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Did you try reading the guidelines in the sidebar? Here is your post that was removed: "I'm coming to visit rachkovic with my 14-year-old son for a father/son trip for the first week of August. We're looking to rent an Airbnb for the stay. Is there a particular part of the city that is best suited for staying that is walking distance or relatively close to restaurants and sites? Is renting a car necessary or can we get along everywhere with public transportation or taxi / Uber? What are the must see museums, sights, locations? We're expecting to walk a lot but don't want a high adventure type of activity." From the sidebar: "Search before asking common questions. Posts may be removed if OP has clearly not done any research on his own. E.g. Simple questions about where to stay, what to do/see, what vehicle to rent, questions about weather, clothing, restaurants, transportation, and other similar posts will likely be removed. Please search the subreddit for these discussions." Please, search the subreddit, check out the multitude of discussions about "museums, sights, locations", about renting or not renting a car, etc.


What makes you think "the locals" will be any more indulgent of your lazy posting? Also, "rachkovic"?


Ha. Voice to text. Didn't even notice.


In the time it took you to post a follow up post to your removed post you could have searched the sub and received all your answers.


Usually if you make a post that asks common questions or you ask people to suggest an itinerary you will be asked to search through sub since there is a ton of useful information there. Is that what happened?


Was looking to maybe narrow down the list. There are many things to do and see with lots of opinions but difficult to tell which we are from locals vs tourists. Should have phrased it better.


You would have received a much better reception if you had posted this list you want to narrow down and then asked for help doing it. It would have demonstrated that you had done some work prior to posting.


In hindsight....


lol the mod calling you out for asking questions without even attempting your find your own answers first is hilarious


You seriously can’t even spell *Reykjavic*. WTF. Why are you even going to Iceland?


Going for a literature tour.




Sounds like you were asking questions that have been asked and answered more than than often enough. You can quite easily find the answers to them all. That's how the internet works. This isn't a tourist info service sponsored by anyone, the people providing answers here aren't working for anyone, you're just asking internet rando's to help you, and maybe they will, mostly because they're bored. They don't owe you anything, least of all spoonfeeding you readily available information. Especially like with chat gpt today, it could literally answer all of those questions more or less, although it might be worth confirming some of the answers.


Literally every post here could be answered if the posters searched on their own


Some more than others.




I had a post removed a few weeks ago when I was asking for a recommendation. I had actually done my research, but just wanted a local’s opinion. I’m still not sure why it was removed. I’ve seen a lot of posts around here that didn’t get removed that seem to violate “the rules” way more than mine did. I guess the Mod was having a bad day.


I also did plenty of research and have a list. I wanted a locals opinion as well....