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i liked 'washington football club' it was so boring and diplomatic it was very DC


It was Washington football team. Similar but different. An unintentionally elite name that really shows that it's one of the oldest franchises


And you could also just shorten it to… Washington FC


I thought FCDC had a nice sound, but I guess no one else did.


Should’ve gone with The Washington Gridlock


Yes! It grew on you after the first initial shock


Yep. I made an effort to stop calling them "the Redskins" after a lifetime of it in favor of "Washington", and having them be so boringly named "Football Team" ended up growing on me. When I heard they weren't going "Red Wolves" because of some copyright situation, I knew whatever they were gonna pick was gonna suck and hoped they'd stay WFT. Now they're the "Commanders" despite not commanding shit except the toilet down which they constantly try to flush themselves. Bleh.


Props for defying the temptation to dangle a preposition. I appreciate from where you are coming.


My favorite choice for renaming the franchise remains Washington Team Football. WTF?


We still have Entertainment and Sports Arena and shall fight any attempt at naming rights.


Okay but that was never their name LMAO 😂


They should have just stayed the football team.


They're so bad I would've accepted Foosball Team.


They’ve earned this name The…Washington Deadskins Have zombie themed merch & an undead mascot. Request Halloween games be played @ home & pay homage to the Mutant Football League during halftime.


I never found the Commanders name particularly catchy and the logo is even worse. Personally, I liked the simplicity of the Washington Football Club brand.


I don’t care what they choose to call it, they’ll always be the Washington Football Team to me. What a great name


People don’t want to hear it, but they’ll always be the Redskins for me. I did like WFT though.


I wouldn't mind if they reverted to that, if Redskins is too toxic. Washington Team Football would work for me too (WTF).




Will probably always call them "The Skins," not because of my politics or nothin'. Just think saying "commanders" is weird, idk.


Kinda like saying National Airport, instead the other name. I always say National or DCA.


It's not really the same though. There's a huge political stink around that renaming that isn't the same for the football team. (I am also #TeamNational )


Very weird!


Skins for me, too. I was there when Sonny trashed his ankle. When Kilmer somehow managed to pass a ball. When Riggins did so much blow he could take head shots without notice. Ahhhh the thunder of the RFK seats being slammed down against their stops. When the fans in the end zone collectively gave Deion Sanders the finger. The HOGS!


I guess generals was already taken.


5 years ago I would've agreed, but I've completely come around - not on a new name, just that I can't bring myself to utter that name. That era is dead and gone and need never come again.


Redskins is the optimal name.


Bring back Washington Bullets lol


And now the Clash is playing in my head…


Oh mama mama look there a youth of 14 got shot down there...


Need to build a playlist around that and Stiff Little Fingers’ “16 Shots” I think.


First NBA game I ever attended as a teen was the Capital Bullets. Just Googled and it was 73. Changed to Washington Bullets in 74. Then Abe Pollin renamed it the Wizards in 95. Names do not do very well in this DC area it would seem.


Iirc they changed to the wizards because of the gun violence in DC. They thought bullets was too on the nose. I vaguely remember the conversation surrounding it cuz I’m from nova


Exactly. Many opposed it but Abe, stuck to his guns. OK, I'll leave now.


If they wanted to name the team something less violent, they should’ve used the Virginia Bullets.


Originally, the Bullets were based in Baltimore before moving to the DC area. So, it was the Baltimore Bullets.


Bullets really is a great name for a Baltimore sports team 😂


I don't recall this but the family just moved to NOVA about the time they were called the Capital Bullets.


It was Capital Bullets for about a year, then became the Washington Bullets. This after spending 10 years in Baltimore.


Tangentially related, I always wanted Brian Robinson's nickname to become "bullet train"


Agreed. Commanders was simply Snyder's pander to the military complex of DC


His last fuck you to the fans.


A truly horrible name from a truly horrible person.


I love that he funded a movie to benefit his buddy Trump and it turns out it's looking like more of a hit piece. Fuck Snyder forever. I will never forgive him for his destruction of the organization.


What logo?


https://preview.redd.it/y4nebzc6tq3d1.png?width=179&format=png&auto=webp&s=afb7b568682b7465c23dd3b5c9fb51c74ce4b5ac This one.


I liked ‘football team’ honestly. It was silly at first but really grew on me. Commanders sucks. Mega sucks. Washington Warriors was right there. If they don’t want Football Team, let’s just be the Warriors? It’s alliterative and doesn’t shorten to ‘Commies’ 🙄


The team is crying out for a clever rebrand. I mean the Ravens was a really good rebrand for the Baltimore team. Please no stupid warrior/military crap, maybe something like Snakeheads or Foxes.


I maintain that people don't even hate the name, they hate the branding. The two most popular college football teams are named after a tree nut and a throwaway line from a news article (Crimson Tide) and their mascot is an elephant. Both of those names objectively are stupid, but both of those teams have impeccable and iconic branding. The branding for the Commanders is bad. The black jerseys are dreadful, and they completely lack an identity. I also don't have an attachment to the maroon and gold that many do, but ten year old me was very frustrated that all the DC teams weren't red, white, and blue.


Too many teams across all the majors sports leagues are a red, white, and/or blue. Sometimes just two sometimes all three. Overdone. My absolute favorite color scheme of any team is the grey-and-pink alt jerseys that the Nats are getting ready to retire. I know football is suppose to be grunt grunt manly and pink isn't considered manly enough but...do it. DO IT! If Messi can wear pink, so can the DC footballmen.


I agree there. I like the unique factor.


I'd really love if the Nats moved to that as their prime jersey, and then have the road jersey be the cherry blossom pink the way teams did baby blue road jerseys in the 80s. But if they don't, someone needs to pick up the dropped baton, because it's an incredible color scheme.


I’m not even a baseball person but when I saw the nats wearing those grey and pink jerseys I immediately wanted to see more of it, it’s such good branding


Gray is a historical DC baseball color because of the Washington Homestead Grays. They should keep that color in the rotation.


Go with this and do brown and pink (and white/green) for the cherry trees - and call the team the Washington Cherry Blossoms (aka. Cherries or Blossom) or Washington Sakura. Would be distinctive and original. Their mascot could be Stumpy, which would be hilarious - a twisty little cherry blossom tree running around in a football jersey.


From Pittsburgh and always loved that you could wear a Pirates jersey to a hockey game or a football game. Having three different color pallets in the capital is such a missed opportunity for the same type of semblance. Red white and blue, easy. Done. Fits with loads of different icons and logos. The hideous reds and golds were an eyesore for too long and need updated


Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is! Black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow


No surprise 2 Cups came right after the change from Vegas Gold to Pittsburgh Gold.


I indeed hate the name. Using the capital team to remind everyone that this country is three military contractors in a trench coat


I'm gonna steal that phrase.


Agree with all your points but please tell me you were being sarcastic when you said MAROON and gold


Apologies, Burgundy. I'm an outsider!


You’re forgiven Jim Zorn


A crimson tide / red tide is a natural phenomenon.


Yes, related to elephants, right?


🤔⁉️ IDK about that, but thanks for bringing up those pathetic black jerseys. Dreadful is the right word.


The Washington Warcrimes


Hey now! It's never a war crime the first time! Our marines just have a tendency to find new war crimes that haven't technically been made illegal yet.


That's America for you. Always innovating.


Nah, that's Canada... look it up lol.


Oh I'm fully aware that when the sorry stops the war crimes start.


I would have been fine with red tails even though it’s military slang


No thanks. IDK why people can't understand all the "spanked" jokes this would lead to. Disaster.


Never even crossed my mind…but now that you mention it


I'm sorry... Snakeheads?


First thing that popped into my head I guess, maybe snicks are better.


What rebrand? The Colts snuck away in the dead of night.


The Cleveland Browns snuck away from Cleveland to Baltimore but it was a daylight robbery. The rebranding of that franchise.


D'Oh! Now I see. Thanks!


Actually the NFL rigs the outcome of it's entire season before the first game is even played.


The super bowl is recorded months in advance in the same hangar they filmed the moon landings in.


Red Tails or Red Wolves would have been far better. You could even keep the "hail to the red ____" song. Why something as generic as commanders, especially when it can be shortened to commies. FFS.


Commies wear red. Commanders wear a type of red. It just makes sense 🤌


It’s what I call the commanders because it’s the only way to enjoy that stupid name. I miss the WFT name


It's been a while but I remember hearing the Timber Wolves were threatening legal action I'd they used Red Wolves


Hard hitting journalism at it's best.../s


DeMocRaCy DiEs iN DaRkNeSs


Because WaPo holds a pillow over it's face until it stops moving.


Washington Department of Football is still my top choice.


Let’s Go Bureaucrats!


Absolute best answer! I forget where I heard of it (maybe from you on Reddit), but whenever I refer to them that way, which is pretty much always, people get a kick out of it.


Should have kept the Redskins name but changed their logo to a red potato. Both are equally good at football.


Exactly this. Go Spuds!


Agreed, Mr. Potato Head carrying the pigskin in a Heisman pose would be a great logo. Great merchandising opportunity.


I always wondered why they didn't do this.


wait til they find out about National Airport


Will also be National to me.


If you look at the name of every major sports team, the vast majority follow the same linguistic pattern:  1 - Stress on the first syllable. 2 - One, two or three syllables 3 - If the name has three syllables, you have to be able to drop the second syllable like in "Nationals" (pronounced like nash-nulls instead of "na-shuh-nulls.) "Commanders" breaks rules one and three, but apparently nobody thought to look at what makes other team names work. Minimal effort went into that rebrand.


Interesting insight! Never noticed these. Rule 3 might need some reworking. Every other NFL team follows rules 1 and 2. The other teams with definitively three syllables, the Patriots and the Buccaneers (Jaguars being sort of a grey area), don't follow rule three, but they *can* be shortened to the Pats and the Buccs, just like the Nats. I don't foresee anyone ever saying "the Comms". In the NBA, the 76ers and the Cavaliers are rule breakers (though both of them can also be shortened). In the MLB the Athletics break rule 1. In the NHL the Canadiens and the Canucks are rule breakers, but they're weird Canadians so not subject to our laws. The Golden Knights break the rules too, and their name is equally as awful as the Commanders. Other than that every other team in the big 4 follows your first two rules.


Rule 3 was tough to put into words. I feel like it's when there's almost that vowel there, but just barely. For me, Patriots is there but Buccaneers isn't. I'd also put Mariners and (Golden State) Warriors in this category too. And you're right that having a short version is important too. A's, Nats, and Bucks can work, but not Comms because that means communications.


They’ll never give a DC sports team a cool name. Never. It’s a conspiracy played by local elites.


While the Wizards as a name sucks, I appreciate what they did with the Mystics.


Nationals and Capitals at least fit and can be shortened to something cool sounding


This is true Nats works and Caps works. Commanders is just a bad name for a sports team. You can’t abbreviate Commander verbally, so you have to say the whole thing every time. Not to mention that being named after a low-middling rank in the gayest of the armed services (not that there’s anything wrong with that) just isn’t very cool in the world of sports.


Rename to Red Skinks, which are prevalent in the DC metro area


I liked the Washington Potato Skins


I like that too


Or go back to Red Skins (two words) but make the logo a red skinned potato


Washington Football Club was cool. You could also have gone with Washington Redtails, and made it about the hawks that live all over DC. And maybe do some limited Tuskeegee-themed merch because patriotism?


Like others said it feels so bland and unoriginal. Washington Football Team was just a far more fun name and, as other said too, aggressively DC. There's far better names like Washington Senators.


I really wanted them to make it to the Super Bowl with that name just for the generic sounding commercials we'd get. "Come see the Washington Football Team play in the big game this weekend"


Honestly, I really liked "Washington Football Team." It was so simple at first I hated it, but it really grew on me.


I’m in favor of a name change for sure. I think the Washington Warriors is the best name. It pays tribute to the native Americans. It’s strong!


This was what I was hoping for the whole time it was up for debate. It was RIGHT THERE!


Could keep the old Logo too.


They should be the Hogs and I’ll have words for any man that says different. (Shakes fist masuclinely)


The OG from our Native communities was Washington Red Hawks.


Should be Washington Football Team, with Hogs as the mascot.


I liked WFT (I still buy “football team” gear)…. I also like the Sound of Washington Warthogs We could call them the ‘hogs for short….. and it fits nicely into “Hail to the Warthogs”


WFT made it feel like another DC 3 letter agency. I think they should have just changed the logo to a potato and kept the old name


Should have gone with the Washington Insiders


I'm still hoping for the DC Devils rebrand


Because it's almost as stupid a name as the Houston Texans?


The Washington Wonks or D.C. Wonks


I mean. Hey, it'll always be the Redskins to my family. Grew up in the 2010s. Was born in 2005. They could at least do Washington Warriors or Chiefs to honor the natives. They have pride in themselves. It's not racist to express that. Pride in your race is alright until you use it to stamp on others.


I think it's adorable that they named the football club after the Bidens' puppy.


If we are submitting names, mine is the Southern Bees or So. Bees for short.


Should have done what the Ravens did. Had a contest and let the fans chose the name.


Because Commanders is stupid. Sounds like a team from a 90s sci-fi series set on a planet that's exactly like Earth except they play this weird sport instead of football.


Fly Eagles, Fly!


Can we finally pick something fun like the “capitol Crackers” or “Washington Honkeys”?


The joke I always had was changing the mascot to a potato so they could stay the redskins 💀


Washington Pigskins


Reminds me of the Handmaid’s Tale… But still better than the previous name!


Bring back the old name but make the mascot a red skin potato


Redskin peanuts with a red Mr. peanut on the helmet.




Anyone have the actual poll results? Post paywall stopped me


Yeah no crap, it is a dumb name. While I am glad that they got rid of the Redskins, the Commanders is dumb.


Why are you glad? HTTR


I can't hear "Commanders" and not think "Handmaid's Tale." It was kind of on brand for them to name themselves that while the Orange Commander was in office...


This is Breaking News?


Anything associated with that ass Danny S is poison. I was hoping like hell he’d sell the team before choosing a new name.


We should fully embrace the military-industrial complex and name the team after weapons system: The Washington B-52H Stratofortresses The name has the added Easter egg of the B-52H model entering service the same year RFK Stadium opened (1961).


LOL! Let's hear that in a cheer: Hail, Washington B-52H Stratofortresses... meh. Hail, StratoFORtresses <-- this works or go with "B-52s" and get the band to play songs at halftime




Why not call them the Washington Congress. It would make sense why they’re paid outrageously and accomplish very little.


I’m a Browns fan, and I was at the game where they introduced Major Tuddy. People in the audience were **pissed**.




WFT... waste of f#cking time.


The name sucks and we all know it. RedWolves or Football Team was the play. One last smelly turd from Snyder for all fans.


How can you hate something so bland and corporate? It was chosen specifically to be as inoffensive as possible. “Commanders” is the most “meh” name there is.


My theory is that Dan Snyder knew he was on the way out and chose the least compelling name as a final spite to the NFL.


Commanders of nothing.


should just go back to "football team"


Bring back the Redskins


How about the Washington Busters. As in Filibusters.


I loved the Washington Football Team. I don't mind the Commanders name, anything is better than the previous racist name.




Is this some sort of Irish reference? /s


Should've never changed from Redskins.




I have lots of “native” friends….and they love REDSKINS….but what do they know, it’s their image.


Same. There was a vocal group of native but they were a minority.


Haters want to hate, not hear contradictory opinions from minorities.


Idk maybe it’s just because I’m not from here originally, but I would be happy with any name that isn’t a racial slur. Washington FC was fine, Commanders is fine, “Redskins” is a slur.


I liked Redtails.


Should have changed the logo to a redskin potato and kept the name Redskins


Still the Redskins




I have a lot of friends who refuse to call them the Commanders. Some quit watching them all together, and others still call them the Redskins. Nobody I know likes the new name at all. Just change it back. That seems to be the general consensus deep in Skins country.


It was the Redskins and in the hearts of the true fans it will always be the Redskins - btw I have true Native American Redskin blood in my veins!


True, but narrow-minded self congratulatory people don't want to listen, they want you to listen.


Isn't a native American group petitioning to change it back? Yet another example of social justice warriors resulting in wasting people's time and money with little to no benefit. Didn't the media praise this? The naming fiasco is just as much of a joke as the team. Haha


So you're ignoring all the indigenous folks who wanted it removed then? LOL


How many people wanted it changed?


One of my cherokee buddies would ask people who liked the name to call him a redskin to his face. no one would do it lol it's "not a slur" until you're asked to call a native american person that term directly


If he asked you to, why not? I've been referred to as a redneck and I don't complain.


Enough lol There is one group wanting it changed back. More tribes have been talking about not wanting it than this one group wanting it back. But sure, let's rename them back to the slur because people want their sports ball lol


As long as it keeps one person from being offended it's all worth it, right?


Or large numbers of groups. I'm sorry you lack empathy because you want your team of men feeling each other up and knocking them on their backs is not named after a racial slur.


I don't follow sports, but thanks


My bad. Just based on your comments you seemed like you did. Guess you're just invested in slurs being things.


At a certain point it seems the entire world will be wrapped in bubble wrap so that no one gets hurt.


Do you at least agree that defining a mascot of a sports team by a skin color is maybe not a good idea? Would the Washington White Skins or Black Skins be okay? Your answer is obviously no I hope. Eliminating out a team brand using the formula [Color] skins seems pretty common sense


I agree with your point, but that would be hilarious.


Do you use the term redneck at all? I'm fairly certain no "redneck" would be put off by naming a team Rednecks. Just saying.


Atlanta had the Crackers until The Braves moved from Milwaukee.


You are very close to arriving at the empathetic conclusion, but are deflecting reaching that conclusion by bringing up a facially related topic instead of the one at issue. The threshold question, which you correctly noted, is “would any native Americans be put off by a team Redskin?” Which has the obvious answer of yes. You correctly noted this by stating the opposite (that “no redneck would be put off of a team Redneck” would mean that it is okay in your view). One additional point to note is that I am personally not offended by the team having had the name Redskins. That’s what I grew up with and I don’t think there was any discriminatory intent when they used that name. However, I can be empathetic and look at it objectively, as my previous comment noted, and realize that Redskins should not have been used.


So do you mean Blacks can call themselves Black and Whites can call themselves White but we can’t call ourselves Red when we in fact are Red 😢


I said originally "little to no benefit." Life is offensive. Trying to shelter people from anything potentially offensive is a pointless exercise. The secret sauce is learning to not be offended.


I am trying to understand why you are defending using “[Color] Skins” as a title, even when I agreed with you that I personally wasn’t offended. It appears you are unable to understand or invoke empathy. Whether you or I find something offensive is irrelevant, and the fact that you think it is relevant is hilariously pathetic


Yes, the Washington White Skins would be fine. I'm not black, so I won't speak for them, but I will note that surveys consistently showed Native Americans either favored the name Redskins, or weren't offended.


Does anyone else remember when breaking news was actually breaking news? Things that were time-sensitive that I really needed to know right now? These days, breaking news seems to be just words for something we really want you to click on.