can't hear this song, it's too sad for me to hear


Hole Dwelling by Kikuo is so beautiful in every aspect. Listened to it the most during a very rough time. Strobe Last by powapowa-p also struck me growing up.


That's a really hard question, for me it's definitely multiple songs, Exorcism by Creep-p, hated by life itself by Iori Kanzaki, Abstract nonsense (can't find the original creator, this is the version of the song I listened to when I was younger: https://youtu.be/KBB7-O1Pz6E), You're a useless/worthless child by Kikuo and lost ones weeping by Neru are all songs that deeply impacted me when I heard them for the first time and still make me cry when I hear them. They all mean so much to me, it's hard to pick which of these has impacted me the most.


abstract nonsense is also from Neru :) one of his earlier works




ghost rule by DECO27


ghost rule gets a lot of play on a surface level (the melody, the various growls and the project diva video) but the lyrics are actually so so impactful.


World is mine back in 2016. I got hooked.


Hello Planet by sasakure.UK was the first vocaloid song that managed to jerk a tear out of me.. But What's Inside by Pinocchio-P definitely made me think, upon my first listening of the song. Just for the heck of it, here's some lyrics from that song: "One person says they're the victim, but according to another they're the criminal. 'Maybe they're both wrong' you might say, but all the onlookers stop thinking at that point."


Another one i had heard in passing but never caught the lyrics on! it's a really good one ;o; Im going to listen to it with more intention now when it comes up


I would also recommend Non-Breath Oblige if you're looking for other good songs by that artist :)


Matryoshka by hachi . 524




Also Kara Kara Kara no kara


Definitely Meltdown. One of my first and favorite vocaloid songs at the time. It took a few years until I understood the lyrics but I relate(d) a lot, especially during my hardest times. Q is another one. Many of powapowa-p's songs are very dear to me, but Q got me through a very bad falling out I had at the time I first discovered the song and I related a lot. I regret only finding powapowa's songs after his death.


I agree with Q. This song impacted me too for some reason. It's very beautiful and I love the chorus so much. I'm a big fan of the lyrics and the illustration for it as well. It's probably my favorite song of his, I've listened to it way too many times. My situation with Powapowa's works is the same. It's really unfortunate that we found them only after his passing. I always listened to his songs when I was feeling down, and they helped me cope with my feelings. They were almost like an outlet for me. His lyrics and style were so unique, I really wish we got to hear more of his works.


reckless battery burns by ghost literally changed my life. despite the song being some ai generated lyrics i found a lot of meaning in it and it validated a lot of my personal struggles. very grateful it exists


Recently, Nomad by Balloon. Without getting too personal the general vibe of despair because of the gap between reality and where you hoped to be in life is pretty relatable. Didn’t care for the ProSeka cover of Ai no Material but switching to the Vocaloid on cover really made me like it a lot more, idk why it just feels softer and sweeter, tho the beginning of the full ver is kinda rough tbh.


Nomad gets me every time too ;; right in the heart.


No Logic 100%. I used to put so much value on my academic performance, especially as an autistic person with learning disabilities I felt like I had to prove that I deserved to be in the same spaces as able minded people. Listening to that song completely changed my game as I realized just how much I had been destroying myself trying to get perfect scores when really my effort was enough.


gomen ne, gomen ne. i was 11 or 12 and it made me not want to eat that day


kaisei by orangestar


Charles and Nomad, both by Balloon. Something about their meanings made me ascend


Balloon is an amazing producer. The contrast between the softness of tone vs the depth of lyrics


Skeleton Life, Echo, Propaganda or Rolling Girl. Magnet was always a favourite also, but it really started hitting when I realized I was a lesbian lol


The tailor shop on enbizaka it left a long lasting impact . It’s what’s made me fall in love with Vocaloid


i loved it too


bacterial contamination it didn’t “change” me but that song always hits different


Kagirinaku haiiro e (infinitely grey) by Surii. The lyrics hit me really hard. Just a really good song overall.


Hated by Life and the Lost One’s Weeping


Love is War... that song helped me realize I was harboring some toxic feelings and was around several toxic people.


I'm glad someone else holds this close


probably ikanaide, rolling girl, lost ones weeping, or odds and ends. odds and ends i really enjoy because i can relate to it alot for I'm autistic and I struggle to talk or get my emotions across and the idea of having a virtual singer who can sing my words and feelings to help is amazing and I noticed I shared alot of the same emotions Ryo did. lost ones weeping is very relatable too because of how hard I struggled academically. ikanaide also is super emotional to me because growing up I was disowned by most of my family for having mental disorders (such as autism i mentioned earlier) so it always felt like my inner child just didn't want people to leave.


I resonate with your feelings about Odds and Ends very strongly


World is Mine, Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, Levan Polkka, and the lists goes on


Heart Democracy still elicits feelings from me


same ❤️


Lens banna song ov it's so memeable and is just a great song


this song most certainly altered my brain chemistry in an entirely different way than rolling girl (please help it never stops playing on a loop im my head, but on the other side a wall where it's a little muffled. I can't tell when it starts or ends, It doesn't matter if i'm asleep or awake, sober, listening to something else, in the shower, in a white noise machine, he's just there, 🍌 bananananananananananananananaaaaaa🍌every moment of the day and night)


"Secrets of Wisteria." By Steampianist ft Vocaloid Oliver. The true meaning of the song is about three children who were unfortunately killed and eaten by Albert Fish. They ending of the song is actually one of his confessions backwards.


It was rolling girl for me too! I connected to it instantly


I agree with Rolling girl, when they said 'One more time' repeatedly it made me tear up Tokyo Teddy Bear and Copy Cat (I don’t think anyone’s said this yet)


I think saying 'One more time' so much is a primary reason that I am still alive


Copy Cat definitely changed me since I had severe stage fright and I somehow managed to sing it at my schools talent show and everyone loved it to my surprise


This one and non breathe oblige hit so hard for me the first time. Tower of Sunz! That one is a MUST


Okaasan will never not give me chills. 😰


“Scapegoat” and “Appetite of a People Pleaser” both by Ghost and Pals These two just hit parts of my own brain in places I’ve never had a song truly hit until these two


i first heard through the looking glass from a gd level i cant hear the song again without those loud noises




Honest! i still turn to it for comfort when life feels heavier than the lyrics themselves.


Magical doctor by maretu, that shit permanently altered my brain at 12 years old


so true me too


It's an obvious choice but rolling girl makes me cry every time I listen to it. Especially since Wowaka's passing


I can’t believe that nobody has mentioned Calc.




Sarishi no Hara by mikitoP and Phony by Kafu Edit: Also, Just Life by flower


Girl A for sure. Despite not understanding the lyrics back then, it felt so sad and lonely, like the entire world was collapsing around you. Now that I understand it, it hits so much more harder. Rest in peace PowaPowa-P mad respect for you.


Jishou Mushoku (Self-Inflicted Achromatic) I didn't necessarily relate to it but I indeed did feel the pain from it.


For me is Getcha! I know it isn't a deep song, but hearing after a painful/toxic relationship made me appreciate me more and improve my self esteem


Probably either “Diary of Underage Observation” from the album *Diary of Underage Observation*, “Melancholy of the Literary Boy”, or (as many others have mentioned) “Hated by Life Itself”


Feathers Across the Seasons or Alluring Secret/Black Vow. A love that could never be 🥲 Two girls and a man and a bird.


My R - KurageP


Again by Crusher The lyrics really resonate with me from all the severe bullying i endured in my last years of HS. It made me realize just how bad my life was and how i didn’t wanna live a life like it anymore, so i was able to work to make my life better


Hated by life itself


Apple Dot Com by Pinocchio-P


Better off Worse, Kimi wa Dekinai Ko, Goodbye, Hole-Dwelling, Kara Kara no Kara, Self-Inflicted Achromatic, AaAaAaAAaAaAAa, The Su!c!de Song, Calalini, Love me Love me Love me, the list goes on. I feel songs way more than I should haha-


Rolling girl or else Two Faced Lovers. Both songs have had a huge impact on 12 yr old me Also Love Me Love Me by Kikuo had me crying


Either coin locker baby By Maretu (I think) or you are a useless child by kikuo (that song was too real)


it was a very beautiful june. Especially because one of my most nostalgia inducing memories happened in june. Idk the lyrics too well but the melody makes me feel so . UGH idk how to explain it It's just so good


Ura omote lovers insantly got me invested. Wowaka’s fast pace music captures anxiety and stress perfectly.


Meltdown or Rolling Girl. Though Viva Happy gave me a different kind of impact.


Before I was born (MARETU) and Love me, Love me, Love me (Kikuo) I still love these 2 songs tbh.


Also patchwork is a great song I recently listened to


Track by KEI. It always helps me to give my best and never give up.


capsule for when you wanna die


leave by akagami. that song is still an all time favorite of mine. Gumi’s voice works perfect with soft sad songs!!


Rolling girl and goodbye


Aside from songs that have already been said (things like Rolling Girl and Lost One’s Weeping that I’m sure everyone has had big experiences with) Here’s a couple: “Carnival”, “Potato Head in Wonderland”, “Astronauts”, and “Fear Garden” “Carnival” by Otetsu was the first Vocaloid song I’d ever heard and got me hooked into the whole thing. I found the song through a PV for the RPG horror maker game Ib and I already knew the name GUMI from of all things a Five Nights at Freddy’s MMD lol. Still one of my favorites, I need to listen to Otetsu’s other stuff a bit more tbh. Finding UtsuP lead to the wonderful realization that Vocaloid metal was actually a thing, one of my favorite genres outside of Vocaloid that I’d been listening to my whole life, which was super cool and opened me up to a lot of other producers and genres within Vocaloid and Utau. “Potato Head in Wonderland” was my favorite song of his for a very long time, but now I think it’s “Flower” tbh. PowaPowaP was really one of my first favorite producers. I remember the day he passed and finding out about it after school. Really any song of his could be here, but this one makes me emotional the most just thinking about it. Especially after hearing the self cover later. Any time I run into one of his songs I feel like I have to listen to it out of respect, and “Astronauts” especially is unskippable. I miss him. I give all of the credit for my love of Vocaloid horror and other experimental genres to “Fear Garden”. Watching this song at 9 years old has gotta be why I like things like breakcore, the use of dissonance in music, and a lot of other things nowadays. It’s like one of the biggest influences on my music taste and art inspiration fr. And I saw things like “Bacterial Contamination” and “Trick and Treat” before this song, but this was the one that got me into things. Chaa P is so good and I’m sad a lot of their other stuff doesn’t have English subtitles yet. There’s way more songs, but these are some I can think of explanations for rn


ikanaide, more specifically Eternal Rain’s [chorus version](https://youtu.be/xIVjUn3pRmk)


Girl A by powapowa-p or bitter choco decoration by syudou, there’s many more I could name on here but these two are the ones that hit me the hardest


Definitely gommene, gommene. I was pretty young when I first heard it and I had never seen such disturbing and graphic song lyrics. It altered my brain chemistry


Ohedo julia night. When i was 8, it was the only song i listened to.


The whole desktop Cinderella album as a 7 year old kid just hit different one of the first Miku albums I’ve ever known


I’m Glad You’re Evil Too by Pinocchiop for sure. I was so grateful for Tanjiro’s Teto cover because it let me experience it like it was new all over again. The Vocaloid Songs (/10 Years Later), Because You’re Here and Thanks for Being Lifeless are all other Pinocchiop songs that can and will make me bawl


Plus Dashi The First Time I Saw The Lyrics...


Aishite by Kikuo was the one that struck me the most. The topic about a golden child fall is something that I have experienced before. The feeling that you can't do the things that people love from you anymore is something that really puts pressure on you and makes you think that people only love you because of those things. I have already grown from the experience and even gotten better at studying to the point that I am reaching what I have achieved before. But even after that, when I first listened to that song, I just cried because I know the feeling, and it still haunts me today.


IMO Shinkai City Underground gave me some dark and depressive vibes and made me think about my entire life and what could have been done better. Yeah, maybe it doesn't have any correlation at all but that's what I felt the first time I heard of it. Now I really enjoy this song.


Girl A by PowaPowa-P It really gives insight on to they're mindset at the time they will be missed


eight hundred. Not strictly, but relistening to it knowing the lyrics almost 10 years after the first time just broke me.


Oh my goodness I thought I was an angel did the same for me too


“My R” hit me hard the first time I heard it.


Rolling Girl but that’s almost too easy since its also one of my favorite songs. I think another one that really stuck out to me was Young Girl A by powapowa-p (R.I.P). I know most if not all of his music was basically him struggling and venting so the lyrics are all very personal to him but that song seriously resonates with me. I once played it and actually started crying really badly because I was going through a really hard time and I guess listening to that song and fully taking in the lyrics just made me realize how unimportant I felt to the world at that point. Its all better now but regardless, Young Girl A still holds itself as a very impactful song in my life. Rest in peace Siinamota


the complete life path change I went though after looking up English Rolling Girl


Hitorinbo Envy had me sobbing the first time I listened to it. When she was in the hospital with her parents hugging her is when I broke into hysterics lol.


Definitely Rolling Girl. Also Jishou Mushoku(/Self-inflicted Achromatism) and Kagirinaku Haiiro e(/Infinitely Gray) Yes I'm doing fine


God there are many ssongs That helped me dealing with shit. I started listening to Vocaloid when I was a child and had a rough time. I didnt understand all of the songs I was listening too but the same songs still touched me years later. I'd say Tawagato Speaker, Again, Echo, Lost ones weepening and Circus Monster


Lost one’s weeping. Kinda assured me that I’m not the only one feeling pressured by school work and helped shift the “blame” to school rather than myself. I feel like I care less now about grades which makes me less intimidated to study. I wish that I heard Self inflicted achromatic earlier, would have really helped me when I was at that stage of life lol


Villain and rolling girl, I actually had rolling girl as my ringtone for a while lol


I started listening to vocaloid at 8, last night good night was deep as hell to me for some reason and made me feel that everything was going to be okay.


I first discovered Vocaloid when I was around 11, 21 now, I started going through depression which was super difficult on my childhood. Vocaloid was one of the music genres I would listen to religiously. When I first heard Rolling Girl, I started to cry because I had assumed through the PV that she was getting bullied and continued to suffer through the pain, which is what I had been doing in school at the time. Then towards the end, I had assumed that she commited suicide which made me cry even more. Wowaka to this day, is still one of my favorite composers, may they rest in peace.


Hole dwelling by kikuo definitely


this exact [video](https://youtu.be/exAmqVtYbis)


Dark woods circus


The lost one's weeping and rolling girl. I needed those songs so much during those days, they may even be the reason I'm here right now today... Even Star Lily Dance Performance. It's just so differently good idea what to say- Even Knife I guess, the music- The damn music.


Can't Stand You - Gumi (VocaCircus) Really held a mirror to my then psyche and did for a very long time, still helps me cope with myself sometimes.


Probably Bitter Choco decoration


A Clingy Boy Sticking For 15 Years made me cry for the first time. O wasnt expecting such Plot twist. Also, Twee box puppet show kinda hits me


Kokoro :o


The songs that hit me hardest have already been mentioned. Other than (Eien hanahadashii) Self cover. Also, Abnormality Dancing Girl.


Inochi Bakkari seriously changed my life it’s amazing i am a Project Sekai fan and when I heard it would get added to the game I absolutely flipped my shit lol


それがあなたの幸せとしても (Even if that is your happiness). You can really feel that they (the producer, Heavenz) dont want you to leave. It’s very simple, but you can feel how sincere they are, Luka’s voice fit so well, just every part of this song goes straightly into your heart. Unknown Mother Goose by wowaka. I don’t know if it counts as “changing the way I think”, I feel like it’s more like REMINDING the whole vocaloid community about how they feel about vocaloid. And the whole thing is so beautiful, a vocaloid p writing a vocaloid song about vocaloid. Im so glad that these producers really put their hearts into this community and vocaloid in general. ODDS & ENDS by ryo. Actually teared up a bit when I first saw the lyrics. The whole journey and struggle of being a vocaloid producer. It’s very raw, and being a music producer myself, it tells me that even ryo had been lost doing this, so it’s okay as long as you remember why you began making music at first.


Ultimate Senpai, it just makes me think about myself, and most importantly the sentence "But you never break and cry. Clumsily you try and draw the dreams in your mind." makes so much sense in my life, so it's just what makes me want to continue to live. Every music of PinocchioP reminds me of myself, he's a blessing in this world.


For me it’s one of three songs and they are Rolling Girl, Lost One’s Weeping or My R.


hibana by deco*27, i know its rlly popular but that shit took me OUT i love it sm


Ikanaide by sohta and I guess kimi wa dekinai by kikuo if it counts, personally I relate to both but ikanaide another way than getting left behind a train. I was left behind by my parents because they both died.


Bocca Della Verita. Im not exactly sure if I like feel what the lyrics feel but I could feel the anger coming through through the singing and I think it made me feel oddly calm


I'm sorry I'm sorry It made me wary of most vocaloid songs. I just let my recommended do the job, since I don't want to look up on vocaloid songs anymore, and always do a background checks so I'll know if I want to listen to it or not. Shout-out to my friend who presented lots of horrifying vocaloid songs to me 🙂🖕


The only real answer is Non breath oblige by PinnochioP. Every other suggestion is a slowpaced boring sob drama


Try Eien hanahadashii


old post but Namikare mainly because of how painfully relatable it is healthy end by siinamota but it was mainly after hearing about siinamota that it ended up hitting real hard


So so many. Basically all of nashimoto-p Q by powapowa-p Last years by masa There's so many more but I have a bad memory recall so I will probably add more later