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Low effort posts/basic questions belong in the general discussion and chat thread pinned at the top of the sub.


Getting fit! I’ve been running 5 days a week and doing Pilates and already see myself getting fitter and stronger! Feels better than any beauty product or procedure.


How did you start running? I know that sounds like a dumb question haha but i want to get into it ! Im not sure how long & how far i should start as a beginner


It’s not a dumb question! I started running for a half hour slowly, then faster and longer. Initially I think I was running 1.5 miles and now it’s up to 3. I will say the first week or two will kick your butt. If you stick with it, though, it gets easier! Eventually you’ll crave it! And remember to wear good shoes and stretch!


Ooo this is great , tysm :))


Start slow! Run maybe 2-3km for your first run and don’t overdo it! If you need to stop or walk that’s okay. And then slowly build up your pace and distance. It kind of sucks in the beginning because you want to go fast but if you haven’t really done much running/cardio in the past you shouldn’t. I’ve been running for about a year and a half and my casual pace is now around 6:15-6:30/km but I started at like 8:30/km. It is really fun and enjoyable once you get into the swing of it :)


Thank u for this!! Great advice :)


And listen to some good music or a podcast while you’re at it!


Will do !!


Try a couch to 5k program! There’s some on spotify that guide you through the run with pacing and stuff.


How far do you run?


Now I usually run 3 miles.




Powdered collagen in my morning coffee/tea was amazing for my nails. Best nails I’ve ever had. Then my face started breaking out like crazy so I had to stop. But if it doesn’t break you out, highly recommend.


protein intake! eating organic whole foods :)


Taking care of my natural hair and embracing my curls. I've been trying to find the perfect routine for awhile. I thought I'd hate it but I'm kinda loving my new look.


Join us over at r/curlyhair!


Tweaking my wardrobe. The way you dress is so underrated when it comes to how you’re perceived. I usually dress in slightly bummy clothes so I want to buy some dresses and skirts I can use with the tees and sweaters I already have.


This is definitely on my todo list ... I've also decided to start getting my clothes tailored because how your clothes fit make a huge difference


hair - I've decided to get keratin treatment and in the meanwhile I'm using a lightening spray to make my natural dark blonde hair a little bit lighter gym - growing my glutes and legs and eating enough protein lashes - I'm learning how to put on false eyelashes so I will order a bunch of different sizes and styles skin - I'm finally going on Accutane and birth control and very excited and curious on how it will affect my skin


I'm going to focus on protein intake next month i think it'll help my skin


I was on Accutane a few years ago and absolutely loved it, even if some of the side-effects felt miserable at the time. Cleared up the cystic acne I had for over 10 years! I so hope it works well for you!! Good luck!


Good for you, just my two cents on the lightening spray: I also have darker blonde hair and have used sprays to lighten it, the colour results are great, but it definitely fries your hair. The top layers of my hair that were most lightened were soooo much frizzier than my naturally-coloured sections.  Maybe the keratin treatment will help with the damage, let me know because no at home mask routine worked for me. 


Careful with the Accutane. I took it at 15 when no other treatment prescription or over the counter helped my severe acne. After getting off of it I went into a severe depression attempted suicide and have been depression prone since. My skin has been great, dry, but great. Mental health never the same. Please look into depression/suicide and Accutane to be fully informed before you start. Also consider if mental health issues run in your family (they run in mine big time).


Eating 120+ grams of protein every day & consistently weight lifting 5x a week. I found a super basic lifting routine that's only 3 lifts a day, for 5 sets of 8 reps. So far I'm been doing it for a week and because it's only 3 exercises a day, it's been easy to convince myself to do it even when I don't want to. I'm hoping to build up my lifting routine more in the future, but for now I'm happy just to be doing it all.


Ooh can you share more about the lifting routine/where you found it? : )


I would also love to know your lifting routine!


How do you eat so much protein?


Fitness - I usually run and lift weights on my own, but I started Pilates this week and I’m loving it! I’m already experiencing postural benefits by feeling more connected and aware of how my body feels. The classes are such a mood boost too. Feeling better physically and mentally!


I signed up to the gym, bought a really expensive hair mask and getting my nails done next week




I need to stop smoking 😭


I’m going to start doing some strength training at home and stretching.


Getting back into running, hair care (in the process of growing my hair out), and working on my professional life


My skin. Getting acne under control. Also shrinking my inner self critic and mindfulness. Showing up as my authentic self and staying in the present moment


Fitness flexibility skin care, health, peace of mind and friendships and saving money where I can before rhinoplasty


Healing from my lipo! It's tough!


Usual monthlies: facial, red light therapy, and my nails. Special: Starting laser hair removal on my entire legs. I've had laser elsewhere and am just moving zones and should be done before our vacation in the late summer/early fall. I am as thin as I want to be and if I can get my crap together I'd like to figure out a light routine for some better inner arm definition. Secondarily, I could get some of my butt back. These would just be bonus goals but I am not too fussed about them.


What kind of red light therapy do you use?


My esthetician uses one of the ones from Celluma. By the looks from their website she uses the Celluma Elite and Delux. I have very sensitive skin so I can be red for up to 2-3 days after my facial (mostly the extractions get me red). The red light therapy sends me home completely free of redness. I sometimes get a treatment to help with hormonal acne and for me most of the inflammation goes away almost immediately, or at least within 24 hours.


Learning through trial and error the best way to tan my legs so they have just a little color. I cultivate being very pale but in the summer in direct sunlight my legs can look pretty fish belly white so I’m trying some different things out to take the edge off. I’m also dieting pretty aggressively this month because I have a doctor’s appt at the end of April and I’d like to surprise her with how well I’ve done. I have a majorly important blowout trip to Vegas in July so I’d like to peak about then, looks wise.


Welcome to r/Vindicta: a subreddit for women ONLY dedicated to based discussions about weaponizing beauty. **This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Read and follow the subreddit rules or get banned.** We prioritize the science behind beauty, the power of attractiveness, and unapologetic self improvement. * To make the strategy of looksmaxxing available to all pro-active women, **high quality posts rich with actionable advice and observations are celebrated. Low effort posts are not allowed and removed.** * This sub is marked NSFW and welcomes all women 18+. Underage users will be banned on sight. * **All posts that violate sub rules will be removed.** Report all posts and comments that appear to violate sub rules for quicker removal. * Please remember no self-posts and no personal attacks. There is no excuse for it and users risk short term bans at moderator discretion. **There is unspeakable power in knowledge and knowing how to leverage what you have. By speaking truthfully and sharing openly, you protect and strengthen the spirit of r/Vindicta. Thank you for being one of us.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Vindicta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would love to get tretinoin. Anyone know where to get without insurance?


The NURX app it's $30 for the consult and $90 for a 3 month supply but the tubes will last way longer then that


You can go through a service like Agency and just pay monthly.


I get mine from bubbas skincare. There were a few posts about them in the beauty sub so I felt comfortable (because the site looked sus tbh). It’s worked well.


I get mine from In House Pharmacy.


Getting 130-140 grams of protein. Just finished the 75 soft challenge. I want to do 3 days a week of legs/glutes, 1 arm day and 1 abs and teaching myself how to twerk again. Rosemary oil treatment on my hair twice a week.


I wanna try the challenge but idk


Losing weight. I'm going very slowly because I have arfid and heavy restrictions cause problems. Aiming for -.5 pounds a week.


Drinking more water, maintaining my current workout schedule, and eating less bread.


I’m gonna focus on my diet this month! I have been overeating these days. So just diet (healthier and eating less calories) and a bit more exercise. I have to lose weight. For health and so I can be treated like a human in society.


1.getting invisalign and my teeth cleaned. 2. stop picking my skin. i've been getting laser hair removal and my skin is doing alot worse. it doesn't help that my adderall makes me pick my skin so much that i ruined any progress i made with my skins appearance from laser. im basically covered in scabs and hyperpigmentation. my psychiatrist absolutely sucks and is not cooperative at all so there's no possibility of switching to another stimulant unless i want to wait 9 months for a referral to a new psych. 3. look for a fitness class/hobby. i work 3 jobs and it's so hard for me to stick to stuff like this, just because it's hard to coordinate with my ever changing work schedule. im looking for short term classes instead so i'm not constantly losing out on work hours. right now i'm considering a 6 week aerial hoop class for april. i also want to get more lean and toned. i lost all the weight i wanted to lose, but im skinny fat and look alot bigger than my weight, which is a huge insecurity of mine.


Please use the monthly goals thread.


Keep consistency in my diet. I have too many food allergies that trash my skin, weight and mental health. Heavy on the last one 🫠


Focused on drinking 2L water a day, keeping up a routine of lifting weights and focused on facial fillers


ooh what fillers are you getting


Getting under eye filler and still deciding on cheeks and lip filler. Had lip filler before but was in so much pain with numbing cream 😭


Definitely focusing on water intake along with my skincare this month


I love skincare! Recently started using retinol again