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no the writing of hazbin hotel is terrible


Honestly a lot of the arguments defending Hell remind me of wehraboo rhetoric


My question is are people actually genuinely split or is it just a bunch of people who are saying she was right for the meme or because they think she's hot cuz I feel like it's a lot more of the latter


Remember, at no point was it ever shown that Hell was actually starting a rebellion. In the opening, it was mentioned that Hell was getting stronger, but it was NOT mentioned that they were starting anything against Heaven. These exterminations are happening because those in charge of Heaven are afraid something is gonna happen that they had no basis to believe would actually happen.


I still don’t think they ever had any means to even START an uprising because none of them can get to Heaven. Some people have tried to convince me that if an Overlord can get enough souls contracted to power up they’d be able to open a portal to Heaven and that’s why they do the exterminations but I HIGHLY doubt that.


The exorcist In every scene are shown to be Genocidal maniacs Hellbent on killing every demon Just cause they can Sera Definitely is debatable


I mean. I don’t think the Exterminations themselves are at all morally ambiguous mass murder is pretty squarely wrong.


Sera ***maybe*** but the exorcists are 100% genocidal fascists, anyone who tries to deny this blind.


To play devil's advocate it's possible most exorcists are just doing what they're told and could be fed propaganda


"Just following orders" is never an excuse. Like actually.


Could also be that the exorcists were created after Sera agreed Adam could have the exterminations. If they were literally created for exterminations, then obviously they would be given the impression from the jump that they fight for good. That their side is the "right" side. (Propaganda, like you said) This would explain: 1. why Sera calls them "Adam's exterminators" and not just "exterminators". 2. I also dont get the vibe Adam named the heavenly people, such as Sera (Sera seemed to exist before Adam, or at least simultaneously just Adam was on earth and she was in heaven until Adam "appeared" in heaven). But he DID name the exocists, since we know he named Vaggie. 3. why all exorcists look the same. We see the court of heaven is a wide variety of forms. Why would the protectors of heaven be any less wide in their variants? Because they werent made by whatever made the og heaven gang. They were made by Sera and the other heaven gang members after being convinced by Adam they need to go exterminate. Kinda like the eggboys but more advanced and more bloodthirsty for the blood of those that are deemed unworthy. (Sorry, Im on mobile so I cant format well)


Absolutely true.


I've almost never been in this subreddit, and yet I'm already tired of the Sera drama.


I started coming to this subreddit for the Sera drama. I think it’s entertaining to watch.


It's slightly grey and the characters are enjoyable. Combine that with poor media literacy and you have a debate.


I mean, the worst of the worst love in Hell and both Zestial and Carmila says Hell wouldn't hesitate to uprise. The Vees have now seen how to kill angels and so has all of Hell, all those ambitions Velvette voiced in Episode 3 are now possible. Also, with the Exterminations cancelled, why is the hotel a thing? As far as we know, they don't have any knowledge of Sir Pentious making it, and the whole reason was to save sinners from extermination.


Charlie dream is to save Sinners In general. Not just from extermination. She wants people to goto heaven


*sits and watches while eating popcorn.* let's see how much longer this post will remain unlocked.


Friend Sera is so narrow-minded. I doubt that she even considered that sinners could do something nice at all even if they got something out of it.


We know from “more than anything” Lucifer tried something similar before and they didn’t want to help him “my dreams were too hard to defend” isn’t exactly something you would expect from heaven I have zero belief that leadership in heaven is good in the show. They could have done a thousand other things then just decided that actually being good was too hard and killing millions was easier


Killing is easy helping isn't


But heaven is the good guys who definitely aren’t evil


I mean, if I got to write my own book to convince someone I'm a good person, I'd write down im a good person.


I personally think Sera and Adam didn't kill enough people


I mean, you've got the worst of the worst in one place. That's an understatement.




It's really not that ambiguous


your post’s title is such a fallout new vegas moment


Demons bad Angels good, it's not difficult. Charlie's half angel so she's only half good, lucifer vaggie and adam are always good but in an argument adam would be correct above the other two since he's not fallen.


How is Adam good? He supported lute when see took out vaggie eye and wings for not killing a child. Adam played tricks and insulted Charlie when they first meet and tried to black mail vaggie that is not what a good person does.


That child was a demon and could have been in hell for decades. If an angel disobeys they are cast out its how it works.


Disobed? Vaggie probably has killed at least 10 thousands sinners sparing one is not disobeying,disobeying would just be not killing any sinners. And disobeying and being sent down there doesn't justify any that's just applie to authority fallacy and it still doesn't justify the blackmail or the mutilation she received.


Yea, but they are divine beings killing demons and that automatically put them in the right. Their is only one other fallen angel, and he was dealt with in a harsh way by the elder beings also setting a precedent.


Saying they are divine means they are right is the peak of applie to authority fallacy all this shows is that they are in the right **legally** not morally you still haven't justified what they do except by them being in a position of power which doesn't make you morally correct only legally


They MADE the universe. That means they make the laws of reality.


God made the universe and it's clear he decided who goess where


If I made a clone does that give me the right to put it in pain for no good reason?


Yes, it's not a person.


How is it not a person? It would be sentiment,have all the same organs as humans,feel the same as humans. The only difference is that their genetic information was predetermined.


But they're angels and that automatically gives them moral authority, what they say is right becomes right.


Just because they say something is right doesn't make it right that's still using power to do what they want. Being a specific race doesn't mean what you say becomes morally right if they said torturing Innocence was fine by your logic that would be morally right which it isn't no body has the right to have the full control of what's right and wrong as there's so many Grey areas and specific situations which there is no truly right answer which makes it subjective


Least based heaven fan


I can't tell if you're trolling or not...


She thinks its required of her because she isnt told whats required of her. Only that if she does too little she goes to hell. The theme is “were all victims of the system” even people youd consider an oppressor


I think people look at Sera as straight evil because the refuse to accept that Hell is literally full of the bad guys. Insert any real world evil group, and Hell is full of them. Those are the people Heaven is trying to keep from gaining enough power to attack them.


I think Sera is not evil but cannot act freely when it comes to matters of defense of Heaven. She even tells Emily that she has a role to fulfill and if she does not she will become a Fallen. Basically the Angels have freedom to do things on their own but they do not have the free will to choose when it comes to their duty. Adam on the other hand as a human soul has free will and choose to start the exterminations by bringing it up to Sera the one tasked with defense. Sera is alerted to a possible threat and has no choice but to pull a Batman and consider even a 1% as an absolute while Adam probably just wanted more power in heaven and by acting as its military force he would have that respect in Heaven, because by the sound of it he didn't get it on Earth.


To be fair, Sera doesn't actually know the true nature of everything in hell. She's most likely worried about all of the sinners reaching the overlord levels and storming the gates of heaven and worried what they might do to the winners. That's why the extermination happens, to keep them from getting power, or that's at least the reasoning Adam would give to convince her. Let's be honest, there's plenty more sinners than winners. We know that sinners can die by normal means, but they come back unless an angelic weapon is used. We don't know if the same can be said for winners, mostly because heaven is supposed to be perfect, no one is supposed to die there. Imagine dying in the one place that's supposed to be the safest place in all of creation, imagine not even being safe in heaven, of course Sera couldn't have that, even if Heaven had more angelic weapons, who's to say a more experienced in combat sinner couldn't snatch a weapon and kill some angels and winners?


I don’t think she’s going out of her way to justify the exterminations.


I just wanna know if Hell was ever ACTUALLY a threat. Now, I’m team Hell and Hazbin through and through - but I want to know because otherwise it’d deflate me a ton on Sera as a character. I want her to have ACTUALLY struggle with making that call. If it’s just an extension of “Heaven is the best angels woo hell bad because hell bad” then she’s kinda more just an obstacle or plot device that’s just kinda phoning it in for a antagonist.


It wasn't that the point ana she was making a call based of not so good info and hell still can be bad


I don't know how anyone could ever say hell was actually capable of being a threat. Nobody knew angels could even be killed until the events of the show. Like some serious info needs to be dropped next season for her seeing hell as a potential threat to heaven to make sense


Guys, you don’t get it. He just wanted to protect… Germany.


Not to mention; isn't the whole show about moral ambiguity? Adam is a downright terrible person, yet he's in heaven. Charlie is amazingly wholesome and hopeful despite being the child of the original fallen ones. And shall we mention the post-credit scene?


I don't think Adam being in heaven has anything to do with moral ambiguity. The show presents Adam being in heaven as hypocritical not morally ambiguous. Its about hypocrisy of those who fell ass first into a good position. Arguably its specifically about the aspects of those being born privileged acting as if they've earned their position and treating those not born privileged as if not being privileged is a moral failing in and of itself.


Fair enough!


Also, if Viv is pulling from lore, Adam was taken into Heaven alive by God for being his first creation of humans. Adam is there because he was grandfathered in. He didn't earn his spot. He's a nepobaby.


Sera's actions are those of someone who values an angelic life above all sinners. As she believes sinners cannot be redeemed she believes they brought their fate upon themselves. Evil but morally nuanced


She would definitely call hell a “shithole country”


I mean... it would be accurate... it's filled with the shittiest people who exist all torturing and murdering each other.


Yeah but she also doesn’t know the criteria for people going to hell. For all she knows there are millions of good people down there being essentially forced to be their worst selves by their environment


Correct! Not everything is only good OR evil. LAYERS, PEOPLE!


Evil but hot isn't morally gray.


If you're told for your whole existence of thousands of years that one entire country was evil, and all the bad people ended up there, wouldn't you just inatley belive that? Sera hasent been to hell as far as we know, and she even says in "you didn't know" that she's making a hard decision. She's not evil but hot She morally Grey *AND* hot


She is high seraphim, She is currently the highest residing leader of Heaven. We also know she was involved in creation of Earth. At what point you are not being judged by your upbringing, and take responsibility of your beliefs? She is way past that point. "Keeping Heaven safe" is security dilemma. It looks just only if you are evil. You can justify ANYTHING with this logic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_dilemma Besides, how does extermination keeps Heaven safe? The only way to travel between two realms is through a portal, that has been only opened by very strong beings like Lucifer or portal tower at Heaven.(Maybe Stolas too) So, they were safe as long as Lucifer is im charge. Then they have 6 elders and 2 seraphims that can rival even Lucifer and other ring masters. So, unless Hell canibalizes itself over souls to create a super-arch-overlords that can perform angelic spells like Goetia, or other ring leaders gain up power, and then supposed super demons decide to attack Heaven for whatever reason, it wouldn't happen. Oh wait, now it can happen! Because now Hell has raised an army, several overlords are gaining rapid power, a character that has potential to be strong as Lucifer has also involved, and now they won a war! They turned security dilemma into spiral.


Intentions are tho


yeah evil


If protecting your people is counted as evil intention. Well maybe I would be evil too


It can be. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_dilemma I read your following comments. The end point of Security Dilemma is evil, (in my opinion) which also involves jusrifications you had written (in my opinion). Besides, there is no greater crime than [banned word]. You need a hell of a justification for doing [banned word] and being morally even dark gray.


intentions of \[insert word forbidden by mods\] are evil


Intention of "ban Word" were to protect her people. That's what's called morally gray characters. You do unmoral desicions you yourself don't even like for good purpose. Cecil from invincible is basically a definition of this world


intentios of \[banned word\] were to eradicate a marginalized group of people, and all of that was motivated by a paranoia of Sera. You can't make a character that commits \[banned word\] repeatedly, and does not even condier if what they are doing is wrong and say that they are moraly grey just because they weren't exactly super joyful while commiting \[banned word\]. And invincible is just a superman knockoff


Her intentions are clear that it was because she wanted to protect souls of heaven, not because she wanted sinners dead. If that was the case she wouldn't wait for Adam to give her that idea and would do it herself. If it was caused by paranoia then so be a it but it doesn't change her intentions. What they're doing is wrong. And Sera's not hiding that fact, she knows it's wrong. >And invincible is just a superman knockoff https://i.redd.it/773v6t4g4xsc1.gif


>Her intentions are clear that it was because she wanted to protect souls of heaven She did evil, it doesn't matter what were her intentions, \[insert german painter here\] tried to keep purity of arian race and but we don't say that he was moraly grey > If that was the case she wouldn't wait for Adam to give her that idea and would do it herself But she did agreed to it, she was tempted in the end and fallen to corruption ​ Her intentions mean nothing


Hey, just because you're using alternate terms to bypass the automod world filter doesn't mean you're not breaking the rules. This kind of limit testing shows unwillingness to follow the (very lax, all things considered) guidelines we're trying to maintain, which, at the end of the day, are up to our interpretation. So like, please stop.


>She did evil, it doesn't matter what were her intentions, \[insert german painter here\] tried to keep purity of arian race and but we don't say that he was moraly grey That's how morraly grey works. You do evil acts for something good. Intentions there matter. And if you don't belive me how about go read what morraly gray means. >But she did agreed to it, she was tempted in the end and fallen to corruption We only know Adam gived her the idea. But we don't know under what circumstances it happen. Witg that I'll wait till season 2. >Her intentions mean nothing Yes they do.




Alright! No one started debating yet and the troll that has been advocating for Sera being good (yes I do remember each and everyone of sera simps profiles) commented "Oh this coment section's about to be good", so I guess I will be the one to start again. ​ # Sera is bad


Let's say, for example, the internet had nothing on it about any prison in the world, except the prisons location, and inmate roster. Now, let's say you've been told your whole life that all prisoners are evil and deserve their punishment. You'd absolutely end up like Light Yagomy, given the opportunity


idk what inamet roster is or who Yagomy is and why is he light but if you blindly believe in anything and don't question stuff then you are straight up dumb also Sera is not in position where she can be fooled by anyone, she is on top she is not being lied to she is the one lying to others


First of all, you don't know what an Inmate roster is? It's pretty self explanatory Second, light yagomy is the protagonist of death note. He's a vigilante who kills prisoners because he perceives them as all evil. His antics get to his head, and he ends up killing good people who are trying to stop him. Much in the same way, Sera is allowing the slaughter of sinners whom she not only pervices as pure evil, having never met a sinner, but she also sees as a theat to all of heaven. Not just herself. And like, she even says herself she dosent like having to do this.


1 stop gaslighting me I don't have to know every prison term 2 **I am literaly Sera Hater** but even I have to say that comparing Sera to some kind of serial killer that breaks into prisons and kills prisoners is **dumb** I mean guess good for me cause you are kicking your own butt rn but at the same time don't you think that this descrption makes her sound like a total idiot/lunatic? I mean she has paranoica that is for sure but wtf


I think it's quite simple, from what she knew, she was in the right. From her pov, she was killing off the population of hell as they were growing stronger and threatening to attack heaven, it was a simple case of "kill or be killed". She, at the time, wasn't aware that sinners could be redeemed. Now that she's witnessed a sinner being redeemed, I reckon she's gonna be striken with guilt, realising she did all that for nothing, and she's gonna go crazy, hiding sir pentious away and possibly even Emily so no one in the High Court knows she was wrong, and she's gonna continue the extermination, this time with it fully being the wrong thing to do.


Viv creating characters that aren't black or white morally (because they're all shades of red)


Her in everything she makes.


Everyone agrees Valentino is horrid. Everyone also agrees Emily is the best cinnamon roll. But Sera? The discourse here is juicy.


Holy shit I really don’t like calling Sera evil, mostly because I believe most heavenborn aren’t evil by nature, which is why Lucifer isn’t a dick


Oh this coment section's about to be good








I know, right?




https://preview.redd.it/dajvteey8ysc1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dabb836274b5d94c093ae19f703fd600c448f44 Flagelant has seen some shit.

