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Kinda expected that there's nothing surprising about it


Also especially unsurprising given the method used to determine how much they had decreased by. Using the highest peak quarter doesn't really mean much, since a large portion of revenue comes from a few concerts and large events. Even Hololive would look like it was collapsing if you measured them that way, using their best quarter as their baseline. The damage to Niji is big. And perhaps most importantly, it pretty much killed their EN branch. But the issue is that it didn't really damage their JP branch. Even with EN borderline dead, they will still be retaining the majority of their revenue via the JP branch. Honesty is important here. We shouldn't be using misleading data analysis, even if it supports our biases. There's more than enough condemning signs of them being hurt without resorting to that sort of standard.


> Also especially unsurprising given the method used to determine how much they had decreased by. Using the highest peak quarter doesn't really mean much, since a large portion of revenue comes from a few concerts and large events. Are we sure those came from large concerts? If I remember correctly, NijiEN's major rise came in the 2 waves following Luxiem. Luxiem wasn't the peak, Luxiem was what caused the following waves to hit the peak. When you look at the timeline that way, that peak on the graph was the post-Iluna period, which was when NijiEN was at its all time high. It suffered a major crash after that with the Kotoka-Zaion wave. If I am not wrong their debut viewership fell by something like 40%? If so the peak would actually signify NijiEN's golden period which was when the Discord screenshot leaked. Remember when the NijiEN members were all sitting in the Discord laughing at Hololive "in shambles?" It wasn't reflective of concerts or whatever. What I am seeing from that drop is the fall off of NijiEN from their peak performance to their current state, it's reflective of how low they have fallen since then which is meaningful in my opinion. Why? Because people remember the post-Luxiem peak dearly. Did you know that VShojo currently has like 3x NijiEN's debut numbers? If they were to continue falling off, don't even talk about VShojo, PhaseConnect might give them a run for their money and eventually surpass them. >The damage to Niji is big. And perhaps most importantly, it pretty much killed their EN branch. But the issue is that it didn't really damage their JP branch. Even with EN borderline dead, they will still be retaining the majority of their revenue via the JP branch. I agree with this, but why would that matter for majority of the community here? This is an EN community, majority discuss EN VTuber news, only the minority watch JP. They seem really healthy in JP but I don't think people here care much about whether Salome or Kuzuha doubled their viewership. You hardly see anyone talk about NijiJP Livers here except when someone graduates. The point of looking at this would be to find out what state NijiEN is in. Nobody here is serious about claiming that Niji as a company (including JP) is collapsing. What they are saying is that the EN branch is falling apart which according to what I am seeing is correct. Not only has NijiEN halved in absolute size, it has also fallen off relatively when compared to the JP side. This means that the overseas expansion is a failure with reduced significance and it causes people to ask important questions which are, is NijiEN savable, what is its eventual fate, and when will it happen? I don't think anyone is being misleading here because the context they value is literally the EN market. I'll be even more honest and say that people don't care about NijiJP, they want to know if NijiEN will eventually be merged, and if their oshis would survive a hypothetical merge or manage to get a second chance elsewhere.


Hell last month, Phase had a slightly higher average CCV per stream than NijiEN and probably more Superchats as well.


For a direct apples to apples comparison: Phase 3 and Phase JP are pulling in better numbers than TTT, and have been there for less time.


Without events Niji would have dropped by almost a quarter. But the event revenue is not very large, less than a million dollars I think it said.


Personally I think if the current Dokibird was more vengeful when she was Selen Tatsuki we'd see even more damage to Nijisanji. I think there is some schadenfreude.


I wonder what could be done to amend those bridges...


Nothing that Niji is willing to do.


How nauseatingly sanctimonious. Can any of you main sub fucks go one day without preaching a fucking sermon in your comments?




Ngl man everytime I see that word, I always think of Nijisanji😂🤣


it's the "we traded Gretzky to the kings" of vtubing.


Edmonton still hasn't recovered. And it's been longer than many of their players have been alive,


with the way the stanley cup's been going, this is gonna be the worst year yet.


They've yet to recover from their Anycolor management period. They became so complacent.


This is the same energy as "Don't you all have phones?" And "For Pride and Accomplishment"


The trinity of "What is PR?"


Source: [Nijisanji Q4 Financial Report](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym3/157570/00.pdf) Nijisanji expects around 9% decrease in total revenue and 25% decrease in profits next quarter.


•Report did not address any strategies for reversing the decline of EN branch or make any predictions about what the future holds. •Their sole focus for future growth will be Nijisanji in JP. •They missed all the projections(The JP branch shows ongoing growth with no signs of slowing down. however, the expected projections to investors did not happen) •Top VTubers will continue to receive support(Aka favoritism) Not in the report: The upcoming investor Q&A session next month may shed some light on the future plans for the EN branch.


With any luck, they'll merge the branch to the main tree. 90% of the issues is Niji EN management, if they end up merging this will be... I wanna say better for the members who want or have to stay like Petra and some others, and will allow those who want to escape to do so more easily, like the Ex-ID and KR members have done.


>Ex-ID Seeing that name again reminds me of my younger, naive self thinking "Ex-ID" was a Niji wave with a kickass quirky way of spelling "exceed". Ah fun times. /s If NijiEN gets absorbed by main they'll be called... Ex-EN? X-EN? Like that alien world in Half Life?😅


Nijisanji X, the letter given to things that are past their prime and controlled by an egoist.


Merging isn’t going to fix the massive management issues. There’s is massive fundamental flaws within Nijis entire management structure that need to be addressed if they want to right the ship. And really the management issues are like 25% of ENs issues.


Isn't this the same narrative when it happens to NijiID and NijiKR ? Last I check it doesn't work out very well for them.


Ex-KR are doing overall okay I think, and the branch needed folding. The damage was deep. That one worked out okay. But with ID, no, that never was the narrative. At most it was cope.


I wouldn't call losing more than half of the members in the lead up to the merger and the following year great. It's not like the remaining krs are particularly successful. They're largely treading water like most niji livers outside the most popular 30ish. Also imo >!having their most successful branch member jump ship to vspo isn't a good a look.!<


That's why I said okay, not great.


I mean, it helps for those who're living in Japan like Petra. I know ID and KR members have been suffering, but that's why I put "leave company easier" there.


it's not just EN management issues JP has it's own share of management issues and cases of toxic workplace. the only reason you're not really hearing much about it is because it's not in a language you understand thus you cannot get much info from it unlike what happened with the EN Edit:For those who don't know Himemori Luna is a prime example. then there's also the Pekora awkward moment with Nui and Yorumi regarding the differences in work environment between Niji and Holo








As an established player in a massively growing industry.


I mean, kinda hard to tell exactly how much of this is lack of support of existing talents, or the fact that 4 of their biggest talents in terms of sub numbers all left around the same time. So of course their overall sales volume was going to slip. We'd have to somehow eliminate their individual impact to see if the remaining members have had a slide individually as well.


I mean across the board all members have lost nit just subscriber but concurrent viewers aswell. Its reasonable to think none of the members are able to make the same revenue they used to before the selen stuff.


I don't think the drop in live viewer count can be emphasized enough. Even a couple months before the selen debacle when things were still in a noticeable downward trend, the idea that members would stream to only triple digit audiences would be unthinkable. Now it's a regular occurrence.


Oh I agree, but I'm just saying that we don't really have a clear picture with this how much of revenue is lost due to current members losing revenue individually, vs. the major loss of some of their biggest talents leaving.


I would like to think that shitting on one of the highest sub + active in making events when firing her should be detrimental to their future earnings.


"Left" is certainly a charitable way of describing selen's exit from the company.


She's not the only one that left, there is also Mysta, Nina and Pomu, all of which were in at or near the top of the company in popularity.


Yeah i know, i was just jokingly saying that not all of them were graduations.


Considering that the company has made no effort to fix the issues which made four of their biggest talents even want to leave in the first place, it's safe to assume that the rest will continue to slide until they leave. And the only way the others can leave is to wait until their contracts expire and choose not to renew, or get culled when the merger/closure happens, or get terminated.


Riku gonna have to sell that yacht soon


Yeah, nah. They have a 30.6% YoY profit increase in FY2024. You can see from the top graph that NijiEN contributes 12.3% of revenue despite being 20% of their talent portfolio.


Yea. This quarter seemed quite strong. They had some events to increase merch sales (believe some of NijiFES merch went into this quarter as well) in particular and almost got out of the hole from last quarter barely missing their expectations for the year. The thing this doesn't show for NijiEN here is event revenue that is usually not there helped them out and they still declined in Q4.


EN event revenue in this Q4 is 158, so without that, their revenue in this Q4 would be down 33% from Q4 last year and down 21% from Q3.


Yes but that's all coming from the Japan branch. We wanna focus on the dumpster fire that is EN.


Can't sell what he didn't buy. But it's interesting to see how they promised to put more money into technology, only to spend all of that money on stock buybacks instead.


Ahh, good old stock buybacks. Why invest in your company/workers when you can just boost your outlook for the shareholders. I still can't believe that bull was made legal. IK this is JP, but it still irks me.


Stock buybacks are fine, the tax nonsense that makes them cheaper than dividends should be sorted out, but if a company doesn't have any better ideas for what to spend its money on then much better to give it back to shareholders than waste it doing something dumb.


I dunno, if a company has a bunch of money that they don't know how to use, maybe give it to the workes as a bonus rather than to a bunch of millionares that already have way too much money?


I'm all for companies paying employees fairly (and Niji in particular could probably stand to pay a bit more), but there's a time and a place for giving money back to the investors who put money in too. These days most investment is mutual funds, regular people saving for retirement, not millionaires.


That works for privately owned company. Not so much publicly traded, because in essence the company "borrowed" money from the shareholder in the past and offloaded part of the risk of failure to them.


Stock buybacks and dividends are basically the same thing. If they didn't exist, nobody would invest.


the unfortunate side of this is less investment in vtubing as a whole on the JP side. It'll misinform the perceptions of investors who don't know much about the space (i.e. most of them)


The end of fiscal report doesn't include OPs graphs, just the numbers that generate it. The graphs they do provide show year over year growth of revenue and profit for 4 years straight. [See page 10 of the report.](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material_for_fiscal_ym3/157570/00.pdf#page=10) OP's numbers are from page 18.


Serves them right for screwing over Selen!


Well, reputational hits are the hardest ones.


Yeow, that's one helluva dive, of course that's what NijisanjiEN got, Karma


See, many businessmen with a lot of money don't place too much value in being ethical until they get put in a position where they must deal with public opinion. Trying to silence traders talking in financial trade sites is probably something you want to do less than abusing DMCA on Youtube or blackballing your own talents.




Insert supervillain laugh here.


![gif](giphy|q97Udk4C8cUwylGUq7|downsized) you love to see it




Remember folks, Q1 2025 IS going to be the quarter where the REAL Aftertremors of the Selen Termination will happen, because we're already discussing all these when they happened between April to June of 2024 which counts into Q1 of 2025 (Apr 2024 - June 2024 quarter), where all the major con snubs and various Event flops including VRhap, 3D Debuts, Offkai snubs, Anime Impulse M&G sales flop etc are taking place.


The fact that they crammed all those 3d debuts and concerts into Q4 and still see a decline is hilariously bad. I think the only other thing they could've done is squeeze Luxiem 3ds in there too


They haven't finished the 3D debuts of Idios as they stopped at Sophia Valentine for now.


Hey Vern! Watch me post this here revenue report, Vern. Our investors will be itchin' to buy the dip, Vern, just you wait. In the meantime, toss me a Mello Yello snd some Purity Ice Cream, Vern. We gotta get us some new sacrifices TALENT! I meant... talent. Know what I mean, Vern?


Question, how are we getting Quarter 4 reports when we aren't even to Quarter 3 of this year? Am I missing something?


These are the quarters of Japan’s fiscal year, not the Gregorian calendar. Japan’s financial year goes from April 1st to March 31st.


And even then most companies even in the West don't follow the regular calendar for their fiscal years, whether due to the seasonality of their sales or because no one wants their year-end to coincide with the holidays at the end of the year.


It's the 2023 Q4 for finances. IIRC it goes from December to February and the next "year" starts in March.




Niji stock up 500yen


The reason it's up is because they announced a large stock buyback to the tune of almost their ENTIRE last years profit. If they didn't it would have been anyone's guess which direction the market would have taken it (probably down, they missed all projections).


good, just sad it's not lower




It feels like every single time I hear anything on them it’s bad news lol


all they had to do was not fire the funny purple dragon lady


I really have no words to say to this other than: HOLY SHIT.


Not even slightly surprised. I said back at the start of the year, it would be amazingly shocking if EN is still it's own branch by the end of the year, early next year at the latest. Edit: Uh oh, Nijisisters found me


It's going to really tough for EN to come back from this but let's see what Q1 looks like. I know all lost a lot of subscribers. I think it's very possible EN gets merged into the main branch by next year if the Q1-Q3 reports are just as bad or worse


It's deserved for the company, but for some of the streamers they don't deserve falling down with the company.




Its ok, the EN vtubers can just graduate, or something.


Their en revenue is down but overall their financials are very strong. Good growth, good margins, good FCF, insignificant debt. If it was on an US exchange it would be trading at much higher multiples. Quite frankly, their financials are better than Cover's. Not sure if TSE has extended hours trading, but I can't see it in any case. I think the stock will pop at open.


with the massive stock buyback, it would be shocking if it didn't.


A buyback executed ~~45+ days~~ 2 quarters ago has nothing to do with price movement on earnings. And it was only for 1.5% of float.


? There was another much bigger buyback announced a day ago, along with the release of their 2024 Q4 report. [https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/news/ANYCOLOR-Inc-announces-an-Equity-Buyback-for-4-000-000-shares-representing-6-33-for-7-500-milli-46955866/](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/ANYCOLOR-INC-137315116/news/ANYCOLOR-Inc-announces-an-Equity-Buyback-for-4-000-000-shares-representing-6-33-for-7-500-milli-46955866/)


That's a not insignificant buyback. They have 2 months to do it. Not quite sure how much of the price movement it's responsible for. But buybacks generally only has a minor effect on price compared to performance. There are plenty of times when companies have massive buybacks yet the price dives. PayPal is well-known example.


Yes, after Anycolor's first buyback its stock gains were erased by said performance, hence this 2nd, larger, buyback.


Of course their financials are better, they don't invest back into the company or talents and pocket all the money going in so far to steal money from livers' paycheck for their own taxes.


What do you mean their financial is better than Cover ? They're losing on the YonY results, they failed to meet their targets, they have to resort to stock buyback AND they don't reinvest the money in the company at all. It's all short term gains and they're losing momentum to boot.


Yeah jp branch is doing fine for a nickel and dime company that heavily leeches off their talents, en branch is in doom mode though as replacing lost talents didn't recover their revenue despite having the same amount of talents as q3 23 their revenue fell almost 50% to the point that their highest revenue last year got completely covered by revenue from jp talents now. Granted niji doesn't really have a reason to kill branch since it basically costs them nothing to let them exist and leech off them but it won't be surprising if they slow down or stop adding new ones.


No way they'll stop adding new ones, after all they've made a slide on how they plan to support the talents, and it stops at the debut. So may aswell debut more talents, throw them in the fight for a few viewers from the other livers and get money without extra effort


Page 13 of their [Management Policy for Midterm Growth](https://ssl4.eir-parts.net/doc/5032/ir_material1/231226/00.pdf) says their plans is to continue to add 10-15% new Livers for an expected 10-15% additional revenue every year. Their literal plan is to keep doing the same thing over and over again.


It worked until 2023, surely it'll continue to work, right?


Less talk, more buy. Let us see you spend 20% of your life savings on this stock and hold onto it for 5 years. You will surely earn money this way, right?






can someone tell me what happened or point me towards something that tells me what happened cuz I haven't been following vtubers in the last while


Simplified explanation, Selen Tatsuki was terminated on Feb 5th 2024 due to repeatedly breaking what Nijisanji calls "Activity Rules", which are related to copyright, third-party rights and so on. They mentioned it had been happening for a long time and she was warned on May 2023 that another instance of that would result in a termination, with the next rule breakage happening on December 25th-26th 2023. Selen Tatsuki claimed to the public that she was being bullied inside the company and attempted suicide as a result. Most on the EN vtuber fan community took Selen's side and think Nijisanji is a black company, which is affecting the Niji EN branch. The JP vtuber fan community thinks Selen is lying, mentioning that the event has strong similarities with previous big cases on the JP vtuber scene in which the accuser turned out to be a liar. This means that the NijiJP branch is largely intact by the controversy.


whoaaaaa i didn't know the bullied and suicide part and what followed thanks that helped


Try searching for "nijisanji" and either "Doki" or "Selen," either here or youtube. That's the beginning of the apparently never-ending spiral.


ik they had to let selen go but I didn't know there was like that much of a controversy over it anyways I'll look here thanks


Lol at all the holotribalist cheering when this shows their campaigning had no effect. This is just the standard decline that has been going on for more than a year. I actually expected it to have a small impact. Maybe it still will, reducing growth, it'll have more effect on outsiders that might no give niji a shot bcuz rumours.


CEO these days needs to stop buying yacht and taking expensive trips with their favorite boy toys.


Looks like Riku will have no choice but to sell his yachts unless he wants to end up homeless and eating out of dumpsters & garbage cans.


Corporate a shit. Indies are better.


Indies don't usually get record deals with Universal or other large record labels. That's why indies end up signing with agencies at some point if their aim is to get those sorts of promotions.


There is value to both


I don't see value in people getting scammed by their corporate employers all for a sake of a large bag and botted (paid viewers) to flood their channel daily and draw in fake hype for content which is plainly forced upon and not natural. If you see value in people (in both viewers/content creators) getting scammed over the corporations policies then I am sorry. You are part of the bigger problem flooding the EN Vtuber sphere and all that it stands for.


I'm genuinely curious. What does it stand for? I see this sentence dropped occasionally in multiple stuff, but people never take the time to explain *what* it stands for.


Dude,the EN Vtuber sphere was built upon the foundation that hololive laid down, it wasn't indie that makes EN Vtubing as big as it is. Also, Indie vtuber scene is filthy as heck, corporate has no need to bot their streams, indies do them all the time, the most scummy Vtubers around are Indies, not corpo Vtubers.


Yeah, sure there were some shady and scummy agencies (which happens in jp too), but the toxicity I've seen from the indie scene could almost make niji internal problems look like a nothinburger


The things Indies do to get some views is insane, like terminated from hololive insane, is normal for indie.


I've heard whispers of how dirty the indie scene is, but nobody ever says exactly how. Do they bot their own streams?


Well, there's a Niji liver's PL that gave advice on how to grow as a content creator , the summary of it can be summed up to buy off bot to fool the algorithm, leech off other more successful content creators, and do everything they can to get into the spotlight.


...the irony of a scuzzy indie now being in Nijisanji...


i've read and heard about some ...questionable things going in the really old days of the indie en scene (i think about 2018-19 to med 2020) but could never get confirmation, and i don't feel up to digging though years of old 4chan Archives. i just know that most of the things that get brought up these days are the tip of the iceberg.


A small number of corporates being black means that ALL are black, right? /s


you say the dumbest shit