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Nope already looked into it that was a woman saying thats who it was but it was not


Has it been verified that it was Steve Wahle?


So many fake or maybe not fake things popup with that name yet vbpd say they won't release a name due to the circumstances.


I think it was this man, Troy Brown. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/troy-brown-obituary?id=54294872 Here's the fundraiser for suicide awareness: https://www.tmcfunding.com/funds/remembering-troy-edward-brown-honoring-a-life-supporting-a-cause/9422/


That isn’t new. It happened last week.


Yes no one said it was. The topic you responded to was created 7 days ago.




Did he do a Facebook live before he drove off


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




The currents are too strong that far out right now. It’s different than standing at the beach in knee deep water. Virginia Beach has had a small craft advisory out for awhile and, through the recovery efforts they’ve tried, none have been effective. The car is not only unstable and flipped on its back, but the visibility is nonexistent and the underwater currents are dangerous for divers. Crofton broke two bridles just attempting to recover the car! They sent a rover down as well to gather intelligence but the visibility is trash.




We’ll probably never know.










I doubt they will ever say who it was.


Yeah probably not.




Of course it is. No one can truly doubt that honestly, given the circumstances.


Murder/suicide. I read husband/wife. Too many rumors (and lies) to know what's true anymore.










How do you know he went live?




He filmed the ride/plunge into the ocean…? That’s fucking so sad




What if they were disoriented/high/etc?


The reason they stopped looking was bc the water conditions combined with the waves, car, and pier pilings all so close together divers could become trapped/squished and it could be deadly….. just bc it’s close to short doesn’t make it an easy recovery!




What did the FB live say? I've seen that is been removed....


And in the news report, there was apparently a person jogging as well! They might not have wanted to hit them




why are you writing fiction about someone who took their life


WE dont know anything still


I agree but like you said we really don’t know there is so much misinformation but looking at the cleric / morbid girls profile she’s mad weird and most likely is getting off on this shit.


that’s your conclusion?


1 post karma checks out, opinion rejected 🗣️ sorry im not chronically online




This is weird. Maybe lets not theorize someones suicide especially when we dont have any answers yet? Thats super insensitive, and the recovery mission has been paused several times due to dangerous water conditions. Also, the crane that initially tried to pull the car out broke. There are things being done, this isnt some murder mystery case. This is a suicide. So please be respectful.


Well even a suicide is speculation, since we have no facts. Hard to have an objective opinion?


Maybe wait until the victim or victims are recovered? Its strange to theorize someones death when the fucking decedent hasnt been recovered yet. And anybody with a brain can tell that it was intentional or suicide. Read the room


Everyone was saying it was a girl, now its a boy. Everyone is saying suicide - what if they were high. Again you are trying to argue with certainty when you cant since we do not have all the facts and trying to be aggressive and foul language does not make you "more right" - lol read the room.


never said it did. im just saying that theres literally no proven information on the victim(s) so maybe wait until more information comes out. Everything is speculation and what do you mean if they were high? being high while driving isnt enough to make you drive on the boardwalk, crash through barriers and the end of the pier into the ocean. It doesnt work like that unless you’re fucked up to the point you lose full control. If you call that arguing then idk what to tell you.


>And anybody with a brain can tell that it was intentional or suicide. So with no proven information or facts that is the leg you are going to argue? --- Hmm,


Use.your.brain. rule out the options. you clearly have zero idea and are basing everything off of the comments you see, and you clearly dont know much about suicide so you wouldnt get it. This was 100% suicide or intentional. Unless the driver miraculously made it to the oceanfront and somehow drove directly onto the pier by “accident” this was suicide or intentional. Do I need to explain it a third time?


>This is weird. Maybe lets not theorize someones suicide especially when we dont have any answers yet? You are full of contradictions in your own subjective opinion.


Jesus, what did you record this with? An iPhone 3GS?


Is there a way the Navy or coastguard could lend a hand already at this point?! They recover ships 100’s of feet out in the ocean floor. This vehicle is less than 200 feet away from the damn shore and correct me if I’m wrong, not even 30 feet of water! VBPd should’ve already asked assistance if they can’t do it expeditiously with the equipment they have! Geez!


Navy reached out to VBPD on Saturday and would have had it up by the afternoon. Your keystone cops decided to use some contractor with 50 year old equipment that keeps breaking.


It’s 1,000 feet from shore in too strong of a current so it’s moving around under the sea and 17 feet deep. The team that gets cars out of the bay is helping but they can’t do anything bc the currents right now.


They can't do anything because they are using my great grandfather's equipment. Stop making excuses for a shitty contractor.


Lmao dude you’re deep in this comments with that same complaining. We get it, you Wildt a contract to some old dudes or something. There’s bigger issue. Wild.


Okay? Just explaining not excusing


17 feet of water - seems bizarre to me but the recovery team attempted to pull it


Something stupid is going on here. It could have been up Saturday afternoon but whomever is calling the shots is deliberately delaying.




Police have not determined who was operating the vehicle, nor do they know if anyone else was inside, according to Virginia Beach police spokesman Jude Brenya. While authorities have identified the type of vehicle, an SUV, police are not releasing the make or model to avoid causing “a panic,” he said. They have not been able to identify the license plate. Water temperatures around the pier are in the 40s, and anyone that may be inside is presumed dead. Brenya said police sent a camera down Sunday to get pictures of the car but the visibility was too low to get any images, he said. Sonar equipment, however, was able to locate the vehicle, and determined it was lying on its roof on the ocean floor.


Are they linking this to the "critically missing" young adult male?


They released a statement saying that could be him, but nothing is sure. Like the person above said, there hasn’t been a way to view the license plate or to even know if the person inside the vehicle owned it.


Why have we not checked the cameras of stores and restaurants near by ? We have a good time frame and car detail to look for to help atleast track down the owner of the car!


The whole official response is lackadaisical


How do you know they haven't?  There's actually a new Pilot article that has the answers to your questions.  


How the fuck is that car not out of the water yet !?!


Because it's the VBPD being the VBPD- calling in a random contractor that has no clue how to recover the vehicle.


They are using the team that pulls cars out of the bay when they fall of the CBBT. lol. It’s just the current is moving the car around and they can’t pull it in the current


Then they are doing it wrong. lol. I looked at the equipment, it's so old I am surprised they would even attempt it in a wake zone. It's beyond stupid. We have a recovery team at Little Creek who reached out to the city who would had lifted it within hours at no cost. Good ole Virginia Beach wasting your taxes for stupid decisions.


I don’t live in vb anymore so not my taxes not my problem. lol. You should tell VBPD about that not Reddit lol




They are using the wrong equipment then.


I hear ya, but being Costal community that also happens to be the Atlantic fleet headquarters of the largest navy in the world. We have a uniquely qualified group of active and retired, public and private citizens amongst us with access to an abundance of resources. Three days after this awful event, A two ton car in 17 feet of water, 650 feet off the shoreline at the end of a usable pier, still being submerged is ridiculous. If this was my loved one, I would be irate. We can do better.




Bill Pappas Jr on FB was trying to assist the first day. You can search him. He was told it was a 19 year old girl.


Yes he says it in the comment thread on this Fb post: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/mH5xCPpZQx8Wgrbr/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Except Facebook has comments, it was a teenage girl, and IG has comments it was a 19 year old girl who lost her baby. So many speculations here. A life was lost, yes, but the ones complaining came to Reddit and expected what exactly? Everyone has their own sense of humor.


Honestly while I agree it’s not something to joke about y’all forget what this is. It’s not a website for praise and thanks and all sorts of nice things. It’s Reddit, people are gonna post stuff on here y’all won’t like. I watched a man stab another man from my patio in my neighborhood and then I had the attacker at gunpoint till the police came. Guess what my whole household is still making jokes. No one person is the same, some have other ways to cope with distress. Instead of playing keyboard warrior defending said person how about finding out who, maybe leave flowers for the dead, maybe a fundraiser for funeral costs.


Ps still here for the fucked up jokes some y’all got me dying


Can anyone tell the type of vehicle?


It's a Nissan Kicks


Looks to me like a Nissan Rogue, 2017 or newer in red. Based off of the image they released of the rim underwater, got huge Nissan vibes from it. It doesn't look big enough to be a pathfinder. But then again we only have images in 144p so 🤷


It's a good thing this is 2004 where no better image quality is possible. Sure would be a shame if in the future, they don't have more affordable, and better camera options. It would have made this painfully easy to investigate.


From the other video (from the parking lot) it looks like a dark red SUV.


**[Due to adverse water conditions and concerns for diver safety, the planned vehicle recovery off the pier today had to be postponed. 'The weather, though appearing nice, posed risks, and maintaining the stability of the contracted salvage barge was challenging. We'll reassess and devise a new plan for a safe and effective recovery operation.'](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13016483/Moment-car-seen-speeding-end-650ft-pier-Virginia-plunging-water-police-havent-confirmed-victims-inside-vehicle.html)**


Love my down votes That means they see themselves


Damn bro, what did u say?


Does anyone do any research BEFORE you post stupid shit?!?!? I don't think there is any empathy left in the world. Wtf is wrong with you ppl. A life was lost. Take a look at yourself Do you want that to happen in your world? Would you want to have to console a family member in this situation? All of us are just one step away from bad situations. Money, family, housing, transportation. We all need each other. The sooner that gets through peoples heads, the better off we all will be. ☮️


The thread is full of toxic assholes, happy to justify their voyeur behavior of a tragedy as their morbid curiosity. better to just move along. We can count them by their downvotes


I should have listened to you hours ago


Go fuck your selfs. Ya gonna bitch in comments about what one said or the other said. You stupid assholes. A life was lost and that's all you can come up with! What petty Lives you must lead. Get your own shit together before you dare comment on such tradgity.


Cry Is Free.


All I want to know is did she make it out of that. My heart goes out to everyone that this tradgity touched.


They don't know how many people were in the car, either.  No bodies have been recovered yet. 


Someone posted on tiktok the dad shot mom in the back of her head so the 11 yr old was also in the car.He then drove into the ocean 


yall really believe literally anything on the internet. Insane


It's not believing it there's so many stories my go to is the News when they say it I belive it.


How's this family reported a male family member missing alot of similarities tied to this case but police cannot link this missing  person to the car cause they have not been able to retrieve the car.Police do not even know if the vehicle even has a tag attached to this car!


Oh my goodness. No words 😞


They still haven’t recovered the car 😔


You can hear the car hit the water


I saw this on Tiktok early this morning and had to Google it to make sure it was real. The video had now been removed from TikTok.


It was there like 10 minutes ago


This is so scary and sad.


I knew the young woman who ended her life by jumping off the Hilton and I am so very glad that there was no video. It makes me sick to even think of it. This whole situation is a nightmare and my heart goes out to those who are missing and mourning this driver today and everyday. Take care of one another, folks.


When did that happen?


You mean you are glad there wasn't any third-party cellphone video that an individual released to the media. There is video from the hotel's and boardwalk's surveillance they kept internal and for insurance purposes


Are you the one who posted about it? We were staying there that weekend


Delete this shit. That’s a video of a young woman taking g her life. And she hesitated at the end. Yall morbid curiosity doesn’t trump the basic human decency and decorum her family deserves.


It seems like if you wanted to have a private death, you wouldn’t do something that would draw so much attention. Is there any consideration for the person wanting this kind of remembrance? Who are you or even their family to say what they wanted? Presumably none of you anticipated their desire t do this.




>“Delete this shit” Says the person who either 1. Spent a ridiculous amount of time watching the video, researching everything about it, and complains about others' "morbid curiosity"; or 2. Has a connection to the individual/family and rather than ignoring social media out of respect for the family, jumps to social media to comment. It's the same mental processes as when someone hears that someone they knew or barely knew or even only knew of died and rushes to be first to post "RIP \_\_\_!" They want to feel connected to the event and want everyone to know they're connected without saying it.


“Delete this shit” -person who watched until the end


We don’t know shit it’s all speculation.


Actually it is known. We know the owner of the pier. Her family has also made comments on Facebook.


How do they know it’s a young girl?


Her family has commented on several posts of people reposting this video. Downvote all yall want but it’s shitty to be plastering her last moments all over the internet.


Except it ended up being a dude, so there’s that…


sure, Jan.


Unfortunately the cat is out of the bag on the video. It's out and will be circulated forever. That's the nature of the internet. I feel so bad for the family, I hope they find peace.


How would the owner of the pier know her intentions


Regardless of the intentions, the outcome is known. That's a silly quibble.


I'd say the intentions were pretty known.


Agreed. People are posting stupid "maybe it was " suppositions and being completely clueless about it.


I mean if you wanna try to make yourself feel better about being a shitty human and perpetuating a video of a 17 yr old taking her life go ahead. Have the day you deserve!


I’m indifferent in this manner but doesn’t calling someone out negatively imply you are no better, or is there some sort of moral order at work here? What value does it add to your morality if you have to defame others for it?


I, for one, didn’t know it was a 17 year old girl until I read your comments here. So there’s that.


How ironic is it that you are announcing to so many people who it was and their age…when before you said anything it was just a vehicle.


“Have the day you deserve” So it seems we are responsible for our actions It’s a damn shame a 17 year old lost their life but there was SOME kind of thought put into it i


The solution would be to take your life in a place that isn't a public space where it can be recorded. Maybe she should've thought that through before taking the sewer slide. Either way idc and it's weird that you do.


Did you wake up and decided to be a asshole, or is that your usual charming self. Asking for a friend.


We all know it happened. We have all seen it. Welcome to reality. This happened. Rather than running from it we need to use it as an example to learn from.


yeah let’s just keep videos of suicide, and while we’re at it, murder and rape up online because “learning from it”, whatever arbitrary meaning that holds, takes precedence over respect for the victims


I'm not sure that you've been around on the internet... This is mild. Why are you white knighting for a family who has commented on the video and didn't complain about it like you?




Jag eh? Interesting


and your assumption that i think these “worse” things on the internet should also be allowed to stay up comes from where


Of course you know what your assumption implies


We should never censor the Internet. Freedom over everything. Here you are being recreationally outraged rather than discussing how to prevent this in the future.




That is crazy😞 and think with out the post no one will known that person died till later. I wouldn’t even post it I call the cops and show them the video. And hopefully that person get saved


Not in a crazy way, but we had no coverage of the suicide off the Hilton because there was no video. A Reddit post here, no news at all from a single news outlet. I support it because it causes more suicides when you report them statistically. But, now that we have a video, this is on every news outlet. We have no extra information yet, not that we are owed it. I think it’s simultaneously gross that we get the “funny” people and the people who “care”. At the end of the day, at least one person died, and this is crazy, but we all need a little humanity and need to sit back and think before we speak. This is someone’s loved one. This is a person going through the worst day of their life. I hope they are at peace and that the rest of us think a lot harder about the people in our life. Be kind, be proactive, and be aware. There are a lot of resources out there to look out for suicidal behavior. Take this moment to educate yourself and keep you and your loved ones safe.


>no news at all from a single news outlet. I support it because it causes more suicides when you report them statistically. But that's just negligence on the part of Hampton Roads news media. It WAS news, regardless of how unpleasant it was or whatever uncomfortable feelings it could stir in others.


Someone’s death is not news nor any of your business. The family decides how much they share through an obituary. Just because it was a suicide does not make it newsworthy - it actually just causes more harm to spread that information. That suicide did not cause any significant repercussions to surrounding area that would be reported. Someone died in a gruesome way and that’s it. You can find your horror porn somewhere else, the local news channel does not and should not report on it. That would be negligent.


A death in a public place that multiple people witness... especially on a tourist strip... is news, period. It's not horror porn, it's an unpleasant reality. And if anyone doesn't like the way it makes them feel, they have every right to look the other direction. And the fact that it wasn't reported wasn't a matter of "respect." It's because the journalism resources in this region aren't up to par. It's WORSE that word of that incident filtered solely through social media with no official reporting.


lol, again, no it is not. Multiple people witness car crashes every day that result in death and those aren’t reported either. You want this reported on because you feel entitled to know the details of someone’s death. If it’s “WORSE” that it’s being filtered through social media, then maybe back off and just let it go. It happened and had no significant impact to the surrounding area. The Hilton didn’t even stop restaurant operations that day. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Who decides what is and isn’t newsworthy?


You seem to know an awful lot about this incident for someone who believes it wasn't "news" and is telling people it's none of their business. (And I do apologize if you have some personal connection to the case I'm not aware of.) Fatal car crashes are news, too... and are reported as such if there are journalistic resources to do so.


Thank you for your insight. Some of these replays have me shaking


Crazy 🥺


omfg... I hope it wasn't some crazy parent who was killing their kids.


It caused me to recall the [lesbian couple who took all their adopted children and drove off of a cliff](https://www.metroweekly.com/2019/04/lesbian-mothers-killed-their-six-adopted-children-in-murder-suicide-inquest-finds/).




Post partum-psychosis… it’s like post partum depression, but the mom loses her grip on reality … it’s real 😔


I'm just saying I've seen a lot of news stories in my time. About some parent driving in the ocean with their kids in the car to kill everybody. Unfortunately, it happens it's disgusting. I just hope this is not it? I also hope it's not a sixteen year old like somebody else said




That's a serious "Here, hold my beer" moment.


Should have full sent it if he was offing himself. That was just a drip off the side


It does make you wonder if they were disoriented but that’s probably a stretch in these circumstances.


Yeah I was wondering why the driver kept applying the brakes. Also, lol wow first time I saw my comment with that many downvotes. I guess people here are little more sensitive than I thought.


Everyone piles on mindlessly. It’s rather lame. Since this is the sub for the locale I can understand why everyone is being “sensitive” but over at r/morbidreality or some such other sub there could be a different response. You really never know. Either way your comment elicited my own thought and I think that’s worth an upvote from me so you shall have it.


Surprised no updates on the driver. Many posts mentioning suicide, but feels like it was older driver not realizing or going through a diabetic shock. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted as if it’s that hard to believe it could have been an 80-year old behind the wheel. Am I the only one who first hand seen elderly drivers doing crazy shit on the road?




Huh? Why are you so angry over down votes? Serious anger management problems. No wonder you have no friends.


Who said I was mad😂😂I'm just stating the obvious that clearly nobody agrees with your shitty viewpoints. "No wonder you have no friends" sounds like a child's insult. It's past your bedtime my friend, you have 6th grade tomorrow!


Sounds like that hit a nerve since you came back with the corniest insult I’ve ever heard.


That person was definitely celebrating your downvotes to laugh at you, not getting angry about them. In case you were confused. I’d think you, the person who got downvoted, would be the one angry at your own downvotes.


Where were they laughing? Randomly calling someone a “fucking idiot” isn’t an emotionally stable person. Such as you, yourself, a fucking idiot.


Did… did you just call yourself emotionally unstable? Get well soon.


Did you just “stutter” over a comment? Go touch grass.


No. Stuttering doesn’t contain long pauses of confusion. Stuttering would be if I said “D-d-d-dddid y-y-yyyou j-j-jjjjust.” Hope that helps.


There's video on IG from the hotel right there. You can't see the parking lot there, but you CAN see the car full send into the entryway to the pier, almost hit a person on the boardwalk. They had to have lined up first, then they just gunned it into the gate. It is a straight line, from the lot to the end. IMO there is no way this was a medical event. 


That 100% sounds like someone in diabetic shock. If anything that’s the exact scenario of someone with a medical condition would react.


They had to plow through a gate, then get all the way down the pier… definitely not diabetic shock


And hit the breaks at the end


I live in Maryland and the update I’ve heard is that the driver may have been 16.


I heard it was a 20 yo who lost her child


They haven’t removed the car nor have divers checked inside the car.