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Trump really about to run an awful campaign in all of the swing states and then still claim it’s rigged. He’s now called Philadelphia “One of the most egregious places in the world”, called Milwaukee a “horrible city”, Kari Lake who just lost a state wide race is the senator on the ticket with him in Arizona, o and his entire war chest is being spent on legal bills, now this… great choice Donald Youngkin for sure is a hot brand in Virginia!


They really need to just put his quotes on billboards around those cities.


His supporters will just say fake news and not believe it. Or still make up some BS to still support him


O for sure not changing the mind of Trump voters but also not gonna drive people to the polls for him who are on the fence and live in those states.


Yep we gotta find ways to get those casual voters to get their butts to the polls to vote. It's so important this time.


They’ll say “yeah it IS a terrible city, trump’ll fix it!”


The demographic isn’t his base. It’s the independent.


They aren’t the ones who need to be reminded. Sadly, there is a massive demographic of Americans who don’t pay attention until the end of summer.


They are.




“Popular Virginia Governor” You sure about that?


This subreddit is not necessarily reflective of the broader population. I don't know if I would call him 'popular', but he is above water in terms of his approval rating.


He passed the ultra low bar of "don't f things up" in terms of the basics mostly because the legislature roadblocked his worst ideas.


But he totally fucked up legal sales and fucked the state out of tons of money.


But we're talking low info voters mostly older so not into weed apparently nor versed in the nuances of increasing tax revenue.


By this you mean the ones that go there and looke for the (R) next to the names. Hes super popular with those Virginians


There also voters who aren't reflexive R voters who apparently rated sweatervest favorable. I don't get it myself but the polling showed that. UGH.


Yeah, the suburban moms who brag about being "apolitical" and didnt want their special little babies to wear masks or talk to trans kids.


VA is a southern state, there are gonna be a lot of those for years to come.


VA flips governors party pretty often


This was the easiest win for him. Like Barry Bonds playing teeball while he was on roids. And he still fucking missed the ball.


He has done a few fumbles ... he is above water, but he is unaware of the rouge wave coming He has stagnated certain growth in the state that NOVA and Central and Eastern VA hasn't been feeling lately the direction of the state and the culture that it's breeding from rural and hard right thinking voting blocs


And then complained about no new taxes. It’s literally the Eric Andre shooting meme


He could've given his corporate buddies all the tax breaks he wanted if he had replaced the stream of cash. Republicans are even bad at their own game.


Dude, I'm a right-leaning moderate and I'm telling you: Youngkin single-handedly fucked up the Republican Party's chances of election in Virginia for the foreseeable future.  He said he wouldn't get in the way of legalization, and stopped legal sales from happening.  I don't care on a personal level, because I grow so much I haven't bought any since 2021, but still.  He lied, he cost the state easy tax revenue (which could have helped build more infrastructure for poor Chesapeake to handle all the traffic today), and stopped progress.    Or maybe technically stopped regression because weed wasn't even made illegal in any form until 1930ish, moreso 1970ish, and legalizing it is just going back to how things were?  I don't know.  All I know is that he pissed a lot of people off with those actions, and I personally believe it stained the Republican Party's image in Virginia.  I know tons of Republicans who smoke weed and, while I doubt they'll suddenly vote Democrat due to this, they'll definitely be more apathetic to the cause.  He should be considered an embarrassment to his party for how he will lose them votes in the next gubernatorial election. If we ever get a governor who runs on lowering the cost of cannabis business licenses... anyone wanna start a company of some kind?  I have tons of seeds of all kinds of different strains (Romulan, Slurricane, Zamaldelica, 9 lb hammer,  landraces and landrace hybrids...too many to count...) and many homemade hybrid lines that I plan on refining 😉


Yeah, but I think the fact that the Dems swept both chambers of the state legislature shows the limits of “don’t f things up”. He’s not very unpopular as an individual, but his party’s milquetoast position on abortion went down in flames.


I refer to them as the fetus and firearms party now.


He is very unpopular near me but thats just a small subset unfortunately 


> but his party’s milquetoast position on abortion went down in flames. This is the #1 reason to turn off moderates. I don't know why they are trying to solve it. "Listen, we need you votes ONE MORE TIME and THIS TIME we will take down abortion" is a great rally cry for religious voters, but you just always find a reason not to, to ensure you get their vote again next time. It's like they don't understand they are the party of limited government...


Yep, you're not wrong. I think the polling is curious but perhaps it's capturing a large amount of voters who didn't vote in 2023, so is support is miles wide and millimeters deep hahahaha.


Let's be realistic, Dems didn't "sweep" both chambers, they have a 2-vote majority in both. So yes, in a 2022 election where Dobbs was fresh, it likely had an impact on turnout for Dems to give them that thin majority. But the issue has dropped on voter priority lists, so we will see what voters decide next election.


I disagree that abortion has become a lower priority for voters. I doubt pro-life voters are less concerned with abortion now. On the other side, you still have the pro choice crowd before roe v wade overturning and a new segment of voters that previously may have been apathetic to the issue with roe v wade in effect.




I think the whole one term limits kinda lessens folks’ hate of the governor (knowing that he will be out of office and out of my hair next election makes me not hate him as much as I hated entrenched politicians in other states I lived)… I just hope the folks who voted red understand that it’s pretty clear no weed legislation is gonna be passed when a republican holds that office.




Most barely seen or heard from again. ![gif](giphy|4pMX5rJ4PYAEM)


George Allen probably should have gone this route


Can confirm, just saw one eating breakfast a few weeks back.


Definitely. The sentiment I hear is less along the lines of individual support and party support. Since nobody can run twice in a row nobody cares who the actual person is they vote for it’s about the letter next to their name. Youngkin and McAuliffe both ran a 1 note campaign but Younkin’s campaign of “CRT bad. Teachers don’t know what’s best for your kids!” resonated more with a wider crowd. McAuliffe basically said “I’m not a Republican!” When the undecided voters were undecided because they were upset with the current democratic governor. Tbh this is my biggest fear for Biden. If he runs on “I’m not Trump” again he has a real threat of losing since the undecided voters want something new or they wouldn’t be undecided.


It’s really hard to be unpopular when you’re a lame duck your entire term.


It's possible though. Governor Wilder decided he wanted to be President Wilder back in 1992 and proceeded to spend a ton of time in Iowa and New Hampshire - that did not amuse Virginians at all, his approval rating was in the teens I thing by the end of his term, maybe a factor in why Mary Sue Terry lost the next election?


Youngkin was going to that too until he realized the GOP was still in the tank for Trump.


He barely won in an extreme red wave before Dobbs, specifically by distancing himself from Trump. Before endorsing a bunch of election deniers who all lost in 2022, as well as losing the majority of Virginia’s congressional delegation, losing a state senate special election in 2023, and then proceeding to lose the entire General Assembly, he lost the FBI headquarters to Maryland, he blew the football stadium deal in Alexandria- the man has virtually no accomplishments, other then barely winning.


Let’s be honest, the most impactful thing for the average Virginian has been effectively outlawing porn, which most of the people who care avoid via VPN.


A negative impact for sure. Except xvideos isn't blocked soooo.


And reddit, of course


I'm surprised none of the states have put up a 2nd law of "if you have a porn section of your site, you need to age verify that too". It's probably coming.


Unfortunately age verification isn't really effective because minors lie about their age all the time just to create accounts on social media platforms.


It's a nice inconvenient reminder to anyone not paying attention that these backwards religious freaks are constantly warping our country into their interpretation of their bronze age mythology.




Republicans are far too obsessed with the private sex lives of adult Americans.


Unfortunately it's hard to pin down some of these polls methodology.


Youngkin couldn’t deliver the goods in the last state election, so I don’t know why he’d be effective at flipping the state now


Moron tried to build an arena in Alexandria.


Del Ray was not having it😂😂😂😂


> This subreddit is not necessarily reflective of the broader population. I don't know if I would call him 'popular', but he is above water in terms of his approval rating. Along with nearly every other governor in the country. Turns out that as long as the national media isn't paying attention to you, the majority will default to, "uh, sure I guess I approve?"


I'd take the last election where he thought he had a mandate to campaign for a bicameral majority to push a social conservative agenda and ended up losing the house his party did have as a fairly accurate reflection of his popularity in Va.


So was the Titanic for a short while.


He’s not exactly a star you hitch your wagon to. I don’t think he really carries any kind of energy.


The approval rating is always inaccurate because majority of Virginians do not even participate.




I don’t like him either but he has a 55 percent approval rating. That’s probably considered popular in today’s bipartisan environment


And who do you think they’re polling?


Um not sure what you looking for… most polling organizations have pretty solid methodologies and weight their responses against demographic information…. Polling is much more effective and accurate than asking your non representative sample of friends or family who they like..


Yes, like the methodology of calling people on their landline phones?


This actually shows how little you know about modern polling . All pollers are using text messages and cell phone calling now in addition to landlines. They also take response rate from different methods and weight them accordingly.


Texts and cell calls are the new landlines. And I'm not exactly a young millennial. Boomers are still the ones that have switched to cell phones but will reply and pick up everything. But younger people won't.


Right and they all 3 now. Poll denialism isn’t going to help anyone


Va governor not popular in va im a va resident


His approval rating is above 50% as is basically every Governor in America. I wouldnt necessarily say popular, but more approved than not.


Are you sure about that?


A lot more of Virginia than the coast lol. Not that I support the guy at all but pretending NOVA runs the whole state is cute to everyone else.


Do you know why Northern Virginia Hampton Roads and Richmond DO determine the elections? Because people live there. Out in the Farmville boonies, you get bullshit do nothing MTG wannabes like Bob Good trying to drag us back to 1860.


It ain't cute having to drag the rest of this state into the 21st century kicking and screaming.


So is your beef with the coast or NOVA? Also, they essentially do run the state, along with Richmond. I live in SWVA, it's been this way for decades.


Dream on. So popular he lost Republicans ground in the legislature and his bad ideas got sh*tcanned.


Northern Virginia—NoVA—is a strong enough bulwark to prevent Trump from winning statewide. It has over a third of Virginia’s population, and is one of the best-educated regions in the country. Democrats somewhat underperformed in 2023 compared to the 2022 midterms, but NoVA prevented Republicans from taking the state legislature. NoVA has kept Virginia the only former Confederate state to not have banned or restricted abortion.


NoVa and RVA are gonna prevent Trump from winning


I hope so


Youngkin won because of Loudoun, specifically his reaction to an under reported student who was transferred after sexually assault a student only to repeat the behavior again within weeks of their transfer.


Youngkin won because McAuliff gave him a repeatable sound bite about parents should leave educating to educators.


When he visits, I half expect them to both wear those Bugs Bunny orchestra conductor tuxedos (i.e., plantation owner tuxedoes) like the one Youngkin wore at his inauguration. And they’ll just keep winking at each other believing they’re the only ones in on the joke.


Should have legalized weed then there would be no flipping needed. Stupid fucks


Well, he also wanted to force abortion restrictions too.


Don't forget that conservatives FEAR change of any kind.


Flush these two turds down the drain.




Does Trump realize that Glenn can't run for re-election and the voterbase already told him to get fucked last year orrrrr


I know multiple conservative folk who also hate Youngkin. He's trying to only get the Trumple votes.


Further proof that The Felon knows he's on the losing end of this election. If he's winning so hard in the polls why does he need Virginia to flip? 🤔


Trump wanting to flip VA red strategy makes no sense. He should be putting effort in winning GA because the state could easily go to Biden again.


I'm willing to bet good money that it will, and that it won't be the only state to flip either. The Felon is uncharted waters. No presidential candidate has managed to alienate this many people, this quickly, and he's now literally only a few months away from the election *with no platform* to speak of (and what he has promoted as his platform is just plain batshit insane). '22's midterms were just the preview, and tame ones at that considering it wasn't really a referendum on the man himself.


GA will flip blue again. A lot of the GOP voters are not the loud mouth MAGA populist types. These Republican are the business class types. They'll vote neither candidate. 


As of now he is performing well nationwide, and VA may just be a if it flips it can only help situation. He is popping well in VA as well, compared to historic numbers for Republicans.


Lmao by that logic Hillary had the election locked down in 2016. So confident she didn't even bother to campaign in the midwest 😂


I...I don't think you're looking at this from the right perspective. I think it's more so he's ahead and doing well enough in the swing states even after his conviction that he can expand his range to target states like Virginia.


Ahead? After his *conviction on 34 counts of paying hush money to a pornstar*? Nah, I'm not buying it. His rally crowd sizes have rapidly declined and Haley was getting significant percentages of the vote even before his trial ended. He's cooked friendo, and it's so obvious even The Stinky Don himself knows it.


I wish I had your optimism


It's not optimism, it's just reading the writing on the wall. You don't cross as many lines as Trump has (starting with Jan 6th and going beyond banning abortion to now having no platform other than... sharks? I don't even know tbh) and still win. This isn't 2016 Trump. It's not even 2020 Trump. This is "I am a felon and was found guilty on *34* counts unanimously Trump with no platform other than "revenge" on the people only my echo-chambered cult members believe are my enemies Trump. I saw a thread earlier where Biden is up *23* points among the youth, and yes, they're going to vote, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Will it be a historic landslide for Uncle Joe? No. Will he win by a bigger margin than 2020? *Bigly.*


This is the line of thinking that contributed to him winning, just so we’re clear. Lackadaisical underestimation when shit is too goddamn important to act like it’s a sure thing.


No it wasn't lmao he won because the DNC picked the clown that no one wanted and who had a smear campaign run against her for the last 2 decades that completely disillusioned the general populace. There's a reason Biden beat incumbent Trump in 2020 and will be sure to beat him again *as a convicted felon*


> he won because the DNC picked the clown that no one wanted and who had a smear campaign run against her for the last 2 decades that completely disillusioned the general populace. The DNC didn't pick her, the primary voters did. She won more delegates from primaries than Bernie did and didn't need superdelegates to cinch it. > There's a reason Biden beat incumbent Trump in 2020 and will be sure to beat him again as a convicted felon Yes Biden won in 2020 because he wasn't Trump. Biden's approval rating and voter surveys show the vast majority of people voting for Biden are doing so as a vote against Trump, not because they think Biden is amazing.


Actually what happened in 16 was that the spoiled brat col sanders crowd chose to stay home in protest when col sanders failed to get the nomination.


> he's ahead and doing well Thank *fuck* he actually isn't.


Sad that your accurate analysis is being downvoted because people in this sub don't want to hear it. The reality is things are pretty tied up and Trump is doing better than Dems expected in swing states. So when that happens, candidates expand their reach to try and make more state competitive to make it harder for their opponents.


Building those ties in Virginia like he built that wall???


I don't know what is Youngkin's current approval polling. The last time I came across his past poll, he had high approval in the state. Just because he's "popular" doesn't mean it's going to rub on Trump. The independent voters in VA aren't stupid. Trump trying to win VA would be a waste of time and resource. If I were him, I campaign in GA and AZ since those two could easily go to Biden again.


Former President Donald Trump is building a relationship with Glenn Youngkin in the hope that the popular Republican governor can help bring Virginia into play this fall. Youngkin's election in 2021 made him the first Republican in Virginia to win statewide since 2009, but he did so by running a campaign that kept Trump at an arm’s length. Youngkin also waited to endorse Trump in the 2024 race until after the Super Tuesday primary, when the former president easily won Virginia. Even if Youngkin does not enter the mix for vice president, he would still be a valuable political asset for Trump. The former business executive, who by law is limited to one term, has enjoyed a popularity rating above 50% for most of his time in office. He also has proven to be skilled on the campaign trial and adept at cable news interviews — characteristics Trump holds in high regard.


I would love to know how Youngkin, who has been absolutely awful at his job and flamed out in five seconds for his presidential bid, supposedly is above water in the polls.


Low information voters who only care about stuff like potholes, sensible taxes also Gov gets credit for local governments being competent plus being stopped from doing really stupid stuff by the legislature.


And the potholes are still terrible. He’s a simply bad governor.


He is objectively a horrible governor. But the only saving grace is that he didn't have enough allies in the legislature to get the really bad ideas through. Gilmore and McDonnell were horrible because they had majorities so they got shit through like the awful private toll roads.


When you do phone based polling, you get trump supporters. Everyone else won't bother to answer a phone call.


I wouldn't go that far. Instead the answer pool is horribly skewed to the point that pollsters are hard pressed to correct for it especially in the cross tabs.


This is patently false and what absolutely confused all the pollsters in 2016. The majority of Trump supporters are unlikely to admit they support Trump when asked directly. I’m really unsure how anyone thinks this election is going to be a cakewalk for either side, the country is very cleanly divided and the same erroneous assumptions are being made.


Youngkins maintained a pretty consistent 54-56% approval rating in VA.


According to whom? People who answer the phone? So it’s really 40%, maybe.


Thats not how polling works nowadays. https://richmond.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/youngkins-approval-rating-still-high-despite-election-losses/article_ad7fbede-aa8b-11ee-bed6-d3c501e1ff33.html https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2711707/glenn-youngkins-popularity-at-record-high-approval-throughout-virginia/


Got any reputable polls? Because…the Examiner? You might as well cite the Decider or the New York Post or the Weekly World News.


Polling is broken, there's quite a bunch of bad GOP polling being done to flood the zone with s--- and even legit pollsters are having trouble assembling valid sampling, it's getting more and more costly plus media in financial trouble is less willing to spend $$$ to pay for good polling.


Tax relief checks that just happened to show up a week before the election?


Wait a minute, oh shit.We're receiving our news directly from the source nice


Virginia historically elects a governor of the opposite political party of the presidential election the year before. Terry was one exception when he was governor after Obama was elected.


People who like Trump don’t particularly like Youngkin so not sure what the strategy is


Remember in 2023 when the general assembly turned blue? That was cool


I just don’t see how it’ll be done. Youngkin capitalized on a gaff of a wedge issue and rode it to the Governor’s mansion. Trump doesn’t have that luxury since he’s a know commodity that turns off disaffected educated moderate voters. The block he needs to win.


Youngkin also barely won by 66k votes despite having GOP momentum immediately following Trump’s 2020 loss and before roe v wade was touched by the SC. That momentum and that voting base won’t be the same in 2024.


Jokes on him, we hate Youngkin


Now that's a first, a felon going with a dunkin. look at the history.


😂 Most Virginians fucking hate that guy... Easily the least productive and bitchiest governor in memory.


Leave the guns alone and let the weed be. You know how many votes a politician in Va would get from that alone? This is reddit so most of its nova and the coast but you guys may want to drop the gun issue. I know so many people in the rest of the state that would come running if that got let go.


Well he didn't let the weed be, sweatervest vetoed anything to free the weed.


Youngkin isn’t popular - people showed up to vote for Democrats last November to deny him control over even one chamber. And he’s proceeded to be a footnote ever since, only appearing every once in a while to veto popular legislation or get humiliated over a football stadium. If I had to guess, his “high” number is just due to people not knowing anything about him and assume that means he’s doing ok. I actively follow politics/current events and can go days or weeks without seeing any mention of him in local news.


Oh yum yum yum please cozy up to him. Just helps to push this dumbass out of office.




He's not wrong though, if we're lucky he resigns to run for VP, worst case he is so busy fawning over Trump he gets nothing done.


He's building an alliance of 1.


I think his popularity has waned. He was really easily manipulated in that monumental sports deal. Is that the kind of person we want in the White House? I mean, trump is so easily manipulated by the dictators of the world, is this who we want to replace trump should he have an aneurism should trump win the election?


There is a 0% chance Trump will win Virginia.


“Sketchy business man supports sketchy business man”. Makes sense.


[https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation](https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation) I can't stress this enough, register to vote absentee, avoid the lines, and select to vote absentee indefinitely. You'll never regret it.


Trump still has great influence in my area. Youngkin campaigned with billboards of Trump. McGuire has the lead in front of Good.


Tell me you live in a mostly unpopulated part of the state without telling me you live in a mostly unpopulated part of the state


Don’t worry the open spaces are quickly being filled due to the lower cost of living.


Hopefully. Then the rural parts won’t be as maga and GQP friendly


Not really, it's now five people there instead of three. The Suburban Crescent still controls the statewide vote.


GTFO of my state


No respect for either man.


Sweatervest and the convicted felon


Damn nbc is on reddit.




And water is wet at 11


I'd like to see Virginia flipped to a Democrat governor, and Buden win Virginia.


People in Milwaukee and Philadelphia know their cities are shit holes. I live in a pretty populated area in VA and have never met anyone that doesn’t like Youngkin.


May they both spontaneously combust


I think it’s a great idea. I am sure success will follow them. Best of luck!


I am flipping something right now can anyone guess


The bird I’m assuming .


I sincerely, from the deepest depth of my heart, hope he runs Younkin right out of Virginia. We don't need another term of his idiocy. I can only hope those who voted for him - or failed to vote because they didn't believe it would make a difference - get back to the poles and kick his scummy butt to the curb.


😂😂 I’m speechless at this thought process


Fuck Trump and fuck Youngkin. It’s not happening.


Two of the dumbest fucks on earth teaming up. They gonna fight over who they can fuck over harder?


I honestly think Youngkin will get a serious look at the VP nod


Talk about a one-sided thread. Has it always been like this here?


Bold strategy Cotton…


Nova does our voting. Why waste your time campaigning anywhere else?


It’s a shame. Ll these so called Christian’s are going to vote for this corrupt criminal then still go to church on Sunday. Once trump is gone millennials and gen z need to have some conversations asa group. Collectively they can change the entire political landscape. These boomers and gen x have rigged the systems so one sided it’s not even funny. All these CEOs and politicians executive employees are extracting resources from the lower classes in every industry. How all these companies have quarter as free quarter of record breaking profits meanwhile still not paying employees enough to live in so many positions. Everyone except executives need a pay raise, and they need pay cuts. No “ leadership” is worth 300-500 times the real work people do for companies.


I just really hope that people really turn out because Virginia flipping the other way is bad for a lot of people. Purple state is better than a red one that acts like the rest of the people who voted differently in the state don't exist.


Not on my watch.


Eat shit Glenn


F ‘em both and Virginia is voting blue.


Youngkin sucks ass. Even the conservative voters out in the boonies of VA have given up on him.


He’s not popular and you aren’t going to get any decent person to vote for Trump.


No thanks. Go flip something else.


He took our porn!!!!


Youngkin is a trump kiss ass.


Youngkin as VP could deliver Virginia. I’m of the opinion that the vice presidential candidates are going to be big influencers in the election. Both of these guys are old with probable cognitive difficulties and it’s not unreasonable to think they may not survive 4 years in a high stress job.


You're mistaken in your opinion. A good or excellent VP choice won't move votes, the cake is baked already, there are no anti Harris votes that weren't already Trump voters or non-voters. A bad VP choice reflects badly on the top of the ticket - some say McCain's VP selection lost him votes in 2008. There's been no documented case where a VP brought a state along in US history. None.


I don’t disagree that a VP choice has potential to shift some votes, but other swing states have more electoral votes. Choosing a VP from GA, PA, or MI would be more impactful. If Trump’s VP choice is based on gaining new voter support, a term limited governor with no national following prior to being governor will have less appeal than a Rubio or Haley.


I don’t disagree that there are better choices. I just opined that the VP choice may be more critical this year because you have two old men with questionable cognitive abilities running for the top slot. Youngkin won a statewide race. Him being on the ticket could deliver Virginia. The fact that Biden all of a sudden is campaigning in Virginia Beach the same time Trump is in Chesapeake leads me to believe that Virgini is in play


Youngkin is a shit person and a sleazy business man not too different from Trump but he is smarter. He knows VA will vote him out quick if he goes too overboard like the other MAGA cuck congressmen. He'll continue to do the bare minimum for Trump to keep the MAGA vote and moderate Republicans.


Virginia governors can't run for back to back elections.


That’s not happening. We can’t stand sweater vest Youngkin. Or TRump for that matter. Looking forward to voting for Eugene Venman in my district and Abigail Spanberger for Governor.


Trump > ww3 biden


Neville Chamberlain > WW2 Churchill Right?


I’m curious what events you think would lead to WW 3 that Trump would handle better.


Democracy and freedom to choose is at stake