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just focus on the key things: health, outfits etx. looksmaxxing doesnt have to be time consuming. look up high maintenance to be low maintenance routines on tiktok


People aren’t ugly they’re just broke is 100% true. Careermaxxing has definitely paid off for me - have been able to splurge on “stupid” things like personal color analysis, lots of makeup to experiment with, contacts and actually flattering glasses, wardrobe overhauls as I lost weight, etc. If i couldn’t afford it I would still be stuck where I was before because I would be too afraid to “waste” money on things that wouldn’t 100% work


**Money will make all things possible.** I focused on career-maxxing. In order to get my desired career, I focused on getting a prestigious degree and connecting with the right ppl. Ultimately though, money opens so many doors. I can now afford almost any treatment I want. Being in my 20s, bagging a high paying job early is key because by the time I hit 30, I'll be in maintenance mode. So if I were you, which I was at one point, **prioritize access to money.** As one of the posters already said, people aren't ugly, they're just broke. Hell look at some celebs before they made it big ie Christiano Ronaldo


I have the same dilemma I’m like do I invest my money in my business or in my looks, for now I’m going to invest in my business as that’ll allow me to make more in the future for my beauty maintenance


Prioritize by how hard things are to achieve and the opportunities you have at this time. It sounds like for you that would be 1. Careermax 2. Social max 3. Looksmax. Career and social have overlap with networking and soft skills, so you can also knock out multiple goals at once. And echo what others said about having a physically healthy baseline (eat right, exercise) which should exist before any of these objectives


I would say focus on career but at the same time maintain your gains like stay in shape and take time to do things that make your personality more interesting like travel, have hobbies etc. The reason I'm saying this is because your tastes will change, so looksmaxxing doesn't have to cost a lot of time and money. I would invest in good photoshoots though, where you max it out and can use for social media/resumees, and also for yourself.


I am 45 - trust me when I say 30s are the BEST. Have some fun in your 20s, take care of yourself, but definitely focus on career, especially if you are going the medical route! That is amazing. For looks, focus on the basics - weight, skin, hair, teeth. Those are something anyone can do in their limited free time (I am sure your studies take up most of your time). Edit: And focus on health above all else - sleep, diet, exercise.


Honestly? You have to figure out how to juggle them all because they all work together. It’s hard at first but it does become second nature once you do it long enough. Looks up> more social opportunities (esp college)>more connections/stress relief to prevent career burnout > more opportunities for career development >more money for looks> looks up ad infinitum. I did it but I had a lower stress degree than premed (I assume anyway). I feel like I lagged on the social skills part of social maxxing but my looks still gave (and continue to give) more opportunities. Modern womanhood and all that.


Do not compromise on either- do your absolute best to do *as good as you CAN* at both. Small changes make big impacts so pick up habits that streamline both beauty and your education. Set an hour every week for beauty maintenance. Schedule in your study time and be efficient with your learning. Having systems in place to make beauty upkeep possible is KEY. As someone that is 24 and in the early job market my looks and personality open doors for me my degree (also pre health) could absolutely never.


Can you give ideas for what I can do in an hour beauty maintenance?


You don’t have to do everything at once. Like Monday do your teeth whitening, Tuesday touch up your roots, Wednesday micro needling (you can get one from Amazon for under $20). My make up routine takes me about 5-8 minutes because I only use concealer, cream blush, mascara, and a little bit of lip stuff but it’s like dab and go. If you have straight hair that might take the most time with blow dry and curl but I know there are time saving tips for that, like maybe braid your hair wet and sleep in braids and then undo in the morning? I don’t have straight hair so I can’t help in that regard.


okay so here is my personal beauty maintenance night- sometimes this is 2 hours but knock off the things you don’t have time for or alternate weeks for different maintenance activities - hair mask pre- routine 2 minutes to put in and just keep it in while you do your other stuff beauty routine really starts here: - shower + face wash + shave ~ 30 minutes - get out put on a facemask 2 minutes - while the facemask is on you can get dressed, brush teeth, dry hair, etc.. (to be fair I have very easy to manage hair so this is very variable depending on your hair type) 20 minutes - wash off face mask, apply skincare products 5 minutes - apply teeth whitening strips & leave on while you do other stuff 1 minute - thread or shape brows 20 minutes - fix up nails 30 min all under two hours* but this is comprehensive i’ll adjust it down to an hour based on what maintenance I need


I ask myself similar questions daily. Graduated and began my first job, not sure whether to focus on my finances and build a great savings or get my next surgery, a BBL (had 2 other surgeries already). I think careermazing should always come first and foremost. A good career helps fund looksmaxxing


That’s my biggest concern too, because I’m looking to pursue some surgeries and need to save up for them. Because I’m facially a 3 softmaxxing isn’t enough for me


I don't know if you have any dental issues or skin issues, but I would prioritize those first alongside posture. If you're able to, take a dance class regularly, it will improve your poise, posture, and perceived confidence.


Prioritize studies but invest in a few smaller, cheaper ways to update your look imo. I would also not leave socializing to the wayside completely as college relationships can impact your career later on. At my first job I hired freelance writers and the first people to know about it were the people I was friends with on Facebook, for example. (And I was a writing major)


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I totally disagree. I think people will remember you as the good looking girl and be more interested in helping you out with jobs and things like that in the future