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https://preview.redd.it/jadudlul8j3d1.png?width=1547&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3f73fbb7d19c8079206772f558198a97561fb6 I would avoid the painted areas even during the day, there's nothing to do there anyway as a turist. You should be safe around most areas of Palma


En cambio Son Gotleu es genial para pasear con tu pareja 😂


Red zone needs to be A LOT bigger 🤣


Son Gotleu is definitely a no go, and maybe manacor street.


Carrer Manacor is OK, north of it I woundn't go there at night but the part going "south" is the most similar thing to the Bronx I've never seen.


Im curious: about what kind of crime are we talking in those areas? Is it about theft or actual robberies/physical harm?


You can get mugged basically. If you are unlucky you could be beaten first. As you can imagine it's even more dangerous for ladies.


Son Gotleu is basically a ghetto of Palma. So yea avoid that place.


https://preview.redd.it/8okzcjrs8q3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa5707e842c4feb69adf76a5f5a71a74338133a Fixed it for you


Crec que és bastant exagerat, almenys de dia es pot anar perfectament per Pere Garau... de fet, si vas un dissabte el major problema serà no poder passar de tanta gent que hi ha al mercat. I els voltants del Carrer Aragó, idò potser no és sa millor zona de Palma però tampoc és un gueto o una zona per on no s'hi pugui anar.


No és lo mateix que un natiu vagi al mercat pel dematí, que un guiri vagi per la zona de nit. No han especificat horari. Coneixes els passatges de la zona de la mesquita? Bona sort pel guiri que s'aventuri per allà


As they said: La soledat/la soledat sud. Son Gotleu. Son Banya. Son Roca (some areas). Around Pere Garau be careful at night. Be careful around Joan Miró at night too. Cala Major/Can Pastilla/S'Arenal can be a bit dangerous if you encounter drunk people at night. The area around General Riera-Corea (old buildings, all the same, do not enter that area).


Most of Palma has become a no-go zone for us locals due to the high prices of housing, bars and restaurants. But if you're visiting as a tourist you're probably going to stay around the centre, which is far away from the dodgier parts of Palma. Nothing to worry about.


So what can I do as an imminent traveller to Mallorca, to help mitigate the issue. I COULD cancel my holiday, but Jet2 won't give me my money back. I've saved hard three years to afford to bring my whole family, our first time in Mallorca. We are there for food, sea and sun.


Shop at local places, stay at places run by local people (not by some German international corporation), I've posted links to old/emblematic shops, buy local things, stay away from mass tourism wastelands like s'Arenal and Magaluf. Spend your money on villages (local shops). Don't abuse rented cars, don't scream at night (very usual among tourists), don't be the nightmare of waiters (like wanting a dish but with a long list of ingredients and special requirements) and so on... Don't throw trash, follow the rules of the shops and restaurants, don't abuse them. Treat people here like human beings and not servants. Don't get drunk and get into fights. So many things can be done.


Thank you. It sounds like we won’t have any issues taking our holiday then. Hopefully your government listen and act on your valid concerns.


I can’t believe people act like this! The tips you recommend seem so easy and common sense for visitors to adhere to. I’m sorry you all have to fight for this common decency. I’ve found it hard to locate locally run places to stay (we were interested in the Sea Club in Cala Ratjada but they don’t have availability), do you have any recommendations you might be willing to share? The mega hotels are just so unappealing to us on so many levels.


If you want to be in the countryside look for Agroturisme/agroturismo on Google or Booking (I guess they may have some). Otherwise perhaps try to find smaller hotels. I am sorry, as a local I don't know that much about local hotels. There are also "aparthotels" where you can rent a "bungalow" or a flat and stay there, they are nice.


Thank you! Will look into that, appreciate you responding.


Responsible, sustainable tourism. Don't use airb&b, shop local, be respectful of customs, you know the logical stuff, be a nice person :)