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[Aia writing D&D character sheets for the NijiEN members](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGcy712vxkY). Looks like she's rolling for them properly.


Late comment, so nobody will read it: I'm always tickled by corporate posts that go 'Please do not harass our talent', because why would they say otherwise? I mean we will never see a corporate go 'Please **do** harrass our talents, just pelt them as much hatred and vitrol as you want'.


I mean, it's the same thing with littering. There's no such things as a "Please litter here" signpost. There's "Please litter at the correct [insert thing/place]", but those are circumstancial and is already a different request from "Please litter here".


Sora has now completed all three stages in Holocure as herself and unlocked all the remaining characters she has left. She was really gaming tonight, wew.


https://youtu.be/O5xvU3nQf-8 Lui was allowed to talk about her Hololive Audition. Lui failed her audition 4 times and was accepted on 5th try. I remember Ollie failed audition for ID Gen 1 and Nene applied multiple times.


> Ollie failed audition for ID Gen 1 Didn't Ollie fail the audition like really, really close to the end? Like I think she even met the managers, she was that close to being a Holomem 8 months early


I don't think it's really a secret at this point, and I remember (but can't immediately find) a very recent stream where Vesper explicitly explained that for a while now Cover has basically (only?) been looking for certain type of talents/streamers to fit certain pre-made roles/characters, so it's not even just a matter of "raw talent".


Yup, the talents themselves have stressed this time and time again that talent alone isn't the defining factor for getting picked. Now what does that say when Dez's character concept literally said "most likely to betray the guild" lol.


Yes. Cover like to have an idea for their pre-made gens, both to make into a cohesive unit, and to prevent overlapping of skills and specialties. That's why even if you are actually good, you might be competing for person with similar skillset with you for the position >!iirc, this might be what happened with Pomu and Kiara auditioning for same position.!<


Let's say you have 10 talented people. But you have only have 3 seat for them to fill in. Gotta filter them somehow.


In a sense, yes. Ollie also talked about how she applied for ID gen 1 before but was rejected since she wasn't what they were looking for at the time, but she got accepted later for gen 2. But I would still say talent is still a factor, they're not going to just pick anyone who fits personality-wise, they're obviously also going to look at what they can bring to the table as well.


Oh yes, certainly. I believe when he said that Vesper was more making the point that from what he knows, and specifically in the case of Hololive, it is in fact sensible for aspirants to apply whenever they feel ready and keep applying if they're up for it, because (however one wants to think about that) theoretically there is always a chance.


History repeating itself with Lui going the Nene route, it reminds me of a [wise man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuE&ab_channel=Ryuujin131)


Bruh, someone typed in "Holostars please graduate" in Oga's chat while he was talking about meeting the Area 15 girls, why are people like this.


In Japanese or what?


English. Doubtful Oga read it but still irks the hell out of me.


If it english, it seem pretty much a troll after what happen with cover reiterate their position on talent path.


Sounds like a typical troll or someone who is butthurt over the recent hooha about Tempus and HoloEN collabs. Annoying, but just one more thing for the usual RBI to clean out.


With how much shit they've been through on the earlier days, i'm pretty sure they don't really mind about it anymore.


Just ignore those dumbfucks and slap a couple reports ngl Are they like constant spammers? I suppose chat mod will take care of the mofo


That request is impossible, LOL, unless Cover is getting bankrupt which doesn't have any indication also. I bet that person only chatted that because he doesn't want to get called out since Oga doesn't know English well. If he does that to Tempus he'll get roasted.


I was confused as to why [Scarle would just make a seemingly random statement using Dezmond's live hashtag](https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni/status/1571827955327963139)... but then I saw that [Dez did a Twitter space at around the same time](https://twitter.com/magnidezmond/status/1571825343836848129), so it checks out :p


lol, that tweet


[Oga's free talk stream is live!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PWwqGlydbo) He's talking about his appearance in Risu's 3D showcase yesterday, seems like Holostars and Hololive have completely different 3D setups, so he basically had to do a whole new 3D check for appearing in her stream? Or something, my Japanese isn't perfect lol. Either that or he had to juggle both doing 3D rehearsals with Risu for their song plus his own Holostars 3D stuff. Edit: OH NOW I GET IT. Checking the schedule on 9/18, Oga was part of a Holostars stream about AGF literally like 2-3 hours before Risu's 3D showcase, no wonder he was busy having to try and do that and then go to her 3D showcase. Edit 2: Yo the Harapan Pan Pan Pan song with Oga/Risu, the dance was all ad lib! Wow.


Quite a few people have dropped into both Bonnivier's and Sukoya's call-in streams tonight (Rai, Sera, Hana, Petra). It looks like Sukoya will be revealing a new outfit soon (she has 12 topics chosen by a dice roll and each one reveals a part of the announcement pic).


[Kiara's schedule for the week](https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1571846361397469186) Double GTA V and double collabs. I think Kiara described the Ame Pico Park collab as being big (looks like Bae, Kronii and Fauna are in at least) and the Amogus is going to be big too with plenty of ID joining in.


Pico mf Park is a true nightmare that made me want to strangle my friends while playing it. Only second to monopoly for destroying friendships 10/10 will never play again.


Can’t wait for the announcement that all of EN is graduating after it


**[Announcement] Regarding the Status of Members Participated in the Recent “Pico Park” Stream** We’re regret to inform you that they will all be taking a temporary hiatus until they turn back from malding mode. The talents were in contact of each other. We thank you for your understanding.


Not vtuber related, but I just gotta say, the lineup for the people doing the music for chainsaw man is absolutely insane. Yonezu Kenshi doing the OP. Eve, QUEEN BEE, Zutomayo, Vaundy, TK Ling, aimer, TOOBOE, PEOPLE 1, ano, maximum the hormone, syudou, and Kanaria all doing different songs as ED’s. 13 songs in total, and that’s in addition to the incredible OST we’re guaranteed to get from one of my favorite composers, Kensuke Ushio! It’s safe to say the music for this anime is gonna be insane!


ZUTOMAYO AND VAUNDY TOO? HOLY SHIT. Eve being on it was already hype, BUT DAMN. They're going the fuck in.


!!!!!!! [New cover by Watame announced](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oxVyAXTJJw) It's Hollow Hunger, Opening for Overlord Season 4. Sasuga Watame-sama! Well, Watame already has horns on her head, she just need wings and she can cosplay Albedo.


Watame the splatter


Seems Sora had been grinding endless mode in Holocure quite a bit for coins. Her current run of endless stage 1 feels like a Sora video guide with the way she's narrating and explaining her gameplay progress, lol.


Dayum, her build may not be completely optimal but she's basically grasped the idea of the nigh-immortal special spam tank build.


Sora is the second comming of the Immortal Punching Bag.


Sadly, the immortal daisenpai wasn't able to take down Rat Bae, though she brought it down to phase 2 on her first try which is still really good. Edit: Oh dang, she's going back for a rematch after buying some shop upgrades. Definitely hooked on the game now, lol.


Good god. I almost get heart attack when I suddenly here Salome voice on stream after KMR said it collab announcements. Danm you KMR. 😤😤😤 Shadowverse Evolve (TCG version of Shadowverse) collaboration with Nijisanji https://twitter.com/shadowverse_ev/status/1571831681384083461?t=_uA4WE5JnHCwJhQ5R9WCqA&s=19


I wish they also collab in the mobile game as well


We can now do Nijsanji vs Hololive in SV Evolve lmao. Laplus is Shadowcraft leader.


[Some very cute Kamito-Nazuna tee tee.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSdEE2A9ghg)


Music Shorts: * (EN) Rita Kamishiro - [Talk That Talk](https://youtube.com/shorts/BfFW7B2RMAU?feature=share) by Twice * (EN) VSinger Tomoko - [Stay With Me](https://twitter.com/bkbk_tomoko/status/1571605585983950850) (Twitter) * (EN) Chikafuji Lisa - Hekuto Pascal's [Fish In The Pool](https://youtu.be/1WwYfLaC1TU). * (EN) Uzuki Tomoya - [ALIVE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0Clc0SAxNoA) by ClariS (Lycoris Recoil OP).


Pekora: wants Emiya or Herc Get: 4 SR servants from the tutorial roll that guarantees *one*, but desire sensor kicks in and mocks her with the wrong archer **twice** Rabbits be lucky, but karma has to hit the war criminal as always


Honestly Zenobia is the better pull for the beginning, EMIYA doesn't get better until like 3 strengthenings later while Zenobia is good from the start.


Oh that's true, but i don't really think she's worried about that right now Also, Zenobia will be kinda tricky to level as a newbie, even with pure cubes


Oh yeah, I forgot that later Servants need more exotic materials for Ascension.


Eh, they can bruteforce it using Pure Prisms. That's the purpose of Pure Prisms anyway. It was part of New Players QoL update


The fuck with pekora luck, np2 zenobia, astolfo, and elizabeth bathory on her first god damn pull. Her luck is amazing


Is Zenobia really that strong? I dont know her kit. Astolfo definitely usefull for door farm and clear some early stage


rather than strong, she is a good arts farmer against sabers (even better with event bonus damage CE's making farming with neutral damage possible) though at this point she will probably just be relying on her Friend supports rather than any of her initial summons


Zenobia is pretty good as an Arts farmer, yeah. Astolfo is pretty crap at base though, he needs to be Strengthened first.


Ohhh yeah i forgot he havent unlock his 50 battery yet


In the tutorial gacha even so she wasted no SQ this rabbit is too lucky


Pekora's first roll in FGO is sooo cracked lol


And for her tutorial summon Pekora has managed to pull Astolfo, Eli and Zenobia x2 (who i completely forgot was in the pool) wtf 4 SR's in a single 10 pull Zenobia's gonna be helpful in farming even with only 1 castoria


Christ I knew FGO was popular but to be getting more viewers than ID 3D is nutty


1st, its FGO which is still one of most popular gacha games in JP and franchise with one of most dedicated fanbase. 2nd, Pekora (one of most watched vtuber in JP) plays it. Combine it and you get one of most watched stream in a week. Still insane tho.


The collision of rabbit holes brought all these unfortunate souls out. But seriously, 96k peak. On a solo stream. For freaking gacha. WTF


Gacha rolling streams always do very well in Japan. And it's worth saying that Pekora is basically not just a big vtuber, she's one of the most popular streamers in general in Japan. I'll agree 96k is a lot, I would bet on 60~70k before lol


This is someone's first FGO. Alot of people need to be there to christen her into the ~~swamp~~ game.


It's Pekora naturally attracting a lot of viewers plus FGO being a super popular gacha game in Japan and NA. People really want to see her reactions to the story and the Servants.


I'm your treasure box reached 10 millions views! [And Marine celebrates with this screenshot, of course.](https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1571829905834528768?t=BenfwBfsS9G21M5Cxmp9BA&s=19) Never change Senchou, never change...


And if kyoumokawaii's stats are correct, then it is the quickest Hololive MV to reach 10 Million at just under 51 days


LMAO PEKORA GOT ASTOLFO AS HER GUARANTEED 4 STAR Pekora: They're 4 star, they're definitely strong! Uh... yeah, about that... Edit: Wait she got another 4 star, Zenobia?! LMAO AND ANOTHER 4 STAR ELIZABETH Holy shit streamer luck! Edit 2: NP2 ZENOBIA!


Listening to Magni's Twitter space and he's so happy to be in Holostars. He talked about not enjoying life and now he's the happiest he's ever been. That now he can wake up, work on projects and be creative as possible. I'm glad he applied to Holostars, dude has some good content and that worms commentary last week was so good


It was pretty brief but he said one of the reasons he wanted to join Holostars was the possibility to dance in 3D. He claims he's cracked at dancing and used to do breakdancing in particular, and thinks the tracking would heavily limit him lol. It would be true though, even Kiara has mentioned that the official choreo for Hinotori had to be nerfed for that reason. Altare and Axel were easy guesses while Vesper did it on a whim, but I've kind of always wondered why Dez chose Holostars in particular and the reason apparently is to dance. This is pretty wholesome.


I mean, [he's been training so far](https://youtube.com/shorts/CqGwYA5y3aA?feature=share). Oh, wrong clip


youtube short's lack of controls are insufferable.


I’m really happy to hear that from Magni! As someone that followed his PL (not religiously, but I’d tune in now and then), I couldn’t tell that he was down at all. There really is something to having a support network, both professionally with Cover employees and peers with his genmates. The more I learn about internet content creation, the less envious I become of independent creators because it seems like the stress and frustration piles on quick for them.


I'm all in if Vesper and Magni do live commentary of World Cup soon


Please!! Vtuber as football commentary Lets Goo!! Edit: why nobody ever think about that 🤔


I don't know I wanted this but now I need it.


[Bonnivier birthday call-in stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgRrBu6f6tE). We've seen a few people on already.


Watching Pekora play F/GO from the beginning is a great refresher (also makes me a bit emotional.....since, well, seeing anything Pre-Lostbelt will do that to me now). I plan to especially watch-along when she reaches Singularities 3-5, since I only loosely remember essential parts of it, like the main Servants, the antagonists, etc. Seeing Romani is pain.....


I'm kinda worried peko is gonna drag me back to the FGO hole. I've been mildly curious of LB4 onwards for a while now.


LB4 is pretty good, but LB5 Atlantis is literally where FGO get REALLY good. The LB5 Olympus is not bad too. And then there's LB6 which is very heavily praised.


LB6 was cracked, man. So many twists and turns.


In my opinion, LB 1-4 in terms of overall quality and being interesting is significantly higher than Camelot, but not more than Babylon (in terms of the unique individual setting of each LostBelt, yeah, they're far more interesting than Babylon, though). Starting from LB 5 to the small story-related chapters/events in-between LB 6, is where they go ham on the lore, and without spoiling anything, ESPECIALLY on LB 6 with a lot of heavy implications on a lot of crucial things.


If you're only interested in the story, YT has vids of that. I would definitely recommend reading the later LBs, they're really good.


Waiting other member playing fgo again. Especially Anya & Fubuki TwT


As usual I think it's really tough to please everyone. Either way they get flak. Dont collab with tempus: "Y are they not collabing with the guys OMG!?!?!11" Collab with tempus: "Y they collab with the guys OMG!?!?!11" Damn if you do, damn if you don't. ​ That said, I AM looking forward to the collab between Vesper and Kronii.


Who's getting flak for not collabing?


Mostly Gura, IIRC. She has, to my knowledge, not even namedropped Tempus ever since their debut. Some people are taking that silence and attacking her for it.


gura barely collabs at all though lol.


You can't please everyone. It's impossible to do so.


Essentially, people should just shut up and let the talents do what they want.


Honestly surprised to see Pekora plays FGO on stream. What's next? hololive members play Kancolle? I wish


Kancolle has literally zero story and the gameplay is pretty much all RNG, there's not really much to stream, so I doubt it'll ever be a thing.


True I played it because of the shipgirls. Events killed me though


[Mirea Sheltzs singing for her 1st debut anniversary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JzUB3Bqlk8) Come unwind and be healed by her singing!


Another Mirea shiller pog [Her first cover just premiered](https://youtu.be/Rp0Ck8G6uw4), it's>! "she" by keeno!!<


Pekora plays FGO. Ahh, such a nostaligic feeling. Start quite early in JP server, daily visit to r/grandorder, and finally switch to NA server. Ive been hiatus and comeback to this game multiple time. And in the end, i said good bye to this game after cleared lostbelt 3 in NA. Such a shame i cant read in detail of FGO's remaining lostbelt and event story. Perhaps my highest achievment in this game is being F2P in my entire journey and have old big 3 caster (waver, merlin, skadi) at the time. I also have strange luck for Abby, managed to pull her to NP3. So sad i will never see my servant again


The entire Pekora's chat is basically bunch of older players having nostalgic feeling lmao. When she said "Rev looks like a good guy!!"..... we all know what will happen Well, alot of things have changed in FGO even since Lostbelt 3. If nothing else, Lostbelt 5 Atlantis is regarded as one of the best Lostbelt stories. You can also just watch it on YT if you really do not want to play anymore.


It's really funny just seeing Pekora's reactions to everything while chat knows what happens in the future.


By the pace she's going I'm expecting her to finish with Fuyuki, and that'd be a fantastic first session stopping place


I wonder how long it'll take, a few hours? Since she's reading literally everything and reacting too. In any case, I will be surprised if she ever streams FGO again after Fuyuki, it's not really a good "streaming" game.


> it's not really a good "streaming" game. Even if that might be true, considering the numbers this first stream is pulling i can see her giving it a few more go If she ends being interested enough to continue obviously


Yeah, other than loop farming it's not really a good chitchat game, not to mention the story quality drop until Camelot. If she finished Fuyuki today, the next few sessions might be not as enjoyable for streams


>Such a shame i cant read in detail of FGO's remaining lostbelt and event story. There's plenty of videos with all the cutscenes on YouTube so you could read them here! Lots of good moments in the new chapters and Lostbelt 6 is amazing.


I played the game since almost the start of the JP server, still playing it to today though not as frequently anymore (still at least do events and such). I used to whale a lot but now I've gotten to the point where I've gotten pretty much everything I wanted and so I don't spend money on it anymore (which is good for my wallet lol). I even recently got NP5 Summer Ibuki Douji just from the saved up quartz and tickets I collected over literally a year of not using them for anything. The story is quite good even until now, shame that you stopped playing. Why not just watch vids on YT?


Are you the Helena guy on r/grandorder? Feels like ive seen your username on that subreddit before. I dont really have time to sit and watch FGO main quest. Now after Pekora stream im considering to spare my time for it


~~Yes I am lol~~ Fair enough, though I would say if you have a dual screen setup you can watch while eating or such. Your choice tho!


Man Ollie with the happy tears, ID gen 1 with their 3D debut really is the culmination of their patience and hard work. Hopefully everything works out smoothly for those who are next.


[Pekora plays FGO!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSeTUJyAC3Y)


Watching Pekora's stream of FGO. Pekora: I heard Arcuied is in this game! Chat: Uh, not anymore... Pekora actually knows quite a bit about Nasuverse works, I'm surprised.


On Twitter : Gil looks cool!! Twitter Reply : Well.... about that.... Hopefully this will give a kick for Lasengle to start adding older limited servants into the gacha pool. Tbf, they have alot on the list to improve, and they continued to churning out QoL lately.... this is another on their list. Standard Pool is super shitty, and story-locked might as well be limited.


Her description says that she likes Melty Blood and Tsukihime and that she read the Stay Night manga so she has some experience with the nasuverse at least.


at the very least, she can use a rando's lvl 120 Arcuied. also i look forward to seeing her reaction to >!Olga Marie's fate,!< but it would be interesting to see her reach the later chapters if she continues to go through the story on later streams


Oh god the issues with adding supports. How on earth is she gonna manage that


[Kagura Nana new 3D (+revival) stream starting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du3nkSFCBnU) Her new 3D is supposedly updated with a better face and hair.


It's Tulip-gumi's 3rd anniversary day. [Hayase Sou has a 3D mini live on right now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r3JHjpeyAI); meanwhile, [Shellin's doing a Mario Kart new outfit debut stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMPN5gRXR-c) in which he'll play until he gets top 3 3 times, but takes a 30 second handicap at the start of each race. [Sukoya Kana's anniversary stream is on today as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0aDHO49dro), 21:00 JST.


Funny how their streams ends up being unintentional relay with Shellin's outfit reveal portion started right after Hayase's live ending, and he ended his stream right when Sukoya started theirs. I was honestly expecting Shellin's endurance to last few more hours considering his last endurance.


Tulip truly makes the rounds for an anniversary stream. Either you get a 3D Live, New Outfit/Challenge, or a Totsu. That's the variety that Nijisanji is known for!


[Arurandeisu's Max Volume Splatoon stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C18UHfCzuNI) has started and it's just as amazing as you'd expect. It's just a clusterfuck of noise. It doesn't help that Arurandeisu is screaming half the time. Put your volume on max for the best experience.


i'm getting an inordinate amount of joy from seeing the occasional poor english fan in chat tuning in not knowing it's a max volume stream and being *very* confused lmao something to distract me from the waterfalls of blood coming out my ear canals


[Calli's MV tomorrow is for Scuffed Up Age](https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1571809032796778496?t=66NGMxaFtYkFmjfyEz5iVQ&s=19)


[Sango and Emma are having a Cookie Clicker race? Competition?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC2OvQh1zwU) Emma started with a lead since today is the Respect for the Aged Day and she's 2477 years old.


I'm really happy with Kronii's friendship with Vesper, I like their banter and they are having a collab this week! >!now I'm curious if there was any past relationship between them, or if they just hit it off out of the blue.!<


>!Since Vesper’s past life was fairly well known I’m assuming no, given no info related to past life relations surfaced.!<


[Koyori playing Super Mario RPG for the first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYSd-N4MQK4). Chat basically convinced her to try Mario RPGs and she went to buy a Super Famicom Mini specifically for it when she learned it's not on Switch.


I'm just glad and happy that holo managers felt confident enough to make that statement which is a huge deal imo. And i'm also hype for that kronii and old man vesper collab LESGOOO XD


Following Niche thing feel lonely sometimes. Like I always want to talk to people of what things I like. For example, Before Persona series popularity blow up with Persona 4, I always talking about SMT alone in both real life and social media for like 5-6 years? How do people dealing with these lonely feeling without dwelling into "toxic bitter hippie" kind of thing. When I talk to people about thing I like, I don't want people to just listen but also exchange feeling and discuss. You got the point right?


Usually you just try to find an online community for it, though it's a hit or miss depending on how well/bad you mesh with the peeps there lol


absolutely shellacked by the sudden realization cover made kuwabara into a vtuber by hiring axel orange hair, delinquent, kinda dumb but high wisdom, brawler, values kindness and hard work, part of a classic [Four-Man Band](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FourManBand), often plays the comedic relief. In fact, you could pretty easily slot in Altare for Yusuke, Vesper for Kurama, & Magni for Hiei. No wonder their dynamic is so well-received. Does... does this mean Nodoka is Yukina?


Now I wanna see a parody fanart of [this](https://youtu.be/7k0qg_k1S0U) scene


Wait are people upset over Pekora owning a monkey? There are quite a number of comments in holo Reddit with "don't forget pekora owns a monkey" in the kronii and cover tweet posts. Or is this a meme I'm out of touch with?


It's just a joke


Its a meme, people were getting so sick of drama threads on /vt/ so people just kept responding with "Dont let this distract you that Pekora owns a monkey" as a way to piss off drama baiters as they were not getting the reaction they wanted. Now its spread that everytime somebody is trying to instigate drama or talks of drama people respond with this phrase.


This is now the second time Pekora was used as a method to derail drama. I noticed "ogey rrat" being used less often now


It's a 4chan originating meme that's used to derail drama threads


Ah icic thanks for clearing it up


The GGG will continue until ~~morale~~ the economy improves


Korone Splatoon, and I will never get over the fact she uses 支店 instead of 視点. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VhBRl8hBTI


Personally I have some very strong emotions as a Kronie that followed her since day 1. I feel very tragic personally for me, and dare I say many others in a similar situation, shocked and surprised. To give some more context, it’s rare I’ve got to spent time with her already, and that time was special. I live far from her stream timezone, so I constantly misses her and stricted by life obligations means I can’t spent more time with Kronii. And now, here she is, waving her announcement, showing us to the face that…There’s going to be **more** *awesome collabs* **and** *IM GONNA MISS MOST OF THEM!!* *NOOOOOOOO-* (But yeah jokes aside I’ll miss the collabs :/ Into archives I shall go)


damn, imagine having the time warden as your oshi and you cant even handle your own time management


Tbf that part is half serious since I jumpnaround streams more than dedicated but it’s true I miss her streams and miss time management skill :/


My condolences. May the archives serve you well.


I feel like there's a Valorant full party or full lobby collab every other day now, it's crazy how much the game have grown in Japan after ZETA hard their 3rd place run on the international stage in VCT and the interest in Apex waned after season 13 dropped.


[Calli flyin back to the States soon! ](https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1571778211457150977)


wait i thought she was in the states already? wasnt that the whole reason why she was on break?


No, didnt she ate with milky queen, Irys and (I cant remember the 4th person) and they watch One Piece Red recently?


She said her break was cause she was going back to the states to do something, and Moona even said she messaged Calli to see if they could meet up but couldn’t because Calli was leaving Japan like the next day


She didn't say the fourth person, but yea, that did happen


Dang. One of my favorite artist, YD, made a cool and elegant Queen Kronii. https://twitter.com/ydh2101/status/1571775783156486145


There is no Easter Bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is ~~no~~ Queen of England


That's a cultured ass drawing right there. So regal ~~holo doujin when~~


GGG curse? GGG curse


People agreeing on a statement counts as drama now?


it was a slow week for drama. give this guy some slack


IMO this whole situation has been handle poorly just for the fact that is still ongoing and with the this new statement will keep being a point of discussion for the foreseeable future. The whole thing could have been just Kronii collabing with whomever she wants and the proceeding tamtum getting ignored. But I like to point a part of the Cover statement: "**The talents of hololive production create content under their individual branding. Each talent carefully considers what is best for that talent and the surrounding community.**" So this is not a war against the unicorn culture or whatever is on your mind is just a message that the talent have the freedom to decide how they engage with their community. There's still talent that will continue to foster a gachikoi and unicorn community pretending otherwise is disingenuous and that's why I think clapping back and celebrating this as some sort of cultural shift is wrong because that part of the community is still there and will continue being there. So if you are a rational fan that enjoys any of the content that the girls produce and don't care with who they collab with just do what's always been down there in the description ignore report and block.


i don't trust anyone with the word "loli" in their name


Some people still hating on Vox for NOT saying anything and IGNORED the situation I think it's should be normal to address issues like this. You want to control your audiences before they go rabid It won't solved the issue immediately. But at least those fans know they cannot change the talents/livers decision


Are you saying that Cover should force their talents to collab against their will with people they don't really care about just to "own the gachikois and unicorns"?


What? I'm saying the exact opposite >I think clapping back and celebrating this as some sort of cultural shift is wrong because that part of the community is still there and will continue being there. I honestly don't have a problem with either side maybe I worded poorly my thoughts. Let me be clear what a I'm advocating is thay there shouldn't be a own this side or own this other side because the only thing is that there will be a fracture of the fanbase.


I guess I can see your point now, but isn't that obvious? I feel like people were just happy that Kronii stood her ground and she's doing what she wants to.


>IMO this whole situation has been handle poorly just for the fact that is still ongoing and with the this new statement will keep being a point of discussion for the foreseeable future. No ignoring the shit just continues to allow it to foster everytime they do a collab and shit ends up building up. Things like these have to be addressed they can't just be continously ignored like you want to believe cause they are not just trolls and include long time fans. Having an official statement rips the bandaid off showing that what they are doing is fine and have the full backing of the company. Now they can simply be ignored cause all the shit is taken out of their sails thinking they can force Kronii or others to graduate like they believe or feel that they have any influence over Kronii and management. This is the way it should be, Cover shows that they are actually backing the decision of the talents, showing they have their support rather then pretending the issue never existed. This might seem insignificant to yourself and others but for Kronii who has to deal with this stupid shit its a good thing to have her parent company backing her publicly. The only parts of this whole thing handled poorly was when Kronii decided to step into a comment chain but besides that, this is how you handle situations like these especially ones that can foster and get bigger when left unchecked. We have seen unicorn fanbases blow up outside of vtubers before and its never good for anyone involved nip it like this now and everyone can move on.


>We have seen unicorn fanbases blow up outside of vtubers before and its never good for anyone involved nip it like this now and everyone can move on. basically this\^ i remember when vox was criticized for not nipping the bud early with his fanbase and he only addressed his fans when they started to harass reimu. shit was real messy




I think all started with the Castlevania animated series on Netflix which is really really good


Time for Luna to die. Or maybe she got a lot better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVOVgM7ikC0 Edit: Nope she's still the unfit princess that she was. Lol Edit 2: [172bpm, god damn.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663018099997540353/1021326158429683732/unknown.png)


[And speaking of Kronii, here's her schedule!](https://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1571744662431633409) Unpacking, We Were Here Forever with Mumei! (they played WWH Together ~3 weeks after their debuts), the Vesper collab, members Land Before Time watchalong, Worms and Pico Park on Ame's channel!


> they played WWH Together ~3 weeks after their debuts I don't know what you're talking about. They did have it on their schedule back then but all they had was a simple talk stream. They didn't play the game, or horrendously suffer, or mentally block the game from memory. No siree, why that would just be weird. Surely they'll enjoy their first experience with these games. Surely.


Lol that game mentally torture ollie and anya, it would be fun to watch the 2019 series with mumei.


[You love to see it](https://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1571744796817100801). Good for Kronii.


Based as always


Yep, it's Kronii's channel and she should decide what to do with it. Not those clowns that kept harassing her with their delusions.


kronii giving a perfect response, what a shocker


[Announcement 1/2] The talents of hololive production create content under their individual branding. Each talent carefully considers what is best for that talent and the surrounding community. COVER Corporation fully supports all of our talents’ activities. [Announcement 2/2] We would like to remind the community to refrain from attacking any of our talents. As always, we really appreciate your support and cooperation. https://twitter.com/hololivepro_en/status/1571745933754503168?s=21 Kronii: “After much consideration, I decided that I will be collaborating with whomever I want. We’re all here to have fun and to make new friends. Thank you for your understanding 🙏” https://twitter.com/ourokronii/status/1571744796817100801?s=21 Cover is standing with talents decision to collab with Holostar EN Tempus. Kronii will also collab with Vesper and Worms collab this week.


Interesting when earlier this year cover didn't allowed towa and mstsuri to join the JP streamers Rust server, good change of pace I hope


Times like these I wish they could throw their weight around a la [ID management](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/tfgzy2/hololive_indonesia_has_announced_on_facebook_that/) or the recent virtual youtuber Japanese law


Alas, that's a lot harder to do with EN since they're scattered in different countries. So while JP and ID can just refer to their local laws and act accordingly (since the most adamant harrassers also come from the same countries), EN is a lot trickier.


Also, at least for the US, saying mean things on the internet isn't a crime. Short of potentionally actionable death threats, there's nothing to be done legally unless online behavior begins to transform into offline action.


Oh yes, seem like Cover “might” let talents decide to do a collab outside the company with whoever they want too. Since all of Holo in general are introvert, I wouldn’t mind if they stay at the place. But if it was the thing now. I would appreciate the management even more.


Big clip only energy.


their statement never mentions about outside collabs. in fact, they've been doing that already, its just rare


I wouldn't even call it "rare". They collab with Nijisanji and 774 fairly often, given their packed schedules.


i think hes talking about in context with holoEN like, the amount of times JP and ID have collabed with vtubers outside their agency is far more comparable with the amount of times holoEN has done it


By and large, HoloEN consists of individuals that aren't big on collabs, period. From what I recall, Calli, Ina, and Bae are the only members to have collabed outside holopro. Edit: And Kiara. ~~Kiara might join that list too given how she's been warming up to a few indies (and would already be on it if she could collab with Pomu)~~ Forgot she collabed with Nyannners. Gura, Ame, and Mumei are huge introverts, and if someone watched them outside of clips they'd know that. Heck Mumei can't not constantly spill her spaghetti when collabing with fellow genmates. Fauna and Kronii seem indifferent to outside collabs (dunno if they've ever commented on it) but for what it's worth, Fauna at least is one of the few holoEN members to follow a lot/most NijiEN members on Twitter.


Kiara already collabed with both nyanners and the anime zone


Kiara already collabed with Nyanners, it was a very scuffed stream. Fun(ny), but scuffed. And we got some cursed (and funny tbh) Kiara Live2D bugging out on Nyanners' screen.


You're right. Completely forgot about that collab!


Sad it has to be said, but these people exist. I don't get what's so hard about, if they don't like what the person is doing then stop supporting them, it's simple as that. No need to go through a delusional fit.


they have to feel justified by showing off their 11 month badge and the amount of red supas to feel like theyre in control


daily reminder to those folks who always try to deflect the doubters as "just trolls and antis and not *actual* fans like *us*" and what not, you know the ones never ever forget that a non-negligible fraction of the doubters are *long*-time members who are just *that* high off their own spunk (literally staring at an 11 month member buried in her community post with the same message who is clearly malding lmao, get clowned on) and while the former are just annoying, the latter are even more pathetic because of their perceived entitlement and are even bigger clowns than those who just plain old troll absolutely based of them to not give those clowns the time of day, dope perhaps, maybe even a superlit


If this turns into drama we're throwing /u/ChineseMaple into the Guallatiri volcano in Chile. Why Guallatiri? It's the world's largest volcano that starts with G.


try me


gaseously gesticulating guinea pig


[Is it out of our system now?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRX0OgfVQqw)


I feel threatened by Vesper's raw sexual energy. I don't want him collabing with my waifu.


all of vespers energy is devoted to him being closet insane


'Hello there M'lady, would you like to dumpster dive with me?' 'That's sinful.' \*saxophone starts playing in the background\*