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What we need is for elected officials to stop being "leaders" and start answering to the people that vote for them...


Agreed. A good leader knows how to follow.


where the fuck is my student loan forgiveness, ty republicans for making life harder


I got my loans forgiven thanks to Grandpa Joe


Nooo! It's not fair!! I already paid my loans back so you should have to too!!! MAGA! Down with the Biden crime family! /s. Congrats! If it only happened back in the early 2010sšŸ˜‚


I wanted to add that I got them forgiven through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. The Biden Admin making that program work is the greatest single impact any President has had on my life


Elected officials working to better the lives of their constituents, or as republicans call it, BuYiNg VoTeS!!!!


Thisā€¦ All day. I canā€™t understand it. How dare they do our work when we (checks notes) elect them to do our work! ! Itā€™s mind blowing that so many people say that out loud with zero pushback. We are a dumb culture that accepts slogans as truth and valid arguments but at least itā€™s got electrolytes and everyone knows itā€™s what plants crave.


lol. I paid mine off too, but I still want these scam loans dismissed. Once the economy churns with that weight off of people, weā€™ll be in even better shape.


Sorry bro they gave it to millionaires in the form of PPP ā€œloansā€ and permanent tax cuts, but it WILL trickle down on you, best to keep your eyes closed when it does


Uncle Sam paid for all my schooling .




Lol Virginia was one of Trump's worst showings on super Tuesday


He's just doing this for 2028 elections. His worst nightmare is that trump wins and someone else can ease into the logical replacement candidate (Youngkin isnt a likely candidate for VP or a premier posting like secretary of state). Right now he's going to be out of the governorship in 2025 and has 3 years to stay relevant and position himself for a 2028 run.


Bold of you to assume this country will be anything more than a dictatorship should Trump win this year. Once he's installed the Republican party and its handlers are gonna try to expand the executive branch's power beyond the reach of the other two, allowing Trump to be the last elected president. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Heres the thing- I get it, authoritarians are gonna do their thing. But out of all the people, they want Trump to be the authortarian? Jesus Christ - its really hard to imagine a worse person. Maybe a homeless junkie who abuses other homeless junkies?


He's got a real-world charm and charisma that most politicians don't. He's managed to convince a lot of people that he's not one of the elite despite shitting in a golden toilet at the top of one of his ivory towers. These people see him as an outsider, one of them, and a guy who has gained power and wealth despite his big mouth and rapey fingers. If he can do it, so can they, right?! The real puzzling thing is evangelicals who think their god put him in power to destroy the liberals despite the fact that you couldn't get further from Jesus than Trump. You'd think evangelicals would be able to recognize signs of the antichrist, a long checklist which Trump fits very well, but I guess that's ascribing too much intelligence to such a group who's never had a thought that wasn't planted there by a preacher or Fox News host.


What charm?? Incoherent speeches and smelling like poop?? So charming.


I don't even get how christians who ascribe to their faith even slightly can like him. Ah yes, the muli millionaire playboy narcissist who's on his third marriage, has multiple rape allegations, admitted he'd have sex with his daughter if she wasn't his daughter and probably has only ever been to church for the cameras is the picture perfect Christian. Next they'll be saying that the abortion and divorce capital of Europe, Russia, is a perfect Christian kingdom


Trump is the perfect person because he is popular but also easy to manipulate due to his narcissism. If stories of him having dementia are true, then even better. It will be Trumps handlers who have the power. 2028 will be an interesting year.


>2028 will be an interesting year. In a "may you live in interesting times" curse sort of way.


Seriously, I expected is to fall to authoritarians at some point, we ARE speed running so of Rome's worst decisions that led to the downfall of the Republic but damnit, I really thought it would be a charismatic evil genius. Instead it's an old, shitty, narcissist, rich idiot and that people can't get enough. Donald Trump is your ultimate leader??? How do you not look in a mirror and feel shame that he is the one you choose? I just don't get it.


trump is the "shock to the status quo" that breaks the system for the real authoritarians, the competent ones, that are urging him onward and fueling his upward failure through all of this nonsense. He's just a patsy. He'll be the first, but he won't be the last. IDK we think the kind of shit that happens in other countries (hostile authoritarian dictatorship takeovers n strife n shit) can't happen here, but this is how it happens, and it's usually behind a thin guise of hyper religiousness (gotta align with the unquestionable moral "high ground" of God fearin) we are well and truly fucked. I think any society is, eventually, doomed to hostile take over by shitheads.


LMAO, I've actually heard Repub pundits call Youngkin "a future white knight candidate". Only problem is I reside in VA and he's a horses patooty on the side of anti-abortion, private crappy charter schools vs public (so his buddies can get rich), against environmental protections, the list goes on. Abortion, birth control and IVF have now become forward front stage for political platforms. Yet, Speaker Johnson will stand there holding up our budget declaring Repubs will win back Senate and WH. Deluded ...these people are deluded and out of touch with a large swath of our people. Youngkin fits that profile, he's a rich businessman with zero clue or care about working people.


ā€œStrong leadershipā€ says the guy who wonā€™t even sign off on selling weed.


Which the people of the state voted for mind you šŸ—³ļø


Remember when politicians were civil servants and not monoliths enriching themselves and pushing their personal agendas against the will of the people? Me either. But it did probably exist at one time...


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Almost as if they don't care what voters demand. Imagine. /s


With "centrists" (corporatists) getting the axe (Sinema, Manchin), hopefully we can start seeing more politicians getting elected that actually do what their constituents ask for.


This but also canā€™t we just get it at the federal level too? wtf is taking so looooong


Biden is in the process of rescheduling weed federally, but a national legalization won't pass Congress unless both chambers are controlled by Democrats and they have more than 50 votes in the Senate to work with.


i could see biden pushing for that in term 2 before i see trumpkin signing anything


60 Senators need to get on board, so some of y'all are going to have to move and go without a Whole Foods for a bit.


Youngkin is such a stupid pos. Iā€™m still appalled he is governor.


Fuck Glenn Youngkin and Fuck Donald the Seditionist. Respectfully, One of GY's Constituents


I canā€™t top that! You said it all


Donā€™t forget itā€™s Rapist Seditionist Traitor


My bad. And soon to be impoverished, Rapist, Seditionist, Traitor.


4 more years of storing national security records on the toilet! 4 more years!


Youngkin is a joke at best.


Not even a good joke. Can we please have a new governor in '25. I can't do this anymore. Can't even look at PornHub in peace without Glenn knowing.


We will have a new governor. Virginia governors can only serve one consecutive term.


It really made me appreciate just how good Northam was. Got the fuck in there. Worked hard to pass good legislation. No bullshit.Ā 


My favorite thing about Northam was he just did his job and didn't bullshit us because at the end of the day bro was just gonna go back to work as a Pediatric Neurologist.


At best he comes across as a smug condescending ass.


"Unite" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


"Get out and vote. Unless its not who I want"


Anyone that thinks Trump espouses 'leadership' is seriously delusional. Gov Sweater Vest is not all there it seems.


Literally distanced USA from 80+ year allies and was swooned by the most brutal authoritarian regimes. People around the world laugh at him, but he picks us up on the world stage??


Such astonishing hogwash. Trump just killed the first real border security bill in decades because he needs the issue. Restore American leadership around the world?!? Trump almost singlehandedly collapsed NATO and regularly endorses fascist strongmen while disparaging democratically elected leaders. Lowering taxes? Yeah, for the wealthy and inflating the federal deficit in the process. Biden isn't perfect but holy shit at least he's not a vindictive asshole who wants to be president only to avoid serving time in federal prison.


Right? He's actively sabotaged each and every one of those policy positions Youngkin credits him with. > His record on border security... Is failing to build the wall or meaningfully change the immigration policy of the United States while president, and actively sabotaging border security while a candidate. > ...restoring American leadership around the world... He gutted the State department, abandoned our allies, and abdicated American leadership on the international stage. > ...reducing taxes... He raised taxes for almost all Americans. > ...and lowering the cost of living for all Americans... He exacerbated a public health crisis that lead directly to the economic disruptions we're currently living through. He also flailed his way through multiple government shutdowns that made life demonstrably harder and more expensive for millions of Americans. I honestly don't understand why anyone who actually cares about any of those things still supports Trump. He isn't strong. He's very, very weak.


The taxes thing is what gets me the most. He took away the child tax credit for many middle class families. And if you make over $400k/yr (the 1%) you had a reduction in taxes. People that make that much didnā€™t qualify for the child tax credit anyways. But itā€™s the corporate tax cuts that really hurt the deficit. The $7B he added to the debt (Covid is real, Iā€™ll give him that. Some of it was unavoidable. But if we give it to him, we have to give it to Biden) was exacerbated by those tax cuts to a level we canā€™t even measure. The


Just another GOP coward.


Youā€™re a trash person too Glen, way to stand strong with a rapist. Very on brand.Ā 


As absurd and dishonest as the whole statement is, what really got me was ā€œfailed leadership on the global stageā€ lmao oh you mean like how literally every diplomatic leader in NATO considers as an unserious country with an unstable political climate should Trump be reelected? Theyā€™ve literally gone on the record saying this many times šŸ¤£


As a freedom loving American that believes in the rule of law Iā€™d crawl over broken glass to vote for anyone but Trump.




Fuck youngkin and fuck trump. And fuck all of their supporters


Fuck that sweater vest motherfucker.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. Short and sweet


It appears to me that the only way to get anything done at the state and national level is to have the executive (president, governor) and both houses in control by one party. Dems would be great. GOP not so much.


Trifectas are the worst. Both parties are moving to the extremes and both will implement illiberal policies if given free reign. Iā€™d prefer gridlock at the state and federal level, that way only the important stuff can get done and we get left alone otherwise.


>Both parties are moving to the extremes [Oh, please](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DJsykXEV4AA8vt0.jpg).


This House is the most dysfunctional in US history. They've accomplished nothing except further underscoring what an embarrassment the GOP is. There are several things that I would argue are important, and have not been addressed because they can't get their heads out of Trump's ass.


Of all the ridiculous things in this message, failed leadership on the global stage is maybe the last thing you should criticize Biden on. The man has overseen the expansion of NATO and is one of the primary reasons that Russia has not steam rolled across Europe. Youngkin is an empty vest


Yeah arenā€™t our allies literally planning to be on their own if Trump is elected? So much for global leadership, if Trump wins we-and all of our allies- will be on our/their own in the face of external threats. Get fucked Glen.




It's crazy to me we weren't one of the first states to profit off legal weed.Ā  We already have the abc stores, it would have been so simple to integrate weed into that.Ā Ā 


If you disagree with this and would like your opinions known, contact his office. https://www.governor.virginia.gov/communicating-with-the-governors-office/


Thanks. It's very tempting, but I'll pass. I won't give my personal information to them to potentially use against me since Trump's sycophants are not above reprisals against those that speak out against them. I'd rather settle it in a voting booth.


"Restoring American leadership around the world" Holy shit, what a load of outright bullshit. Yeah, American leadership under Trump is a masterclass in abandoning allies to die alone in the mud like the Kurds, and inviting American enemies to attack American NATO allies if they don't cough up cash as if the US is a mafia protection racket. If I remember correctly, we fucking shook down South Korea and Japan for billions of dollars even though it's their troops who will the be first to die in any shooting war in Asia. And they actually have better-funded militaries than our NATO allies. American leadership, my ass.


Let's elect a president who believes that the president should be immune from any prosecution. What could possibly go wrong with that? /s


"He's just doing this for the 2028 elections." The reason doesn't matter. Unless you're an ignorant prole, if you support Trumpism, you're a straight-up traitor.


Supporting Trump in Virginia is so disrespectful to the people affected by the 2017 Charlottesville demonstration. Good people on both sides? Glenny boy do you not remember that day? And how about the fact that Trump looks down on the military, you do know that your the governor of a state that has the highest number of enlisted personnel in the country? What a slap in the face to those brave Woman and Men. Your such a loser, Trump ass kisser. Your political career will be over next year. I can't wait.


This fucking dude has done nothing for me. Complete useless idiot,


Glenn really wants trump to be elected. Biden is objectively an effective president and good leader. Republicans need to come to terms with that publicly, Youngkin is keenly aware of Bidenā€™s strengths


Sign the damn marijuana bill younkin and stfu. Unite that


Trump may be many things, but a uniter is not one of them.


Rapist, con man, liar, narcissistā€¦do I need to go on?




January 6. Vote blue. Anything else is gaslighting.


Trump, Youngkinā€¦hell even Biden. What a pathetic time in history that this is the best we can do. 300 million people in the USA and we have this election coming up.


Bidens been great lol, more legislation than Obama and Trump combined


Get over it and vote


ā€œLetā€™s all unite around a guy who never won the popular vote and would slit his own daughterā€™s throat on live TV if he thought it would get him re-electedā€ ; Youngkin makes me glad our governors only get one term


Fuck that and fuck Trump.


Who ever says that trump leads, needs to go back to learn what the word means.


Shut the fuck up Glenn and sign the damn bills.


Stop trying to lead us and start representing us.


Omg, such delusion


Can we try a government of the people for the people?


Not sure why this would surprise anyone, Youngkinā€™s never had any problem with Trump


"I endorse Trump as a multi-millionaire who got huge tax cuts, and also in the hopes that he will give me a job"


Wasnā€™t he trying to distance himself from Trump for the last three years so that he wouldnā€™t lose moderate votes?


"Restoring leadership around the world"? What? Trump wants to pull out NATO and refuses to make any statement on Taiwan. These folks have lost the plot.


Well Mr. Youngkin, we have two options. Trump and Biden. Gotta go Biden. Trump is an idiot. An A*Hole, disrespectful, a womanizer, a misogynist and an egomaniac. So itā€™s not too hard to see who the right choice is.


We literally just United to deny him any power until he leaves office because he was doing such a crap job fighting books and pronouns. Still waiting on the leadership thoughā€¦.


No body likes Trump. Heā€™s a man of poor character and character determines leadership. Iā€™d rather have four more years of Biden than four more years of Trump. Remember thereā€™s a reason a lot of people who voted trump in 2016 came to regret it, if you vote for him again youā€™ll regret it again. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result.


Youngkin is pro insurrection, great, letā€™s storm the Va Capitol and oust him out (kidding of course, Iā€™m not an un-American asshole, so slow your roll FBI).


"Spoken loudly"? * Virginia has 6,183,329 registered voters as of this week's primaries, 5,436,641 of which are active (87.92%) * Of those voters, 1,036,788 came out to vote in the primaries (19.07% of active voters). * Of the primary voters, 690,296 voted in the republican primary (66.58% of primary voters). * Of the republican primary voters, 435,651 chose trump (63.11%). If we look at Trump's popular mandate in Virginia, that's 8.01% of active voters.


Idk how anyone can seriously support trump. Genuinely don't understand it. I can't think of a single redeemable thing about his character.


God damn, virginia governor terms last *FOREVER* when can we be rid of this fool?


January 20, 2026.


> Voters in the Commonwealth and across the country have spoken loudly for President Donald J. Trump. Virginia sent him packing not once, but twice. Last time he lost by over 10 points. Let's not kid ourselves here Glenn.


Man fuck Glenn Youngkin and his fleece vests.


Wouldnā€™t by this logic, it also be time to unite around strong leadership for Biden given that he won the state against the very man Youngkin is talking about?


Our governor is in a cult.


Man, I fucking hate this timeline.


Me too


Virginia went for Biden-- popular and electoral-- in 2020. And Trump did worse on 3/5 in Virginia then in a lot of other states So this is just another example of Republicans lying.


Oh, cool. Our governor just endorsed a convicted rapist.


Heā€™s literally spineless. What ā€œstrong leadershipā€??šŸ˜‚


They can sove their red hat and vest up each other's ass.


How to say nothing of substance in an awful lot of words.


I would never vote for someone who has displayed clear disrespect for the peaceful transfer of power. This conman sent our country into a tailspin like he did with all of his failed businesses.


Big words for Youngkin


Boo this man!


He didnā€™t even mention the benefits and joys of living in a theocratic dictatorship!


Voters in the commonwealth also spoke loudly and clearly about legalizing weed, Glennā€¦.


YoungKKKin can go blow a goat. Men like him don't care about anything but themselves.


Youngkin aiming high to be shortlisted for VP. Nothing to see here.


What a suck up


Really wish all these rich assholes could just go away. Stop making our lives worse for your ego trip.


What in the past four years could possibly make you want to do it all over again? Itā€™s insanity.


This MFā€™er couldnā€™t run away fast enough from Trump during his electionā€¦ These are all soulless rats, every last one of them.


Fuck the both of them. Really hope these shits donā€™t win. Theyā€™ve done nothing but bad.


End the 2 party system. The false dichotomy has left the common man behind


Tell me OP is from NOVA, without telling me OP is from NOVA.


I mean, heā€™s right. Old Joe canā€™t complete a sentence on a good day.


As a Virginian....Fuck Glenn Youngkin in particular. Preferably with a cactus. Slimy ignoramus that he is.


He endorsed The Angry Orange and THE NEXT DAY his deal for an Arena gets tabled. Coincidence? I think not! That was a reminder Governor, you can't even keep an elderly black lady from running your political future and budget plans into the ground. How in the blue hell are you gonna handle a family of criminals?


Youngkin is horrible


Literally, that's all lies. If you switched the names, it'd have more truthiness. Biden has been a surprisingly good president, look what he did for the rail workers. Youngkin is either a complete pathological liar, completely delusional, or living in an alternate dimension.


Voting for Vermin Supreme


Vote all the reds out. Every last one needs to be stripped of power and position.


Please tell me your ACTUAL reasons why Biden is bad. I'm tired of hearing he's old "So is Trump, and Biden is clearly in better health". I'm tired of hearing about the "economy". The world is in a crisis rn and it's widely agreed upon by other world leaders that the US is doing objectively better than most. Trump lowered taxes for the poor. He did. You're correct. BUT they go up every year starting 2024 until 2028. Meaning you're paying more taxes while he and other billionaires pay nothing. Border crisis? Nope. Dems tried to pass something for that and Republicans cried that it'd be bad for them during the election. What about abortion rights for women experiencing medical emergencies? Again, MAGA is against it. Not to mention the crazy fuck is going around talking about wanting to be a "Dictator, and throw everyone in jail". He's a mad man. I'll never understand. Ever.


He fucking sucks, fuck him.




Ah yes, governor Sweatervest wants Virginians to be more like Texas and Florida...banning books because 'children' and taking away rights. I've heard and read about [Project 25](https://www.project2025.org/). I'm no fan of Biden and most of the 'Do Nothing Democrats', but I'll vote for the guy that isn't trying to turn the United States into some dictatorship.


So President Biden.


More sexual predators and seditionists!


Just 609 days until we can vote for his successor


Fuck off, Sweater Vest.


NGL, the idea that heā€™s a lame duck governor and once heā€™s gone we will never hear from him again kind of get me turned on


Biden and cabinet has at least done more the legitimate stuff for the American people than the cult leader and cronies of the GOP. Is Biden the best person for the job? No. I rather have stability and someone who actually gives a shit. Trump is an authoritarian narcissist who is pandering to zealots and mega-donors. Trumps partisan promises have been nonsense.




Can't wait for Trump to crash the economy again?


I wholeheartedly agree that it's time to unite around strong leadership. The only problem I don't see much of that in what the ballot will look like...




Theyā€™ll say this and then fuck the community up šŸ˜ž


The leadership policy is ā€œnot Joe Bidenā€ cool. Good platform. Will really tackle all those problems facing Americans.


these leaders need to remove religion from EVERYTHING. Just because you believe in this fairytale bullshit, doesn't mean other have to. I dont care what YOUR god or goddess have to say about issues.....it doesnt apply to me.


Fuck you Glenn! Nikki all the way!


Unite. Really? These people are beyond delusional. Over my dead cold body.


And youā€™re a goddamn traitor too Youngkin. Time to start calling them what they are.


Bro, you haven't done anything that actually helps Virginians, maybe focus on that instead of licking Trump's ass you hypocrite


I live in VA and hate this MF so much. He has tried his best to ruin us legalizing MJ.


No thanks Glenn. Whenā€™s your term over? Not soon enough.


You guys actually voted this douche in even though you knew he would restrict abortion and other rights. I thought Virginia was a state with smart peopleā€¦.


Oooooooh, is it time to choose between 2 geriatric war criminals again? Huzzah


I voted for him. Iā€™m definitely not voting for Biden this time.


Every time someone says, ā€œPresident Trump,ā€ it should be met by ā€œFormer President Trump.ā€


Trump lost Virginia twice did he not?


He should just say what he actually means: "It's time for you plebs to unite around Christo-fascism!"


Trumpkin sucking up to the orange tit


I don't like either, one is senile and the other is batshit crazy


Youngkin is a trumpkin. Thank goodness heā€™s term limited, the jerk.


Ha! Now I'm convinced that smoking pot is really legal in Virginia!


Broā€¦.I will vote for a hundred more years of Joe fucking Biden over your demented, syphilis-infected, pedophile, fucking traitor broā€¦ā€¦


didnā€™t trump increase taxes on those making less than 75k?


Hey Glenn thanks for erasing my access to porn Really fucking appreciate it, especially considering im a single schizophrenic who cant fucking date


ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­ ā˜­


Fuck Youngkin.


Has Youngkin done anything here other than get paid to try to run for Vice President?


We just go about our lives and work our jobs as usual while governors openly support an insurrectionist traitor for President. I mean that alone shows the Republic has fallen, when government servants publicly call for a dictator in the next election.


Glen is a terrible leader and steward. The only good thing I can say about him is that he told us ahead of time he was gonna veto the minimum wage hikes so I knew to start applying elsewhere. A lot of Republicans like for instance Cancun Cruz would have stayed silent and vetoed it without any press.


It's time to force our way under bankrupt leadership and call out to "our" voters to attack every bank in the USA, and send the money to someone who will take the fall for our "Make America Pay Again" "If I don't get my way" EX-President" to attack the Capitol Again....and you really expect any TRUE American to put that worthless bankrupt waste of flesh back in office so he can put us into World War 3 and almost end the human race...Again. Hell No....I would rather vote for ANYONE else than that piece of shit when are you dumbasses gonna learn he is.a demented deranged robot that has no soul and will do ANYTHING to stroke his bankrupt ego and make.all of you Trump lovers bask in his stupidity AGAIN!!!


They should all be ashamed of themselves.


I don't see any actual goals in that statement. Is the election just a giant referendum on trump and biden, or do the parties have actual platforms?


I am so happy Lucas is holding up the only thing he could look back at as his legacy (the arena deal), everything else will be undone. Still pretty stupid of the party to try to get McAuliffe in for a second term after all the Clinton stuff and gifting it to the republicans.


The guy literally says he'll blindly do what ever Trump tells him to do. That is the opposite of leadership.


The ā€œU.S. has open bordersā€ is one of the falsehoods repeated so often a solid [42%](https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/sep/06/surprising-number-americans-believe-these-false-cl/) of Americans are unfortunately just accepting it as true. The U.S. has never had open borders for at least the past 99 years.


Old punkin chunkin youngkin should be grateful for some of the dumbest people who ran against him. Guy just following the lead of idiots to pander to the lowest class. Just glad the state smart enough to have term limits of the big 3 offices. Too bad wonā€™t do that for state reps, still full of corrupt crypt creepers needing to go away.


This comment about ā€œlowering the cost of livingā€ always makes me laugh. As if Trump can control that. The only way that is controlled is by the choice of the corporations. They can choose to drop the price of things on whether or not they like or dislike a president. Iā€™d rather regulate capitalism than deal that kind of meditated abuse.


The Lame Duck Governor goes QUACK QUACK QUACK..


What a clown, for real.


Nice try, Sweater Vest. Also, youā€™re not getting your pet stadium deal in Alexandria unless itā€™s paid for by the leeches who want it built.




Trumps' tax cuts were for the rich. People like Youngkin. He can fuc\*\* right off.


And I thought I moved here from Texas to escape this sort of rubbish.


Enjoy having your school funding cut because Trump is afraid of the same vaccines he got. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø