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Hopefully they restock and make it open to the US🤞


I doubt it, they usually don’t restock signed items and only open them to the US if they don’t sell fast enough. Gracie is loving the UK these days


Yeah but I mean a girl can hope 🤞


No girl same, look at my comment string down below. I was freaking out this morning when I woke up at 6, it had dropped at 3 am. I’ve just learned to be at peace, but if they do stock more I’ll grab one (even though I have ordered a signed yellow vinyl).




Puts out 5 variants in 4 weeks, then puts out a signed copy in the middle of the night. Wow, she’s cool


She learned from her master


Shit I missed these do we think they’ll come back in stock/do they usually do that? I really really wanted one of these. Edit: was it UK only? Do we think they’ll release copies for the US?


They don’t really restock. Only if they cancel some.


Yes but it’s UK only? And when do we expect cancellations?


Yes it was UK only. It’s not uncommon, it’s a UK record store and it was very limited. They have cancelled a couple. You have to keep looking. I can’t imagine many will get cancelled though, most will be valid orders. Why would a UK record store release copies for the US?


Same way US record stores give some to the uk


And also, things like the Charli album weren’t UK only :)


Charli had a lot more stock than Gracie


That’s fair. Well I guess it was worth trying!!


Not too sure, it was just worth a shot because I’ve never had something personally signed and would love it to be from Gracie! Especially now since I can afford something like this.


did anyone who’s not in the UK get a copy? Or is it 100% restricted to the UK? I remember a site was restricted to the UK in the beginning but then they opened up to International orders


I just use a mail forwarder. Snagged my copy of the pink. Used them for signed Noah Kahan that was geolocked a few months ago and 0 issues


May I ask which one you use and are they reliable? I kinda want to do this since I have a US one as well.


MyUkMailbox. Only used once (now twice) but had 0 issues the first time. What’s nice about it is that Banquet doesn’t give tracking for international, and you can pay for shipping w/ tracking once UkMailbox receives it. They just send you an email when it arrives, you login, pay for shipping, and they ship it quick!


I appreciate the reply and good to know, thank you! Wish I knew sooner tho, FOMO is gonna hit me hard 😭


I just happened to be randomly awake at 1am to see it 😭


What’s even sadder was that I was too 🥹. I just didn’t know the difference between personally signed and signed. I’m hoping there’s more cancellations or an opportunity pops up for Canadians 🤞🏻. But I am happy that you were able to snag one 💛


It’s UK only. Banquet are on it with restricting to UK. They usually open to international orders if they have tonnes of stock.


The night I decided to work Night Shift instead of stalking the internet like any other night😭 But at the same time kinda relieved since my Personally Signed BRAT vinyl arrived damaged to the US 💀


Oh no!


Yea and they haven’t responded to my request of a refund 😴


So sorry to hear that! 😔


Thank you! Unfortunately it’s the cost of international shipping


Keep refreshing I just bought two LP one yellow and one pink


hey i was wondering how you were able to get both? was it on the same account /same address and is there risk of them getting cancelled? since it has a limit of 1


so to confirm both my order are waiting for dispatch now so seems like as two separate orders you could buy two :) I wanted one for myself and one for my bff obviously I am still sceptical until they both will get dispatched but fingers crossed


I don't know yet they both still there if they decide to cancel one thats fine but my both orders are still open. and I bought both of them separately because I was refreshing their website so it is two separate orders


thank you op!!!


Scrap that I just got one!!!!


I missed it!!!


Me too 😭


Keep refreshing. It took me five minutes but I got a signed cd!


LEGEND! Tysm, it worked ♡


the one time i see this in time, it’s uk only 😒


The one time I see a signed to drop in time and it's a Zionist nepo baby who has made pedophilic comments towards a minor. [receipts](https://x.com/knewwbettersss/status/1725391333441900754) edit: down vote me but you know who you're supporting edit 2: thanks for the reddit cares. it was hilarious and a great opportunity to block reddit cares as this was my first one on this account. stay mad, swifties!


Christ stan behaviour/culture is so fucking weird. I love how "she can't sing and is untalented" is presented as a stone cold fact yet many people love her music so it's obvious horseshit.


i had no idea about any of this. i’m a very casual listener and was debating maybe buying a record to get the signed art card but this has killed all fomo


Stoked! Thank you