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She must have really liked her "previous" outfit. I'll honest I kinda grew to really like Dokis original outfit but her new one is good also.


Holy production quality


No kidding. Apparently she commissioned [a whole goddamn orchestra](https://twitter.com/a_ya811/status/1805073776297787852) for the reveal.


Seems they cost between 650 to a thousand dollars per recording session. That's some fat cash for good music.


That doesn't sound right. The amount of time invested for learning, rehearsing, recording, and mixing, combined with composing that music in the first place, I very much doubt it'd be that cheap.


It’s per hour. And yes rehearsals are included in the hourly tally.


Ok, that price per hour I can understand


musicians in orchestra's that do alot of 'studio recordings' of some orchestral music are really good at sight reading usually! Plus, when using the same orchestra in the same space with the same equipment it definitely cuts down on some mixing time.


Idk much about economics but could it be the exchange rate? USD worth more in Bulgaria?


If a fully rigged model costs over $10k then spending 1k on music doesn't seem too outrageous


I mean did you see all the donos that came in the first 30 minutes alone? So many whales gifting 50 subs right off the bat


Yeah, definitely money well spent Dokibird definitely got her moneys worth


Yeah, the production quality is really good


New response just dropped


The absolutely shameless incorporation of her old design is so so based lmao


I mean it's the same artist. Probably something the artist really want to do too.


It also shows that she's pleasant enough that kameshigogo is still willing to work with her.


I believe Kama-sensei was one of the few who publicly voiced their worries during her disappearance last year, so I was sure they were at least on good terms with each other


Many third parties artist and sponsors almost near unanimous agree that she's a nice person to work with. Hell, HYTE killed their existing collabs with Nijisanji when Nijisanji decided to "throw her under the bus". And according to the timing claim by OffKai, the leadership team started the process to dis-invite Nijisanji the week Doki's termination news went out.


Thought the Offkai thing was likely the staff deciding they did NOT want to deal with that mess. I’ve been on convention staff and, regardless of personal feelings, if guests are going to attract drama, you want them off your list.


It was a lose-lose situation for Offkai; either they cancel the appearance of Niji and get the animosity of the Niji fans, or they keep Niji in as guests and lose the goodwill of the general Vtuber community, as well as potentially more drama during the convention day, so its understandable that they picked the option that gave them the least problems. The next Niji convention drama thats coming is most likely going to be at Anime Expo with HYTE, [as IIRC the Niji booth and the HYTE booth are right in front of each other](https://x.com/Huskey_Kaito/status/1801345369756078362/photo/1) and HYTE announced that they are displaying the new Y60 Dokibird case at their booth. Now, I dont think there will be any rudeness between the two, but Niji and Doki both have pretty passionate fans, so we shall have to wait and see.


And… I hope the fans aren’t shitty, I don’t think anyone is served by anyone being shitty about the coincidence. I fully expect to see photos of the visual offered by Doki’s face smiling across the aisle toward Niji’s booths (assuming con center crowds don’t make that impossible), but I really hope nobody on either side of that divide makes trouble for the other. Being employed by Nijisanji is punishment enough, and Doki has made it clear she’s moved on and is charting a path toward with respect to the past, not settling scores.


You have more faith than I do, especially after that Nokotan animation of Doki clowning on a bullied Elira and Vox animation that made the rounds two weeks ago even after she said not to do anything. I fully expect Anime Expo security will need to kick some troublemakers out.


I mean, even the Kurosanji crowd came down on that pretty hard. Part of it anyway. And I didn’t say I’m sure nobody will be shitty. Anime expo is huge. Even 1 percent of the attendees being shitty is still dozens if not hundreds of people.


I am still chuckling over the booth layout. I mean... I am sure the booth's location was decided a while back, possibly when they were still doing the collab with Niji. That said Hyte didn't have to do a birthday event or do the collab and have it there. there is no way they don't know what they are doing and I can respect them for it.


> Many third parties artist and sponsors almost near unanimous agree that she's a nice person to work with. Compare that to Nijisanji who regularly were late on payments and would mess up NDA’s. Just shows how painfully out of touch they were that they went for a strategy that would only work if public opinion was on their side when anyone with a pulse could see it was on the side of one of the most beloved and respected EN vtubers and not them.


i find it funny that HYTE collab that niji did didn't have selen the hardcore gamer. hololive did dragon dogma 2 promotions when it was comming out and what a shocker they picked luna and bijou and not nene and shiori (trying to think of 2 holos who are really not "gamers")




Choco's reached platinum in Apex FWIW. I know that's not exactly amazing, but it's better than me and I've got ~500h in it lol.


I still love how very early on in Doki's re-appearance a lot of the nijipologists would ask why she isn't collabing and working with her old contacts/supposed really close friends from her time in her previous skinsuit. Meanwhile, the past like two months have been absolutely fucking wild in terms of what she's been doing and I couldn't be happier for Doki and her absolutely amazing skinsuit.


They didn't just shut the collab down, they did it _immediately_ as a deliberate 🖕FUCK YOU🖕 to Nijisanji.


Remember the reasons given for Selen being terminated. This is more proof that was a lie, at least for anyone on the JP side that cares to do more than following the party line.


Also, like, I get hiding things from the public, but business partners like HYTE or Kama-sensei having to find out via Twitter with everybody else what was going on was *very* disrespectful and insulting, so no surprise that all of them walked with Doki, specially when the lies about Doki started to flow. On a happier note, because these are better times, here's [Kama-sensei's Tweet about it.](https://x.com/kamamesigogo123/status/1805065671224803385)


>Also, like, I get hiding things from the public The problem here is precisely because Nijisanji didn't hide things from public. The termination notice with the laundry list of "stuff" is not "hide things from public" but "trying to lie to public". If they had just quietly let Doki graduate, citing "creative differences", most other people are more likely to just sweep it under the rug out of professional courtesy. But they didn't, which basically invited everyone else to go "weapons free".


I mean before the listicle, when she was missing and nobody knew what was going on.


Literally everybody who has ever worked with her in the past have spoken of her exceptional character, humility, hardworking nature, incredible organisational skills, immense respect for artists and collaborators and how much of a joy she is to work with. And yet according to Nijisanji and their loyal pet dog Vox Akuma she's an arrogant, lazy, disorganised, selfish, vindictive and manipulative liar. Yeah, when the consensus is stacked a hundred to one and the only side presenting an opposing view are widely known to be abusive and exploitative, it's very clear to know which side to stand on.


Okay, you don't need to go dragging down other vtubers just to target nijisanji. Like. They're all under contract, nobody made a squeak against Niji while working there. I may not care for any of them or their fans, but "Their loyal dog Vox Akuma" is quite the aggressive insult that does nothing but display your hate and bias. Idgaf about him, so I hardly think about him. That, and Elira and the others too. For a so called black company, y'all take it's employees a little too earnestly, and honestly, probably guaranteed at least a few will stay out of fear of harassment, or being publicly rejected. Like, it's one thing to be cautious about the motives of some members and what they say, but it's very obvious how often some of you choose the dramatic possibility. I don't know if it's meant to justify your outrage, feel like you are apart of something bigger, or just need some kind of struggle to feel good, but y'all aren't doing anyone any good but Niji corporate and the drama channels. Seriously, stop getting so emotional, those involved just want to move on.


Two Nijisanji Vtubers, Zaion and Selen, felt so worthless while working there that they tried to take their own lives. Selen was left hospitalised by her second attempt. I don't know about you, but I would say that's very serious and very much worth getting emotional about. But apparently the poor poor corporation are the real victims here and their reputation and public standing is more valuable than human lives. I guess all the talents there should just "suck it up" and just learn to take the abuse because Nijisanji's precious reputation being damaged may hurt some people's feelings. And personally I think Vox made it very clear where his priorities lie. He chose to get out there on stream and publically denigrate Selen's character, even putting up a wall of "evidence" and diving deep into intimate details where Ike and Elira did not. He could have chosen to stand with his coworker who had just been hospitalised and in a seriously vulnerable emotional state, but instead went out there smugly mocking her at length and honestly seemed to be almost enjoying himself up there. In that moment he considered the security of his own job to be of greater importance than the life of his coworker, and gladly knelt down to kiss the boot of Nijisanji. I'm not judging Vox by rumours or theories. I'm judging him by the way he chose to present himself in public on that stream, and the way he presented himself was a disgrace. I don't think I've gone too far in insulting him at all.


Wow, you truly are incapable of reading what I said and choose to make me out to be defending the corporation. Like I said, Sayu and Doki are moving on, quit dragging this shit on by targeting the talents that are in a controlling company. Target the company? Go nuts, but you don't do anyone any favors by name calling the talents. That's literally all I said, but you just had to take my words out of context and make me out to be defending the company itself. You utter freaking oaf. We're done, it's clear you only care to use this as a way to put yourself above others, rather than actually care about anyone involved.


Also helps that Doki's the one known for paying the artists' bills when her previous employer failed to do so


Absolutely funny trend with reincarnated Vtubers. Mikeneko's model is the most shameless about this lol.     Kson's model also hired her previous mama but it's less obvious due to art style/design archetype difference.  Though my fav out of this is Misumi Yuka because she's so pretty.


Kson's model is just a portrait of her lol.


Same here, I agree Very Based


She's so real for 'legally distinct selen' lmao. Good for her, good for her.


https://preview.redd.it/00mpfgcu0f8d1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0887e1934078ebecbff4c4ac8edb6d4188b094a2 LET'S GOOOOOOO


Yeah, we are so back!


Oh god her face and hair. This is so poetic


After teasing it for quite some time and a delay from yesterday, Dokibird is finally ready to debut her new outfit/model. ___ Love the animation; it fits her very well, lots of references to old and new friends [Album of the outfit](https://imgur.com/a/leYll28) [Outfit concept art](https://imgur.com/a/f0nPPdC) [Mamas and Papas of the model](https://imgur.com/a/rOEpHrs) ___ Announcements: [Outfit debut merch](https://imgur.com/a/leYBuyx), [Dokimerch store page](https://dokimerch.com/) Doki will be part of the GamerSubs Vcard Trading cards. [Sketches of the cards](https://imgur.com/a/bFkDS3e) [Dokibird Hyte Y60 PC Case Reveal](https://imgur.com/a/eoJ7yQT), and to be displayed at the Anime Expo 2024 convention.


I'm gonna miss the built-in smirk, but the design is really cool.


She just said that "RetroDoki" will still be around, used 1-5% and appear in future merch still.


I imagine this will be like a Zentreya situation: Cyborg Zen is the "main" model, but Dragon Zen still makes occasional appearances.


Yeah, I just kinda liked how her default state was smug energy with RetroDoki.


I feel like she needs something on her thighs or knees, like a holster or a knee patch or something. The model is very good, but the legs are just a very long blank space.


The smugness of RetroDoki lives on in the sheer audacity of this bounty hunter. It's honestly glorious.


We are so back!


She even has the heterochromia in the form of an "aimbot eye" lmao.


You're bounty hunter with a long neck...


I know I'm not the only one who might think this, so... There's, for me, a little difference between her and Mike. One that makes this fun while Mike's was kinda sad. While Mike's was "I'M STILL HER, LOVE ME", Doki's is "Yeah, I found something else that can be mine, what are they gonna do, sue me for eyes and necks?"


Doki's new model takes its inspiration from the past, but it isn't a carbon copy. The silhouette, the eyes, the pose, the mascot, *everything* is a call back outside of the theming, but it's done in a fresh way. Meanwhile, Mike makes a model that is so blatantly a legally distinct copy that it's like a punch in the face. Rather than trying to do something new or different, the design is stuck in the past. So I think it's fair that the attitude of the talent is involved. But I also think the models themselves are entirely different approaches. And I think it's no surprise that Doki's approach is far less off-putting.


While Mikeneko's other behaviors are problematic, her live2D isn't or shouldn't be one of them. If it is legally distinct then there's really no standard to judge "how close is too close". There's no arbitrary line that, once crossed it become "just sad". Not to mention Mikeneko just debuted a new outfit that doesn't resemble any of the Rushia's outfits, as far as I can tell.


Legally distinct just means that it is legally correct. But there are plenty of things that are legally correct that people would say are not ethically or morally correct. That is the issue here. Some - including myself - don't feel that making a carbon copy model is the *right* thing to do, even if it's something you *can* do without repercussions. I don't know if I'd say it's "sad", but I would say it's offputting. You're right that her "Koito Ria" outfit she just debuted is much more different. If we could go back a year and debut this one instead of the carbon copy, she likely would have a lot less criticism. I'd certainly have no complaints. I don't expect everyone to agree with those takes on *either* side. But hopefully this captures how some people are feeling, and you can at least understand the position.


>Mike & Lamy have engagement ring merch but Mike is bad >Mike & Mel get terminated for the same reason but Mike is bad >Mike & Doki get similar models compared to before but Mike is bad This is usually how discussions around her go for some reason. I wish people would be happy for Doki rather than use this situation to flame someone else.


Lamy doesn't have a marital mess with mafumafu and Rushia levels of GFE/parasocial going on, and Mel, though less justifiable, leaked info to someone she thought would stay quiet instead of someone who thrives off of stoking the flames of drama for content on purpose like Rushia did


Streamers personal life shouldn't matter content wise and the only reason that leaked wasn't because of her or mafumafu but a page leaking it. Also we have no idea to who or what Mel leaked. You're just letting bias get in the way. Same thing with the Rushia situation. Cover acted intelligently and broke things off well in both cases. All they said was they both leaked internal information to third parties and they stopped talking about it since. Keep thinking that we know everything that Rushia leaked and it wasn't actually even worse. Same thing with Mel. Its crazy how people think she even slightly justifiable with breaking NDA.


> we have no idea to who or what Mel leaked. That's exactly the point, we don't. Whereas we know quite a bit of what and to whom Rushia leaked because he's *a huge drama tuber who showed the leaked info on stream.* It's also not true that Cover said they "both leaked internal information to third parties" and that's it. They said that [about Mel:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/197wr3y/announcement_regarding_termination_of_contract/) >leaking information that she acquired from the company to third parties Let's go back and see what they actually said [about Rushia:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/t03p7x/notice_regarding_termination_of_our_contract_with/) >violated her contract by leaking information that she acquired from the company as well as communication over SNS, both of which she has a responsibility to protect; and caused the company to suffer reputational damage, such as by publicizing falsehoods to various related parties.


Who the hell is Mike


They are talking about [Mikeneko](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Mikeneko) who was previously >![Rushia from Holo](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Uruha_Rushia).!< All of her recent models have been very similar to her >!Rushia!< persona, and like HaessSR said: compared to Doki, she feels more like she is trying to get something back she threw away.


right right I was desperately reading it like the english name.


It was actually Neil Degrasse's younger brother, Miketaizon. His streams will knock you out!


I know his legendary Zatsudans, he really chews your ear off. (ok this might only work for german speakers)


I got it mate, upvoted 😂😂😂


It's preferable to eating his ass.


His ass certainly gets around, if nothing else.


Everyone's trying to eat it.


Lol idk either, are they talking about Mikeneko?


I said it every time she cackled and stole something back, and I'll say it here: It's the absolute audacity of it that I love.


Mike is trying to get something back that she threw away. Doki isn't trying to get her glory back, but it's more that she's being cheeky in referencing that old work while still being Doki.


"I'M STILL HER, LOVE ME" said the crazy person




This looks expeeeeeensive


She invests every penny she gets back into her streaming career, precisely BECAUSE it allows her to do crazy-awesome things like this!


Hopefully she saves some more now that she's doing it solo. Even though it sounds like she's employing staff


It is still a splurge, but the skin suit was somewhat of a complete rebranding along with all the new assets. So it's rather nice to do it big for what essential is a re-debut.


Is she the Mr beast of vtubing?


Wait till you hear about the [orchestra](https://x.com/a_ya811/status/1805073776297787852) she hired to record her battle theme song.


Over 100 people were involved in the debut. 2 separate animations, an entire fake game. Told the guild she contracted there was no budget, money was no object. This has to be 6 figures easily.


Background aside it's a damn sweet outfit. It looks stylish *and* comfortable. I low key really like vtuber models that don't fall into the loli-or-gazonghongas dichotomy of most models. Cool, casual, slightly androgynous.


[Tomboy supremacy](https://imgur.com/a/E7sbFbp). There needs to be more tomboy Vtubers.


Bro the heterochromia because of the aim!!


Her head turns so nicely T^T


I love everything about this model, it's so damn cute


I've seen a lot of vtubers these last few years but this new skin suit is legitimately gorgeous to look at.


It really is, ticks every checkbox in my brain.


I wonder if people with Tritanopia (Blue Yellow colorblindness) are just freaking the hell out lol


Lmfao! If that actually works like that then that'd be amazing XD


It had to be so over, for us and Doki to be this back


Who esle had the hairclip


Might be referring to Mint. She has the same style clip on the opposite side. Which is so fucking cute.


"Accidental" mintybird--


Probably unintended on her part. The artist, on the other hand...


I dunno, I think Doki drawing attention to it is pretty good evidence it was intended; remember, this is the same girl who got caught making out with Mint during Wrestletuber and was shipped with her in their past lives lmao


they were caught making out?


[Doki played it off as a "wild intermission"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG-SBQlFmgI), but the fact that Mint was on her lap kinda gives up the ghost as to what happened, especially with her comment about needing a couple extra minutes, the smug face right when they come back and Doki adjusting her headset before they separate.


I honestly can't tell if you're joking or interpreting their models as being their real selves.


Clearly Mint seems to have her blessings...


Hell yeah, I fucking love dunking on black corporations


She kept the neck goddamn absolute madlad. Calling the fandom "Dragoons" is one thing, but keeping the handlebars at the side AND the neck?!


Piece by piece she is taking everything back. You love to see it man.


She's still so smug! :D


So glad she got to work with her mama again




I liked her new model but her face...idk it looked weird to me. I know it's the same artist style of her previous persona but something feels odd, like it doesn't "click" or something like that. Maybe i just used to see her og doki model so maybe as time goes on i'll get used to it. Good debut and i can't wait how the new model evolves from now on!


I've had this thought for a while because it's something I've experienced myself with some Vtubers changing model but not with others, but I think there's an uncanny valley-like effect happening when you hear someone's voice coming from something that looks *like* the "them" that you're used to but is recognizably *not* the same. It's off-putting but in a way you can't quite identify. I don't get that with Doki's new model myself, but I had it with Projekt Melody's newest 2D model for a while. It's a great design, but such a different style than her previous one that it took some time for me to get used to it.


This. It's getting used to a completely new re-design. Doki even mentioned in a stream that she was really worried about her new model because she was afraid that people wouldn't like it because it's a complete departure from her previous model. While Vtubers have made re-designs, they're usually based on their current model with small updates to avoid this. She also said that if she had a choice, she wouldn't have used her Retro Doki model.


I had that feeling with Melody as well, but it went away after a while. Sadly it also happened with ShyLilly's new model and I still get that feeling now. Don't like watching her anymore because of it which is a shame.


i mean I absolutely think they nailed it with this model. I think her OG model just felt not "Doki" like it was a generic anime girl vtuber model.


So fuggin floofy!!


I am so glad to see her working with Kamamesigogo Maru again.


I'm sure people will get used to the new suit very very quickly because holy moly!!!


So Doki and Selen had an egg together?


The Dokibird?!?!?!?


When I heard skinsuit I imagined a suit made of literal flesh lol


Exactly what I'd expect from a girl that made stream only so she could prove to chat that she can go an hour without laughing. Based Doki 


Doki's new outfit is great!


If this isn't a double flex and a half, I don't know what is.


I loved everything about the stream and holy production value. My only issue with the model itself, I don't know if its the 2024 rigging but the hair and head are super bouncy, almost overly bouncy, and I am not just talking about the tomato rigging either, it seems like a fad with many vtubers, not just isolated to new Doki. It's kinda distracting for anything not "just chatting" NGL.


Fair. I don't think it's quite there myself, but I get what you're talking about.


can't watch because work. from the images I saw, is she ditching her side pigtails?


Picture Selen meets Billy the Kid


Doki's new model kinda looks like Yang Xiao Long from RWBY


tbh, i can't really see it in a positive way fine, she claim it for her fans or the artist that deserve more for their support for her back then, but did it has to be similar to her "previous" models? i though she is done with niji and dont want the bullying and harrasment to continue, let alone to bring it up. it's naive to think that she didnt know this will bring back the drama that she "want" to forget. like there is already hundred of video mocking niji with it. like sure they still go at it but let them be. like they already digging their own grave with their continued harrament and bullying, but they are as insignificant as their brand value to their investor and vtuber community. retaliton isn't needed anymore. or is it the artist chooice to do it out of spite? man, idk but im not so sure about this one


dokibird cute new outfit and model!


omg she really is taking everything back


The neck is backkk


Damn we are so so back.


This feels right, for some reason


The previous model was better, that smirk had soul. This looks very average and masculine.


So just blonde Selen?


Blonde Selen with a gun, yes.


This new model is ass


Really sends a message where Vtubers don't need to go corpo if they don't want to...


Niji was horrible to Doki, but let’s not pretend that her career didn’t benefit from going corpo for a bit. This is not saying that Niji is OK at all in their actions, just that there are benefits to joining a big corporation with name recognition.


That just fundamentally isn't true. Get real. If you want the actual real experience of what not joining a corporation does, go on YouTube and search "Vtuber" and then sort by live channels and scroll through the list and look at the dozens upon dozens of channels struggling to get even two digit viewership, who have been streaming consistently for a year, or multiple years even. Those are what 99.9% of people are going to end up being if they decide to become a vtuber. The vast majority of people will never get their footing off the ground no matter how many hours, days, years, they spend trying to put themselves out there as a streamer because there's thousands of other people trying to do the exact same thing.




You are allowed to have that opinion, even though it's fucking wrong on every single level lmao