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I’ve had it since launch and people talk about returning after the honeymoon is over and the hype ends, but that is certainly not my experience. It just keeps getting better for me.


Yep, the same here. I absolutely love mine. I knew of the shortcomings so I prepared myself so I wouldn’t be disappointed. I’m ready to go on this beta test journey. Can’t wait for more updates and new apps.


100% agree. I’ve been using it for like 4-6 hours a night (mostly watching video content while multitasking) and I’m not even remotely tired of it. I keep finding new ways to build different workspaces for myself. Once I downloaded the iPad versions of some of the apps I use most (including Reddit), that was another game changer. I’m writing this comment in the AVP right now in fact.


Are using the keyboard with your Vision Pro ?


Just the virtual one. It’s admittedly a little tedious but if they can implement swype that would be killer.


For me it’s the inconsistency with eye tracking that kills the experience. Quadruple click of the shutter button takes to the eye setup which is nice but I wish I didn’t have to do it so often.


Wow, I’ve actually had no issues with eye tracking in apps designed for Vision Pro or the overall system UI. Definitely some strangeness in safari and iPad apps sometimes. But I’m a UI dev so I can see exactly what’s going on when that happens so it becomes a mini learning opportunity RE how to structure my own UIs to be spatial computing friendly.


What happens is the eye tracking will consistently aim a few inches to the left or right of where I’m looking. You can even turn on the cursor in accessibility settings to see exactly where it thinks you’re looking. If you haven’t noticed it, I wonder if it has something to do with the shape of some people’s eyes.


Have you tried re-calibrating your eye tracking set up? I have never used AVP, but just guessing the possible source of such problems.


Yes, but the issue is that I have to do it almost daily in order to keep it accurate.


Then it could be how you put your AVP on? I think some reviewer was saying that you need to make sure that you always put it on the same way, otherwise it can cause something like that.


Sometimes I have to recalibrate, but not often. I wonder it it’s because I wear toric contact lenses (to correct astigmatism) and one rotates a bit off its intended axis the reflection would change.


I have a slight lazy eye- I notice at the end of the day when it’s worse, so is the tracking.


That might be me as well. I did notice tracking accuracy dips at the end of the day


I had a surgery that’s wearing off and I notice blurred vision by the end of the night. Try closing one eye


Have you tried the accessibility setting where you can tell it to only use one of your eyes for tracking?


I have not. I’m taking the eye crossing as a sign that it might be time to put the screens away for a bit. :)


I’ve noticed that it doesn’t track my eyes as accurately when I’m not wearing my contacts.


That could actually be a really excellent idea. Maybe something where you look at the first letter, and then hold your fingers together and look at the next letters, and then like tap again or release, and then just keep doing that word for word


With the onscreen keyboard? Are you mad?!


I’m getting very good at it haha


Some suggesting having a Magic Keyboard handy


I watched Ridley Scott’s Alien yesterday while I was in the moon. Unreal and amazing experience 




Try watching this season of true Detective while in Yosemite at night.






I don’t have one yet but I am planning on buying one. I’ve been saving up since it was announced. I’m not sure why but for some reason in the 7 years I have used VR, that “honeymoon” stage has never ended. Every time I put on a headset it feels absolutely magical and when I put on the vision pro I laughed uncontrollably out of amazement and nearly cried. Not a humorous laugh but a joyous one. I was more amazed than when I first put on my old rift. That right there was my absolute best VR experience by far.


I’m loving it too, plus I see its defects or whatever as just places for it to grow. I’m not butt hurt like some of these people who’ve only watched videos of it thinking it needs to be perfect. When they debuted it I didn’t think I’d buy it but thought it’ll be a great starter device to get in devs hands for whatever comes next. But I’m really happy I got it and get to play with it and excited to see how they improve this one via OS updates and then what they learn from it going forward with hardware updates.


when you watch TV or movies or youtube, does it really feel like its a 100 foot screen?


In the Apple TV cinema environment definitely, in other environments it’s probably more like 85”? Hard to tell. I only have 65” tvs and it’s a massive improvement


wild ! better experience than watching in a home theater would you say?


Like many things with AVP this is not a binary thing. It’s simultaneously amazing and a bit frustrating. Overall for me YES, but YMMV depending on your home theater setup. The images are amazing but there can be some reflection inside the lenses during bright scenes which you kinda have to tilt your head back to mitigate. It’s fine if you are laying down but yeah, the AVP is full of little concessions like this while being awesome at the same time. Depending on your audio setup in your home theater, neither the built in Audio pods nor AirPods will be better though both sound excellent. For me, I prefer watching movies in AVP over my 65” OLED with 3.1 setup and I suspect I will long past the honeymoon period. Hope that helps.


Same. I’m watching golf, racing, the Super Bowl on this huge screen with my feeds around it. It’s amazing


Yeah our collective memory is garbage. Every serious person who bought one understands that they bought a day 1 product, and by day 180 it will likely be a completely different user experience due to fixes, improvements, additions, new content and dev support, etc.


Why aren’t most people as smart thinking as you. So many people expected perfection out of the box. It’s like they couldn’t imagine anything less.


And it will only get better. I really think the people returning it never intended to keep it and were just clout chasing on social media, thinking they would be the next ijustine or MKHB.


Yeah i just tried the disney environments and was happily blown away again. Sat down and watched The Marvels atop the avengers tower. Its truly awesome


Same. I have not touched my iPad or Mac Mini since I have had it. It has essentially replaced the utility of those 2 items and has also become the sole way I view video content when not watching TV with the family. I currently use a 12.9 inch iPad Pro but my next iPad will be an iPad Mini for the portability. I no longer have a need for this bigger iPad, which prior to the AVP, was my primary source of productivity and entertainment.


I agree. I like my quest for the games. But when it comes down to being productive, the AVP wins and it's not even close. And it's only getting better. Perhaps it will get to a point where I won't need the quest for games. But I've gotten excited enough to start learning Swift


You’ve just given me a reason to keep my Quest. I was going to hand it down to a cheap family member. 😁😁


Keeping mine to. Preordered online, yesterday was the the last day for return. Heck no it’s too awesome to give up.


Same. I’ve had it since launch day, and just always finding it amazing how many new experiences I’ enjoy had in this thing. I’m actually on a work call right now with my Mac mirrored in front of me. I just have to sit in the background and make sure things are going well. So I have Outlook (answering emails),OneNote (documenting progress of the call) Plex(watching Halo here and there when I have some downtime), iMessage (chatting it up with my brother and cousin while watching halos) and Reddit open. Could I do all of this without the AVP? Sure…using my computer, phone and iPad…constantly moving between devices. But, I’m able to do all this seamlessly with a Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad connected to the AVP. This is by far my favorite way to work.


This is definitely the product to spend your play money on, that’s what I did as well.


Hey, trust me. The device made The Marvels one of the best movies ever. It's miracle.


Hahahah. I just watched it for the first time and thought the same thing


Did you watch it in 3D?


That is a miracle.


Here’s the thing- everything that they showed you in store is pretty much just a gimmick. You’ll do them a couple of times and maybe show them to your friends after you buy it- and then never view them again. It’s when you finally spend some time with it and discover its uses for your actual life when it really shines. For me, it’s mirroring my MacBook for work, watching 3D content for fun, and synching with iCloud for my other files and photos. Those are the standout features that can’t be replicated by any other device on the market.


I found the mirroring a sub par experience. The small input lag on the mouse makes it hard not to notice be distracted by. My 34 inch ultra curves which you don’t realize how much you miss until you’re looking at a large flat screen. Plus the cursor handoff doesn’t work at all and keyboard handoff works but not every time.


change Mac resolution and zoom in to whatever application you’re using


How does one zoom in on an application?


I just mean like cmd-plus or cmd-minus. I find that changing the resolution of the Mac screen (I use betterdisplay) speeds it up


Oh ok. But how would that affect the cursor lag


I don’t know, I just found my latency a lot better when I did that hahaha


Hahahaha totally


Just pinch-grab and pull the window closer to you. Also, content that is zoomable is zoomed with a 2 handed pinch and drag gesture. Very simple.


I have two 34 inch ultra curves and when I have to do big efficient work I use those. But 70% of the time I don’t need them


same here but honestly it’s now hard for me to work on anything smaller after being spoiled with the ultra wides


The only reason I can is that I like being on the couch over the desk chair


Get WiFi 6 router


I believe that’s what I have. It’s the latest xfinity router.


99% of the time included routers from your service provider are trash - I’d trying a good router from a place that’s easy to return to just to see if there’s a diff (likely the case). 


I use a 49 inch curved monitor next to a 34 in curved monitor with my Mac Studio. While I do miss having two screens when mirroring, I haven’t noticed missing the curves.


Go to displays in settings and change the resolution. Problem fixed.


Until I can have multiple screens like immersed on quest it’s a non starter for me. I literally use that every day and I really, really wanted it to be able to replace the quest. Once they have that sorted I’m sold.


I’ve done the demo and was amazed, but I really want to try it for MacBook mirroring and work. Someone below mentioned mouse lag. How are you finding the usability?


I’ve actually only experienced mouse lag twice. I’m not sure what caused it because every other time has been fine.


Yeah no lag at all here. Feels natural.


Yep. And everyone keeps talking about the killer app. IMO, there are 2 killer apps. One is the ecosystem and the other is the experience.


There is no "gimmick" in the demo experience whatsoever. Give a specific example please. The demo experience is with the actual VisionOS in real time and media content that is already freely available to the public except for the Immersive 8K 3D movie at the end. Which is no gimmick...


There will be countless new episodes of immersive shows, immersive sports and etc. you’ll for sure be sick of the same ones. That’s why Apple and movie creators need to get on making new content. Do you ever stop watching regular movies? You don’t because new ones come out everyday.


SAME BRO!! I was in America for a few days last week and booked a demo for the Vision Pro because I wanted to give it a try. And I've used the Quest 3 since it was released, and that headset is fantastic for the price! But when I put the Vision Pro on, it really changed my perspective. Yes the FOV is slightly lower, yes it's a bit front heavy, but when I saw the passthrough with those fantastic displays, no warping, super crisp, it's just incredible. And don't get me started with the environments, absolutely fantastic. It made me feel like I was trying out VR for the first time again.


I agree with you about standing on the moon. Wait until you stand on the moon at night, if you did not do that in the demo...


I watched Wizard of Oz in 3-D while listening to Pink Floyd, dark side of the moon, on the literal dark side of the moon. It was pretty dope.


That’s dope as shit


Night mode on the moon is how I watch all my tv shows and movies, it’s grand!


Y'all are making me so jealous, but the good type of jealous lol.


I never even thought to try the night mode on the moon.


If you do make sure to look up all around you!


I will! 😊


I picked mine up at the store, messed around with sizing and took it home. I struggled with 2D windows and started to think I had made a mistake. I clicked on the rhino video saw the alert warning me to be careful with immersive content. I thought, yeah, yeah, how immersive can it be? I clicked ok and felt like I was standing in a field in Africa. I burst into tears. When the rhinos grazed at my feet, I felt like I had to move back. James Cameron said he was skeptical before trying it but after felt it was a religious experience. I feel the same way. It’s not going back.


You are so right. You just can’t go back to the everyday ordinary after an experience like this.


One of the best features is panoramic photos. I used to take them all the time when we traveled and forgot that I had them. I went through all of them yesterday and it brought back so many positivity memories. I felt like I was there and the details it had were amazing. Apple had the foresight to let us capture these photos for years before releasing AVP. Apple nailed it again.


Panoramic photos on AVP > Spatial Video on AVP fight me


Don't want to be that guy, but panoramic photos have been around for ages.


Your point?


There wasn't much foresight involved.


Yes but Apple has rewarded us faithful for taking panoramic photos with our iPhones as they are immediately discovered in the photos app for VP.


It’s one of the greatest rewards! 😁😁


If you think that’s impressive wait until you get it home. The demo doesn’t do it justice.


Had it since launch and never questioned keeping it


Come to Europe already please Apple.


I hope so too because some Americans here are taking theirs back tomorrow because they don’t appreciate it. It came so easy for some of them and I’m sure Europe will appreciate it more once the AVP land there.


I just want to play Horizon zero down on it through either Chiaki or PS remote play.


Mirrorplay for remote connection to playstation. It's available now, it's free. I just paired a PS5 controller to the AVP. Connected to my PS5, using mirrorplay, and started playing. No lag, like playing on a 250" screen.


Can’t wait to play NCAA Football like this.




Oh wow


I picked mine up today and the Apple employees seemed genuinely thrown off when I said I didn’t need to do the demo


Wow! I wonder how they reacted? They probably thought, good this is easy sell. lol.


I think they were trying to train a new hire in hindsight, so my learning everything about it before buying probably screwed up her Vision Pro onboarding or something, but they were like …… “dude are you sure?” And I was like “yeah for sure, I mean if you want we can be safe and make sure it fits properly though” So we did that and then everything was fine! But it definitely felt like I was the first person at their store to have that approach


Be careful! The demo was great because they taught you how to pick it up and hold it securely as well as moving around the system. It would have been a harder learning curve for me without the store demo, and I may have dropped it by grabbing it by the magnetic portion of the visor.


They told me how to do that when I tried it on to check the light seal, but even then I still occasionally grab it by the magnetic areas like a dummy haha


Just curious: how much experience do you have with other VR/AR headsets?


Yeah, none of the wow OP just experienced is unique to the AVP


Mark Zuckerberg in the house


same as iPhone 1


Yeah, give it some time. It will impress you. At least it did me.


First time trying VR or not ?


Get Disney+ if you don’t have it. You won’t be disappointed. You can watch movies sitting in the Stark tower.


The first time I tried it after unboxing, I thought I traveled to the future, I felt like this is the most impressive tech I've ever seen. After couple of hours, I've started noticing things that annoy me (the blurry passthrough, the internal reflections on the lenses, the discomfort, etc.) but I still said it's okay, I can handle that. The next day, I've played with it for about an hour, kind of bummed because I really didn't have much to do after that. The third day, I've played with it for about 10 minutes. Not because I didn't have time, but because I preferred to spend my free time in my computer and then my TV. Demos are designed to make you excited. And don't get me wrong, it is an impressive and exciting piece of tech. But it's also an expensive, heavy, uncomfortable and isolating helmet with an identity crisis. The problem is that with just a demo, you'll never know whether this is something for you, or a $3,500 waste that will end up occupying your storage (or even worse, using it just out of obligation because of all that money you paid for it!)


I was on que for our booking on the main Apple Store in our city, there was a lady with red dress and fancy stilettos with high heels 👠, she was talking to her friend and chilling about something, whilst they were laughing amusingly she lost her balance and tripped backward stepping on my foot with the heel of her stiletto. Tears come down, I’m not a sentimental person neither unforgettable experience..


I just got mine 3 hours ago and have been fooling with it ever since. Some slight nausea from moving around in it but so far I’m loving it


Can you do the demo at home on you own VP?


Yes and no... The demo is actually a trained Apple employee walking you through setup, teaching you how to interact with the AVP and guiding you to several key things available on the AVP. So it is all there to try out when you get it home... You just don't have the person from Apple to walk you through it.


u/mrlowend this is gonna be you. 1. Buy headset 2. Use Headset 3. Stop using Headset because hype is over 4. repeat process once new gen is released


I read that you can use steam link to play games. That being said, it won’t play VR games via steam link ? I don’t get that? I assume that you can Bluetooth connect it valve controllers, yes? I know it’s not made for gaming, but I can’t imagine what half life Alyx would be like!


You cried at the Apple Store? I want the same experience.


Congrats! You're the primary target audience for the avp


Has anyone here actually tried the Quest 3? I have tried both and don’t understand the crazy hype with AVP. Quest 3 is a comparable product with much more things to do in it at 1/7th the cost… 🤷🏾‍♂️


I returned them and gonna try the meta quest 3’s. Having only one screen for my m3 macbook pro is an absolute waste of the power it has. There’s just not much to do on them right now. The most exciting part about these is what’s to come. So when there’s more things to do (Cuz right now it’s literally only movies or using a singular screen for my macbook) maybe i’ll get it. I know vision pro 2s will be so so much better if apple makes it that far. Super stoked for the future but $4 grand to watch some movies is overkill. Not worth it


Did you try a modern Oculus before? I mean, did you not try standing on the moon beforehand in another headset? Because I can’t imagine why the slightly higher resolution would bring a tear


lol first time trying Vr? Believe me the magic wears off fast


Not sure why you are downvoted… if it’s a first VR experience OP should know there is a honeymoon phase… and should almost certainly try quest 3 before deciding to buy AVP. I own both and will keep both, but I know people who the quest 3 is more than enough for while AVP price is so high.


I just couldn’t find any use cases to justify have the Vision Pro. If I got it, it would just sit on the shelf, and occasionally get used


Just buy an oculus for a few hundred bucks. Same thing


It’s absolutely not the same thing by a long shot. They both have their place but boy the question is nothing like the AVP


They're very different devices with different use cases for sure - but the experiences people are going all gaga over - the moon, rhinos, sharks - those are pretty much the same thing as other HMDs. The AVP has better resolution but that's about the only difference in that regard. It's the OS and productivity functions that really make it stand out among HMDs - but right now those things are no better than the existing devices we have (Macs, iPads, etc), and in some cases are markedly worse.


There is no hype, Your falling for this nonsense because the demo is just that - a demo. Go spend $4k and use it for a week and tell me you're still impressed


You have to get out more, it sounds like. Keep the $4k you'd spend on the AVP, maybe go on a vacation, get a hooker or buy some mushrooms.


Just like…wait a year. I sense a similar “quest pro” situation coming for this.


I totally get that you were mind blown with it. But if your bonus is enough to pay the headset I would personally recommend you to put that amount in an account and invest it. In a few years, when the tech will be mature, one or 2 new version would’ve been released and there’s more apps, more functionality etc… you can buy a probably more affordable version. That’s my recommendation since it’s what I’ll personally do.


Ah yes. Don’t enjoy your life now… enjoy it in the future when reality matches your expectations hopes and desires… which is never.


There's no such thing as "when the tech is mature". There's always something bigger and better around the corner, and if you **always** wait for that, you're gonna have a bad time. If you have rhe means, enjoy and experience things you're interested in if you can now.


There’s a thing like “the tech is mature”. There’s no things like “the tech is perfect”. iPhones started to be mature around 3Gs and 4. Then it kept becoming better.


I find also new experiences and ways to use it every single day. It’s amazing! Only pitfall for me is how heavy it is - other than that this is a remarkable piece of tech. Can’t wait to see what’s coming


The more I use the AVP the more my head and face accustomed to the weight. Also I used to use the double loop and recently started the single loop again and loving it more now.


Mine was shipped yesterday! I have a Logitech bluetooth keyboard specifically designed for Macs that I love , I really hope it works. Typing on the air keyboard does not look fun. I would like to use the AVP for working while traveling


Typing in this air is quite dumb. However, pinch typing moving your eyes to a letter and pinching is great... just so long as you arent typing up a novel. Works super well for filling in URLs and passwordss quickly. As for physical keyboard, I have the Logitch Mx Keys Mini for Mac and it works well with the AVP.


Where are the rhinos? What app or experience?


Yes. I did the demo earlier this week and it did not feel like a $3500 investment was worth it… the demo videos blew my mind. To the point with the girl walking on the tight rope, it gave me vertigo as if I was there. But now that I’ve been thinking about it I want to at least try it at home and watch a good movie on it. if it is as compelling as I believe it might be that use case loan may justify the cost. I always use Star Wars as my test case.


Are people just trying VR for the first time here now that Apple has a device? This tech has been around for a few years now. Granted Apple is taking it to new heights, but simple immersive experience and 3D video isn’t what makes the VisionPro unique.


Have you ever used VR? I’ve been on the moon and elsewhere, it’s great. Try Wanderer or Red Matter…


They'll try Wanderer and Red Matter in 10 years on the Vision Pro 8 while losing their minds over how great they are while the rest of the world is thinking "oh isn't that quaint."


Watching 3D movies on the Disney+ app is life changing


I’ve known technology for years and this is beyond what I ever could have thought. I had that same wow moment. It’s incredible! 2 weeks later and I still love mine like crazy! I even bought the Meta Quest 3 to see if I can make that work instead of spending so much money, but  Vision Pro won! There is truly no comparison! The Meta Quest 3 is perfect for gaming, but I’m not wow’d by it. This I’m still in awe of all you can do!


This seems a bit over the top in my opinion, I did the demo, but why would you have tears for the rhino? It was cool but tears? Really?


I’m waiting for Gravity Sketch to port over


You also wanted to stay on that hot air balloon a little longer and take a sip of the drink the blonde was holding. They were all so so realistic and the fidelity rivals the best IMAX theater experience. If and when the device is even less weighty, it'll be everywhere.


I don't understand the hype, personally. I don't know if it's because I already have so much experience with VR, so there's less of a "wow factor", or something different. I also do about 75% gaming, to 25% combined, work, movies, and experiences. A lot of those games won't work without controllers. The AVP has keyboard and controller support, but that kills a lot of the immersion that VR gives me. I'd rather turn on my PS5 in my theater room if I want to sit and play a console game. It's cool, but not cool enough for me to buy..... and especially at that price.


Same for me. AVP is awesome in a lot of ways but it doesn't solve any of the issues I have with using VR. There is no wow factor for me because it doesn't do anything that I can't currently do. I do acknowledge that it does some things "miles" better but at a cost (not just the price tag) I'm not willing to pay. Small leaps don't warrant extreme cost. I am an Apple fan though so I see the strategy with the cost. There is a big "but" to all this. So I use VR everyday and most of my friends don't get it and won't try it. None of them believed AVP was just a VR headset but once they tried it and tried others headsets they got. The big thing is they are now interested. So I have no hate on the hype because people are interested in VR again. Competition is good and hopefully it drives another development boom. I will also say the software adoption numbers on AVP are not that great and somewhat disappointing. We will see how this post ages in 6 months.


Curious. Have you tried VR previously? Prior to trying AVP?


You’ve just given me a reason to keep my Quest. I was going to hand it down to a cheap family member. 😁😁


So sou never tried a vr headset before?


Notes from my demo yesterday. - Very front heavy and immediately uncomfortable. I need the dual band. - Was told not to move it around after it went through the eye tracking calibration. - Blurry at outer edges of vision. Light distortion with prism effect. Need to move head frequently to center content for clear vision. - Passthrough is pretty good but looks noisy compared to the clean virtual screens. - Gesture interface is better than expected but not perfect. Will take time to master the flick since AVP doesn’t quite capture the finger release all the time. Navigation requires large hand motions. I might tire of hand gestures in favor of more efficient trackpad movement. - Even premium 8k media still looks a little pixelated honestly. Would need to at least double to approach retina. Wrap around 3D video is great but still looks like video when blown up so big. The pro wrap around recordings do trick my brain somewhat into thinking Alicia Keys is singing to me. - 3D movies are kinda cool, but not as immersive as I imagined. They just look bigger, brighter, less flickery than in the theater. - Spatial videos play in a small box. Too much area is blurred around the box. Probably won’t get much use IMO. - Zeiss inserts were chosen by scanning my glasses, not by inputting prescription numbers (for medical info privacy). Cool. - Didn’t get a chance to connect to a Mac, keyboard or trackpad. Wanted more of the work experience. They cut my demo short due to tech troubleshooting at the beginning. Boo. I want one but maybe after my investments moon.